The light from the large summons illuminates the night sky in a dreary form.


Looking at the whitish sky, Kim Sungchul suddenly recalled when he was summoned to the world.


It would be about 20 years ago.


At that time it was really ignorant and defenseless.


He faced many dangers of death and survived like a miracle.


Now you can kill all the rubbish in that huge summoning palace in less than an hour, but the deadlines and terrors you felt when first summoned are alive in the corner of your memory.


In keeping with his memory, he entered the groundwater channel of the Kim Sungchul Summon Palace.


A wolf man stood in front of the groundwater entrance.


“When did you end? My turn should come soon. ”


The werewolves, who were once humans, abandoned humanity and took the path of the beast.


This is a typical depravity course chosen by the harsh and cruel ones. Its growth potential is extremely low, but it has the advantage of being able to get the proper strength quickly and easily.


The only joy and reason of life for definite werewolves is to tear off new human beings who once were like themselves with their teeth and nails.


Werewolves were one of the most vicious and cruel enemies when Kim was first summoned to the Summon Palace.


But now it is no more than a fist.


Kim Sungchul took a leisurely walk in the dark and walked to the werewolf.


“Who are you?”


A werewolf guarding the aqueduct squeezes its nose and looks back.


A strong hand caught the wolf’s neck.


The yellow pupil of the werewolf was expanded.


‘What’s the power ?!’


Under pressure that even screams could not be made, the werewolf had no choice but to watch and watch as a mysterious man lifted himself and held his rope around his neck with the other hand.


With a rope wrapped around their neck, the werewolf hanged on a tree and slumped for a while and limped.


Kim Sungchul Take out the pen and pen and scribble the following words on the pen.


Kim Sungchul The white paper was crammed into the pockets of the werewolves and infiltrated into the summoning palace towards the black-and-gared groundwater channel.


After passing through the dark channel, a torchlight corridor appeared. Kim Sungchul followed the memory and headed toward Summon Square.


There were a few guards in the middle, but at their level they couldn’t even feel Kim Sung-chul.


Kim Sungchul Breaked through the palace as if it were a blind man, and finally reached the intended summon plaza.


Dozens of wizards gathered in the summon plaza depicting a large summoning party to perform the summoning ceremony.


It is a cursed ritual to summon humans of the world called the earth forcibly.


The number of people drawn to a large summons is 10,000, but less than 500 are able to survive and leave the summoning palace.


The rest die in harsh trials, institutes of magic school, or accidental slaves.


There are four plazas where the summoning ceremony takes place.


In each square named as red and white, 2500 units of humans are summoned.


Kim Sungchul chose the white square and hid.


Two hundred summoners, guardians, golems, and soldiers guarded the plaza, and a detestable little fairy was running around the plaza.


“Kiki Kiki! What garbage people will appear today? I can’t stand it anymore! Rubbish wizards! Come on, let’s get rid of the trash man soon! ”


At first glance, this little ugly red-eyed monster that looks like a fairy is not actually a fairy.


An artificial life created in a wizard’s flask.


The Homunculus are in charge of the selection of new summoners, which will soon begin, and their greatest joy is to see the faces of humans dying in pain and despair.


Homunculus wearing a green hat is one of them, but he was not lucky today.


“Kiki Kiki! How can I hear bad killing new guys? Happy worries … Teueen ?! ”


Homunculus, who had been distracted by the summons, was caught and disappeared.


Kim Sung-cheol is the culprit who kidnapped Homunculus.


The red eyes of Homunculus were amazed.


‘어 .. how? How noble is me? ”


Homunculus is about the size of a newborn baby, but its strength, agility and stamina exceed five times that of an average human. It is not a matter of two homunculus gathering and tearing human limbs.


Homunculus was overwhelmed by a seemingly ordinary man.


“Give me the quest log.”


Kim Seong-chul shouted with a blunt voice.


“Quest .. quest log? Where dare you here… ?! Kiei! ”


Rapid fast. Kim Seong-cheol grabbed a whole leg of Homunculus.


Red blood splashed everywhere.


Kim Sungchul grabbed another leg, telling him to release.


There are many homuncules to replace.


Seeing the body of a wretched fellow will lighten your mouth.


Homunculus cried when he tried to open his arm.


“Let’s give it! Humans! ”


Homunculus urgently opens his mouth and spits a ball of light from his mouth.


Kim Seong-cheol grabs the beads and a sentence comes to him.


[Get a Summon Square Quest List! ]


[Would you like to open the quest list now? ]


Kim Seong-cheol nods his head and dense text covers his vision.


[List of Summon Square Quests]


Sociable – Being Communicated with 10 or More Within 10 Minutes of Summoning / Reward – Embers


Sportsmen – Do more than 300 push-ups and 3 hours of running within 3 days of summoning. Rewards – Dumbbells for Strength


Chef – Complete 3 dishes using more than 3 ingredients provided during Summoning Palace quest. / Reward – 3 white breads (food).


In the information ball handed to Homunculus, all the quests and conditions that can be achieved in this summoning palace are clearly outlined.


Kim Sungchul I searched for the quests I needed, and soon found one.


Observer – Read aloud the text on the main entrance of the square during the Summoning Palace quest. Reward-Intuition +1


‘Intuition must be raised. Cursed things. ‘


When I tried to find another quest, I heard a gasping voice by my side.


“This… human… Are you saving me now? Yeah? It hurts. It hurts. ”


Homunculus, whose legs were torn apart.


The answer to the Homunculus is…


Kim Sungchul Tossed Tattered Homunculus’s body high into the sky.


Homunculus’s corpse disappeared into the starry night sky.


Although blood is left, it does not matter. It will soon be overwritten by human blood.


“Is it just general? There is no hidden quest list. ”


Obtained from trivial Homunculus.


This is enough to sense.


Kim Sungchul waited for time in the dark.


Soon in the brightly colored magic circle, people dressed in modern attire appeared in turn.


“Where are you?”


“No. What happened?”


Those who had just been in the world of comfortable civilization just watched the new surroundings with their bewildered faces.


But there is no time to be surprised.


After the wizards, golems and guards disappeared in turn, ugly appearances of the homunculus remained in front of humans.


“Kiki Kiki! Humans! Welcome to the Land of Judgment! ”


Baby monsters ran around and screamed and did not know what to do.


Those who are still insane, tapping on their cell phones, asking people around them incessantly, etc. have various reactions, but the situation is consistent.


Kim Sungchul quietly waited for a message to emerge before him, without a mouse or a bird.


‘Will you succeed?’


Releasing from all denominations and declared an enemy of wizards, he has little chance of learning magic.


If you can learn to spell magic by catching a guy like a dog, you will do so, but to use magic, you need to get the class that suits you.


An altar is needed, a person capable of bringing life to the altar, and in good time and fortune.


Smashing a country is not difficult, but if he is known to learn magic, denominations and wizards will try to hinder Kim Seong-cheol at his own expense.


These are the ones in the barrel that value more than life.


In the midst of such difficulties, Kim Sung-cheol came up with the summon palace, the only place to give classes for free.


If you can receive the quest of the summoning palace, you have a chance to get a class to learn magic.


I don’t know if it is or not, but it is the most moderate and least damaging method that Kim has chosen.


A message appeared like a miracle before Kim Seong-cheol’s eyes sunk cold.


[Welcome to Summon’s Palace. ]


[Summon Palace quests have started. ]


[Coming soon, please prepare. ]


Quest of the Summon Palace was activated.


Another character came to mind before Kim Sung-chul, who was calling for pleasure.


[Warning! You may die. ]


There was a cynicism in Kim Sung-chul’s mouth.


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