Inside of the unknown god.


Kim Sungchul was combining alchemy following an unfamiliar combination.


In the quiet cockpit, nothing was heard except the harsh breath of the dog and the sound of Kim Seong-chul’s work.


But everyone knows.


There is a blast of wind blowing everything outside the giant, with the fallout of death.


The watch of perish, which stopped for a while, began to move fast again.


Every time the world was shaken, the scream of Enkiadus was heard by everyone.


[No more! There is no time! Hurry up! ]


Kim Sungchul was not shaken at all despite the order of the Order.


He did what he had to do more carefully.


After a long wait, he was ready for the final test.


Kim Sungchul looked up and stared at Bertelgia.


Bertelgia shook his body.


The final test began in the silence.


Ductility was not difficult.


It wasn’t long after I scooped up the spatula, Kim Sungchul made another stone.


Kim’s turn is over.


Next is Bertelgia’s turn.


The faint glow of Bertelgia’s body faded.


She focused all her mind and tried to do her mission.


However, physical barriers blocked him.


The assassination of the assassin Kaz Almeira left her with great pain and crisis of life.


A short but painful moan came out.


Kim Sungchul swallowed saliva.


If I could, I wanted to take over the suffering of Bertelgia.


But now he is a bystander.


This is a battle of Bertelgia.


After a few minutes of wandering, Bertelgia’s radiance disappeared.


Bertelgia retired, unable to overcome the load on his body.


“Please give me a little rest.”


Bertelgia remained silent as if he had fallen on the floor.


49 stared at such Bertelgia.


The red curtain filled the cockpit again.


The nervous time has passed.


Enkiadus has sent a rescue signal that he must hurry again and again.


Bertelgia worked hard and tried again for the final test.


However, this time too much.


Bertelgia did his best, but eventually fell to feel the strength.


“I am so sorry.”


Kim Sungchul found a property not found in Bertelgia.


It is unimaginable.


The bright, cheerful yet wicked Bertelgia gave up.


Kim Sungchul Deeply struggled to find a way to boost Bertelgia’s energy.


No words come to mind.


Bertelgia’s problem is not physical but physical.


It is sadism, not cheer, to excuse the impossible.


Kim Seong-cheol’s eyebrows were deeply engraved.


How heavy time has passed.


A squeaking sound was heard.


Kim Sungchul I closed my eyes and felt the back.


A familiar girl’s voice came from the corner of the cockpit.


“You shouldn’t be a corner.”


Familiar but malicious voice.


Kim Sungchul stared at the corner of the cockpit.


It was another Bertelgia.


The child with the number 55.


But her condition is not unusual.


No. 55 was injured so incomparably with Bertelgia.


In the whirlpool of destruction, her bookshelves were smashed by more than half, and more than half of them were torn apart.


“How can a cheap product save the world?”


No. 55 was pouring out a terribly sharp word to Bertelgia.


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes were full of anger.


No. 55 groaned without seeing Kim Sung-chul.


“Kill it. It’s a world that will perish anyway. The world has been ruined since your father died. You’re ruined! ”


55 screamed and rushed toward Bertelgia.


But before she reached Bertelgia, another book struck back 55.


“Please be quiet. The taste of rice. ”


No. 55, hit by 49, fell down and could not move.


49 approached the angry Kim Sung Chul and defended his brother.


“Just look. I just lost my father’s mind. My personality is strong, but I’m not a very bad child. ”


No. 49, Kim Sungchul did not take special action.


The only thing he cares about is Bertelgia.


But Bertelgia’s reaction is strange.


I heard a small sob.


Kim Sungchul noticed that the sound came from Bertelgia.


He held Bertelgia with both hands.


Bertelgia’s body was trembling.


“…. I don’t think so either. ”


She was crying.


Kim Sungchul I felt a sense of beauty.


Kim Sungchul was obsessed with doing anything.


What should I do? What can you do?


But he soon came to feel helpless.


After all, there is nothing he can do about the situation.


He smashes up.


Making something is not his attribute.


But will you give up?


“I guess I’m a corner too.”


Bertelgia murmured and drooped in a self-help tone.


Despair was covering her body.


Bertelgia’s will, which was not shaken even after knowing his terrible truth, was finally broken.


Strong things break.


Bertelgia will die as it is, instead of carrying out the final test.


Suddenly, Bertelgia’s eye got into Kim Sung-chul’s eyes.


An abomination that wants to be erased.


It was an area that Kim Seong-cheol had not seen so far, the wound that he did not want to see even more because of his power.


Kim Sungchul I looked at the wound with a changed heart.


Something soon came to his mind.


Kim Sung-chul opened his mouth.


Bertelgia felt something and trembled lightly.


Kim Sungchul opened his coat.


The proud diamond brooch sparkled.


Kim Sungchul released his brooch and put it in the wound of Bertelgia.


The assassination of the assassin’s knife was surprisingly perfect for the chef’s brooch, which Kim Sung-chul was proud of.


The brilliance of the sparkling diamond brooch sparkled in the wounds of Bertelgia.


Kim Sungchul looked up at it and gently lifted Bertelgia.


“It’s a corner. That’s ridiculous. You are the genuine one of my guaranteed. ”


“Genuine? What is it? ”


“Genuine, the only Bertelgia”.


Kim Sungchul With warm eyes, he stared at the brooch he had attached to Bertelgia.


“Here, you have the mark.”


Bertelgia’s body was shaken lightly.


Kim Seong-chul’s sense of transcendence responded.


Bertelgia’s lost color and unbroken will were returning.


“I will try again.”


Bertelgia fluttered up the bookshelf vigorously. The sign of Kim Seong-cheol on her body shone brilliantly.


The test began again.


Bertelgia’s body was covered with soft brilliance.


It will not be difficult.


Kim Sungchul I just watched Bertelgia’s test with warm eyes.


Bertelgia shook his body and spit out a painful moan.


But as before, her will was not broken.


The faint luminosity became brighter and brighter in the dark cockpit.


Her own limits.


Kim Sungchul Looking at the bright strings covering his eyes, he finally realized what Bertelgia did.


The last stone is completed.


Eight stones floated up in the sky, spinning over the sky as if we were spinning a yarn, and perished in the light of auspicious light.


Feeling the sensation of the emotions in the bottom of the emotions, I looked at the last character of Kim Sungchul.


[You have created eight Alchemist’s stones and you have proven yourself as a Creationist. ]


[I, Eckhart, open you the way of the Creationist. ]


Another character came to mind before Kim’s eyes.


[Will you open the door of the Creator? ]


I don’t know what’s beyond.


Kim Sungchul stared at Bertelgia over the character.


“Bertelgia. No matter what anyone says, you are Bertelgia. ”


Bertelgia moved his body lightly.


“Yeah! It’s not natural! ”


But is it because of too much power.


She was whistled in the sky, and 49 supported her.


Kim Sungchul now saw an open door to himself.


The last gate to the witch doctor.


Kim Sungchul stared at nothing.


Not yet aroused, but the big hump was passed.


No life will be affected.


“Wait a moment.”


A bright portal appeared.


Kim Sungchul crossed the door with his back behind.


It was a small town with a beautiful fairy-tale scenery that was totally different from the perishing world.


“I have seen this town.”


Bertelgia spoke in cheerful voice, supported by 49.


Kim Sungchul said to Bertelgia, opening his pocket.


“Do you come in here?”


Bertelgia shook his body, staring at his seat.


“No, I think it’s better to be next to my sister right now.”


Kim Sungchul A little reluctantly walked forward.


There was a small wooden house with a green roof in the center of the village where no one lived.


Bertelgia stared at the small house and said in a welcoming voice.


“Hey! That’s my house. ”


Her voice said so exhausted. Kim Sungchul We walked to our house where Bertelgia speaks.


The name was when I walked on a fence of purple flowers. Bertelgia, helped by 49, said in a sleepy voice.


“When you become a person, do you know what I want to do first?”


Kim Sungchul, who walked ahead, listened and answered with a faint smile.


“Taste my food?”


You will usually be frightened. I meant to do that.


But somehow Bertelgia shook his body up and down, laughing softly like her.


“…. It’s not bad either. ”


Somehow I smelled good.


“Okay, open the door.”


Bertelgia said.


Kim Sungchul took a deep breath and put his hand on the closed knocker.


The end of the journey so longed for us.


But there is a story before that.


There is something not yet said.


Unspeakable words of thanks.


Without her he could not have been here.


He would have destroyed the world himself without even realizing that he was the puppet of chaos.


Like that silly chrome gald.


Kim Sungchul I tried to clear my heart and say thank you to Bertelgia.


But Bertelgia’s reaction is strange.


Bertelgia does not move.


No. 49 respected Vertelgia in silence before Kim Seong-chul.


Kim Sungchul accepted Bertelgia with both hands.


Kim Sung-chul’s eyes shook violently.


Already knew by body.


But his mind did not accept the fact.


He grabbed Bertelgia and shook her body and called her name.


“Bertelgia. Bertelgia! ”


Bertelgia does not respond.


No matter how you call your name, she did not answer.


“This joke is not good for your heart. Bertelgia. I’m older and weary than I see. If you think about my health, Bertelgia. Please. ”


Kim Sungchul did not move despite Kim’s earnest plea.


No. 49, who watched the scene from behind, murmured in a lonely tone.


“…. Salmon dating back to the river is dead. ”


Kim Sungchul stood up, taking Bertelgia with both hands.


His eyes still did not accept the truth.


He stood at the door of a small house with a green roof and grabbed it.


‘I’ll check it myself’


Kim Sung-chul’s hand opened the door.


The moment I opened the door, I noticed a landscape familiar with Kim Seong-chul’s eyes.


This is Eckhart’s studio seen in the world of managers.


The only difference is that a blonde girl is sitting in the studio instead of Eckhart.


Kim Seong-cheol’s eyes captured her face.


The heart was shaken roughly.


Bertelgia. But he is not Bertelgia.


The girl in the house looked the same as Bertelgia in her dreams, but her eyes seemed to be two to three years old.


Kim Sungchul approached her and felt her name, feeling her heart burst.


The girl in the house looked up at Kim Sung-chul.


A pink smile opened slightly.


“…. Yes, I am Bertelgia. ”


Kim Sungchul stared at a girl who swallowed saliva and introduced herself as Bertelgia.


She glanced at Kim Seong-chul, who stared herself excessively, uttering a bold but deadly word.


“…. But who are you? ”


Bertelgia fell in Kim Sung-chul’s hand.


In the face of heavy truth, Kim’s heart began to collapse.


It was felt to see the black giant with eyes open looking at himself.


The impulse of ruin was flowing through the broken heart.


‘This was the end of my trip.’


His body began to be covered with black flames.


The chaos of laughter came from far away.


Kim Sungchul It was good.


I wanted to crush everything.


He was originally going to smash.


But he was about to take the last step.


I missed the wind, I heard a voice that I thought I would never hear again.


[What are you doing? Fool. ]


Bertelgia’s voice.


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