Kim Seong-cheol’s footsteps stopped.


The dog opened his mouth staring at Kim’s back.


“Do you know what the next class rule is?”


Kim Sungchul nodded.


The next class is the black game rules.


The Summoning Palace is the last class game.


Thirty warriors were selected per plaza, and one-on-one battle with thirty warriors selected from another plaza wins the square with a large number of winners.


One peculiarity is that withdrawal and draw are also accepted in the Great War, and the penalty is small.


It is all about not getting a winner’s reward.


The most important lives can be preserved by abstention.


In this respect, there may be a question whether the Great War is softer than other strict grading rules, but it is not so when you know the inside story.


The real difficulty of the final game is not in the Great War itself, but in the process of estimating thirty warriors to fight in the Great War.


There are currently between 600 and 700 people who survived the White Square.


Only thirty people have the opportunity to participate in the Great War, and the rest are forced to gamble for their lives.


A game of probability of death called 30 consecutive winner predictions.


Since the summoning palace was built, no summoner has survived the 30th consecutive winner prediction.


For that reason, to survive, you have to go through hell, called advancement.


“…. It’s about the upcoming advancement. ”


Breaking a short silence, the dog opened his mouth.


“I think I’ve already held hands with you, but that may be my own idea.”


No one can believe in this world.


A delicious meal is served, but it is frivolous to give it full faith.


Yesterday’s friend can be an enemy of tomorrow.


Moreover, if the opponent is a fierce opponent, be more careful.


Kim Sung-chul’s first impression in the eyes of the dog was plain.


He seemed to have no character.


The sword was plain and speed and strength was not great.


However, as time passed, anything could feel more power than Kim Seong-Chul could see.


This was true before Tamtam, and before Werewolf.


Something seemed a bit daunting, but I always did it my way.


Furthermore, he alone defeated the werewolf Park Aram and completed the lion’s feat and erased the lion’s trace.


It was by far the latter that raised the alertness of anything.


‘The difficulties that Chil’s left in the Summoning Palace were so difficult to understand that no one has solved them for thousands of years. That person solved it in just two hours. ‘


Chil’s feats are known to have been resolved even with considerable training outside the palace.


Chil-Hoong’s trace is not to see the ability of those who are trying, but to see the quality of those who are trying.


If a person who has accumulated stats from the outside believes in his power and proceeds with the quest forcibly, the quest may be denied or he may be killed by a trap planted by the hero.


In particular, Satotus is the second hero to be eccentric among seven heroes.


It was one of two things that he resolved the lion’s trial in two hours.


Kim Seong-cheol’s qualities were good enough to satisfy Saotos, or Kim Seong-cheol himself liked Saotos.


‘I can’t figure out how it was achieved, but I’m not an ordinary person. So don’t turn it into enemies. ‘


Anyone thought so and pulled out the best card he was holding.


“It can’t be, but if I’m in crisis, help me. If I was selected safely as a member of the War, I would tell you where there are traces left by seven heroes other than Satotus. ”


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes came to mind.


“Other Seven Heroes? Does that mean that there are seven heroes’ quests around here other than Lioness? ”


I’m guessing.


Kim Sungchul, however, stared at something with an expression that she knew nothing.


Nod nodded and continued the explanation.


“…. Before the final battle, Chil-Hoong gathered at the Summon Palace to create a trace of each vision. Or if they fail, to entrust their offspring to their descendants. ”


Kim Sungchul Hearing about it, I thought about it.


There is nothing to lose.


I had no intention of fighting anyway, and it is not easy for any number of people to be in crisis in the selection.


If nothing is done, the condition will be satisfied.


And this is an opportunity.


Through the traces of the Seven Heroes, they can learn their faces with their eyes.


It is much easier to know the face to find and kill the other person.


Kim Sungchul raised his head and thought.


It was time to accept.


Kim Sungchul Suddenly I felt that a cold enemy was coming near me.


“Someone is coming.”


Kim Sungchul hurriedly concealed under the bushes.


Anyone was feeling lately popular and hid next to Kim Seong-chul.


Kim Sungchul was surprised at the moment when the dog was eradicating.


I erased myself so much that I couldn’t feel my presence.


It seemed to be innate ability rather than training.


Soon a group of people appeared over the forest.


The ugly men of the ancestors and prostheses and the robes made of dogskin appeared with a horn of fire.


The number is seven.


Under them, the crippled Homunculus were crawling, tied to the collar of a dog, caught by the feet of slave hunters.


Kim Sungchul At first glance they identified their identity.


‘You are slave hunters.’


Slave hunters step into the square to secure slaves in the first week of mass summoning, but after that it is not common to enter the square.


Unless there is a special request from a nasty client.


“This is it! master! These shoe prints are facing the cliff! ”


Homunculus, who had no arms, looked loudly at the floor.


The slave hunters faced each other and nodded and walked in the direction of the Homunculus.


After their disappearance, Kim Sung-cheol and Han Moo released their secrets.


“What was it?”


Kim Sungchul I just walked to the place where the slave hunters were and knelt down and looked at the floor.


The shoe print was dizzying, but he remembered what the shoe print was referring to.


I know shoe prints.


Kim Sungchul stared at the foot of the dog.


As expected, the footprints Homunculus pointed out matched anything.


The reason is unknown, but nothing is aimed.


‘Is it also a regressor?’


In this dangerous age, the regressors are unwelcome and the world is not green enough that they can simply return with knowledge of the future.


Kim Sungchul knows how the regressors are treated to powers of the world.


A piece of meat that tells an uncertain future.


No more or less.


In spite of their high ideals, most returnees are caught early, detained in torture chambers, tortured until their deaths, and deported to information about the future.


No one is likely to be in that fate.


“…. You’d better take care. They are looking for you. ”


That’s the best advice Kim Seong-cheol can do.


Kim Sungchul had no intention of helping any of them with regard to hunting regressors.


If you are ordering a regression hunt, it means that the background behind is never easy.


“You’re wondering. Why are they chasing me? A little bit in my mouth, but it’s not such a pretty face. But don’t worry. I’m confident that my body is healthy. ”


The dog was not insignificant.


Kim Sungchul nodded and headed to the square first.


“From here on it is diverging. I will go to the square first. ”


“Well… I mean… ? ”


Anyone called up Kim Seong-cheol to leave.


Kim Sungchul replied without stopping.


“You’ve just accepted the offer. I will help you in the selection. Keep your promises instead. ”


Leaving that horse, Kim Sungchul quickly walked out of the woods.


At the entrance to the square was a small guest waiting for him.


The guest jumped out of the sky as soon as he entered the plaza and sat down under Kim’s shoulders.


Krill Regal was a sky squirrel.


Kim Sungchul I checked the contents by opening a note in a small pocket around the squirrel neck.


[I will be waiting for you at the corner of the outer wall. My little friend will lead the way. ]


Krill Regal met again, the atmosphere was different.


Krill Regal, first seen, had the look of a foolish and innocent new wizard, and Krill Regal, who reunited under the walls, smelled quite like the prey.


“It’s been a long time. Kim Seong-chul. ”


The shamelessness created by training rather than the leisure of the heart surrounds the young wizard.


“…. What are you going to see me? ”


Kim’s attitude was cold.


Krill Regal smiled faintly.


“That’s what it is. I have a little problem. Yes, I need more money. More than usual. The pressure is getting higher from the top, which is a day or two. These days I just tried and pecked me off. ”


Kim Sungchul I was staring at Krill Regal with careless eyes.


As Kim Seong-chul said nothing, Krill Regal scratched his back to see if he felt safe.


“Please help me one more time. This is likely to be the last time. ”


“Yes. I will make this one last if he asks more. I promise you by my name! ”


Krill Regal appealed strongly, striking his left chest with his fist as if he had made a pledge.


“What is your name worth?”


Kim’s reaction was cold.


Krill Regal’s lips shouted in a flash.


For a while, Kim Seong-cheol can not miss the appearance.


‘It’s been quite big hair.’


After some silence, three jewels were removed from Kim Sungchul’s arms.


“This is the last time.”


Krill Regal received a gem with two hands.


“Oops! Three such precious things! Thank you always! ”


Krill Regal smiled in a single, handful of bracelets to Kim Sung-chul.


“In fact, I’m here to convey this. This is too heavy for my little friend to carry. ”


An old bracelet made of copper.


As it turned out, it was quite heavy to carry as a sky squirrel as Krill said.


Kim Sung-cheol asked, holding the bracelet.


“I think it’s a pass that guarantees the safe completion of the Summon Palace.”


“Speak specifically.”


“Yes. Yes. I’ll explain again. Wear that bracelet and you will see the miracle of winning without any effort from the selection to the Great War! ”


A seemingly ordinary bracelet.


I can not see the feeling seems to be ordinary objects without any magic effect.


Krill Regal grabbed three gems in his arms and knelt his finger to bring his pet on Kim’s shoulder over his shoulder.


“You will know the value of participating in the contest with those bracelets. But don’t be too surprised, and take the facts as they are. It’s not good to see others! ”


Krill Regal bowed, then robed Robe’s hood over and disappeared into darkness.


Kim Sungchul, who was left alone, silently flicked at the bracelet and looked at it.


A seemingly plain bracelet.


But Kim’s unique ability. Soul Imprint – As the eyes of truth were triggered, the information hidden in the bracelet was revealed in front of Kim Sung Chul.


Rating: Rare – Intermediate


Effect: Intermediate tool concealment, granting anonymity


Note: The user’s name can be disguised as the desired name. However, stats cannot be disguised.


Two pranks.


One concealed gun tool on the bracelet.


Equipment hidden in the tool, unlike other items can not see the item information just by looking at or looking at.


The other is anonymous.


A person wearing a bracelet is recognized by others in the name of a person in the anonymous column of the bracelet.


What I want to get through these two mischief is to make Kim Sung-chul be recognized as Park A-ram.


Kim Sungchul laughed.


It is a childish and plastic way.


Perhaps some mean and dirty number is waiting behind it.


Nevertheless, Kim Sungchul bracelet was worn without hesitation.


“…. The only good wizard is a dead wizard. ”


Krill Regal doesn’t know what to dream, but the man he is trying to trick is the one who killed the most wizards in the world.


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