Kim’s ominous premonitions are generally right.


A new challenge awaited Kim Sung-chul, who made a big donation for Marrakech.


It is the dungeon’s constraint system called dungeon fatigue.


According to this, the challenger of the trial is limited to five general trials a day.


Ultimate trials are not included here, but if you challenge the ultimate trial and overcome it, it is said that the schedule of the day is over.


Therefore, the ideal one-day course would be to clear five general trials and challenge them for the ultimate.


Anyway, having only five general trials a day was a big constraint for a busy person like Kim Sung-chul.


To make matters worse, the number of dungeon tokens that can be obtained through regular trials was also not cool.


Unlike the introductory trials, the general trials had to clear the trials of easy difficulty to take the staged structure to move on to the next difficulty.


The character that appeared before Kim Seong-chul, who rescued Marrakech and entered the general test, and a goblin in front of it explained everything.


[Legend Goblin Warlock]


A goblin with a ridiculously verbal title provokes Kim Seong-chul while magically fooling around.


But it should be that the goblins are goblins.


A reward was given before Kim Sung-chul, who had done his first trial in a single blow.


There are no common reward letters.


Instead, the only thing that appeared before was the question of whether to proceed to the next step.


[Do you want to proceed to the next step? (Y / N)]


[You must also have one Dungeon Fatigue to proceed. ]


[Fatigue of the remaining dungeons (4)]


Kim Seong-cheol’s face could not be good.


Even if he knew this fact in advance, he would have saved Maracaia, but the poverty could not be said.


Kim Sungchul is known.


Wherever you go, the beginning is important.


The summons palace alone. Those who have preoccupied the information from the beginning and go ahead one step ahead usually take the first advantage to the end and eat good fruit.


‘There are probably 30 dungeon coins that will be very big at this stage.’


Kim Seong-cheol’s impression was not wrong.


[Legend Goblin Warlock]


Two Dungeon Tokens.


The next stage was also developed within expectations.


Here Kim Sungchul immediately challenged Comok.


“I want to challenge hidden trials.”


But that didn’t work either.


Comek deliberately avoided Kim Sung-chul’s gaze and spoke in a small voice.


“Hidden trials are not available to anyone. It is my personal opinion that if the fishery can be found by chance, the intent of the hidden trials is uncolored. ”


“So when can I challenge?”


“You can only challenge after you have resolved the eighth ultimate trial.”


“The Eighth Ultimate Trial.”


I wonder if I can challenge it.


Given the days left for him.


But that doesn’t stop.


Kim Sungchul continued the massacre of goblins that had been suspended for a while.


So, on the first day of Aegeus’ entry, Kim Sungchul obtained a total of 15 dungeon tokens.


Even more trying to prevent him from the barrier of fatigue in the dungeon.


‘What is tired is fatigue.’


Kim Seong-cheol looked at the fairy comedy about fatigue, but nothing changed.


Comken said, opening his eyes round.


“The fatigue of the dungeon is a rule that existed before I came here, so God made it myself. It’s not how I can change it arbitrarily. ”


Contenders who have exhausted the fatigue of the dungeon are transferred to a special space called a square.


There were four squares in red and white, depending on the color, and one square could be used as a base during the dungeon attack.


Of course, you can also choose to go out of the dungeon, in which case you lose all your Duncan tokens and items.


‘The summons system of the Summoning Palace is from here. Function is completely different. ‘


Kim Sungchul chose one of them.


The White Square was surrounded by white marble pavilions in the center, with shops, lodgings and restaurants run by fairies.


Of course, the currency in Aegeus is dungeon tokens.


Every restaurant and lodge is cheap, average, high-end and high-end.


Even though you sleep overnight at the cheapest inn, you have to pay a dungeon token to eat a meal at a cheap restaurant.


One of the dungeon tokens is unfortunately a dream that Kim Sung Cheol cannot dream of.


Meanwhile, the fairies were selling rare items, such as legendary swords, armor, recovery items, etc., which are rarely found in the outside world, as Aegios said.


The first thing that stands out is the essence of the spirit.


Essences were priced differently depending on the combat system and non-combat system.


– Fairy Shylock’s Token Exchange Shop –


Essence of Various Elemental Spirits (Combat System)-1,500


Essence of Various Spirits (Non-Combat System)-1,350


“It’s dirty and expensive.”


There is no beginning with the tokens we have.


By the way, the essence of the spirit in the shopping mall did not cost a very expensive axis.


The overwhelming gaze of Kim’s gaze was the second item called fire resistance.


– Fairy Shylock’s Token Exchange Shop –


Second Fireproof – 22,250


The price of more than 20,000 coins.


“What’s so expensive about this? Are you going? ”


Kim Seong-cheol asked the fairy shy rock.


“Fake .. go away ?! It’s not true! It’s expensive, so it’s expensive! ”


Fairy Shay-rock knew that Kim Seong-chul had only 15 tokens, but he was a customer for 10,000 years.


“What a valuable item that allows you to have a second magic finger!”


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes came to mind.


‘The second magic finger… ? ”


This is an opportunity I never thought of.


Obviously, the second magic fingerprint is a blessing that is only allowed for those born with heaven and earth.


I have never heard of it artificially.


But this is the dungeon of the gods. Everything is possible. In addition, Kim Seong-cheol’s second magical print means that he can cast spells from the mainstream schools other than the Celestial School.


However, even if it has a second magic finger, it is useless if there is no one to teach magic.


Now that the sanctions against Kim Sung-chul have been lifted, it is not easy to meet high-level wizards such as Altusius.


Mighty wizards belong to the followers of the disaster and have now entered the Apocalypse.


“Don’t you sell magic books?”


Kim Seong-cheol searched the list of shops and asked.


Fairy Shylock opened his eyes and pointed to a palace-like building next to a shop.


“Magic is learning from the Genies in the Wish Palace over there.”


“It’s a kind of spirit. They’re weird, but their skills are real! ”


“Can I learn magic above 5th rank?”


“5th rank? Don’t even say it! In the Palace of Wish you can learn the 7th rank of high magic! ”


Fairy Shylock tells this story, and it seems certain that he can learn magic from that strange palace.


However, you cannot enter now.


According to Shylock, the palace of wishes seems to be open to at least those who have cleared the fourth ultimate trial.


However, in front of this unexpected opportunity, Kim Sungchul was feeling the excitement of simmering blood for a long time.


‘This is the second magic finger.’


Good flame, good cold.


Flames are good when dealing with a cold entity against a group.


Of course, flames are good for cooking, cold is also good for cooking.


‘Do you want to make ice cream?’


Kim Sungchul I told Bertelgia a happy imagination in a while.


“Bertelgia. Write it down. ”


“The second fireproof, two thousand two hundred two hundred fifty tokens.”


Shylock giggled while listening to the words.


“But do you have tokens to buy? 15 of them have no jaws. ”


“Everyone can dream.”


Kim Sungchul Leave the horse and left the shop.


His eyes went back sullenly.


“Who are you looking for?”


When Bertelgia stared at Kim Sungchul, Kim Sungchul said calmly but in a rage.


Marakia would have passed the introductory trial by now by lowering the difficulty and he would have received some tokens as a reward.


Kim Sungchul was about to extort the token.


But somehow Marakia did not appear no matter how long he waited.


Kim Seong-chul, who was curious, visited the plaza and asked the fairies to call the com.


Comcum appeared again before Kim Sung-chul delivered shocking news.


“Huh? Join that? The join is now at the Red Square. ”


“As soon as I asked where he was and when he heard that he was in the White Square, he chose Red Square!”


“…. Is it possible to move between squares? ”


“It is possible. Only one day must pass. ”


“Oh shit!”


After a moderate homelessness at the plaza, he filled his stomach with a simple diet, and challenged the general trial of Kim Sungchul.


The enemy has changed this time.


[Legend Orc Blood Warrior]


But the results are the same whether orc or goblin.


Six dungeon tokens this time.


And now tired of the dungeon tired character.


Kim Sungchul I ran a general trial with my Kim.


You may challenge the ultimate trial right away, but if you try to solve it, the day is over.


Kim Seong-cheol thought that it is good to earn money when you can earn money even if you collect mote.


Anyway, the total number of tokens thus obtained is 45. Combined with yesterday’s results, a total of 60.


It is time for the ultimate trial.


Kim Sungchul Immediately ask Comok to open the ultimate trial.


The Combs were shuddered by Kim Sung-chul, opening the portal to the ultimate trial.


“Ultimate trials are different from ordinary trials, so don’t be afraid to deal with them!”


Beyond the portal, a likely enemy was waiting.


[Dressage Orc Grog and Goblin Footprint]


The orcs and glyphs of the common trials had the same appearance, but this is not a virtual image but a substance.


Kim Sungchul The Transcendental Sense found that the opposing enemy was a very powerful combination of warriors and wizards.


However, it is only at the mortal level.


Kim Sungchul Beyond the mortal level.


“A…. You are strong. ”


“Acknowledge ..! Key kick! May I move on to the next level? ! ”


The bosses of the first ultimate trial simply acknowledged defeat by Kim Sung-chul.


Kim Sungchul I noticed a reward in front of my eyes with careless eyes.


[You have overcome the first ultimate trial. ]


[The door of higher trials was opened. ]


[I give you the following reward for surviving the ultimate trial. ]


1. Dungeon Tokens – 1,000


3. Dragon Hotel ‘Grand Kiret’ one-night voucher


A huge token fell from the one seen so far.


‘Is this a thousand won token?’


The rewards of ultimate trials are quite different.


There was hope, though nothing else.


Hope that can get valuable treasure of the dungeon of God that was too expensive to see.


Perhaps one day you will come to solve another ultimate trial.


Kim Sungchul I thought so and told Comk the next destination.


It is time to go to receive the debt owed by Marrakech.


But that day Kim Sungchul did not finally meet Maracaia.


“Joined like that penguin? I went to the Blue Square. ”


Kim Sungchul, listening to Comok’s innocent voice, pledged tomorrow with her eyes closed.


Anyway, it was about time to visit the place called Dragon Hotel using Kim Sung-chul’s earned lodging.


Kim Sungchul Alley In the dark, I felt the presence of something to watch myself.


As Sung-cheol turned his head and asked, something in the dark ran away and disappeared beyond the alley.


Kim Sungchul An attempt was made to trace its roots, but soon it was lost.


It was like a ghostly workmanship.


Returning to Kim Sungchul Boulevard, he thought about what he had just witnessed.


The fairy is certainly not.


It was too big to be a fairy and twisted somewhere to be human.


Kim Seong-cheol asked about the existence that had just disappeared.


Then Comb replied with a deep eye as if he was also curious.


“I’m not sure. But I think it’s probably another fairy or genie. Genie is very curious. It is said that curiosity kills Genie! ”


Have not seen it yet.


‘Is it good?’


Kim Sungchul I did not feel that I was so intimidated by the bizarre beings that just wandered.


Whether a fairy’s words are true or not is not important.


What is important is the remaining time and the maximum reward you can get in the meantime.


As Kim Sungchul pledged when he first stepped into the dungeon of God, everything he could get from here was meant to be obtained.


‘At least a second magic finger will be obtained no matter what happens.’


Another day has passed in the dungeon of the gods, with no boundaries between day and night.


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