Aside from Kim’s astonishment, his attacks continued.


Arm Karaz struck again the rock that appeared in the sky.


Another debris baptism was poured into the kokeshi and the Bertelgia type.


Defensive techniques were laid out in front of the Bertelgia type, but some of them could not be held, crushed, shattered, and laid on the ground.


Transcendental sense of dying girl’s voice told Kim Sung-chul.


[Sick, so painful! ]


[Sorry. I couldn’t protect you. ]


The same voice as Bertelgia.


It was confirmed with this.


The battle-type Bertelgia type is not much different from Bertelgia, which Kim Sung Chul knows.


Nevertheless, Kim Sungchul did not stop the attack.


Otherwise he will suffer.


The moment Kim Sung-chul is faced, the world ends.


Kim Sungchul must fight even if the world is not destroyed.


Chain Lightning emanates a distant Bertelgia from its fingertips.


Unlike before, there is no sister to protect.


A beast-like lightning strikes wildly between the defenseless Bertelgia types, causing ruthless damage.


One Bertelgia type fell to the ground, burning black.


The next moment, Kim Sungchul sees a shocking scene that shakes her pupils.


Something crawled out of the open bookshelf.


It was like the Bertelgia seen by Kim Sung-chul in the world of dreams.


But it was swallowed up by the fire of a bookshelf that had already started burning and melted away. Hidden in the blonde and white skin was a wood doll that crackled his chin in front of Kim Sung Chul.


[floating…]. . Hot! sister! Help me! ]


The kokeshi dolls reached out to the front and disappeared as ashes.


A bitter guilt fell like a frost on his heart.


The battle is not over yet.


Eckhart pretending to be a wood doll, stepped back and stiffened his chin.


[Bestiare! Vestiare! I only craved her and why did I not get anything! ]


A creepy light flashed from the eyes of a kokeshi doll.


The next moment, Kim Sungchul felt a cool sensation above her head.


He raised his head.


My eyebrows are squirming.


The sky was falling.


No, a mass of massive mass, even if it was part of the sky, was falling toward this side.


Eckhart’s woodcarvings have solidified the sky.


Kim Sungchul escaped the falling sky and fled to the safety zone at full speed. Following him five five Bertelgia types.


From the Bertelgia-type bookshelf, a flashing sword and a spear popped out, aiming for Kim’s back.


The ascendant’s hand grabbed the blade and threw it out with divine power.


The bookshelf hit the floor and shattered.


Every time one died, a voice was heard.


A black shadow was cast before Kim Sung-chul.


The sky, which has begun to fall, has already arrived.


Kim Sungchul I ran forward with my last strength.


The sky fell.


Kim Sungchul was able to escape from the crashing sky with a single car.


But Bertelgia’s type, chasing after him, disappeared as it was in the sky.


[Hi… . Everyone. ]


[excursion to the summer, I want to go again. ]


A bitter sound is heard.


Kim Seong-cheol’s eyes subsided.


He now looked at a wood doll with a few remaining Bertelgia types.


Kokeshi dolls no longer looked at Kim Sung-chul.


It was singing in an incomprehensible dance, in a courting stance with two hands twisted towards the silhouette of the Vestiare that he created.


[I am a genius alchemist, Eckhart. That handsome sword, Drago, beat me in front of me and begged his life. ]


Kokeshi dolls have gone crazy for a long time.


It is therefore pointless to guess the action.


Kim Sungchul walked toward the woodcarving with his arms. The surviving Bertelgia types roamed around as if protecting the kokeshi dolls.


But unlike the first attack did not come.


Kim Sungchul sensed the change of atmosphere and walked forward.


Kim Sungchul I approached the kokeshi to reach the arm garaz.


Bertelgia types finally blocked Kim Sung-chul.


The doll’s neck turned 180 degrees.


There was a drop of oil in the mad eye.


In time, the wooden dolls turned their bodies to match the direction of their necks and smiled with a creepy smile.


“Excuse me. It looks like you’ve had a bad look. Anyway, I continue the story from before. ”


The kokeshi doll spoke in the voice of Eckhart.


A character made of light came to mind before Kim’s eyes.


[1. Who are you? ] – Done


[2. How did you become an administrator? ]


[3. What did you do as an administrator? ]


[4. What are your goals as an administrator? ]


[5. Eckhart’s Secret? Hobbies]


Kim Sungchul took no choice this time.


Instead, he lifted and raised Arm Garaz.


A terrible blow struck the head of the doll and separated it from the body.


The kokeshi doll’s head was half-broken, bouncing like a ball under the ground, and then rolled toward Kim’s foot.


The rotating head stopped rotating in the direction of staring at Kim.


From the half-broken head, one eye was missing, and the other was hanging out of the eyeball hole with a spring suspended.


The protruding eyeball turned toward Kim Seong-chul.


And a bizarre voice echoed in the empty space.


“Upon this, one king… . To replace this god to you … . About manager who became old, book of popular name disaster Eckhart… . I’ll ask you some questions and give you a chance. ”


The kokeshi doll was repeating the story.


Kim Sungchul looked at it with careless eyes and trampled the head with a shoe.


The barely functioning head was not left in shape.


The Bertelgia types lost their owners and scattered into the air.


The doll that called Eckhart was destroyed, and now only Kim Sung-chul remains in this strange space.


There was a heavy sense of vanity.


Kim Sungchul I took a bottle out of the Soul Warehouse, pulled it out and left it.


I put down Kim Sungchul’s disease as I felt a strong fluid flowing into my esophagus that was likely to burn my stomach.


Another book appeared before him.


He looks exactly like Bertelgia.


When Kim Seong-cheol looked at the book, the book said it first.


“Please don’t misunderstand. I’m 55. ”


He was in the tower of the hermit.


The man who treated Bertelgia as a consumable item more than his life appeared again before Kim Sung-chul.


“I will open the way to my father.”


Number 55 opened the door terribly at the end of the talk.


Kim Sungchul I walked there without hesitation.


Whether it was a trap or not.


Now he felt like shattering anything.


Beyond the portal, there was a narrow, dark studio scene.


There was a desk.


It had the same shape and texture as the one before Eckhart’s woodcarving.


“My father is over there.”


55 said, looking forward.


But nothing is seen.


No, there is something.


Kim Sungchul I found a whitish figure in an old workshop.


It was neither a person nor a doll.


It painted on drawing paper but gave a feeling of line.


“I’m sorry. My doll is going crazy. ”


Something that is now unrecognizable is said in a scattering voice that matches the image.


Kim Sungchul At a glance, he could identify that he was a man who was once called Ekhhart.


‘This guy. It’s about to disappear. ‘


How long can you last?


He seemed to be too busy to say a word.


Every time he spat out a short word, his faint shape shook precariously like a candle just before it was extinguished.


“There is no time. I have to get it done quickly. You have solved all the plagues with one king. ”


Eckhart said.


It was felt by the skin that I was in a hurry.


But the next moment, Eckhart’s figure suddenly disappeared.


When Kim Sung-cheol was a little surprised, 55 was next to take over the story on behalf of his creator.


“For a moment, I think you lost your form. It’s common these days. I’ll be back soon. Don’t panic. ‘


“…. What was that woodcarved doll before? ”


Kim Sung-cheol asked in a calm tone.


“It is your father’s alter ego in preparation for the arrival of a king. However, when he made it, he was already losing himself, so his dark heart had soaked into it, and it became a monster that even his father could not do. ”


“Anyway, it’s been a while and you’ve solved the disaster you’re facing, so I’ll talk about it for you.”


Number 55 opened a bookshelf.


A letter written in light soon appeared on an empty piece of paper.


Kim Sungchul read it out with careless eyes.


[Reward for the Solver of the Disaster. ]


[You can now be an administrator and rule this world. It means you are now in the same class as God. ]


The laughter burst out of Kim’s mouth when he saw it.


“Is this the reward of those who have solved the disaster?”


Beyond the absurd, even absurd.


This is only the price of suffering so much.


It would be an unparalleled reward for some, but in the eyes of Kim Seong-chul, it was just another sacrifice.


An unpleasant silence lasted for some time, and then another reward appeared on page 55.


[For the maintenance of this world, the old mankind must be replaced. ]


[But you are the one who solved the disaster. You can protect 9,999 people of old age by protecting them. It is a special power that only you can solve the disaster. ]


No more laughter and laughter popped out of Kim’s mouth.


Instead, cold fury was boiling deep inside him.


“You speak as if you are grateful.”


The next moment, I heard a sneaky voice that was forgotten inside of Kim.


[The works of Enkiadus and Dirgo. They are such a kind. ]


The voice of chaos.


Eckhart’s figure, which had disappeared for a while, reappeared on the old desk.


55 looked at his Creator and opened his mouth.


“Father puts daughter, wife, and Seven Heroes in different realms.”


“What happened to Eckhart’s family?”


The body of No. 55 trembled lightly.


Kim Sungchul’s actions with Bertelgia for a long time helped to identify the psychological state of No. 55.


I was worried.


Soon, however, 55 made a decision.


“You must remedy the disaster, my own way. In conclusion, my wife is dead and my daughter is alive. ”


“Where is her daughter?”


“I’m in a realm. I fall asleep in the same realm as my father’s home town of Cordia. ”


“…. Is Bertelgia different from her daughter? ”


55 was about to answer.


Eckhart, sitting at the desk, blocked the conversation.


“You have the power to destroy the world. It was to prevent the destruction of the world that I sent my daughter to protect you and another daughter. ”


Kim Seong-chul’s gaze turned to Eckhart.


I said it was a daughter. Kim Sungchul I had a lot to ask, but now that Eckhart is a very unsafe person.


I could barely grasp the remnants of my personality that had already disappeared and hold on to Kim Sung-chul.


Only when God disappears will God know again.


In the silence of Kim Sung-chul, Eckhart continued to speak.


“Order and neutrality foolishly think that you can be locked in forever, but it is only unsealed, and there is only one way to prevent the coming destruction.”


A whitish form was extended, and a man’s face took a concrete form.


It was the face of an old and tired man.


A figure that is decades older than the face of a kokeshi doll.


It was a common Eckhart.


The old Eckhart said.


“You are the manager after me.”


“I know you are unwilling, but think about it. The power in you is the substance of God. ”


Eckhart answered with a smile.


“The divinity of the true meaning.”


Eckhart continued.


“God has the power of creation and destruction. It’s like two sides of a coin, not just alternating, creating and destroying one world. The attribute of God in you is the attribute of destruction, one of the two sides of the coin. ”


As soon as he heard the words, Kim’s vision shrank to one point. At the end of a number of landscapes, there was a black giant standing tall on a skull covered ground.


The fleeting hallucination ended with seeing the black giant’s face.


“…. It is a property of destruction. ”


No explanation or explanation is needed.


Kim Sungchul Because I knew it a priori.


Just unconscious.


As he climbed the stairs of God, Ekhhard’s words continued.


“Only God can afford the manager who inevitably must fight against infinity. It is also called the property of destruction that is also the property of God. With that infinite power you are the best being as a manager. ”


Ekhardt’s eyes struck clear light.


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