The first people to enlighten magic in the world are demons.


The demons had easier access to magic than other races and possessed excellent magical talents.


In the end, excessive magic has corrupted them, but the demons’ magical knowledge and powerful magic have long been the subject of praise and worship.


It is almost gone now, but at one time there were many demons in the world.


The ultimate purpose of the devil worshipers is to escape the destiny of the barbarous and humble human being and become the devil itself.


The Book of the Great Demon is the essence of the visions of the demon worshipers.


“…. It contains the devil’s quest. ”


There is nothing to hide, no reason to hide.


Ilya Bregas confided all he knew before the enemies of the world.


“The book serves as a guide to the city of devil worshipers hidden somewhere at the entrance of the Devil. And if you open the book in front of the altar of Manma that is in the city, the person can receive the quest of the great demon who was once human. ”


“Unhealthy quests. Did you have to do that? ”


Kim Sung-chul asked with a calm voice.


“I had to get revenge even by the power of the devil. For he has driven his mother to death and is trying to remove us. ”


Ilia Bregas’s eyes were burning with cold rage.


Kim Sungchul could feel sincere from him.


Kim Sungchul first walked forward.


He followed the footsteps that fled south.


In front of the unexpected actions of the enemy, Bregas siblings were confused and followed him.


Soon there appeared a man’s torn man’s body.


The Corps of the Salvation Crusader.


Immediately after Kim Seong-chul’s protection, he was attacked by the devil and fell into the prey of the devil.


Sofia Bregas recognized the body and trembled lightly.


Kim Seong-cheol asked, looking at the bloody hair broken on the floor.


“…. I’ve been friends since I was young. I betrayed at the end. ”


Kim Sungchul continued to walk forward.


Another body was seen.


This time it was not one but two.


The bodies were captured by a demon in the form of a bad tooth with 100 teeth and became the demon’s soother.


Kim Sungchul stared at the devil trying to cut his body with careless eyes and sew its head and limbs on different bodies.


The eyes of Ilya and Sofia were distorted in unison.


The members were also longtime brothers and sisters.


After all, they also betrayed their brothers and sisters, but their miserable last time, a close friend, had a great impact on Bregas brothers and sisters.


The demon, with 100 teeth, threw the bodies of humans playing with new humans and revealed their ugly teeth.


But the wind of the devil did not come true.


Kim Sung-chul’s fist hit the face of the devil.


Hundreds of teeth were shattered and reddish with red blood.


Kim Sungchul Grabbed the hands of the numerous sharp teeth on the floor and rubbed them toward the devil’s big eyes.


“Keeyi !!!!”


Kim Sungchul then pulled both arms of the devil bonelessly and threw the howling devil away.


The plagues of disaster have begun to gather on the devil’s head sneaking into the ground.


Kim Sungchul, who defeated the devil, walked forward silently.


Bregas siblings followed quietly, gazing at the back of a man with a ridiculous power.


As I walked behind him, I suddenly thought of passing through the brains of Bregas.


‘Maybe we were still alive… Isn’t that because the guy is close? ‘


His guess was correct.


The reason why Kim Sung-chul did not chase the fled members is in common with him.


The moment of escape from Kim Seong-chul’s protection in the world of Heung’s hell, the powerless Crusaders fall into prey at the bottom of the Pyramid.


Kim Seong-cheol and Bregas were able to find several more bodies after their siblings.


They faced a terrible and terrible death as one.


There was one living man.


But his condition was terrible enough to bless him to die.


“The porridge… Kill me… . ”


The man, who was infused with a giant carnivorous egg in his body alive, begged death, feeling the extreme pain of carnivorous larvae in his body.


Kim Sung-chul’s hammer smashed the man’s head.


In the smashed head, a finger-sized maggot-shaped insect repelled its sharp teeth.


Bertelgia, who was in Kim’s arms, trembled.


Kim Sungchul left the body and headed forward.


‘There are two people left.’


Soon the two subjects were found.


In front of them was a demon with a pure white skin hanging over a necklace made of human limbs.


The devil descended slowly and made thunder and lightning, making a bizarre laugh like a mechanical sound.


Manly lightning strikes hit them.


Kim Seong-cheol’s hammer broke the bones of the devil, but both men and women were already fatally wounded.


Already one died instantly.


Only a man with a long grease tread stared in the air with blurred vision, shedding painful moans.


Ilya and Sophia urgently approached him.


Ilya hugged him.


The man’s eyes have long been lost.


“I’m sorry. Really… I’m sorry. ”


The man left his words and was out of breath.


Heavy silence came.


In silence Kim Sungchul found the book of the Great Devil in the body of a dead woman and recovered it.


A faint line appeared in Kim Seong-cheol’s view when he grabbed the Book of the Great Devil.


The flash was so faint that I could not see it without consciousness.


The ray of light stretched eastward.


Kim Sungchul presented the book of the great demon to Ilya.


Ilya received the book of the Great Devil, looking embarrassed.


‘Alternative this person. What is your intention? ‘


He could not even guess the weight of Kim Sung Chul.


The reasons and purposes are all unclear.


Kim Sungchul I read the mess that disturbed the eyes of Iliya and spoke in a low voice.


“Please guide. As a demon quest. ”


Then Iliya seemed to know a little what Kim Seong-cheol wanted.


He nodded and guided Kim to the point where Devil’s Quest waited.


Several icebergs and rivers of flame were waiting for them as they crossed the river of flames.


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes came to mind.


‘Is there something in this fog?’


This sea of ​​fog is a place in Kim Seong-cheol’s memory that wandered through the world.


It was not worth it.


There were mud bogs all over the place, and there were only monsters that resemble dead drowned bodies that pulled through them.


However, Kim Seong-chul now has a book of the Great Devil.


A streak flash from the Great Devil’s Book served as a lighthouse to guide the sea of ​​fog, which is invisible.


By the time I was trampling and killing about ten bog monsters, I was getting sick of the mist.


In front of Kim Seong-cheol and Bregas siblings who escaped from the fog, they saw towering towers.


The number of towers is eight.


The narrow passages between the tower and the spider web made the viewer feel dizzy.


Kim Sungchul walked forward and stared at the towers.


‘There was a place like this in the world.’


Kim Sungchul found a lingering lingering under the tower.


It was surprisingly human.


The tortured and ugly face of severe torture and remodeling had made Kim Sungchul find it difficult to recognize the human being who dragged the sack.


Kim Sungchul turned around and stared at Ilya.


“Where are you?”


He would know something.


The Great Devil’s Book that he is holding in his hand.


The person who handed the book would have told.


Kim Seong-chul did not even know the story of the city of devils.


Kim’s conjecture was correct.


“This is… It is a city of human beings. ”


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes came to mind.


“A human city in the middle of the devil?”


“Yes. This is the city of those who wanted to be demons and want to escape the mortal destiny. ”


“Is it the den of devils?”


At the question of Kim Seong-chul, Iliya nodded with a dark expression.


Kim Sungchul I looked up at the towers with interesting eyes.


‘There was a place like this.’


No one knows more about the devil than Kim Sung-chul.


At least among the people of the same age.


By the way, Ilya Bregas, the man who gave him the book, knows the existence of this city.


The ordinary are never.


Kim Sungchul turned his head towards Ilya.


“Who did you receive the book from?”


It is a question that should be pointed out someday.


Kim Sungchul was weighing the time and finally felt that time had come.


Iliya also knew that someday Kim would ask him.


He cleared his head for a while and then said in a calm tone.


“First of all, I’ll get it first. I don’t know much about her. Because she suddenly appeared before us. We do not know whether her identity is true or not. ”


This is not a proper answer.


Kim’s arm slightly moved.


It was a small movement, but Ilya felt ridiculously large.


He swallowed saliva and continued to speak.


“She gave the name of Seven Heroes.”


“Chill Heroes?”


Kim Sung-chul’s lips, which were heavily closed, opened.


Ilya urgently spoke.


“Yes. She was named Vestiare. ”


Kim Seong-chul is a person with a contact.


Kim Seong-cheol’s class echoes received directly from Vestiare himself.


Ilya continued to talk about what she saw.


Kim Seong-chul’s hand rose.


It was a silent sign to shut up.


Instead, Kim Sungchul turned his head to star at Sofia Bregas.


Sofia Bregas’s new type was trembling, but she soon faced Kim Seong-cheol.


“Did you see her?”


Sophia nodded, realizing that it was a pointless attempt while trying to shook her head.


“What does she look like?”


In response to Kim Seong-cheol, Sophia Bregas groped memory.


“It was a blonde high elf.”


Kim Seong-chul’s eyes came to mind.


“It was pale skin like a ghost. So you can see everything in your veins. And I had a dreamy voice. ”


Sofia, speaking of Beth-tiare, was mostly in agreement with what Kim had seen.


It does not seem to speak a lie.


Kim Sungchul was deeply thoughtful while standing in an empty space.


‘The Devil King’s plague is not over yet, but Chil-Hoong is already active?’


Bregas brothers and sisters are not 100% creditable.


But most of their words were pointing to the truth.


In doubt, Kim Sungchul stared at the tower of towering demons.


‘There must be something happening.’


First of all, to solve the problem in front of you first.


Kim Sungchul thought so.


Now, in front of Kim Seong-cheol and Bregas siblings, a firmly closed door was in place.


It was a huge iron gate that seemed unlikely to be opened by human power, but the heavy iron gate opened with a thunderous sound when the touch of Kim Sung-cheol, who was infused with divine power.


Kim Sungchul I walked inside the tower of ominous light.


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