17. Flocking Dark Clouds (3)


The atmosphere of the synagogue was changed in many ways when it went back to the celestial school.


As soon as he entered the synagogue, Altusius spoke in a bold voice.


Kim Sungchul nodded and stared to the side.


Leonard Sangtum’s hammock was demolished.


Instead, he was sitting on the floor, pretending to read hard.


As he read the book, he lowered the book and stared at Kim with a terrible eye.


Kim Sungchul disregarded his eyes and approached Altusius again.


“Did you call me?”


Althus nodded.


At the moment, Kim Sungchul Althuss’s appearance was 10 years older.


It is not a health problem.


He looked very tired.


“I have been away from you because of my personal circumstances so far, but from now on I will teach with all my heart.”


Althuss handed a necklace to Kim Sung-chul.


It was a brass medallion depicting the planets circling the sun and the rays of light that penetrate the center.


“This is a sign of the astronomy. Make it hang on your neck. ”


Kim Sungchul said it was.


“Originally, it’s a very nice medal, but it doesn’t fit the dress?”


Althuss is unhappy with Kim Sung-chul’s nogada fashion.


“Once, you’d better match school uniforms first. In fact, I’ve been worried a lot since. ”


Kim Sungchul There is no Dory, but at one time Altugius was once a professor of tigers who watched students’ windbreaks.


Leonard huddled next to each other and laughed.


Altusius turned to stare at Leonard.


“By the way, there is one intruder.”


Althus’s finger pointed to Leonard’s face.


“Why is he here who has never been a disciple?”


A frosty shingling shook the synagogue.


Leonard’s complexion changed.


Until now, I knew that I accepted myself because I didn’t say anything, but now it seems that Kim Seong-chul came to see me kick out myself.


‘I should have killed that baby.


My stomach was swollen, but it was too late.


He knelt down on his knees, snared his head, and looked for an opportunity for reversal.


“Sorry. Master! I… Wrong. On Professor Fregius’s ear …


“You don’t need it. Get out now. ”


Althus was nothing rough.


As he reached out, five brilliant jewel-embedded wands appeared in his soul store.


“Or would you like to play a game with me?”


No matter how much Leonard-Sainttom is known for being a school, he cannot be the opponent of Altusius who left a legendary anecdote.


He was frightened and stepped back, exiting the synagogue as if he had fled, yelling unnoticed.


Althuss burst into cool laughter as he saw it.


“Don’t come back! You are expelled! ”


‘This old man. Was it originally this personality? ‘


I could not imagine that the silent old man, who had always seen his back, was the owner of such a favorable personality.


“He is a follower of disaster. Do you know what the followers of the disaster are? ”


Kim Sungchul nodded.


“You damn guys. Very crap. I’d like to kill you because of my temper, but I’m an old disciple, and it’s a little shaky to kill it with my hands. ”


Altugius took a pipe in his mouth, sucked smoke, and stared at the ceiling of the synagogue.


Nothing came to mind on the hemispherical ceiling, which was painted gray.


“How was the summoning palace?”


Althuss said as he took the pipe out of his mouth.


“It’s not a good place.”


Kim Seong-chul replied.


“Yes. It’s like hell. But it’s an inevitable process. The people from your world are so different from the people living here. If there are many other people, the world will inevitably change. ”


It is an interesting point of view.


Kim Sungchul Until now, the summoned palace was considered a special ceremony covering only the best people who saved the world.


Actually, summoners are treated more than average everywhere.


Altusius woke up from the ceiling with a sigh of smoke.


“But it will soon turn into hell. No matter who thinks. ”


“Are you talking about the followers of the disaster?”


“Yes or not. It’s not what they matter. The disaster they’re looking at. The disaster is still eating us slowly and eventually driving us crazy. So that even the most noble can fall. ”


Althuss closed his eyes and thought for a moment.


After a while, he took two books from the Soul Warehouse.


“Once I accept it.”


Kim Sungchul opened the book as soon as he got it.


But it was now a book he could not understand.


“It’s a book about Meteo. Everybody knows well, the main magic of the blue sky. It requires at least 210 intuition to learn it. ”


“Isn’t the progress too fast?”


“May be. But it’s a dangerous world. I don’t know what’s going to happen when. I do not know when I will disappear, as did the principal and Fregius. ”


Althus’s voice was trembling.


Kim Sungchul found anxiety and anxiety in his appearance.


“It’s been a long time since I have a persistent student like you. It’s hard to see. Whatever your true intention is, no matter who is behind you, let’s set aside such a small problem. ”


As Robert Danton did, Altugius saw Kim Sung-chul as an unusual, backed student.


Otherwise, it is impossible to grow at such a rapid rate in a short time.


“So give it as a gift. I don’t know when to make Meteo your own. That’s not my bar. ”


Altusius said so, walked to the original reserved seat and sat back as before.


He uttered an unexpected word toward Kim Seong-cheol, who looked at his back.


“Okay, now that you have what you want, let’s go.”


“What are you saying?”


“This is all I can teach you. I will give it to you. ”


Unexpected development.


Kim Sungchul I felt some irritation at the rocky side of Altugius, who was indecent.


‘This old man is real.’


He reigned silently, speaking quietly.


“You can’t leave this with you.”


“What I want is vision. I have no intention of leaving you here until I have a vision of an astronomer. ”


At that moment Kim Sungchul sensed a magic reaction from Althuss.


At the same time, a ray of light was shot toward Kim Seong-chul.


Sparkling flashes. Glare.


Glare’s rays were aimed at the point where Kim Sung-chul’s face slipped away.


It was the same magic, but the magic car with Kim Seong-chul was much stronger than the light and firepower.


The ray of light penetrated the shelves placed on the edge of the sky, and made holes to the wall.


Nevertheless, Kim Sungchul did not move too much.


Altusius woke up coughing.


“You are greedy friends. Is it hard to be satisfied with only Meteo and medal? I haven’t told you this, but as long as the medal is there, I’ll be willing to accept you as a disciple in another elite school. ”


“It must be a vision.”


Kim Sungchul There was no retreat.


Altius sighed.


His eyes contained deep sorrow.


“Overheating can destroy you. Like a follower of disaster. ”


“I’m not overworking. I need your vision. ”


asked Altusius.


Kim Sungchul replied with a steady voice.


“To prevent disaster.”


The eyes of Altusius, who heard the words, were amazed.


But he also laughed for a while.


“It’s ridiculous. Disaster can not be stopped. ”


“The Seven Heroes also did it. Nothing is impossible. ”


Kim Sungchul said firmly.


Altugius turned his head with Kim Seong-cheol’s eyes with complex and subtle emotions.


“Shop. Before I got really angry. ”


“It is not my knowledge that you are angry.”


Kim Sungchul never stepped back.


Rather slowly approached him.


Althuss sighed.


‘You don’t want to touch your friend, but you can’t help it. I have to take down in order to minimize the wound. ‘


At that moment, Kim’s footsteps stopped.


He was looking back.


Althuss was confused by the sudden act of Kim Seong-chul, but he soon learned why.


Unusual signs are beyond the door.


Althuss felt goose bumps all over his body.


Because the traces beyond that door did not differ much from what he had felt in the past, who had made him famous.


“Oh my god. Did you catch it? They are good people. ”


A tightly closed door opened.


Behind the open door was an intruder wearing a black robe and a cat mask.


He alternately looked at Kim Sung-chul and Althuss and asked cheerfully.


“I’ll ask you a question, is this a naturalist?”


Saying so, the masked man took off the mask.


A sharp impression was revealed, with deep cuts in the left eye.


Kim Sungchul I could feel the smell of death from the young man.


Explicit life was shed throughout the body.


This was afforded only to those who had absolute confidence in their ability.


Usually, the assassin is only as strong as the assault, it is common to expose the weakness in the frontal battle.


The mysterious young man alternated between Kim Seong-cheol and Althus.


“Hmm, I don’t think anyone is looking for me. Let’s look at the two stats for a moment. ”


He pulled out a scroll and ripped it off before Altusius said anything.


At that moment, a magic circle appeared in his eyes, and two men’s stats set in the sky were on his pupils.


‘Young man is ordinary. The elderly are extraordinary. ‘


Suddenly an anecdote came to mind in the young man’s mind.


A humiliating anecdote that was in the assassination denomination.


“Oh, are you that Alfuzius?”


“You are healthy. I’m young too. Where are you doing here? ”


Althuss worked straight up with a white beard.


The young man looked slightly surprised but it was only.


“A. Let’s not bother the young man too much. I’ll just talk for a moment. ”


At that moment Althuss cast Glare upon him.


The fierce flash of the moment was shot, aiming right next to the temple inside the company.


Like Kim Sung-cheol, the young man did not move.


But the reaction was different.


The young man revealed it.


“Ugh. Do you want to try with me now? ”


He opened the robe.


Then dozens of memorizations were hidden.


Althuss laughed.


“Are you an assassin? I don’t know how to do that with that redheaded idiot. If you saw the body how the child died, you wouldn’t come out like this. ”


“I am stronger than that human. Inspiration. ”


The young man did not lose at all.


The atmosphere ran into an instant situation.


‘It’s not bad. It is at this opportunity to see Altugius ‘skill.’


Kim Sungchul stepped back and watched the situation.


However, the fight that Kim Sung Cheol hoped did not take place.


The voice of a woman tickled over the open door restrained the young man.


“Kaz Brothers. What are you doing to play around here? ”


Subsequently, another person wearing a black robe and wearing a cat mask entered the synagogue.


“I don’t think there is anyway. Just go. ”


“Why? Myra. I’m going to play a little while. ”


The young man was annoyed, but soon he changed his mind.


He turned back, staring at Althusius.


“Sorry but inspiration. Let’s play next. ”


Altius snored with arms folded.


The two men and women who left the synagogue descended slowly on the gentle slopes.


Kazu, the eldest son of the Almeirah family, looked up to the sky and murmured.


I knew it was a difficult task, but I had no clue.


The legendary villain wanted to get into his hands when he caught the slave hunter who used water like gold coins at first, but the pledge on the body of the slave hunter ruined everything.


The last words of the man who failed to overcome torture were a word.


Shortly after his words, his heart burned with flames and presented as a tribute to order.


“But why is the engineering file?”


Kaz Almera looked back at a building with a round dome.


Enemy and astronomers of the world.


There is no point of contact or contact between the two.


I visited the astronomical group, but there was no real man other than the famous old man.


“Anyway, Myra. What happened to your parents? Did you catch another guy who wore unmanned gold coins? ”


Mara shook her head at his question.


“It disappeared. Without speaking to anyone. ”


“Um. Did you smell it? ”


“Well. Maybe it’s a coincidence. But you don’t have to rush. ”


During a conversation, a character was captured by Kaz Almeira’s eyes.


It was a beautiful man with a red uniformed school uniform.


For some reason he was sitting alone in the woods outside the celestial teacher and shouting.


“What is it? What is he? ”


“Well. Do you think it’s crazy? ”


Māra said she was not interested, but Kaz Almera was different.


“Wait a minute, I’ll see you.”


Kaz Almera approached a man yelling with a childish eye when he found a funny toy.


“Like a dog! Fuck !!!!! ”


Leonard Sangtum was the man who was building a castle in the woods.


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