105. Inviters in an Empty House (2)


A muddy piercing sound comes from afar.


It was the sound of barbarians pounding the city with catapults from early dawn.


However, the sound was attenuated by the sound of another heartbeat, the heart of the ancient gods.


The capital of the human empire. Throughout LaGranje, a defense was established using the power of the heart of the ancient gods.


Nothing could penetrate beyond that boundary.


Only authorized public good could escape outside the city in the moment when darkness and enchantment disappeared.


There were many people in the harbor.


The nobles and codes of prestigious noblemen, who had once offered them, had been burial from dawn to ride in the air to leave the city.


Luckily, those who boarded the line could see those looking with envy and jealous eyes.


“Me too, take me too! Please! ”


An ascendant colleague screamed bitterly as a man hung on a railing.


The crew spit on the floor, lifted up the axe, and took their hands with the ax bag.


The hard-working smugglers plummeted under the ground.


Claris stood on the deck and looked at the falling man and the moving away system.


The old man, who was left alone in the mansion, shook his hands as he looked at the common line leaving the system with a satisfied face.


“You must live well. Claris. Up to the share of this filthy grandmother. ”


After being called the enemy of the world, it has been a month since the warriors who were worshiped as guardians of mankind fell to order.


The situation was hopeless.


The Allied forces abandoned the city and backed far away, and the remaining Lagranje was surrounded by an army of sixty thousand barbarians.


Without the power of the heart of the ancient gods, the city would have already been captured by the barbarians and devastated.


But the limits were coming to Lagrange.


The food to support hundreds of thousands of citizens and refugees is bottoming out, and the soldiers who will defend the city are increasingly being consumed and reduced in combat.


Meanwhile, in the east, rumors of death that were heard only by rumors appeared. Although only a few have yet been revealed, the citizens of LaGranje could see a creepy view of the entire eastern horizon as the morning sun rose.


At the moment when everything was ruined, there was an ordinary day unfolding in another place that had nothing to do with the destruction of the world.


It was one of the empty homes abandoned in the upper section of Lagrange. It has been a long time since no one was haunted by rumors that a ghost lives in the house where the owner had already left before the war and no one lived.


But the house has a serious owner.


It is a book. The book was guarded around the house with a few small golems.


Meanwhile, there was another book in the house.


“I’ll be looking outside for a while. Stay still. Do nothing. ”


49 spoke coldly to Bertelgia.


Bertelgia leaned over and said nothing.


“Would you have to answer if you knew?”


When the 49 shouted cold, Bertelgia responded with trembling.


“I see. You are my sister. ”


“The… . What? Don’t speak straight! ”


No. 49 sharply asked in a sharp voice.


Bertelgia responded with a drooping body.


“I see. uh… Sister! ”


Vertelgia trembled lightly at the end of the horse as if she was resentful to say.


“Yes. I’m looking at the house. This spy will take quite a while. The counter. ”


The 49 disappeared leaving the words.


Probably will not return for a week.


Only 49 could know where it went.


Bertelgia mumbled for a while, looking in the direction of No. 49 disappearing.


“Who are you looking at ?! On the subject that he is on. Don’t be afraid to fight well! ”


On the outside corridor of the door, there were occasional squeaks of small golems.


Bertelgia sighed and looked back.


A man was lying in bed with his eyes closed.


The identity of the company is none other than Kim Sung-chul.


A month after the fatal wound to the Order, he had not yet opened his eyes.


Bertelgia leaned over his kettle.


The water in the kettle is moistened with a chisel of cotton swabs underneath.


Bertelgia lifted the cotton swab delicately to the bookshelf and then headed for Kim Seong-cheol, who was lying in bed.


Bertelgia took the tip of a swab soaked delicately around Kim’s lips and spilled water into his mouth.


A drop of water flowed out of the tip of the lips and took a ball to wet the pillow. The Bertegia sighed.


“Why can’t you happen? I breathe, my body is warm and there are no wounds! Get up quickly and confuse me with a mockery! ”


Bertelgia struck Kim Seong-chul on his cheek as a bookshelf. He closed his eyes and showed no reaction.


Shake and poke even at the edge, there is no fine motion.


“Get up! How long will you sleep! ”


Bertelgia reduced the size of his resigned body and went into his inner pocket.


The reason I chose it was because it was warm, but it was the only space that informed him that he was alive.


Powerful beats as always come to her.


By the way, the heartbeat is different than usual.


Kim Seong-chul made a faint moan while frowning. Do you have nightmares? I’ve often had nightmares lately. Bertelgia considered himself infinitely helpless at that time.


But today’s nightmares seemed terrible than usual. Beating sound changes. With the beat that Bertelgia knows.


“This is. It’s difficult. Sister 49! Where are you! If you do, reveal yourself! ”


Bertelgia fled out of his pocket and found 49 in a pathetic voice. But no one answered her call.


“It’s really dangerous! Get up quickly and see how! Sister 49! No crush !!!! ”


No matter how loudly, No. 49 did not appear.


‘It’s a big deal. This is it! ”


He stood at the crossroads of destiny.


Solitude is like a dry desert.


Long solitude dries a person’s heart.


Only strong people can survive in the desert.


But Kim Sungchul was not strong.


He was neither as great nor as good as he thought.


Those who were regarded as friends were fingered and cursed by those who knew his name.


Kim Sungchul began to fade in a land of ice and fire, a desolate land in the devil’s land.


Rise Haimer gave me a powerful reward for the enlightenment and achievement of a great feat, but he could not be a cure for his heart that began to dry up.


A year passed and another year passed.


Kim Sungchul thought about when he last talked with others in a desolate landscape.


For a while, self-talk increased. Especially when he cooked, he became talkative. But as the unanswered murmur increased, he felt a strong urge.


The urge to give up everything and go back.


Kim Seong-cheol said like a habit.


He is not a hero.


Mouth is not humble.


He finally learned that he was, after all, a painful experience that he was an ordinary person.


Unfortunate life, the outward appearance, and the barriers that he built, made him appear to be a man who goes with solitude. He was more anxious than anyone.


But unsolvable loneliness eventually took him there.


The shepherd western mountains. To the stairway to the god hidden deep inside.


Walking along the stairs, Kim Sungchul saw many things.


First thought it was hallucinations and later thought it was a ghost.


Kim Sungchul was wondering if the soul of the dead stayed, especially when Cryprid, who had taken a fellow and beloved woman from the old arena, was in the middle of the stairs.


“Hey. friend. Are you here to die? ”


Kim Sungchul It was nice to see the dead walking. Kim Sungchul He said to him, but Crickfrid disappeared into the air for a while, as if he hadn’t heard.


Kim Sungchul climbed the stairs again.


Kim Sungchul As he climbed the stairs, many people appeared and disappeared before him in the form of a welcome.


Inside was the face of his parents who had already died in another world. Faces are madly missed, but now they are blurred and cannot even be outlined.


Kim Sungchul Beyond them finally reached the end of the stairs.


At the end of the stairs, Kim Sungchul saw an infinite universe of space and a sea of ​​innumerable stars.


Kim Sungchul thought in the infinite that seems to be sucked. This little life seemed to have nothing to do with dying.


At that time, a voice that sounded good and soft, but felt wicked and terrible, rang from the side.


[Your heart is desolate. Poor human, nothing left. What are you here to look for? ]


Kim Sungchul saw an overwhelming figure standing next to the infinite universe. Kim Sungchul was thrilled. But when he saw something else beside him that he could not see naturally, Kim Sungchul could feel.


Since then, several conversations have taken place between Kim Seong-chul and the prophet next to God. It wasn’t all that important.


The important thing happened after that.


[An instrumental mortal. You are tormented by its weight, choosing a fate that does not fit into a fountain. I see everything in my eyes Your future will be lonesome in the loneliness that is forsaken and betrayed by everyone. ]


The man standing next to God shouted with mockery and showed in the form of a vision the terrible future he would face in the eyes of Kim Sung-chul.


Kim Sungchul knelt with his head wrapped. A sad fever echoed in God’s space for a while.


[Your destiny is difficult to bear as a human being. Perhaps even if you have power, you will eventually be hurt by the weight of destiny. But Kim Seong-chul. There is no way. ]


The man next to the god said.


Kim Seong-chul shouted earnestly, shouting his eyes.


“What is it? That is how it is. ”


The man standing next to God replied with a smile—at least in Kim Seong-chul’s eyes.


[A tool does not need to think or judge itself. It is an object that exists only for the purpose. Like the clothes you wear, the knife you use. Of course, God also has tools. ]


The man standing next to the god turned his head toward the sacred god who fell asleep in his deep sleep.


[God’s purpose and your purpose cannot be the same. But what if there is a slight match? Unhappy one from another world. Isn’t it worth walking once? ]


There is no reason to refuse.


Kim Sungchul nodded.


The next moment Kim Sungchul felt something was missing.


[Lucky and charm. It’s a shame to tools. Instead, I will give you the power to calm the mortal world. Isn’t it fair? ]


Kim Sungchul felt. The powerful power flows into your body that you have never felt before.


As if divine power.


But the power soon disappeared.


The man next to the god said.


[There is no free world. Accept one condition if you want to gain the invincible power you felt. ]


He offered a cross of covenant to Kim Sung Chul.


[Yes, you are accepting it. Whatever is inside it, you take it all and put it in your heart. ]


Kim Sungchul was handed the cross of the covenant.


A few sentences came to my mind, but he did not see them.


Instead, he tried to put it into his heart without any hesitation.


But just before the cross of the covenant penetrated his heart, all of a sudden his body stopped.


There was something in front of Kim Seong-chul’s eyes.


It was a steel wheel that floats above the air.


A symbol of questioning that appeared without any causality.


But when I saw the wheel, I could see Kim Sungchul.


Now he’s hallucinating.


At that time, a sneaky voice rang out of consciousness.


[The soul of steel. You got something bothersome. But with the soul of steel, you can resist your destiny. As the stigma engraved in your heart proves you’ve finally chosen to be a tool. Stop fixing broken tools. ]


The next moment, Kim’s consciousness was blurred.


When he woke again, he stood alone in a barren wilderness.


The same dream was about to be repeated.


But it is hard to stand anymore.


His will power was showing its bottom in repeated nightmares.


In the pain, Kim Sungchul slowly felt the inner black giant’s eyes open.


‘Anyone can do it. Help me Whatever cost you, bring me out of this hell. ! ‘


I know that no one will come.


He was always alone and abandoned by all.


But sometimes he too looks forward to it.


Time will solve whether it is in vain or not.


The dog is a deliberate chase.


She stood in front of an abandoned mansion in District 2.


“Kim Sung-chul, the enemy of the world. I finally found it. ”


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