101. Toward the Last Crown (3)


The banquet became more and more lively, but inversely, Bertelgia’s mood was getting worse.


It was seen.


Kim Seong-cheol consciously avoids himself.


“What are you so worried about? Living Book. ”


Marrakech approached Bertelgia with nuts.


“No, it’s hate to do that human being.”


Bertelgia pointed to Kim Seong-cheol at the corner of the book, where he leaned over a glass of wine from afar.


“I’m killing a lot of time in Panguk even if I go to Colossus right now and perform the quest of Creationist.”


“Creator? What is it? ”


In the second bath, Maracaia, who was sad, opened her eyes and showed interest.


“The final form of a pensioner.”


Bertelgia responded briefly.


Marakia’s attention cooled.


“What is it? What is the response? ”


“What reaction. I did not see any response. Living Book. ”


“Besides, alchemist. It’s not the class the lord will have. In our join kingdom, the alchemist was a class given to the Nakha of the lower castes. ”


Maracaia spoke dryly, as if the glorious past was good for the eyes.


Bertelgia retaliated with a short, heavy blow.


“So the kingdom perishes.”


“A country that cherishes technology is ruined. Original. ”


“Bee! This living book guy… ! ”


Marrakech’s beak trembled.


“Oh, I don’t have time to play with you. When are you going to get back to your poignant kingdom with a final elixir? The cave elves may be closing their mouths and tormenting their own cousins. ”


“Um. I will go someday. ”


Marakia, who was excited for a while, thought that she was sad because her family had died.


“But now the entrance of my kingdom is in the savagery’s occupation. Entering into the kingdom of Bulbul, if you can see the barbarian, it will only speed up the destruction of the kingdom. ”


“Cloudy. Maybe so. ”


Bertelgia exhales as he turns.


Marrakech pecked nuts and stared at Bertelgia.


“Are you troubled?”


“Just. What. I would like to have a good way to force an appointment. ”

 Bertelgia was watching Kim Sung-chul.


“How to force an appointment?”


“Yes. There are those who do not keep their promises. ”


“That’s like a debtor who doesn’t pay back.”


“Yes. That’s right! I don’t know if it’s the right word! ”


“What about collateral?”


Marakia plucked another nut and said.


“If you hold your colleague as something of value, you have to keep the promise even if you don’t like it. The most typical means of coercion from ancient times. ”


Bertelgia was initially grievous at first, but within her head a flash of lightning flashed into her mind.


Bertelgia stared at the diamond brooch in Kim Sung-chul’s coat, which was sometimes revealed and bizarre.


‘I’ll get it as collateral!’


Bertelgia knows.


How much Kim Seong-cheol cares about his brooch. He polishes his brooch with a soft cloth and sprays perfumed oil more than once a day, even on a hard trip.


Brooch is more than just something for him. If you can get the brooch, Bertelgia will be able to accomplish his purpose simply.


Bertelgia approached Kim Seong-chul, who leaned over a glass in a friendly atmosphere.


“Well? Bertelgia. What’s wrong? ”


Kim Sung-cheol asked, wondering.


‘으, I was watching everything coming. I can’t support acting once! ‘


Kim Seong-chul said, “I’m so inward.


“The next destination is decided. Bertelgia. We go to LaGrange. ”


“Ragranze? The capital of the empire? Why are you going there again? ”


Bertelgia’s question points to a papaparfa sitting by the table at Kim Sungchul.


“When I listened to my friend, the situation in LaGranze seems to be changing differently every day. Isn’t it? Fine cuisine? ”


Kim Sungchul gave a strong accent to the word, especially the fine cooks.


Paparpa, already broken by turns, nodded his head in resignation or a gentle manner.


“Do not speak. LaGranje is now a gathering place of heresy. Sculptures of vicious asin are on every street and bizarre ceremonies are held every day in the palace. After the Horasan and Mura churches left their headquarters, many nobles and the upper classes left the city. As a result, there is a vacant house in the upper section of the district. ”


Paparpa was one of the upper classes who escaped from LaGranse, which became increasingly strange.


According to him, from some time on, the black thunderclouds that do not disappear forever over LaGrangese appear and swirl ominously.


“What happened? The woman and Sarasa said great things happen in LaGranje. ”


Kim Seong-cheol, speaking parfapa, said in a calm tone.


The horse is correct. Bertelgia thought so. Rise Haimer, Sarasa Zero. The two women, who had no contact with Kim Seong-cheol personally, warned of a serious event in La Grande with Lee Dong-seong.


Probably not usual. You can see the reality in person, but it’s the communist that led to a catastrophic disaster that is unparalleled even in the present times of disasters.


But Bertelgia can not yield.


It is his mission as creator guide.


‘One day is enough. Now it’s time to pass two more exams. I don’t know when I’ll be here again when I leave Lagrange. ‘


Bertelgia thought so and spoke to Kim Sung-chul in a blunt tone.


“But when are we going to be there?”


Kim Seong-cheol avoided Bertelgia’s gaze.


At that time, his appearance was not very different from that of maraca.


Kim Seong-cheol replied diligently.


Bertelgia fell in front of Kim Sung-chul.


“H-mm. Is there something hiding? ”


“I will. What do I have to hide from you? ”


“Then you can go to the Colossus. Your alchemy skills will take less than half a day now. ”


“That’s Bertelgia. There is an order in the world. How big can you find after the world stabilizes? ”


“Why not today?”


Bertelgia spoke with color.


Kim Sungchul I felt the time came.


Bertelgia will rarely retreat.


There is really no reason to reject Bertelgia’s words.


Until I told the truth.


But the truth must be sealed.


Until everything stabilized.


Kim Sung-chul’s face was cast a deep shadow.


Bertelgia observed at first glance that Kim had a terrible conflict.


‘Why are you doing that? Is there a reason I don’t know? ‘


Bertelgia is a fast-minded but considerate child.


She judged it to be no good to drive Kim Sung-chul anymore.


“Okay. I will not go next time. ”


Bertelgia retired.


The shadow on Kim Seong-chul’s face was wiped out.


“Are you sure? Bertelgia? ”


I could not imagine.


Bertelgia is so easy to retreat.


“But there is a condition.”


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes came to mind.


“Do you remember one promise before?”


“Listen to my wish.”


Kim Seong-chul’s complexion changed again.


I was totally blinking.


“Once, that’s a reminder and my condition is separate.”


Bertelgia fell into Kim Sung-chul’s arms and spread his coat. Then, the diamond brooch that was hidden inside was revealed and dazzling light everywhere.


Arduino did not respond to the light, but only one, Paparfa, blinded by Brooch’s reaction.


Bertelgia replied, saying that Sung-cheol’s pride itself, the brooch, scratched the edge of the book.


“I want to have a security. In case you break the promise. ”


Kim Sungchul Bertelgia’s determined attitude felt cold sweat on his back and stared at his brooch.


“Isn’t that collateral my treasure brooch?”


“That’s right. Please provide brooches as collateral. ”


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes caused a pupil earthquake.


“Why? I’ve made a big concession, so why don’t you show a man too? Why does the guy who threw the arm garazes look so blunt to the brooch? ”


“Be… Bertelgia. this… This brooch is a horse. Is it something different from Arm Garaz? ”


Kim Sung-chul’s hand began to tremble.


Drago leaned at the glass and murmured.


“There is a natural enemy to the destroyer.”


Kim Seong-chul was not able to find his face against the barbarians and gods even after washing their eyes.


Finally, Bertelgia retreated again.


She sighed, turned her body once, and spoke in a rather sulky voice.


“If you can’t hand over the brooch, suggest something else.”


Kim Sungchul took Crumbuy out of the Soul Warehouse.


As soon as he came out, Crumbu was returned to the soul store.


Kim Seong-cheol’s next take was a haze journey, a ring for Bertelgia to enjoy.


Unlike Crumbui, this time Bertelgia was a bit of a problem. Traveling to other people’s dreams is Bertelgia’s favorite hobby.


But Bertelgia was not satisfied here.


“This is good too, but it’s good too.”


“The Key to the Troymea Vaultkeeper.”


“Do you mean that key?”


A mythological item obtained after defeating Horneco.


It is a divine object with the ability to destroy common sense to open the souls of others.


“If you don’t break the promise, you can shake off the entire warehouse. Isn’t that better than a brooch though? ”


Kim Sungchul was a bit of a conflict.


But he is not a thief, nor is he a slave to sorrow like Marrakech. One arm garaz is enough for him.


“Good. I don’t do that. ”


Kim Sungchul I pulled a rather old and crude key from the warehouse and handed it over to Bertelgia.


Bertelgia opened the bookshelf and swallowed it and closed the bookshelf.


“Okay. Your collateral has been received! ”


This was an emergency fire.


For some time Bertelgia will not endorse the Quest of the Creator, which may be fatal to her.


The best solution in many ways.


Kim Sungchul I was able to face all the disasters and the challenges faced with ease.


The wind came from the south.


The day after the banquet, an unexpected visitor came to Kim Sung-chul.


Reapers from Horasan and Myra.


With the guidance of Tygon Bosboro, they stood before Kim Seong-chul and delivered shocking news to shake the world.


“Among the emperor William Quinton Marlborough from both denominations, he canceled the scandal against Kim Seong-cheol, the former imperial chief of ex-employment and the chairman of the current world council.”


Their proclamation was one aspect of the present condition of the world.


Kim Seong-chul, the leader of the new world council, who has even taken over the Dwarf Kingdom and completely replaced the old world council.


On the other hand, William, the emperor of the human empire, lost all its allies and glory, and was isolated in a narrow city.


Kim Sung Chul is now the center of gravity of the power that was once focused on the human empire. The spontaneous independence of both denominations is only a side effect of revealing who is moving the world.


In the blessing, Kim Sungchul, the old curse swept away and carried out a surprise attack against the barbarians in the north with the best of the new World Council.


The result was a great success, and the loose savages collapsed without even rebelling before the surprise overwhelming force of Kim Seong-chul, who had overwhelming force.


The barbarian’s flag was decorated with eyeballs, and the head of the barbarian was crushed to death by Kim Sung-chul’s hammer.


In one surprise Kim Sungchul wiped out forces that threatened the Dwarf Kingdom as well as the Elven Allied Kingdom.


But the afterglow of victory was brief, and one of the liberated prisoners delivered the bad news.


“The main force left the camp long ago and began to descend.”


A long time has passed since the barbarians made their appearance on earth.


The savage is still a horrible being, but with the desperate sacrifice of countless scouts and spies, the information about the savage has accumulated incomparably.


There are currently two known tribes of barbarians who have invaded the land. The spies succeeded in finding out the names of the tribes.


The name of the tribe using the eyeball as a symbol is Kersh


Tribal names using internal organs as symbol of Amandash


The two tribes, each located in the elven-dwarf kingdom and north of the continent, have had their own offensive.


However, according to new information, there was a change in the movement of barbarians.


Two tribes divided into one.


Once stagnant, they formed a great force and once again began their march on the battlefield.


The goal is the center of the continent.


The last crown is the remaining land.


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