The weather was perfect.


300 punishment troops, 300 Salvation Crusaders.


In total, as many as 600 men were on the road to the devil under the bright morning sun.


The entrance to the Maggye is a three-day walk.


The first terrain encountered is the rugged mountainous region, the jurisdiction of the storm front.


River gas Aaron was particularly concerned with reconnaissance because of the ambushing terrain.


Kim Seong-chul also went to reconnaissance several times, but there was no ambush of the devils who worried.


Even if it was there, it would have been reported that Kim Sung-chul was smashed in his hand.


At the end of a mountainous march after a careful march, the sun was almost across the west.


It was not wise to act in the darkness that the devils love, so Kangas Aaron ordered the camp immediately.


Kim Sungchul, who was ready for camping faster than anyone else, was wandering around the mountains.


It seemed that there was nothing on the snowy field that was reddened by the setting sun, but Kim Sung-cheol’s eyes found a leaf with his head when sprayed on the red snow.


Kim Sungchul I brushed my eyes and collected the grass hidden in it.


When you smell, information about the pool comes to your eyes.


Remarks: It is a common grass on the side of the road, but it has a moderate nature, which neutralizes the properties of alchemy.


A pool of blind people everywhere.


Kim Seong Railroad is a common man who has been collected without a number.


However, if the grass of the blind is different from other places, it is a grade.


Grade A is a whopping.


“How? Is it my word? The grass of the blind grows well everywhere, but the harsher the environment, the more effective the growth is! ”


Kim Sungchul The grass of the blind was thrown into a sack on his back and found another object.


Another blind grass was captured hidden in a pile of snow.


Kim Sung-chul’s wicked hand grabbed the grass of the blind.


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes came to mind.


The pool of blind people collected this time was the highest grade S class.


Bertelgia fluttered the bookshelf.


“Can you make the best neutralizer? The best neutralizer not only neutralizes the alchemy material that is the ultimate, but also participates in the item’s rating itself. ”


Although one or more pension items are being made per day, their grades are mostly below B.


Proud to be a proud chef.


At least once, I wanted to make an item of A grade or higher.


At that moment, the devil’s journey was an opportunity to collect good pension materials.


Even though they are picking up every day, they couldn’t always afford to pick up high-grade alchemy materials.


As I picked up a grass of A grade or above, I saw something moving fast beyond the snowdrift.


A deer with large horns and a massive body.


It’s an ordinary deer, but he grew up in the vicinity of the world, and he is strong enough to be called a spiritual being.


Kim Seong-chul, who saw the deer, was caught in his mouth and caught something in his eyes.


An arrow stuck in the deer’s hips.


Red blood dripping from the scars and reddening the white eyes.


‘Who’s the game?’


Hunters appeared soon after the snowy mountains.


The hunter’s identity was a slim-faced woman wearing a luxurious coat, which Kim Sung-chul knew.


“That guy. Ilya is not Bregas’s brother. What was your name? ”


Kim Sungchul turned to Bertelgia and asked.


Bertelgia, whose memory is better than Kim Seong-chul and is proud of it, immediately spoke in a lively voice.


“Yes, it was Sophia Bregas.”


Kim Sungchul I can’t memorize female names well.


Because of no interest.


Sofia was armed with a bow made of elves used by elves. She sprinted at great speed, followed by hunting and protesting.


The arrows from the tense protesters flew straight and pierced the deer’s neck at once.


It was a sharp and thorough workmanship.


Sophia Bregas saw the deer fall and walked toward the deer with his bow on his back.


‘With this, I can serve my brother to a nice meal this evening.’


Faint flushes appeared on Sofia’s face.


By the way, there was already a guest standing on the deer side.


Kim Sung-chul.


Hostility came to her face in the face of Sofia.


“No, you. What are you doing here? ”


Kim Sungchul replied with a grave voice, showing the grass of the blind filled with horses.


She opened her mouth slightly, took her toward the deer, and knocked out a large deer at once.


A ton of heavy deer was placed on the slim body of Sofia.


That is a great power.


However, the huge size of the deer and the imbalance of its center of gravity could not be ignored.


Shortly after lifting the deer, Sofia’s balance broke, and she put the deer back on the snow.


‘Would you like to put it in the soul depot? No, it’s not big enough. Besides, it will dry out in all likelihood. ‘


Sophia Bregas, taking a deep breath, looked down at the deer’s body and thought he would cut off part of the deer.


At that time a calm voice echoed next to her.


“I’m sorry, can I get some meat?”


Sophia Bregas scoffed at him, shedding a punishment member in shabby clothing.


“You don’t have to say that you want to die.”


I was not a good person from the beginning.


Even Gangas Aaron, the head of the Punishment Force, acts like a dog waving at the front of Bregas’s siblings.


It is one of two ways to act in front of the people of Bregas, the foremost prestige in the front line.


No concept or no fear.


Either way, Sofia Bregas is unacceptable.


“If you want, I will help you trim the meat.”


Kim said again.


Although he did not like it, it was enough to soften Sofia’s heart.


Because Sofia Bregas knew how to hunt, but did not know how to trim the game.


The care of the game is usually left to servants, but the area is local, so I did not bring it today.


At that moment, Kim’s proposal was quite worth considering.


“I can’t give you good parts. What can you give me head, legs and hips? ”


She stared at Kim Sung-cheol with cold eyes.


It is an unpopular or tasteless part.


Kim Sungchul was not insignificant.


“I don’t need that. Internal organs are sufficient. ”


Sofia laughed out.


Do not know if the liver of the goose is usually the intestines people eat food.


I’ll throw it to the hounds, I asked for the part I thought of, I will have no choice but to laugh.


“Okay. If that’s the case, take it with you. Instead, trim the deer here. I will send someone later. ”


“I take it myself. It is not heavy. ”


“Oh really? Then you can bring it yourself. If you can. But if you check later and find any missing parts, you’ll have to be punished. ”


After a row of guns, Sofia disappeared beyond the snowfield at a quick pace.


“It’s a real girl without cheap.”


As soon as she disappeared, Bertelgia popped out of her pocket and opened her mouth.


As always, Kim Sungchul did not mind the actions of the ordinary.


His attention was directed only to the chilling prey.


“It’s quite rare in this area. Lucky for you. ”


As it is a barren land, neither grass nor trees are rare, and therefore game is rare.


A deer of this size is a guy who looks around every single week.


Kim Sungchul Take the sword of the human empire from the Soul Warehouse and cut the deer’s belly straight.


The intestines filled with blood and poured out.


Kim Sungchul Raised vivid reddish viscera and lifted the surface to observe the surface.


“Very nice man. It’s the best. ”


“Uh… Do you eat something like liver? I can’t eat that. I wouldn’t know if it was lean meat. ”


Bertelgia said, observing the intestines right next to Kim Sung-chul.


“It’s a little taste.”


“I don’t risk my life eating like you!”


“Only those who have eaten know how delicious it is. And if it’s this much good liver. ”


“Cloudy. Yes? I’m not sure. How much does it cost to be a pension material grade? ”


Kim Sungchul That said, he buried a vivid liver under a pile of snow.


Then he lifted the drooping deer with one hand and threw it at a nearby big conifer.


A huge deer over one ton flew like a light ball, hitting a beautiful conifer, followed by a sharp branch that penetrated the deer and into the conifer, firmly fixing the deer’s body.


Bertelgia was jealous.


I often see the scene, but today’s cooking scene was more intense than usual.


Kim Sungchul I cut a deer’s neck with a nice horn and placed it in the corner with a sword, and skinned it with skillful hands.


Still, when the strength was added to the strength, the skin of the deer was peeled lightly like a banana peel.


Kim Sungchul Tossed off the skin of the deer skin peeled off, cut the blood art of the deer’s arteries.


The pool of blind people was collected during the blood drain.


Bertelgia, watching from the side, pulled out a word.


“I don’t know anything else but I can’t help but admit one diligent thing.”


Kim Sungchul said the peeled skins in the sack and put them in the soul storehouse.


After some blood, Kim Sungchul returned to the camp by lifting up the deer’s fuselage.


The crusader barracks could be seen from afar.


When Kim Seong-cheol grabbed the deer and went to the barracks, a young crusader with a sword stopped Kim.


“I’m here to deliver meat.”


Sofia Bregas’ voice was heard in the tent.


“Wait a minute. I will go out. ”


Sophia Bregas appeared in the tent, sweeping the light blonde.


Kim Sungchul As soon as she saw her, she put the deer under the tent.


The venison sat on the ground with a dull sound.


“Do you think you are using some strength?”


Sophia Bregas carefully looked at the deer brought by Kim Sung Chul and confirmed if there was any part Kim Sung Chul had missed.


There is no problem except to break the stomach and take out the intestines.


The most important tail meat is safe and there are no cuts in other flesh.


Sophia Bregas, who had been looking for a long time, nodded and said.


“Good job. Go in. ”


At that time, the voice of a young man resonated in the barracks.


“Hey, Sofia. It’s not polite to just return the customer and return it. ”


Ilya Bregas’s voice.


Sofia turned her head and murmured with herself.


“Yeah! Did you enter? ”


Kim Sungchul entered the barracks without refusing.


Sofia was about halfway inside Kim Sungchul Barracks when she was in a hurry to stop him.


The tent was wide and cozy.


In the center was a nomadic style of fire, surrounded by luxurious carpets and furniture.


Bregas was a splendid landscape.


“I see you again. No. 34. ”


Iliya was showing favor to Kim Seong-chul for some reason.


Kim Sungchul pasted and asked questions.


“What is it for me?”


Iliya Bregas smiled and said.


“I don’t have it. The dish I’ve been served to you before was so delicious and memorable. In particular, the flavor of the black mass that melts in the mouth is still around the tip of the tongue. ”


Kim Sungchul listened to him silently and thought inside.


‘Are you talking about Insusoo Prophet? You know the taste. ‘


Ilya Bregas continued to speak.


“I haven’t eaten any food since I haven’t tasted lately. I’m not proud of it, but the mansion in Trowin had a chef with class, a rare dish. ”


“Cooking class?”


“Yes. It’s a class you’ve never heard of. They’re protected by the god of taste. I don’t know anything else, but I’m very new to cooking. Anyway, when they came out after eating their food, they didn’t like the food, the climate and the spirit. At that moment I ate your food and found my taste. ”


The sour taste of kimchi helps regain appetite, so it’s not wrong.


“I’ve been treated before, so I’ll try it here today. Today my sister, Sophia, said she’d try her best. Would you like to join us if you don’t mind? ”


Kim Sungchul Or Iliya Bregas suspected that he was plotting something without knowing it.


‘I didn’t notice any signs of conspiracy. Are you aware of my identity? ‘


Kim Sungchul I stopped breathing and watched the surroundings.


No particular threat was felt.


“A brother. Why are you saying that nonsense? That person is only one prisoner. ”


When Kim Sung-chul was sharply vigilant, the voice of Sophia Bregas, standing next to him, was heard.


Ilya Bregas laughed with excitement and appeased her sister.


“Mother did it. No matter how humble you look, there’s something coming back. I’ve been served before, and thanks to you for your taste? ”


Sofia Bregas was reluctant, but could not break the stubbornness of her brother.


“I’m lucky! Prisoner! ”


She spoke to Kim Sung-chul and went out of the tent.


“My brother is a little angular, but it is a good child to know.”


Ilya Bregas smiled softly, smiling.


Kim Sungchul Ilya has yet to grasp Bregas.


‘Alternative. This guy. Why are you holding me here? ‘


There are no ambushes around, and I’m not very strong either.


I didn’t understand what it was like to have Kim Sung-chul tied up here.


For Kim Seong-chul, it was a deep heart.


The depths of the mist that could not be understood even by their intentions were the only feat of the emperor of the human empire.


But Kim Sungchul decided to calmly cope.


He has divine power to break any cunning and subtle system.


Shut up and let time go by.


After a while, Sophia Bregas came into the tent.


Servants followed her with food on the tray.


The moment I saw the dish, I was amazed at Kim’s eyes.


‘이 .. This is… ?! ”


It was something more than charcoal soot rather than cooking.


Kim Sungchul took a fork with his trembling hand and took it to his mouth.


In the eyes of Kim Seong-chul, more surprise than before.


The basic skill of the chef’s palate was not activated.


‘…’ This is not cooking! ‘


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