104. Those Who Sent God (3)


A god with a short life left came from another world and made a new world.


Believing in human potential more than anyone else, he hoped that everyone would live freely in the new world he was creating, fulfilling his dreams according to his own efforts and talents.


There was originally a given name in the world without any class, discrimination, or distinction.


Until those who sang God erased that name.


[You’re caught up in my tricks. Allegox. Do you think I’ve seen your debris fall into the summer without any action? This is just my design. ]


A being called order god said.


His words were the gospel in itself.


The meaning of words was not important. The sacredness, holiness, and wonder in the voice convinced all mortals that the immense image of the heavenly ceiling was the image of God.


Believers in the order knelt first.


A priest of order, Tygon Bosborod, and his priests hurried to the deck and knelt toward the gigantic figure revealed on the battlefield and blessed his manifestation.


Next, ordinary soldiers knelt toward order. The reason is that I cannot say anything, but I see the sacred greatness and knowingly, I was kneeled by the atmosphere.


The bone marrow bones, like Dragoman, stood up to the end even after seeing the image of God, but other kings were willing to pay their respects to the appearance of God.


The following were citizens of Lagrange. The moneyless citizens lived on the walls, while the rich in the upper quarters could see something of the great sacred in the midst of a battlefield far from their own high-rise home.


Amidst the dry clouds covered with dry clouds, a beam of light was shining only where God’s image appeared, and innocent birds flocked to the east in a flock of light.


“It is a god. Order appeared! ”


“Or ordered to finally come to this world to save us!”


The priests of Mount Hora shouted as their throats burst. The public was enthusiastic when they heard the hilarious voice.


The worst unrecorded disaster, the barbarians, approached the city, and the gods of their faith appeared in the final battle.


This is not a sign of salvation.


But only one, Clarissam, trembled lightly at the image of God.


“Oh no. That’s it. ”


She is not a believer. Rather, he is an atheist who curses God and destiny. Therefore, the situation could be seen more objectively. Perhaps the cataclysm experienced over and over has given her a sense.


“That’s… I’m not here to save us. ! ”


She ran out Burakake ran to her mansion.


“Grandfather! Take care of all your money and jewelry! I have to leave right now! ”


“No, Claris. Why do you do it again? How much money did you use to enter this house? ”


Kurt Assam noticed that the granddaughter’s actions did not make sense.


“I don’t want to run away anymore.”


Kurt Assam leaned back in his armchair and turned his head without power.


Despite Claris’ dunning, Kurt Assam did not look back. After a while, it was a self-sufficient smile that came to his mouth.


“If I die anyway, I will die in this place. When will you live in this house once again? ”


Kurt Assam offered something to Claris.


It was a shiny cube made of blue sapphire.


The cube went from hand to hand.


“This is the rumor of the floating islands.”


“It was hard to find.”


Kurt Assam’s wrinkled hand wrapped Clariss’ smooth hand. But there is only one ticket.


Clarice bites her eyes.


“Do you have any grandparents?”


“In the rich islands, old people like me are not accepted. Only young and beautiful people can go. ”


Kurt Assam then smiled at his granddaughter.


Clariss’ new type was the moment it was lightly trembling.


A lament burst out from the outside.


The people on the wall were looking at the orderly side with amazement.


What they saw and surprised was the behavior of the barbarians.


The savages knelt before the order in order.


Order God is not the only guardian god of mankind.


Order, which did not answer human callings, however, showed movement in the worship of barbarians. The mighty thing deserved to be called the citadel rather than the hand swayed and rewarded the barbarian worship.


The short scene was shattered with the hope of being in people’s minds.


[One king. Who do you dare to depend on that you cannot overcome even that easy trial? These beasts are also willing to abandon their interests and factions for their destiny. Be ashamed ]


The voice was clearly heard not only on the battlefield but also beyond the walls of LaGranje.


The Order Letter looked down.


In the midst of all the savages like the ants below, there was a man who knelt down on his knees.


[You are a tool of God. It’s not a normal thing. No matter how many brutalus are from the Sailboat, the immortal is immortal. I’ll kill him with no effort. ]


Now the voice of order was heard only by Kim Sung-chul.


There is a power that cannot be disobedient to the voice itself.


Kim Sungchul thought that the voice was similar somewhere.


‘It’s wrong. This voice is… . ‘


At that time, my inner voice resonated as if I had waited.


[See. The monster who struck that god. It is the enemy of the true world who betrayed God and privatized this world, given equally to all. ]


Kim Sungchul could see that it is the same but the same feeling.


His inner voice was of an order and an equal being.


At the moment, memories in front of the stairs of the god left only fragments of sculpture in Kim Sung-chul’s consciousness.


‘Alternative, what did I do then?’


Only the word tool is in my head.


Inadvertently, a barren voice resonated in Kim Seong-chul’s mind.


[Anything will work. Tools or whatever. If you can end deep rooted helplessness. ]


The voice that was not in memory was his own.


But now I can remember.


A true god’s figure over the stairs.


He worships the god who stood beside him.


And weary man kneeling before them.


Kim’s eyes began to shake strongly.


Despair rose up like a water fog.


“I… I substitute… ? ”


At that moment, Kim Sungchul was Bertelgia, who held onto reality.


“What are you doing ?! Get up! ”


Bertelgia sought desperately to shake his mind as he stabbed him to the edge of the book.


“Get your spirits! What are you doing in front of the enemy? ”


Bertelgia was not shrunk at all in the face of an orderly kneeling man.


Bertelgia’s desperate effort allowed him to return to Kim Sungchul’s reality.


“…. It’s like a vain delusion for a while. ”


But nothing has changed.


The Order Letter still stood before Kim Sung-chul.


[I saw the skill of the temple warrior Sidmia, and then down to Brutusus. Indeed, the dance suits the tools of God. But the poor instrument of the dead god cannot break my order. ]


The order was speaking.


Innumerable swords appeared in the shadow of that incomparable being.


Beautiful swords with swords that are as clear and shiny as mirrors stayed in the sky for a while and then began to rain on Kim Seong-chul.


[I will destroy the last hope of the multitudes who kill you, the instrument of God, and dream only of vanity destruction. That’s why I personally descend from this world. ]


Kim Sungchul thought.


This is not a battle, but a judgment.


By the one who calls God.


Kim Sungchul He quietly muttered as he saw the countless pouring swords.


A cool voice as always.


But Bertelgia could know. What is Kim Seong-cheol trying to do?


Kim Sungchul Wrapped Bertelgia off his ascendant’s left hand. The ascender’s hand was transformed to fit Bertelgia’s body and wrapped around her.


Bertelgia rebelled violently and spoke in a pathetic voice.


Kim Sungchul He held a faint smile while holding Bertelgia with both hands.


“Survive. You are. ”


“I don’t like it! No! ”


Kim Sungchul With divine power in his arm, he threw Bertelgia to the human camp.


Bertelgia’s pathetic scream fades away. And in that vacancy began countless rain of countless swords.


Kim Sungchul faced an orderly attack with an arm garaz in one hand and a crumb buoy in the other.


“Oh, look, this is where we will die today?”


Krumbu said, watching the terrible situation.


Kim Sungchul caught the crumbs with a smile.


“I feel lonely to go alone.”


“You are a desolate master. Well, let’s have a look at this place. With that goddamn sword! ”


Kim Sungchul flew fiercely in the rain of judgment.


A myriad of falling blacks approached the feet of the gears of order and tried to harm the sacred body covered with brilliance.


All living men watched a man who breathed his breath and fiercely resisted a being called God.


No one dared to interrupt.


Savage and Kim Sung-chul’s allies.


God’s judgment is like that.


However, Kim Sungchul gradually began to wither in the rain and light curtain of countless swords.


Numerous swords drew his body and wounded big and small wounds, and the hazy rain that deprived him of power was sucking up his energy as well as his former.


Kim Sungchul shed his light with all his energy, but was absorbed and disappeared by the light curtain of the brighter ordered body.


Hope was fading away.


[Repent! Pay the price of blasphemy against the Order itself! ]


Countless swords changed the flow.


The swords that had only fallen from top to bottom changed the movement and flew toward Kim Seong-chul from all sides.


Kim Sungchul faced fierce in an unbearable offensive, but that was the end.


The sword penetrated his abdomen.


At that moment I could hear Kim Sungchul.


Cruel laughter echoed from within.


Red blood spilled out of his mouth. But that was just the beginning. Dozens of swords penetrated Kim’s body in succession. Soul engraved to temporarily inflate the body, but it was only a result of making more room for the sword.


My eyes began to darken.


Death was coming.


[That’s it. God’s tool. ]


In a dim ritual Kim Sungchul saw a whitish spirit with a sword in the light.


‘Is that the body of order…? ? ”


If I had known it before, how could I have done it?


That was Kim’s last thought.


Until the end, he was a warrior who thought only of battle.


It was time for the Order Letter to make the final blow.


The whitish new type of order fluttered.


He stopped with a sword.


Order was only discovered.


A black energy is emerging from Kim’s body covered with blood and the shadow of death.


The black light, which devours and destroys everything, has devoured even the holy light which is coming from the body of order.


A huge new type of order shouted.


[Is this the power of a dead god? Was this the identity of the instrument of God? ]


The black energy is still scrambled around the wounds of Kim Sung-chul.


The whitish form of the letter of the order rushed out urgently.


To some extent embarrassing.


Then, dozens of swords that penetrated Kim Seong-chul were pulled together. Kim Seong-chul’s new type squirmed a lot of blood in the place where the sword was drawn.


Healing light wrapped Kim Sung-chul.


Kim Sung-cheol’s wounds, which came to death, were incredibly quickly and completely healed.


The black energy that flowed out of Kim Seong-chul’s body in the rising new year gradually disappeared after being sealed.


Only then did the order speak in relief.


[Kunkido Chaos God! Bastard like this evil snake. How dare you, the god of this world, open the box of destruction! Had I moved a little rashly, I almost pushed this world to ruin with my hands. ]


On the other hand, the beat of the heart of the ancient gods was decreasing. The boundary between the blurred reality and the transcendence world was returning.


The orderly letter stared at the fallen Kim Sung Chul and spoke in a low voice.


[My lords, Take this dangerous tool! No injury should be done! Keep it as it is. After I figure out how to handle this tool, I will give you orders again. ]


The Order returned and walked into the air.


The holy light shining on the battlefield disappeared, and the giant god disappeared like a lie.


On the battlefield where God disappeared, those who were abandoned and chosen by the god they believed remained.


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