106. Tools and Humans (1)


The darkest moment of the day is before the unknown. This world was eroded by such darkness.


But I learned something. A breathtaking silence that is more scary than darkness is the true owner of this bleak earth.


In the dark and the silence of eternity, anything was said on purpose.


If you don’t, you will feel the fear that nothing will ever be swept away by this void.


“What is it? That’s his dream. ”


From behind I heard a familiar girl’s voice.


The dog looked back, welcoming.


There was a surprisingly cute girl looking up herself with wide open eyes.


‘What is this face? Are you a girl? No, I’m too young for a lady. ‘


Seeing with a surprised face, Bertelgia grinned and chuckled with both thumbs.


“This is the book you were hugging. This is what I saw. What. I understand that I was so surprised. The title of the queen bee does not have anyone. ”


One dog finally realized that this girl was a book that guided her to the world.


‘What. This guy. I can’t afford it even in this situation. ‘


Bertelgia stretched her hand toward the mud standing on her head, grasping her hand, and frowned slightly on the fine Ami.


“I don’t have time to be empty. I need to get this man out of here quickly. Otherwise the world is over. ”


It is unbelievable calm and coldness that is incredible as the owner of the cute and ugly appearance.


Even the one who has broken through all hell has no idea what to do in the face of this absolute void.


Bertelgia took her hand and dragged it forward.


“Where are you going?”


The dog volunteered to Bertelgia and asked in a small voice.


Bertelgia also did not know where to go.


“Better than being still?”


Bertelgia stepped forward blindly.


I didn’t know anything about where to go or what to look for, but with a desperate intention that I had to hit even more than stay still.


How long did you walk?


Bertelgia found a whitish ruin beyond dark space.


“Over there! There is something! ”


The two stepped faster.


Finally, the two of them arrived in front of a house.


The house was more familiar to Anyone than Bertelgia.


The house looked like an old residential house that was common in the real world, not in any other land, but in any country.


“Cloudy. It’s a strange house. I have never seen this type of house. It’s not good looking, except something that looks hard. ”


Bertelgia stood at the door and said appreciation.


“This is the home of that world. It’s a bit old too. ”


A dog looked at the nameplate on the door. Unable to read Chinese characters, she could recognize Kim’s last name.


‘Kim’s house. Maybe this is Kim Seong-chul’s old house. ‘


The dog walked to the firmly closed gate and pushed the door.


The door is tightly closed.


It is frustrating. In the world of dreams, her power was no different from ordinary women. Therefore, it is impossible to penetrate walls or jump over walls.


The eye catches something nice to the eyes of the dog was in trouble for a while.


She touched the doorbell with the eyes of Bertelgia, who opened her eyes and watched her.


A very rustic electronic sound rang.


Bertelgia screamed startled.


“It’s a doorbell.”


“Doorbell? What did it work for? Magic? Alchemy? ”


“It’s the technology of our world.”


When I was talking about that, I heard a squeaking sound from the gate. The door is open.


The story is that there is someone in this house.


‘Kim Sungchul must be inside.’


Amughan and Bertelgia entered the open door.


A very narrow garden with mostly concrete blocks on the walls appeared.


In the garden, there was a chaotic faucet with a red basin, a faucet with a knife cut in the middle, and an old rusted bench press.


Bertelgia found a familiar object among them. A bath duck made of cheap synthetic resin.


“Did the Oaks make it? I didn’t make it. ”


A dog stood in the garden and looked around the house.


’90s? Maybe it’s a house you’d expect in the ’80s.’


Any dog ​​and Bertelgia who passed through the garden stood at the front door leading to the porch.


The front door was fortunately open.


When I opened the door, the scene of the faded house with the old smell was revealed.


There was a small seal in the narrow hallway.


Bertelgia knew at a glance that she was looking for her tease.


She shook her hand towards the black shadows and spoke in a clear voice.


“Hey! Brother! What are you doing there ?! Rejuvenation should be moderate! ”


Bertelgia listened to the black shadow and turned his head. The dog and Bertelgia stiffened their bodies.


There was nothing in place of the boy’s face. The faceless figure glanced at the intruder and walked down the narrow hallway into the room.


The dog asked in a slightly tired voice.


“You have no choice but to follow!”


Bertelgia took the lead in biting it.


Bertelgia, who arrived before the visit, stared at the dog standing far and wide.


“What are you doing? Are you not coming? ”


“I don’t need to go?”


“No, you should come too!”


Bertelgia’s decisive attitude, with a sigh, stood at the door with Bertelgia.


‘What does this mean?’


I thought so, Bertelgia grabbed the doorknob and opened it up.


It was an ordinary home.


But the household appliances in them were much older than those of any age.


‘Crown? It’s probably in the museum. ‘


Soon the dog could find a faceless boy squatting in front of the TV and watching the broadcast.


What do you see?


Someone wondered and moved his eyes to the screen.


In the CRT of analog TV, news footage was being broadcast. It was a tragic story that a car with a couple slipped in the rain, got a telephone pole and died.


But on TV, only the news came out repeatedly. There was no other content. The voice of the announcer who repeated the death of others and the faceless boy who watched the news without a sibling made me feel a terrible fear.


‘There are all these places.’


The dog wanted to get out of here quickly. The more he seemed to fall into a nightmare.


“There it is. Living Book. ”


It was time for dogs to open their mouths.


Bertelgia rested his mouth with his finger, restraining his mouth with one arm.


A faceless boy woke up watching the news. Where are you going to go?


The boy passed Bertelgia and nothing and headed for the hallway. Bertelgia nodded toward Anydog and followed the boy.


The scenery changed when I left the door.


It was a funeral scene.


In front of the shrine with burning incense, the sorrow of sorrow was soaked with serene sorrow.


A totally opposite atmosphere.


The boy without a face was sitting alone in front of the silent shrine, watching the faceless men drinking and talking in vacant places.


The faceless masses soon stopped talking and walked to the boy sitting alone in unison. An ominous shadow was cast over the length of the boy’s instep.


The boy woke up and fled from them. Bertelgia pulled her arm and began to run.


Behind the scenes, the dark shadowed heroes walked slowly and chased after the boy.


Anyone could hear the horrifying voices of the heroes coming from behind him.


“Sung Chul Ah. Let’s go to my uncle’s house. I will take good care of my uncle. ”


“What sounds. I have to go to my aunt’s house. Doesn’t she like the pork cutlet I made? ”


A voice engulfed with pure malice and greed.


The dog felt creepy on the spine.


‘What. this person. What kind of life have you lived? ‘


Out of the funeral, the landscape changed again.


Boys in school uniform and short haircuts surrounded the faceless boy.


“No babies!”


“Don’t be shy in our class!”


The boys were verbally speaking to the boys without faces. Too much verbal abuse.


Bertelgia was a cold sunken eye watching the faceless boy change.


The white flames began to burn on the boy’s chest, silently listening to his rant.


Flames bloomed in despair and hatred.


The ominous white flame that rose from the heart quickly spread and burned the boy’s whole body.


A boy in flames squeezed out his hand, and the other boys who scorned disappeared, and at the same time the landscape of Bertelgia and the school in front of the dog disappeared.


The landscape changed to a factory full of machine tools. The smell of fish smells on my nose.


There, the boy without a face was still making something by operating a press machine silently, wrapped in white flames.


Some people approached him with their hands in their pockets.


“What about real money? Would you lend me a little? We are friends It’s not years. Please help me as I think I’ll save a friend. What? ”


The man, who was begging with a ravenous voice, was suddenly engulfed by white flames and turned to ashes. The flames were absorbed by the young man without a face and multiplied by the young man.


Similar humans appeared and disappeared over and over again.


They leaned on recognition and loyalty and asked for something from a young man without a face.


Seeing the repeated scene, Bertelgia thought inside.


‘It’s showing. What kind of life he has lived. ‘


The young man without the face was Kim Seong-chul, as her guess was.


It was a pre-destined tragedy that was placed before the man who had burned himself up with hatred.


The fate of a candle is determined by the length of the wick.


No matter how many candles remain, if the wick runs out to hold the candle, the flame will eventually go out.


The flames of a young man without a face went out quickly.


In the end, he dies lonely in a crowd, losing everything in a thriving nightlife.


That is the life before Kim Seong-chul came to this world.


It was a short impression of the dog.


I have seen a number of mourning people in the Summon Square, but I have never seen anyone who has been miserably killed in solitude.


‘You’ve been betrayed, abandoned, and have had such terrible experiences.’


Bertelgia apparently knew now.


When he first met Kim, he felt he was more of a golem-like mechanism than a human.


A narrow corridor appeared in front of Bertelgia and Mt.


The corridor was endlessly stretched unlike before.


The two walked along the hall without a word.


There were numerous doors.


Bertelgia opened one of them for testing.


Behind the door was a landscape of arena.


Being alive in front of Kim Seong-cheol, who was hurting and breathing all over his body, a number of enemies approached him with a grin.


Bertelgia hurriedly closed. It wasn’t her memory, but she could feel it vivid. Fear, despair and thorough solitude that Kim felt at that time.


But soon after closing the door, Bertelgia’s eyes had a rather determined light.


Bertelgia walked forward with a stride, and nothing followed her.


Many doors in a narrow hallway.


It was a place where some of Kim Seong-chul’s memories were kept.


There weren’t many good memories.


Even at the end, betrayal results.


In the most recently built, clean door, Bertelgia was able to see a faceless man staring at the scenes of the Rise Haimer and Cryia family who are happily spending time.


The faceless man who turned back after feeling Bertelgia did not say anything but seemed to say.


[What am I living for? ]


The man disappeared as ashes piled up in white flames in a thick vanity.


Wretched and miserable memories.


But Bertelgia’s heart grew stronger.


‘You’re Yongke. In this terrible memory. ‘


Bertelgia squeezed two small fists.


The will to save the unfortunate man shook his heart hotly.


The end of the corridor seemed to end soon.


But at the end of the hallway, Bertelgia could find a door that was completely separate from the other doors in the hallway.


It was a door bound with numerous locks and chains.


What are you hiding?


The first door closed in a long hallway.


Bertelgia felt a strong curiosity, but voices from across the hall turned her attention towards him.


A voice was heard from the hallway that was difficult to disobey.


“Okay, answer me. Sungchul Kim. What is your will? ”


The next moment, another voice resonated across the hall.


“…. I will be a tool of God. ”


Bertelgia’s chest fell down.


The voice heard from the stairs.


It was Kim Sung Chul’s voice.


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