108. The Return of Warriors (3)


The craftsmen were provided with a set of clothes in vivid colorful colors.


The officer in charge of the chemicals guided them to the conference room where the World Congress meeting was held.


“I will open this place to you for your work. Familiarize yourself with the scenery of the conference room beforehand. Perhaps a coronation for one king will be held there. ”


The potters fought fiercely to find a good composition, which was terribly busy leaving officials.


Already, there was a painter who draws a rough boardroom scenery on paper. If the previous test was a selection, now is the real fight of the painters.


Of course Kim Sungchul is not interested in the direction of the fight. He noticed and walked around in the conference room. He started his own fight.


Kim Sungchul It was not difficult to find that many of the soldiers guarding the World Congress were from local empires and rich islands that turned their backs on the emperor.


The dwarves, elves, and soldiers of the ancient kingdom, though few, were largely responsible for the guarding of their kings and nobles.


On the other hand, the apocalyptic hordes were not seen in the corridors, but there were lodgings in the areas strictly controlled by the soldiers. Kim Sungchul couldn’t get inside.


On the way back to the meeting room, I could see a face I knew in the hallway of Kim Sungchul.


Dmitry Medioff.


The man, known as the emperor’s barrel and emperor’s servant, was walking firmly in the hallway of the World Congress. It is followed by dozens of attendants.


His arrogance was not much different from what he saw in the golden city of old.


It’s strange. The emperor’s already lost strength acts so proudly in the World Congress.


In the evening, an officer in charge appeared, taking the potters out of the fort and leading them to the shabby building, which appears to be a material warehouse.


“Unfortunately, there is not enough room for you in the city. Instead, we have a simple accommodation and we hope you will spend the night here. Of course, you can stay there if you have other accommodation or well-placed people. But don’t forget to wait in front of this hostel until tomorrow morning. ”


Most of the artists looked around the hostel once and returned to theirs without regret. The lodgings for the chemical industry were not only livestock but stables with only a pile of straw.


Kim Sungchul entered the hostel without regret and undressed. In addition to Kim Sung-chul, about two artists were taken care of.


Kim Sungchul took off his clothes and went to a pub where people gathered to gather information.


There he received information that many of the emperor’s figures had left him in turn, tired of the barbarian’s long siege, the emperor’s unknown heresy, and his own isolation.


In particular, Dmitry Medioff, who claimed to be the emperor’s right arm, persuaded the commanders of three fleets, more than half of the remaining fleets, to be attached to the chromium side.


Kim Sungchul An imperial fleet with a tarp over the marina of a public ship could be seen.


It was decisive evidence that an army of emperors was present in the midst of all the patriarchal turns.


Kim Sungchul Blows a whistle made of coral in a rare vacant lot.


Whistles do not sound even when blown into the mouth.


However, the sound is accurately conveyed to only one person.


Soon a dog appeared behind Kim Sung Chul.


“You have also infiltrated the castle.”


Honestly said, mixed with admiration.


I was watching. The scene where Kim Seong-chul is selected as a chemical.


Kim Sungchul Speaks straightforwardly.


“Dmitri Medioff and his fleet betrayed the emperor. But it’s funny. The army doesn’t like Dmitry Medioff very much. ”


Although he was the commander of the 1st Fleet, Dmitry Medioff was more of a civilian than a traditional soldier.


Ahn replied that it was a distinctive clear voice.


“A lot of imperial soldiers turned their backs when the emperor ordered a retreat without saving you. Dmitry Medioff just took advantage of their complaints. ”


“Is Deditree Medioff Now on the Wandering King?”


Nod nodded.


“Not only that. Personnel from all walks of life have already been captured by the Wandering King and have their masters support the Wandering King. One of them is Erporus, the elven prince’s back. ”


“Why does the apocalyptic denomination support the Wandering King?”


“…. I don’t know that. ”


Kim Sungchul I remember.


Confrontation between Rise Haimer of the Floating Islands and Sarasa Zero of the Doomsday during the dwarven court.


The two forces never seemed the same on the battle alone. But the fight may also be the director of the wandering king.


Moreover, the emperor said they were the same gang who served the same owner, Cromgald.


There is no way yet to confirm the authenticity of the horse.


There is cardiac disease, but no physical evidence.


The dog looked around with a keen eye.


Soon she lifted her head up.


A gryphon carrying a wizard was flying in the sky.


Kim Sungchul The magician on the Gryphon was able to see the magic of hearing.


It is collecting information from a distant place.


Ignoring this and saying nothing to gossip about the world council will immediately be favored by the soldiers who have been caught.


Griffon, carrying a suspicious sorcerer, passed by and opened his mouth again.


“I have something to show you.”


She walked silently in the dark with her cat-like movement.


Kim Sungchul followed her without asking.


Soon she moved to a stone building away from the fortress.


A fortress that supports the fortress.


Several soldiers were guarded, but not as vigilant as the original.


Two transcendental men were able to lightly penetrate the border and reach the entrance of the building.


Kim Sungchul was able to smell the death from the entrance.


Any dog ​​was diligently releasing his boundary bounds in front of his eyes. It is a unique technology of the rogue class that Kim cannot do.


Any dog ​​who lifted the boundary boundary took the lead in the dark. The stairs going down to the basement stretched endlessly.


As he descended the stairs, Kim Sungchul was able to hear a painful moan with a deeper smell of death.


Kim Sungchul said softly stroking Bertelgia.


“Close your eyes, because you can see the nails.”


As expected, the building itself was a huge torture chamber and execution.


There were terrible tortured and dying people all over the basement cell, and it was easy to find piles of piles of piled up piles.


“Thousands are trapped here. More than 200 people die each day. But few know about the existence of this torture chamber. ”


The dog said, flashing eyes in the dark.


“Who is it?”


asked Kim. His voice and voice had a slight rage.


“It happened in the name of the World Congress.”


The discomfort came to Kim Seong-chul’s face.


“I never instructed this.”


“Do you remember the fact that the chrome gale took power after you left? This is the result. ”


As she said.


Advisors and guards, wizards to assist them.


They are all of the ancestors of the former human empire, or Luteginia.


“Why are you doing this?”


Kim Sungchul I felt intense anger as I watched their atrocities.


“Nominally their sins are intimate with the enemy. But when they know the reality, they have only one sin. ”


“Sin Condemning the Wandering King.”


Kim’s face was heavy.


“But not only that.”


The dog passed through the torture chamber and headed deep inside the detached house. I still had something to show.


“The true purpose of this facility is not just to punish the slanderers.”


Blue eyes were flashing in the dark.


Salvationmen stand guard at the crossroads.


“I will draw attention. If that monster goes away, go straight. I will follow you soon. ”


The dog used the power of burnout to break through inward, making some noise and drawing the attention of the salvation soldier.


Kim Sungchul quickly broke through the spot while the Goo went to catch the dog. Anyone quickly joined Kim Sung-chul.


At the end of the hallway was a half-opened iron gate.


Behind the iron gate was a terrible dense smell of dead body.


Kim Sungchul opened the iron gate silently and went inside.


Inside he was filled with gruesomely damaged bodies.


Kim Sungchul was seen in a room full of bloody smells. The shape of the golem created by the body.


They were enclosed in a bath of blue liquid with black debris.


Kim Sungchul At first glance, the purpose of the facility was identified.


A facility for the manufacture of salvage bottles.


The carcass golem, which is made up of carcasses, is converted to salvation through a special tool using black debris. Any dog ​​said, staring at the gruesome scene with cold eyes.


“Chromgald is transforming his detractors into his most loyal soldiers.”


“…. That’s the Luteginian way. ”


It was a long time indeed.


The wrath of the pure empire of evil, called the Divine Luteginea Kingdom.


After a long period of time they had forgotten for a while, but they were originally of this kind.


Humans do not change easily.


Kim Seong-cheol and Amu-ga came out of the fortress, leaving behind a terrible scene.


A dog said under the moonlit night sky.


“In history I know the Wandering King is a wonderful person. He was known as a fighter who fought against disaster until the end. I knew that too. But the history I knew is different from the real history. ”


She talked up to that point, glanced at Kim Seong-cheol and laughed.


“Well, you are the one who made the choice that goes against history.”


Kim Sungchul Reminded me of what dogs had told him before. He stared at the pale moon.


“Did you tell me the choices you would make before?”


The dog nodded powerlessly.


“Of course, you have made a choice not to choose anything.”


A sigh came out of the mouth of the dog.


Suddenly Kim Sungchul I felt like asking anyone who he chose at the time, but I didn’t ask.


Because the future seen by the regressor will not be repeated.


It is he who creates the future.


“…. But soon you will have a choice. ”


Kim Sung-chul said in a low voice.


‘I’m sorry, but please bear with me for one day’


Kim Sungchul left with a heavy heart in front of a building full of pain and death.


Chemicals were urgently called.


“From now on you will be drawing a picture. Let’s all do our best and draw the ideal king! As I have said before, I will offer the privilege of bringing my family to the rich army for those who paint the best paintings. ”


Ten-year-old chemicals were taken to the meeting room of the Fortress.


One of them, Kim Sungchul, limped the bridge to capture the scenery of the conference room.


Elders such as Arcanite, Prince of Elves, Dinecraft, and Dmitry Medioff sat in their seats with their respective servants.


Dmitry Medioff was given the title of asylum government in the empire.


A crowd of black robes stood in the dark corner of the conference room.


A group of apocalyptic denominations.


Kim Sungchul found a very familiar face among them.


Deputy Patriarch of the Apocalypse.


The man who had been searching for him finally appeared again before Kim Sung-chul.


The meeting of the World Congress began with a majestic trumpet sound. The presiding officer of the meeting was Arcanite. However, his face showed signs of dislike.


“Well, from now on, I will begin the appointment of a king for the resolution of the plague, which is the agenda of the World Congress.”


He spoke in a dry voice, as if he were reading a book.


In response, the prosecution of the pro-Chromgard side’s squad was evident. They implicitly or passively expressed an unpleasant sign of Arkanite’s reckless attitude.


In particular, Dmitry Medioff, who represents the human empire, raised his hand and even struck Arkanite by hand.


“You look sick, how about taking a break if you’re tired? I may be able to do it for you. ”


Arcanite stared at Dmitry Medioff with an eye-catching eye. But he is not holding the hilt of the World Congress.


He stopped his anger at the right line and moved.


“You can be a master, but what else can you do? You do it. I’ll be watching and watching from behind. ”


In spite of the thorny remarks, the opposing rebels and the former human empire rebels violently resisted, but Dmitry Medioff, who was greedy, walked to the top of Arkanite with a gentle smile.


The council of the world council now occupies the betrayer of the master army, not the king or lord.


Kim Sungchul At the edge of the meeting room, he stared at a man wearing an invisible helmet.


He was standing there without talking.


He would not have to say.


Enthusiastic supporters will represent his position without having to open his mouth.


But not everyone supports chromegard. Arkanite, who moved from the top to the horses, glanced at Dinecraft, with his narrow eyes, told Dmitri Medioff.


“By the way, do you know that the traditional way of voting in the World Congress is unanimous?”


Dmitry Medioff nodded.


Dinecraft boomed! His arms folded firmly. The advocate of never compromising his face, of course, came out from the whole body.


“As I said before, I won’t take any action until I get back Arm Garaz!”


Dinecraft spoke in a stubborn voice reminiscent of old trees.


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