It was unusual for Althusius to speak to Kim Sung-chul first.


But Kim Sungchul did not respond.


He was fully concerned about reading books.


Kim Sungchul At the second call, he looked up and stared at the old wizard.


Leonard Santham, who was lying on a hammock far away, listened to his voice and raised his body and looked at Altusius.


Altusius said.


“I think you have been spending time here since entering this school. Do you have an advisor? ”


I don’t even remember hearing that.


A weak moan came out of Altusius’ mouth.


‘Even if a school doesn’t speak, it doesn’t even do these basic things.’


Leonard seemed to have a similar thought.


“Oh my god. this! It’s been a week since I entered school, but you’re still unstable? ”


A light voice echoed in the empty space.


After a while, Kim asked.


“What’s your supervisor?”


Althus’s white eyebrows trembly heard.


New students do not know the facts that must know.


The evidence is that school itself is falling apart.


At least Altugius, as Leonard was a freshman, was unimaginable in Erfurt in the past.


The sound of Leonard’s laughter echoed in the synagogue.


“I won’t. I don’t even know my advisor. I really went until I went. ”


He lay down on the hammock again, closed his eyes and laughed.


In the silence that came again, Althusus said quietly, staring at Kim.


“I’m sorry, but as I said at the beginning, I’m not going to teach anyone, so I can’t be your advisor. Find your advisor somewhere else. ”


Kim Sungchul After saying that he was not insignificant, he started reading books again.


As always, I’m very focused. Without rest.


From the point of view of the teacher, the attitude of study was not as pleasing as seeing a good student, but for now, Sungchul Kim’s attitude was enough to make Altugius’ misery.


‘No this friend. Don’t you know what the penalty is when you don’t have an advisor? ‘


All students must find a professor who will be their advisor within 10 days of enrollment and lose their status if they do not find a teacher to care for them for 10 days.


It was a system of good intention that professors gathered their will when the unqualified students entered by illegal means, but now the situation is different.


If the school went back to normal, a freshman orientation would be held, and the event would have informed the freshmen what to do.


However, there are no other people to teach since long time after the entrance ceremony and the welcome party, where the freshmen were cut off.


If you have entered the flame or freezing school, the assistants will take care of the procedure, but the service does not exist in the sky.


Kim Sungchul I wrestled with books all day without knowing anything and left the synagogue.


Althus’s anxiety grew.


‘That friend. It is expulsion in three days. ‘


The problem was that Leonard Santham, who had just left the synagogue in the evening, kept his place.


He got out of the hammock and left the synagogue only after Kim Seong-chul left the synagogue.


His intention is clear.


Leonard wants to repel the annoying presence in the synagogue.


Even without the use of harsh means.


A similar situation continued the next day.


The ugly man, who didn’t even match his school uniform, fell into a study samakyung under the tower of books piled up as tall as his height.


He went on to study without saying a word except leaving for lunch once.


Altusius attempted to tell Kim Seong-chul about the dangers he had encountered, but every time Leonard got up from the hammock and looked at himself.


Although his appearance is grinning, Althuss is well aware of the vicious character hidden in Leonard.


If Altusius takes care of Kim Seong-cheol, Leonard will ask him to use his vision to show the vision of the heavenly engineering that only Altusius knows.


That alone was unacceptable.


If the true vision of Erfurt, which has been passed down from generation to generation, is passed on to the followers of the disaster, the collapse of the world will be accelerated.


‘It’s enough for me to get my hands dirty’


Althus was silent after all.


Two more days passed.


Only one day left.


Kim Sungchul still grabbed the book and went out without reading a book.


In the appearance of Kim Seong-chul, Altusius sees something more devoted than the cleverness of Soo-jae.


Altius was curious.


Why summoners from other worlds are so obsessed with magic.


“Do you understand and read that book?”


His question contained some determination.


Leonard Sangtum, who knows the inside, laughed.


“You are so spoiled.”


He knew about the books that Kim Seong-chul was reading and piled up next to him.


The ball went to Kim Seong-chul.


Kim Sungchul, who was staring at the book with his head down, looked up at Altugius, not too fast or too late.


After a bit of silence, Kim Sungchul shook her head.


“I’ve been digging for a week, but I honestly don’t know anything.”


A sigh flowed out of Althusius’ mouth.


Kim is not a rebuke for ignorance.


It’s a rebuke to myself.


This is because the book he lent to Kim Seong-chul was not thrown away from the beginning.


They were books that could be viewed only with prior knowledge and necessary intuition.


If the condition is not met, the reader is just wandering in a maze of letters.


Therefore, Kim’s answer is the ideal answer.


The slow time seemed to flow suddenly and quickly.


Althuss opened his mouth again.


“Why don’t you ask me questions when I don’t understand anything?”


Kim Sungchul talked in a calm voice covering the book.


“Aren’t you my teacher yet?”


The moment Altogius faced his undisturbed eyes, he faced disgust and aversion to himself.


Though not outwardly, his stomach was shaking violently and his legs were about to sway a little.


Altius returned to his seat silently.


I felt Leonard’s gaze stuck behind his back, but he didn’t mind and thought about Kim Sung-chul.


Soon he recalled something unpleasant that he had forgotten for a while, but would now be useful.


‘It was. That man was in the coffin of Mion! ‘


That same day, Altius Zeus visited his granddaughter in the coffin of Hoe, and began chatting with his granddaughter in a friendly voice, listening to the ears of many guards.


“What about your new student? Do you think you’re doing well? When I see that child, it’s very missing. I don’t wear school uniform. Even if you’re a summoner, you don’t keep the basics. What kind of student is Erfurt? ”


Sarasa Zero’s face began to distort while listening to her grandfather.


That night, Kim Sungchul encountered an unexpected figure in his room.


Sarasa put a chair in Kim’s room and waited for him.


“It’s a special mental education time. Newbie. ”


Rich girl’s eyes glowed blue.


Kim Sungchul I wondered about the sudden visit of the girl, but silently waited for the girl’s next action.


Sarasa gave something to Kim.


“You. Did you get this? Didn’t you get it? ”


It was a faded student notebook in sheepskin.


The notebook owner’s name was written on the first side of the notebook, which had been worn for a long time and had worn out and worn edges.


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes came to mind.


But he nodded without expressing.


“I did not receive it.”


Sarah sighed and said again.


“I’ll lend it to you, so read carefully about the freshman’s attitude in the second chapter.”


The reason is unknown, but the hostility is not felt.


In addition, I recently felt a desire to read a sentence that was recognizable after a long time because it was difficult to read.


Kim Sungchul quietly did what Sarasa told her to do.


– Attitudes of Freshmen –


[1. Maintain dignity as an Erfurt student. ]


[2. Do not engage in unnecessary fights. ]


[3. Do not overeat. ]


[4. Return books in the library on time. ]


[5. I always respect my professors. Don’t ignore because your major is different. ]


I took my eyes off Kim Sungchul notebook and stared at Sarasa.


“I can’t feel the necessity to peruse.”


“What’s more important under it?”


Sarasa said in a triumphant voice, with her arms folded.


Kim Sungchul returned to the notebook again.


Under the freshman’s mind, another item was written like a sesame.


– Important! What New Students Must Do –


– Get a uniform in Mr. Binton’s dressing room.


– Be assigned to dormitory by old Jogbat


– Complete the basics of the courtesy classroom of Professor Robert Danton.


– Participate in senior orientation.


-Deciding your major in the School Affairs Section


– Selecting and greeting each major professor


– Attend the Welcome Session for Freshmen


– Defining a professor in charge


Kim Seong-cheol’s eyes stopped at the item of advisor.


Five stars were drawn beside the item, and if you don’t use cute handwriting, you’re expelled! The writing was also written.


“Now you know what you’re doing wrong?”


Sarasa rose with her eyes wide open.


“Don’t you decide to have an advisor?”


Kim Seong-cheol asked Sarasa hurriedly, pointing to the first item in the notebook.


“No school uniform!”


“No matter how much school tilts, what is the dress of a prestigious Erfurt student? Clothing is a minimal manner of showing yourself. So your grandfather will nag you. ”


“Who is your grandfather?”


“Who are you? Professor Altusius Zero. Haven’t you heard the legendary anecdote of killing the assassin of the assassin in the campus like a mad dog? ”


Kim Sung-cheol nodded Sarasa and continued nagging.


There were many phrases, but her words could be summarized in one word.


Wear school uniforms.


Kim Sungchul, however, was interested in something else.


“What should I do when my state professor doesn’t want to be an advisor?”


“It’s because you don’t wear school uniforms. Well, go ask your minor professor. Of course, after you received the uniform from Mr. Binton’s dressing room! ”


The next day, Kim Sungchul visited the admissions department.


There was a teaching assistant in the admissions department.


“Where is Bington’s costume room?”


Kim Sungchul Sarasa’s words were not meant to be ignored.


There are few people on campus, but it’s true that nogada fashion is noticeable.


Life assistants, however, gave different answers.


“Cadets! Are you talking about Mr. Binton? Are you looking for that human cut off anytime? ”


“Then what is your uniform? Can I not wear it? ”


“If you want to wear school uniforms, you spend your money and wear them at a tailor’s shop!”


What Freshmen Should Do The first goal was simply frustrating.


Kim Sungchul Copied Sarah’s notebook and asked questions about the list.


As a result, Kim Sungchul found that many things Sarasa experienced now disappear or remain infamous.


“What orientation is there when there are no students? The only remaining student is the poor end-of-life generation, except for the incoming palace. ”


Inevitably, Kim Sungchul went straight to the next course he wanted to.


The pensionist teacher, the coffin of softness.


Unlike the astronomical teacher, the name was properly named, but it was not a building but a falling tent.


Kim Sungchul opened the tent and went inside.


There were a few students who could not be found outside.


Faces of the early twenties.


“How are you here?”


A student from a stranger approached and asked carefully.


Kim Sungchul told the case without delay.


“I’m looking for an advisor.”


In the depths of the tent, a man with a sharp eye appeared, scratching his head.


“Is it a freshman? Huh? You’re a summoner. ”


He stared at Kim Seong-cheol and soon laughed, revealing his yellow-yellow tooth.


“You’re not an alchemist on Ekhart’s quest that you’re in the Summoning Palace?”


Kim Seong-cheol nodded and the man laughed at the boat for a while.


“Oh, my stomach. I haven’t really laughed lately, but I’ve met something interesting for a long time. Anyway, you’re looking for an advisor? Well then. I’m Basil Philus. I will be your advisor. ”


He inquired about the details of Kim Seong-chul and opened the magic network of the school to read the records.


“Oh, he’s a scary name. By the way, it was breathtaking. Even after one more day, I almost packed and left this school! ”


Kim Sungchul, who heard the words, recalled the face of Altius and Leonard in the synagogue.


‘Why didn’t he tell you that?’


The question was somewhat resolved the next day.


“Hey. Mr. freshman. You can’t come in here. ”


Leonard Sangtum smiled and blocked the entrance.


When Kim asked the reason, Leonard Sangtum said with a sad expression, as if he was sympathizing with Kim’s bad luck.


“You were expelled. Notice will be coming soon… To tell you why, you haven’t found a teacher, or supervisor, who will accept you for 10 days after admission. ”


“If you are an advisor, I have already found you.”


Kim Sungchul spoke in a calm voice.


At first, Leonard’s mouth was strangely twisted.


“I found an advisor …?”


He looked back.


“No, he is not.”


“Professor Basil Philus of the Alchemist.”


Leonard’s beautiful face was offended, but Kim Sungchul did not care.


Kim Sungchul passed by Leonard, who bowed his head and began to read the books that he had always piled up to his seat.


In the synagogue where even a small sound was heard loudly, a book-turning sound resonated again, and Altogius breathed a sigh of relief and closed his eyes.


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