94. In front of the Yellow Boundary (3)


“They are barbarians.”


The fact that there are humans in the Devil is the Geumsimunmun.


It is a fact that Kim Seong-chul, who lived in the world of demon, knows well.


Some were human but no pure human.


But what he knew was no longer important.


The news that the barbarians destroyed the Baran Aran Tribal League in just three days had the ripple power to break down Kim’s common sense at once.


“Is that true?”


Kim Sungchul asked again.


He rarely does.


‘There are stories about the three walls that keep the devil. The sharpest is Iron Knights, the hardest is Stormfront, and the most persistent is the Baran Aran Tribal Federation. ‘


Aside from the problem of strength and weakness, people shared the view that the longest-lasting force on the front line is the Baran Aran tribal alliance.


Rugged terrain, dense forests, and areas guarded by dense elves who show their true power.


Tens of thousands of demons lost and lost in the pale forests.


Kim Seong-cheol’s question, the elven prince nodded without hiding his invasion.


“They captured Heidebaran, the capital of the tribal federation, and even my uncle’s deputy chieftain was killed and salted his neck and placed on their dirty flag.”


Kim Sungchul bowed his head and kept silent about the fate of the deceased. The Varan Aran Tribal League was not personally known by Kim Sung-chul, but he was not hostile.


At least three times, he captured Kim Seong-chul, who wandered in their forests for food, and took no action.


Otherwise, Kim’s table would have been cut off.


“So where are they now?”


Hadne’s eyes shook violently.


“Their flagship is still in Heidebaran. Burning all the woods and killing people. But they will not be satisfied with it. ”


“It’s a shape with additional movement.”


Kim Seong-chul muttered, and the elven prince nodded.


“A few scouts have already appeared on our border. We haven’t taken a full offensive yet, but the soldiers said. Those monsters are like thirty three girls each. No, it’s all transcendental. ”


“Individuals are transcendental?”


The ear cannot be doubted.


The strongest state that mortals can reach is called the transcendental, whose strength, agility, stamina, or the main stats such as horsepower or intuition exceed 600 on average.


There were only a few transcendents known to the world before Kim Sung-chul was active.


There were only three emperors of the human empire, the president of the world congress, and the patriarchs of the assassination denomination.


I don’t know how it has changed now, but Kim Seong-cheol thinks that there will be less than 10 people.


But every single scout is a transcendental being?


This went too far out.


But it is not a very impossible story.


There is a good reason for destroying the persevering Baran Aran Tribal League in three days.


“Anyway, the barbarians are now snooping not only on the borders of our elven alliance kingdoms, but also on the Trowin region, which is now dominated by the Remnant of the Seventh Hero.”


The elven prince leaned toward Kim Seong-chul after speaking to it. The earnestness came from the whole body as well as the voice.


“In conclusion, there is no way for us to stop the savage. As the barbarians push down, we will fall like a sand castle swept away by the waves. So, please, please put the first priority on barbarians in the agenda of this World Congress. ”


After saying so, the elven prince pulled out a letter of authority for his entire father and showed it to Kim.


“My father’s message is that if only the race can be preserved, you can give up as much as you can in the crown.”


In a crisis, opportunities arise.


One of the four great powers, the United Nations Elf, tries to concede the crown on its own.


Kim Seong-cheol himself came to try to obtain threats, arguments, and even blood.


Kim Sungchul did not commit the joy of seeing only the crown in front of her eyes.


The barbarians who make one of the four remaining great powers, the Elf Allied Kingdom, so urgent, may in some sense be more dangerous than the coming yellow death from the east.


So it can be the best negotiation tool.


“Is it true that the savage individual has a transcendental level of strength?”


Hadane nodded firmly.


Kim Sungchul asked again.


“What is the quickest way to go to the border of your kingdom now?”


Each race has its own preferred way of movement.


Rapid-minded humans prefer public line, while dwarves who do not leave their estates prefer rigid mobile forts.


For elves, they prefer to ride with their natural friends, such as unicorns and pegasus, but for long distances, elves often make fixed teleport jeans.


Kim Sungchul Knows the existence of a magic circle used by senior members of the Elven Kingdom at La Grande.


Chilungwoo Vestiaredo was from the elves, so he had a magic circle directly connected to LaGrange.


Kim Sungchul I asked Dane for that.


“There is a magic circle leading to the royal road.”


“Please guide me there.”


“What are you going to do?”


Kim Sungchul replied, smiling to the elven prince’s question.


“I will show you samples to the kings who will gather here soon.”


“A savage who came from the north.”


Kim Sungchul along the way headed for the magic circle used by the elves with Hadadein.


The elves’ movement circle was densely cobweb-like on every point of the continent.


The place where the magic circle was installed was the woods that elves prefer, and there was a certain law.


Each magic circle is graded, but the magic circle that moves from the upper level to the lower level can move freely, but to move from the lower level to the upper level, the law must move through the designated place.


The magic circle is obviously comfortable, but inversely it can be a passage to easily bring in a large number of enemies, so it was a natural security measure.


The law could not go against even the prince of the elven kingdom. Thanks to this, Kim Sungchul was able to reach Glenfide, the capital of the Elven Allied Kingdom after moving 12 magic circles.


The movement itself was not cumbersome, but due to procedural problems it took two days to reach Glenfide from Ixion.


Of course, this is within the acceptable range.


Is it an incidental benefit gained by early targeting the dungeon of God.


Kim Sungchul Politely rejected the prince’s request to see the king of the elves and instead headed to the front line of the kingdom of elves through the magic circle to the border.


There was a tense feeling at the forefront of the Elven Kingdom, surrounded by forests, trees, and natural obstacles.


‘You have deployed almost all available troops on the border.’


Elves are proud of the archer’s legion, including the wizards, unicorns, and pegasus knights, and the wooden tree fairy, which is not to be taken out of it, has been awakened for a long time, supporting the rear of the wire.


If you did not know the situation was the concentration of power enough to be mistaken to see that the elven kingdom is preparing to invade other countries.


That’s why the barbarians across the border are fearsome opponents.


Kim Sungchul He was guided by the border guard captain, attracted by numerous elves.


The garrison captain Kim Seong-cheol delivered the necessary information.


“There is a savage scout over the hill. They have executed prisoners as they have seen before us, grasping the sacred unicorns and holding banquets with their meat. ”


Tens of thousands of elven troops are crouching in front of a reconnaissance team of only 30.


“…. I will go. ”


Kim Sung-chul said in a calm tone.


The elves watched with surprise eyes the man who was called the enemy of the world leaving the barracks.


“Hi. Little cutie. ”


A white unicorn by the barracks looked at Kim Sung-chul with his big eyes.


Bertelgia circulated around the unicorn and entered Kim Seong-chul’s inner pocket.


The Kim Sungchul Elf Front Legion, who recovered Bertelgia, passed the barrier.


The vines of the elves, moving vines, tried to wrap Kim Seong-cheol and withdrew after hearing the whistle of the elves.


“It won’t take long.”


Kim Sungchul After looking briefly at the elves, he disappeared from view.


Kim Sungchul made his way through the woods, running fast and invisibly.


Soon after confirming the smoke rising to the sky and decided the course.


A short time later, the savages shouted.


It was an unfamiliar language that was first heard as if it was full of steam.


‘It’s a race that speaks a different language. It’s hard to see in this world. ‘


Kim Sungchul I was impressed by the unusual mix of sharp sounds beginning or ending with k or sh in the language of the savage coming from afar.


Kim Sungchul soon arrived at the barbarian’s camp.


The savages were enjoying the banquet without the tens of thousands of enemies in front of them.


Hadane entered the cruelty of the barbarians many times, but the cruelty of the barbarians unfolded before the eyes of Kim Sung-chul was beyond imagination.


The savages sat on a wide board made of wood, each with a cushion of ten living elves.


The savages laughed at words they couldn’t understand and gave some power to their hips to crush the elves under them.


The painful elves writhed as they writhed, and the tablets swayed, and they enjoyed the wobble as if they were riding a wave, but once again they crushed the plates as the elves’ movement slowed down.


The barbarian’s play did not last long. After several hikes, the elves were all choked and killed. The savage yelled at the slave elves.


The slave elves, whose ears were torn open, hurried to move up, grab the boards, fill the bodies, and fill in the new living elves.


The elves killed were piled up like small mountains in the corners of the camp. As an example, the dead bodies were so cruel that they could not be expressed in words.


“…. That’s too much. ”


Bertelgia shook his body.


As cruel as the demons.


Or in some ways might be more vicious than the devil.


The devil’s slaughter comes from hatred and revenge against humans, but the barbarians are just harming people with fun and play.


A barbarian finally shouted out in front of the Kim Sungchul camp while laughing out loud.


Nothing was heard in his hand.


It was a long distance, but all thirty barbarians discovered the presence of Kim Sung-chul.


Kim Sungchul silently walked toward the barbarian.


A savage rose up from his seat.


Other barbarians smiled while holding glasses.


It was a form that found a fun game.


The barbarian who jumped up jumped on the board, slammed the elves underneath, killed him, and walked towards Kim Seong-cheol, beating his neck and fists.


Finally, Kim Sung-chul and the barbarian confronted each other.


The savage had a huge and balanced body.


‘Two meters and thirty centimeters. That’s very big. ‘


In one sense the savages were a different race.


A barbarian standing in front of Kim Seong-cheol made a haughty expression and muttered his finger to Kim Seong-chul.


As a gesture, he will tear off Kim’s limbs. In fact, the savage pointed to the bodies of the elves that were torn by force abandoned in the corners.


Kim Sungchul When I saw the body, it didn’t change. Rather, he spoke to the barbarian.


“Three first-come, first-served basis. Come forward now. ”


The barbarians only laughed at Kim Sung-chul’s words. As they shook their hips, the elves screamed behind them.


And the barbarian in front raised his fist toward Kim Sung-chul.


A barbarian’s pot-like hand grabbed Kim Sung-chul.


However, his hand grabbed the barbarian’s hand, exactly two fingers, before he seized Kim.


The barbarian made an impression and tried to take off Kim Sung-chul’s hand. However, it was not only Kim’s hand that fell off when he moved his hand.


Two fingers fell off.


With the clenched hands of Kim Sung Chul.


The savage looked at the hole where his fingers were bleeding out, and his eyes were wide open.


But it was only a telephone pole.


“…. If not, I direct myself. ”


Kim Sungchul I threw something out of the air by throwing a barbarian’s big finger on the floor.


The godly arm Karaz symbolizes him.


The massacre did not last long.


Kim Sungchul slaughtered brutal barbarians in an instant.


It is true that the individual’s physical ability is close to the transcendental level, but not stronger than the rumor, and Kim Sungchul has already surpassed the transcendental level long ago.


The savages later realized that the little man was a grim reaper, not a toy in the banquet hall, but it was already late.


Even before the time to drink a cup of tea, in front of Kim Seong-chul was 27 lived barbarians and three living barbarians made of half body.


Kim Sungchul approached the surviving barbarians.


Fear arose in the eyes of the barbarians.


Kim Seong-cheol grabbed one of them with both hands.




Savage’s joints and bones bent in a strange direction.


A bizarre mass made of flesh was born shortly before Kim Sung-chul.


A ball made of living barbarians.


It is Kim’s own punishment for their cruelty and the real reason that there are few pitches to endure their powerful power.


“Tell them out.”


Kim Sungchul, who returned to the camp of the elves, ordered a calm tone to the elves.


The elves were surprised and frightened yet fulfilled Kim Seong-chul’s command.


Soon three savages were destroyed by Kim Seong-cheol in a cart drawn by the Elves.


A terrible injury, but the forces of the barbarians were alive. They yelled, staring at them as if they were chewing on them.


Kim Seong-cheol’s eyes looked at them.


Fear arose in the eyes of the barbarians, and their shouts vanished.


Kim Sungchul, who shut up the barbarians, stared at the moon rising above the sky.


The moon that began to rise was nearing the full moon.


The world council holding the world’s existence is in sight.


Kim Sungchul returned to the yellow boundary with captives.


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