Althuss gazed at the heresy inquisitor with incredible eyes.


“No, how are you…


Then the inquisitor defeated the people around him and walked to Althus.


He spoke in a voice small enough to be heard only by Althuss.


“This is a kind of play. To cleanse your school. ”


It’s the same thing as the Cheoncheon Wall Force, but the heresy inquisitor said that.


His eyes were constantly shaking, but in time he drooped his shoulders and received his aura.


The men of the Heresy Inquisitor bound Altius and put a stopper on his mouth.


Sarasa ran to his grandfather with a sad face, but Altogius shook her head.


His words could not be said because of the covered cap, but instead he had warm eyes.


Finally, Althuss stared at Kim Sung Chul.


He tried to convey something to Kim Sung-chul, but Kim Sung-chul was trying to teach him something.


He shook his head with determined eyes and stared at the heresy inquisitor with cold eyes.


‘Do not believe in heresy interrogators?’


The time to think was not long.


Heresy Inquisitor Magnus Maxima left the position and the men subtly pulled Althuss.


In the place where a group of people left, only a pale girl, a silent man, and a cold body remained.


“Uh … what should I do? Now? ”


Too many things have gone through.


Sarasa sat down as she felt the strength of her body.


“Now… What should I do? ”


I was alone in sleepiness.


There is no one to take care of her anymore.


To make matters worse, some of the preservation magic on the left cheek is destroyed, and the skin begins to falter slowly.


Soon she will lose her beauty and look like the other Lich and the mummy’s face.


But what shakes her more than that was the blindness in front of her.


As soon as despair was replaced by sorrow, she felt heartache sorrowful, but no tears came out of her eyes.


The dead cannot shed tears.


The mysterious man spoke in a calm but powerful tone.


“Rise and stand against reality.”


It was a simple command, but his words had strange persuasion.


Sarasa was brought up by his words.


During the battle, some of the conservation magic on the right arm was also destroyed, and the flesh on the right arm was twisting like that of a corpse.


“How should I face reality?”


The words of Sarasa who turned into a half body pointed to the coffin of Kim Sungchul.


“When you can’t do anything, it’s sometimes a matter of believing and waiting for someone to rely on.”


Kim Sungchul left the horse and walked forward.


“Wait. Of course. Time will give you the answer. ”


Sarasa clenched her fist and nodded.


Kim Sungchul Stopped for a moment in front of the silent boundary that began to break and added a word.


“Don’t forget to feed the sky squirrels.”


And he walked over the line.


‘The assassin. I was looking for you. ‘


Today he had no intention of returning empty-handed.


Kaz Almera was a genius who was produced in decades by the Almeria family.


Breathtakingly out of bounds of the apocalypse, he had the virtues of cruelty, precision, and perseverance that an assassin had to possess, and with his inherent talents he sought through the assassination techniques handed down from the father’s family and the mother’s family.


As with other geniuses, Khaz Almeira also had a bad attribute of pride.


However, his pride was a kind of self-confidence that began with a clear grasp of his skills.


He enjoyed pushing himself into extreme situations to solve the difficulties and succeeded in achieving higher achievements in such a dangerous way.


The Almeirah family heeded such behavior but did not restrain him as a result.


“Because of the uproar in Erfurt, our existence was made known to the heresy. If I hadn’t built a heresy inquisitor, by now we would have been dealing with three enemies, the Purification Church, the enemies of the world, and the followers of the disaster. ”


Debbie Almere preached sternly, but knew that his son would not listen to him.


“Oh. I did not know. father. I stabbed the wizard child once to tell Altugius that he had joined hands with the enemies of the world. ”


“So was Altusius deserving?”


“It was quite strong. To be honest, it seemed like I’m going to lose. The man is a sorcerer, but with archer-level agility, he uses a magical check that is hard to avoid and throws a heavy blow behind him. ”


Kaz Almera said with a cheerful look and voice.


The youngest boy, Pict Alme, who was watching his side, left.


I was really good and because I didn’t want to see my brother.


Kaz glanced back at the youngest child.


“But father. I found out. What is the secret of Altusius? ”


“The man is hiding the blade of dimensional magic. It’s very amazing. I fled from the middle and avoided it. If it weren’t, I would have been a flattened gun like the patriarch. ”


“It’s not too late to explain later. Let them go to dwellings for a while. ”


“Yes. Okay. ”


On the way back after hearing the admonition, Kazu met his youngest, Pict.


Pict appeared to be waiting for Kaz.


He laughed as soon as he saw Kaz.


“I am going to hunt the followers of the disaster from now on.”


“Oh? Yes? By your skill? ”


As Kaz laughed at, the frosty light passed through the eyes of Pict.


“Let’s see when we can laugh at you. 10 years. I will catch up with you in 10 years. ”


“You are my brother. This child. Am I coming too or not? ”


“You have to be like you to treat you. Anyway, I’m waiting. I’m bringing the neck of an enemy of the world. ”


Pict hurled out the tongue and hurried into the darkness.


Kazu stared at the youngest’s face with a smile and shook her head.


“Will you catch up with me? 1,000 years will have to be trained. ”


The horse did, but Kaz knew that his brother was of great potential.


He handled his first torture very well.


The assassin’s basic cruelty and insensitivity to others must have been innate.


‘ If it’s a little bit bigger, I’ll guide you. ‘


Still, Pict is not enough for Kaz to teach.


Kaz was assassinated with Pict when he gained experience and gained some sense.


Pic, without knowing his brother’s heart, was just resentful of his brother.


“I like genius! I will show you that the real genius is atmospheric chronicity. ”


Pict’s mission today is to hunt the followers of the plagues chosen by the Heresy Inquisitor.


Debbie Almey said it was enough to just hit one person, but Pict was going to find three people and question them all at once.


The first question was that the other party had a pledge and failed to achieve the goal, but this time I thought I could do well.


His hand vividly remembers the touch of the blade that cuts the flesh of others.


Sorcerers walked across the blue robe from the other side of the street.


Pict Almeira’s eyes are insignificant.


They are weak enough to kill one sword at a time, but their purpose is to capture them.


He hunted down the wizard and saw the opportunity.


With agile movements, he stalked alleys alley, steadily chasing the wizards and watching the wizards enter each quarter.


Just as animals are most vigilant in their nests, humans are most vigilant in their beds.


The place where he caught a slave hunter named Christian was on his bed.


Pict Almera slowly emerged in the dark, recalling the sensations of the time.


A whitish figure in the moonlight was found right next door.


A wicked hand grabbed his collar without any response.


When the power of the hand grabbed the collar, Pict felt a terrible shock that the eyeball would pop out and the brain would burst.


The sound of ugly birds roaring from the ends of their necks rather than humans.


After a while, the man who opened his throat opened his mouth.


“You killed the slave hunter named Christian?”


The identity of the company is Kim Sung-chul.


He reluctantly talked with his hands lightly on the neck of a young assassin.


Pict Almera squeezed his whole body and shouted.


It is to call his family who shouted around.


However, Kim Sung-cheol’s hand grasped his neck faster than the voice rang out of his vocal cords.


Feeling that the sound was swallowed up inside, Pict Almere once again felt that the world was yellow.


‘Also the assassins are poisonous.’


Assassins Assassins learn to adapt to pain from an early age.


As a result, they are so introverted that their torture does not take a single eye.


Moreover, an important virtue as an assassin is to lighten his life.


When there is a concern that important secrets will leak out, they have developed and actively used a number of voluntary methods.


Pic Almeira was also thinking about taking his own life.


‘This is my limit.’


He vowed to die on his own, whatever the means, if the opportunity came.


However, Kim cannot easily give an assassin an easy death.


Kim Sungchul I searched Pic Almeira’s body and found a therapeutic ointment that listens well to torture and wounds.


Kim Sungchul After tearing off Pict’s hem and shoving it deep into his mouth, he hit his right arm with the back of his hand.


Pict’s right arm bent in a strange direction and was torn apart.


Pict struggled violently but did not scream.


“I do not intend to torture. Assassin. ”


Kim Sungchul After applying the ointment to Pict’s wound, he hung his cat’s mask on the wall and hung his undercut arm with a cloth.


And the blood flowing from Pict’s severed arm wrote:


[If you want to save this guy, come inside. However, you must come in alone. ]


Kim Sungchul He forced Pict’s head to look at the phrase that caused him to write his blood.


“You packed your cruelty as if it were something great.”


Kim Sungchul applied the ointment but dragged him to the ground, dragging his right arm to the ground to reach the ground.


Blood smears stretched like carpet from the cat mask to the warehouse.


“Today I will give you one number.”


Kim Sungchul I watched the scene by flying over the roof of the building overlooking the warehouse and the mask.


Soon another assassin appeared.


Myra Almeira deals with poisonous insects.


She was upset at the pict’s mask and cut right arm.


Thoughtful assassins in their pain, they are also human after all.


They are boundless to others, but warm to their people.


Myra Almera got awful at the bloody words.


But soon she prepared for her mind and stepped inside.


‘No! sister! Don’t come in! ‘


Pic Almera struggled desperately, but it was pointless.


Myra Almera slowly stepped deep into the warehouse, preparing for battle.


It was not long after that that a black shadow appeared behind her.


The man appeared like a ghost in the blink of an eye.


He still grabbed the back of Myra Almeira’s head, and she lifted her body and changed her face on the rough floor.


My cat’s face was shattered and bloody, revealing Myra’s face.


Kim Sungchul, who changed Myra’s face, hung a rope around her neck and turned it over his head.


The human body went back and forth like a toy.


In the process, all the poisonous insects hidden in her body poured like rain on the floor of the warehouse.


Myra Almera held her neck with two hands and desperately held it, but soon became unconscious and unhappy.


Kim Sungchul had no intention of giving her a comfortable death.


He smashed the bloody face of Myra and hung it upside down in front of Pic Almeyra.


Kim Sungchul stared in a calm voice, staring at Pic Almeira.


“Are you killing a slave hunter named Christian?”


Pic Almera did not answer.


Kim Sungchul Kicked the poisonous insects that fell on the ground and found a suitable one.


It was a stink bug that lays eggs in the human body.


He grabbed the stink bug, put it on the body of Almira, and laid eggs.


Myra’s body was shaking.


Kim Sungchul stared at Pic Almeira again.


The moment he saw his eyes, Pict Almera realized.


That man would not have any mercy.


But the next moment a miracle happened.


Myra, who seemed to be lost, suddenly woke up and opened his eyes.


“Pict! Go first. ”


Myra’s eyes covered with blood trembled violently and soon turned over, revealing a white man.


Kim Sungchul Myra’s death was confirmed with careless eyes.


At his sister’s exemplary death, Pict regained his lost courage and stared at Kim Sung-cheol again.


‘Try any torture. I’ll take it sweetly. Under the name of the Almeirah! ”


Kim Sungchul, however, was insignificant.


He threw Myra Almeira’s body off the floor, squatting in front of the body and doing something.


The bloody scent spread everywhere.


Soon after Kim Seong-chul took Maira Almeirah’s body and walked outside the warehouse.


His hands strongly pressed against the dead body of warmth.


An incredible thing happened the next moment.


Myra’s body was making noise.


It was close to an incomprehensible star, but Myra’s distinctive tone remained alive.


Kim Sungchul grabbed the body and murmured and shook his head.


“It won’t work for a long time.”


He lifted the body again and manipulated it in his way.


Myra’s mouth opened and made a bizarre sound.


After seeing it, Pic Almera realized the intention of that killer.


‘that guy. I’m calling. My family… ! ‘


More than one victim is difficult.


Pic Almerra struggled violently to attract Kim Sung-chul’s attention.


Soon after Kim’s eyes met, he nodded.


“It’s me who killed the slave hunter. Is that okay? Is it okay now? ”


Kim Sungchul shook his head, staring with a blank face.


“My question begins now.”


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