Long waits have been shown.


On the day when a large volcano erupted near the stairs of the god, a guest who waited for the portal to open and get thirsty appeared near the stairs of the god.


Seven Lich servants of Kromgald.


Kim Sungchul did not attack them.


Rather, he gave them a virtue and wrote it like this.


“Bring your master.”


Five of the seven Riches rushed to Kim Sung-chul.


When the five died, the other two disappeared, entrusting tomorrow.


That day, Kromgald and Adelwhite did not make their appearance.


Kim Sungchul Neither frustrated nor rushed.


He settled down in front of God’s stairs and waited for a scheduled guest.


The next day, another volcano erupted not far away.


This time he was quite strong.


A strong earthquake struck the entire continent and was large enough to submerge parts of the lowlands.


The earthquake continued, with one third of the continent submerged in the sea.


Enormous after storms continued all night and burned the trees of the mountains.


That night, when the ground was brighter than the sky, there was no single view.


The next day, another guest appeared.


Kim Sungchul came up with a smile at her mouth.


Adele White. In her arms was Bertelgia.


But Bertelgia did not make a small movement and did not have a longing voice.


Adele White carefully approached Kim Sung-chul.


“Don’t worry. Bertelgia is asleep for a while. I’ll give her back if we meet our requirements. ”


“This child may die.”


“Ye shall die.”


Kim Sung-chul’s voice has no anger or irritation.


Rather tombs as usual.


That was even more scary.


Adelwhite, who had lived forever, was known by experience.


The fact that there is no misery and remnant in this company right now.


Kim Sungchul told them.


“Send me Bertelgia”.


It is not common to promise to give away missing.


In other words, this is a command.


Adelwhite smiled outwardly, but disappeared over the portal with a simmering boil.


“Can I not chase?”


The dog asked carefully.


Kim Sungchul just laughed.


“It is their pity”


Kim Sungchul Speaking like that, he captured the perishing world.


That day, dozens of evil spirits appeared before Kim Sung-chul.


They made a suggestion to Kim.


Let’s destroy the world together.


Kim Sungchul did not say anything.


He just lifted a blazing hammer with black flames to slay all evil spirits.


The Order and Neutral God, who had seen this in the distance, had to fall into fear.


However, there was no other way for them.


The chance of genius Ilwoo to throw the sphere of dimension has passed.


That night, the Order of God appeared very far away.


At the end of the horizon it was barely visible.


The appearance of a rash partner.


Kim Sungchul was ridiculed.


Listening to the ridicule, the law of order was hard.


[Let’s negotiate. Breaking. This world is perishing. Without a manager, the world is destroyed. ]


Kim Sungchul responded with a smile.


“If the manager is so good, why don’t you do it?”


The conversation did not last long.


The order letter disappeared. As hard as it appears.


The next morning the sun didn’t rise.


But the world was bright enough to look at distant mountains.


The whole world began to burn.


The sky of black and yellow fallout was embroidering the sky with indescribable colors.


Kim Sungchul leaned over the glass and watched the scenery of the sky that can only be seen from the destruction.


Kromgald and Adelwhite reappeared in the midst of its destruction.


It was Adelwhite that first opened her mouth.


“Listen to my story.”


she said earnestly.


Kim Seong-chul also knew that her words were true.


But what is that anyway?


Kim Sungchul only focused on Bertelgia.


“Only Chromgald can save this world. Did you see that? How cruel and irrational this world created by order and neutrality is? ”


The laughter of order came from far away.


They soon appeared at the edge of the horizon and watched.


Adelewhite spoke without hesitation.


“Only chrome galld can change the world. Only the one with the strongest and strongest will than any human can break this distorted world and create a new world. This is the only way to end an endlessly repeated tragedy. ”


At the end of her she shouted until earnest crying.


Kim Sungchul stared at the water chrome chrome.


Cromgard was still staring at him with a beast-like look.


Kim Seong-chul told Adele White.


“I don’t think it’s very desirable for a new world to bring.”


“That’s why you misreported him. I know You have a grudge against me and him. But now it’s time to look away from private feelings. look. This perishing world. The time is soon. Only your great concessions can be the cornerstone for this world to regain its true name of paradise. ”


A sweet and unconscious voice that will always be accepted. Kim Seong-chul of the past would have listened to her, but not now.


Rather, Kim Sungchul asked Adelewhite, feeling disgusted about vomiting.


“…. Have you ever seen his eyes properly? ”


Adelwhite looked at Cromgald and looked at the waters Kim Seong-chul with a natural expression that he knew nothing.


“There is no problem. Could your prejudice give you the wrong illusion? ”


Kim Sungchul laughed.


“You lived so long. Too long in the darkness of despair. That’s why I’m blind. ”


Kim Sungchul was staring into Kromgal’s eyes.


Seeing the eyes of a vicious beast who seems to swallow everything.


If it is light, it may be light.


The night beast’s eyes receive the moonlight and make it shine.


The fallout cloud just obscured the sun.


Heaven and earth are immersed in darkness.


Kim Sungchul Seeing the irregular darkness, I suddenly got caught up in the feeling that Adelwhite had a motive.


Adelwhite once again threatened Kim Seong-cheol using Bertelgia.


Kim Sungchul said calmly.


“If you want destruction, how much you want.”


He is an unshakable megalith.


Adelwhite suddenly knelt to realize that no method was accepted.


Kim Sungchul Just watched them as before.


As long as they hold the entrance to the stairs of God, there is nothing they can do.


In the bystander Adelwhite began to pray.


It was not about the so-called five Lords, but about the true god of this world, the dead god with eyes closed.


Praises that did not resonate for thousands of years have arrived in the world.


God did not answer.


Adelwhite continued to pray.


It was an awful, hopeless prayer.


God eventually did not listen to Adelwhite’s voice.


When everything seemed despair, Adelwhite suddenly stabbed his neck with a sword.


Red blood splashed on the ground.


Kromgard, standing like a stone, was as human as it was then.


Cromgard hugged the fallen Adelwhite and looked at his lover with anxious eyes.


“It’s okay. I will not die immediately. ”


Cromgard immediately tried to cure her.


But Adelwhite refused his treatment.


“If God abandons the girl she has occupied, it is made of it. That is God’s will for this world. ”


Adelwhite’s wound suddenly began to heal.


The pale power of her body stood.


Alive returned to the blurry eyes of Adelwhite.


“You answered! God! ”


She stood up and embraced her lover.


However, there was no voice of God in the ears of Kim Sung Chul and Kromgald.


Adele White continued to speak in an excited tone.


“God gave me strength. The right to decide everything. ”


The pale light of Adelwhite’s body added strength.


Kim Sungchul Recognized that it was Adelwhite’s power when he previously fought against Altusius.


But it can not be stopped.


The moment Kim Sung-cheol tried to move his body, he was already in the tent.


It is not the power of Adelwhite.


A gray cloud of ash came up in front of Kim Seong-chul’s eyes.


The flash of lightning flashed at the center of the cloud, revealing everything in and below the cloud.


Under that flashing light, Kim Sungchul saw a blazing fire without sound and without heat in the center of the cloud.


In the center of the flame was a holy being with four wings and four syllables looking everywhere.


Instinctual light of awe came to mind in Kim’s eyes.


In a wonder, Kim Sungchul heard a voice.


[One who wants to have everything, one who wants to leave everything. It’s not bad to watch the confrontation. ]


Maybe it is a voice from the past or a voice from a distant future.


But it does not matter when the voice came out.


Universality lies in the voice of God transcending time and space.


The ravaged voice of Chaos God rang from the inside of Kim Sung Chul.


Kim Sungchul, the voice of God, was awakened and listened to the voice of Chaos.


[Now the dead god is trying to do the trick! ]


The chaos god continued to shout.


[Use the power of the Black Giant! The Black Giant is a godly destruction. You can break God’s intentions! ]


As soon as I heard that, Kim Sungchul felt unusually attracted to the words of chaos.


There was always a cunning being who spoke a lie, but now a sincere heart was embedded in his voice, and Kim Sungchul felt a sense of fate that would not be good for him.


[Quickly use the power of the Black Giant to resist the will of God! Smasher! Otherwise you will fall on the earth without accomplishing anything. ]


The power of the Black Giant is still alive.


It will eat Kim Seong-chul whenever he wants, reveal his original form, and destroy everything.


The tabernacle of God is no exception.


Fear comes from uncertainty.


Kim Sungchul I felt a lingering sense of indefiniteness in the tabernacle of God, now covering myself and Kromgald.


Kim Sung-chul’s eyes shouted.


It is extremely dangerous.


To remove this uncertainty, it is reasonable to borrow the power of the Black Giant.


If you can control the power of the Black Giant well, you may destroy only the tabernacle without being eaten by the Black Giant.


I felt that way.


But on the other hand Kim Sungchul had a different idea.


In front of him was a marvelous figure of God, but beside him was still a perishing world, and Adelwhite and Bertelgia standing beneath him.


Bertelgia, still in Adelwhite’s arms, was still asleep.


The next miracle, however, happened.


At the moment Kim Sung-cheol’s eyes reached, Bertelgia was wriggling weakly.


Alive. It is definitely alive.


Malaga feels like a shower of rain in her heart.


Kim Sungchul thought with a changed mind.


‘What would he tell me if he was?’


Bertelgia is now beside him.


But Kim Sungchul knew the answer.


Perhaps he said to hold on once.


Kim Sungchul I closed my eyes and put my hands on the heart.


His unconscious rhythm was more blunt than usual.


A deep deep breath came out of the deep lungs.


I feel more comfortable. Matted beats were also coming back.


[What are you doing? There is no time! As you are, . ]


The chaos god keeps on flickering.


Kim Sungchul opened her eyes.


Soon the tabernacle of God was completed.


Kim Seong-cheol’s clothes disappeared from the tabernacle. Even old brooches, shabby military pants, and even brooches.


At one point he became a naked figure.


The same was true of the opponent Chromgard.


Kim Sungchul felt the change in her body.


Chromium, formerly called a genius, grasped a phenomenon faster than Kim Sung-chul.


Chromolds, a muscular body close to perfection, said he picked dirt from the ground barefoot.


“It doesn’t seem to apply any stats here.”


The chromegard was in a position.


Cromgard smiled with cruelty.


“…. It was the spring day of my fifteen year old that I realized was superior to any other human being. ”


After the end of the horse, chrome galed towards Kim Seong-chul, he made a bitter fist.


The pure power of human nature, not amplified by the system of this world.


Kim Sungchul lifted his arms and blocked Kromgald’s fist.


But the arm bones are tingling.


The bones are painful.


Kim Sungchul bite his teeth and back.


Cromgal’s beast-like eyes shine.


“You are nothing. It is nothing but waste, without the power this world has given, like garbage like order, neutral and ancient. ”


The chrome gal rushes back and this time kicked Kim Seong-chul.


Kim Sungchul managed to stop Chromgald’s attack but turned backwards.


I got up quickly and took a stance, but the superiority between the two was clear.


The chrome galled slowly around Kim Seong-chul, sealing tight muscles that seem to burst throughout the body.


“When I was 20 years old, I realized that my thoughts were not wrong. Most humans are not much different from animals. Foolish, weak, and greedy as one. ”


The cruelty of the beast, which was in the eyes of Cromgald, became deeper.


“Every beast has a boss. The same is true of humans, but the difference between animals and humans is that in humans, unqualified things can rise to the head. ”


A beast-like pupil flashed with mysterious hatred.


Cromgal clasped his hands towards Kim Sung-cheol.


“…. The best man should be the chief. That is the true order of the world and the will of God. ”


Kim Sungchul slowly raised his two fists without reply.


A space of nothing without any interference.


The fight between the two men who struck the fate of the world was about to begin.


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