The quiet tower around Hermit was unusually crowded.


In the sky of the tower, ships with flags of various nations were tied up and tied to a party-connected apparatus, and heavy mobile fortresses were lined up on the ground.


The reason why the symbols of such powerful nations gathered around the Tower of the Hermit was because of one news.


[A change occurred in the content of the book of disaster. ]


Correspondence in the name of Porperius, the owner of the Tower of the Hermit, was delivered to the kings and reigns of the nations and brought them to the Tower of the Hermit.


The kings and their emperors entered the sanctuary where the Book of Catastrophes was located in worries and anxieties.


The contents of the newly added disaster.


But not long after, there was a groan in the sanctuary.


A man shook his head.


Because what was written in the book of disaster was not so different from what was seen before.


The plague of the Devil, the plague of Seven Heroes, and the plague of war were listed side by side in the same way as before, and nothing new.


Porpirus’s face hardened.


He immediately called a subordinate in charge of the sanctuary and asked in a low voice.


“What happened?”


“That’s… It is gone. ”


“Suddenly… Joining King’s plague is gone. ”


“What the hell are you talking about? Is that a word? ”


The book of disaster, however, revealed silently and firmly that the subordinate was right.


The atmosphere in the intestines was getting untidy.


The words of the rebuke of the king and his lords, although they did not speak, turned toward Porpirus.


In the eyes that were sharper and more painful than the arrows, Porpirus had to swallow his saliva and make his own explanation.


“That’s what it is. Unexpected occurrence of variable… The disaster is gone. ”


The Hermit Porpirus became a shepherd boy.


The fame that had been built for half a century collapsed overnight.


On that day, he ate more than he had eaten all his life, and he had to take out the strongest hand of his cards.


“The book of disaster does not speak a lie. So what we see is not a lie, and powers we do not know must be involved in the Book of Catastrophe. You will have to figure it out. ”


A rich man in front of Porpirus raised his head.


In the hood, which was deeply pressed, red eyes reminiscent of the eyes of the dragon were flashing.


“…. I know. Incompetent old man. ”


Its name is not widely known, but everyone knows it.


With the blood of the mighty race dragon, she is said to be something outside of the so-called standard.


A non-standard being was given special order today and left the tower of the hermit in hundreds of years.


However, Carnes was an owner of a character far from sincerity.


“You’ve been out for a long time, so why don’t you eat something delicious?”


The strongest hermit of Kane’s gourmet restaurant tour began.


The camp of punishment was in ominous silence.


Chief Gargas Aaron’s planting was uncomfortable.


With 100 men on his side, he returned to the unit with only one wizard, who was always with him.


It always happened, but this time the river gas Aaron also had a big shock in his tent for a month.


The punishment veterans who saw it finally criticized Ganggas Aaron for his incompetence, but only one man, 34, knew the details.


‘I was scared because I left Willie Gilford and ran away. Willy Gilford is not a big man. ‘


The man. Kim Sungchul returned to the penalty unit.


There was no particular reason.


Although there is an advantage that life is relatively free and easy to obtain information, it was not a decisive reason.


He returned to the punishment unit without much thought and spent a day there performing his regular routine.


Recently, he was working on making pension items for soldiers in recognition of his talent as an alchemist.


He left the troops early in the morning, gathered the ingredients, returned to the troops, and put the ingredients in a pension kiln and ductile.


The pension items he makes were caught from antipyretic to light decorations, but no one sat on his items.


From procurement to ductility, because it takes care of all alone.


Occasionally, he used to make medicines such as healing potions under the direction of the upper part.


Kim Seong-chul, who transformed from a daring scout into a skilled alchemist in just one month, had a secret that no one knew.


Once a week, he sneaks into the entrance of the devil and tests the spell’s power against the deep-sea horse known as the gatekeeper of the devil.


Kim Sungchul, who absorbed the power of Maracaia, recently had a newly learned spell.


A powerful attack magic symbolizing the celestial forces.


The destructive power, which is second to none, was ruthlessly brutal and struck the head of the horse.


“Speaking !!!!”


When using glare, it was only a minor injury to the skin, but now it is different.


A meteorite that fell from the sky had enough power to whisk the great flesh of the deep sea horse maid.


And as the magic became stronger, there was another blessing that appeared to Kim Seong-chul.


As a result of the increase in magic, Echo, the ability of the Echographer, which has not been activated, has been activated.


Echoes still stopped at once, but the power of falling meteorites was truly destructive.


A month ago, magic could not be hit by any target, but now it is possible to inflict massive damage with just magical power.


The power of Glare, the basic magic, was also strong enough to echo over the skin, burn the fragile skin, and burn the fragile fish.


Kim Sungchul After leaving the deep sea horse mackerel beaten enough not to die.


“Hmm. Isn’t it bad? ”


Bertelgia, who floated in the sky and watched the fight, said.


Kim Sungchul struck her head and infused the essence of magic.


“It’s not enough yet. This is only the level of court wizards. ”


Dolores Winterler, who met at the Summoning Palace, is surely well above the level, but it lacks much compared to the dean-level wizard he met in Erfurt.


Kim Seong-chul estimates that the horsepower of Altius Zero is at least 450.


Kim Sungchul He was not going to go to the Demon King until he had exceeded that figure and had at least 500 hp.


He was only going to finish at once.


Clumsed with flimsy numbers and blocked, the back is gone.


The Devil is cunning.


Therefore, when the devil does not think of going to the unexpected and ending at once in an unexpected way.


That was the rough plan that Kim Sung-chul had in mind.


‘The light of primitive. That will be the answer. ‘


The scale is a deep sea horse race.


If the Deep Sea Mahjong can be dealt with a blow, the Demon King will also be able to deal with it.


Kim Seong-chul understands that the durability of the Mahjong is equal to or greater than the Demon King.


But the intuition needed to learn Primitive Light is 500.


In contrast, Kim’s intuition is now 340.


I still need 160 more intuition figures, but Kim Sungchul wasn’t in a hurry.


He progressed alchemy and battle, slowly developing his abilities, and gathered information steadily and watched trends around him.


Then it was one day.


There were strange rumors around the church.


Strictly speaking, it was a rumor that had been around for a while, and on this occasion a new situation was added and a new vitality was gained.


It was a rumor that the offensive against democracy would soon begin.


“The Salvation Crusader was formed.”


Dwarf Akkad, who was in prison number 0, sighed.


“The Savior Crusader.”


A dark shadow was cast on Kim’s eyes.


The origin of the Savior Crusader dates back to the era of Seven Heroes.


In order to prevent disasters, the nations of the rest of the world stopped old fights and confrontations, and sent together their best-known warriors to fight the disaster.


Chil Young-woong was born.


They prevented the plagues of their time.


It was modeled after the Salvation Crusader of this age.


As in thousands of years, it is the same as in the past until the elite in each country of the world is created to fight against disasters.


But the problem is the quality of the troops.


The powers of other worlds no longer send the best troops.


A half-distant warrior or some unproven newcomers are dispatched.


We did enough.


It is spreading to the inhabitants of the foreign world so nervous.


Quietly listening to Kim Sung-chul asked Acard.


“What time is this?”


Akkad said the Salvation Crusader was the 13th.


The story means that the last twelve attempts have all failed.


How many were drawn before their eyes how many died or sacrificed in the name of the salvation.


‘You still do this. Those guys. ‘


Probably a similar thing in the future.


Now the powers are just thinking that if the world is maintained while it is alive.


Rather, the Crusaders would be regarded as cheap sacrifices.


Kim Sungchul Thinked so and left.


The next day, however, Gangas Aaron summoned a former punishment unit.


His face, which had been in the office for more than a month, was visibly prominent, but the long-time members under him could see that the man called that stone head was not much different from before.


In particular, a smile with a sense of confidence in his mouth was always visible before the tragic operation.


Not surprisingly, Kangas Aaron said aloud in front of more than 300 soldiers.


“Alternative Martin Bregas allowed the 13th Salvation Crusader to march through the front lines of the Devil. Thousands of demon fronts have hoped to help the Salvation Crusaders, but all rejoice. Our eighth penalty unit was to assist the Salvation Crusade. ”


It was thunderous news in the dry skies, but no one could dispute it.


And late afternoon that day.


The Salvation Crusaders entered the territory of the penalty unit.


Kim Sungchul, who was soft in front of the pension kiln, saw that a huge flag with a cross-shaped bayonet fluttered and felt that it was coming.


‘It’s coming soon. It’s already been negotiated beforehand. ‘


River gas Aaron Down is a nasty and dirty job.


Kim Sungchul Roughly glanced over the size of the Salvation Crusader.


The number is about 300 people.


It is similar in size to punishment troops.


However, the number of combatants seemed to be barely over 100.


A few people who are rich in economy are young, young and young.


Perhaps most are the son or daughter of a powerful family.


Kim Sungchul Feeling conspicuous, he watched Kanggas Aaron go to greet the head of the Crusaders.


“Oh my god. Are you here? It was really hard to come a long way. ”


Rivergas Aaron grinned and shuddered toward the head of the Crusaders, stretching his back and head.


The head of the Crusader, however, was a young blue man who now seemed to have just passed the terms.


“Are you a river gas Aaron? You asked me to lead our route. ”


In the face of the young man riding a white horse with no blemishes, there was a mixture of noble grace and arrogance.


He did not care about what the people around him had to say, he said exactly what he thought.


“Honestly, I wanted to enter the world through the elven side, not the storm front over which the dwarves had jurisdiction. I personally don’t like dwarves very much. ”


At the end of the young man Kang’s face was noticeably distorted, but he could not say anything.


The young man looked back at the desolation of the desolate punishment force and said spit.


“Yeah, there’s no troops to see. Would it be reasonable for these to lead the Crusaders? ”


It was a moment when blue was noticed by the quiet punishment.


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