33. The Abandoned (1)


Eight towers in the land of devil worshipers.


At the top of each tower are beings who have evolved from human to great devil.


Each tower is itself a small world whose color and personality are determined by the character of the great devil who dominates the tower.


Pleasure, order, vanity, workmanship, etc., varied in nature and could not be so difficult to fit in one category.


The great demon of each tower has its own enemy, who created the Great Devil’s Book to scour or fool their enemies (although the possibility is extremely slim).


Kim Sungchul intended to get all eight of the Great Devil’s books.


In just one day he had four Great Devil’s Books and cleared all quests except feats.


In the world where the sun is invisible, ordinary humans cannot see time in the sky, but Kim Sungchul has a very sophisticated belly clock.


His mission is to eat when he is hungry.


Relaxation is as important as Kim Sungchul’s growth, which sees daily steadiness as the best virtue.


As he rounded the four towers, he finished the day and set up a camp to stay overnight on a hill overlooking the eight towers of the Great Devil.


Of course, Bregas siblings also acted with him.


The siblings of Kim Seong-chul burned red ashes and burned in silence.


Kim Sungchul Somewhere disappeared and did not return.


In silence, Sophia first opened her mouth.


“A brother. Are you okay? ”


Her eyes were filled with worries.


The enemy of the world has experienced a ridiculous increase in abilities while being with the enemy, but strictly speaking, their siblings are no different from being with a predator.


A beast is an unknown being.


Suddenly, you may feel bad and hurt yourself or ask for more.


Above all, Kim Sungchul wasn’t a strong man?


‘The human must have not seen a woman for a long time.’


I do not want to imagine, but sinister foreboding in Sofia’s mind was growing like poisonous mushrooms.


‘If he asks for my body… What should you do then? In front of your brother. I can’t live! ‘


If you feel comfortable, you may have mishaps.


“It’s okay. Sofia. ”


Ilya Bregas, meanwhile, was suffering from a different worry than Sophia.


‘An enemy of alternative worlds. What do you think he is? Why are you giving up the chance to become a great demon and performing only the lower quests? ‘


The increased stats are welcome.


Even before he came to the world, he had heard promising Latter-day Index among young people, but in just one day he achieved very high accomplishments.


But Ilya’s goal was to be higher.


The power of the devil over humans is what he wanted.


But Kim Sungchul did not seem to have any idea.


You should watch the trend more, but he seemed to want the book of the Great Devil rather than the Great Devil.


A piece of dried firewood burned down.


Iliya picked up a dry twig piled up next to him, flipped a stack of firewood, and inadvertently slept deeply.


‘What if he didn’t kill the great demon then? Should I face the Great Devil myself? ‘


But he is not confident.


Indeed, the great devils were overwhelming and could hardly see how to win.


In silence the wrath went deeper.


Soon I heard footsteps.


Now it’s familiar sound of gunpowder.


Kim Sung-chul was coming.


Holding something huge behind his back.


Kim Seong-chul put the object on the floor.


It was a long-haired cow.


Though it looked like a little boy, it was not big.


Kim Sungchul took out the sword and began to clean the cows without a word.


“What if you cook there… . Are you going? ”


Sophia carefully asked the question.


Kim Sungchul nodded, staring at her with a glance.


“If you have a meal, why don’t you do it at the Tower of Jibok? I received a meal ticket as a quest reward. ”


Sofia pulled out a meal ticket for Chef Minamoto, who was given a selection reward.


“Is there a farm around here?”


Sofia looked around.


Rather than a farm, there are no traces of rice fields.


She shook her head.


“Where do the ingredients for that many human beings come from? Nevertheless, if I want to eat it, I will not dry it. ”


Kim Sungchul began to trim meat.


Bregas siblings watched Kim Seong-chul’s appearance with a complex gaze.


Amazed at the eyes of Sofia.


‘The sword is not ordinary.’


She learned the magic and the sword at the same time, but deeper in the sword, she was able to find out how high Kim’s sword is.


Kim Sung-chul’s sword did not have any waste.


Each time his sword moved, the carcass of a huge cow was dismantled and cleaned up in an astonishing way.


Kim Sungchul Picked up well-dripping blood and smelled it.


“Well… It’s not very good meat. ”


It’s tasty but it’s chewy and slightly chewy.


Kim Sungchul placed a chunk of meat on a flat rock that rolled around and began to chop meat with a knife.


As I cut quickly, Bertelgia is caught in the upper pocket.


Kim Sungchul pulled out Bertelgia.


“No! I don’t know what’s on your eyes! ”


Bertelgia sought not to go out, but could not support Kim’s power.


Eventually Bertelgia fled out of his pocket and fluttered above the sky.


Ilya and Sofia stared at Bertelgia with surprised eyes.


Sophia asked with curious eyes.


“Look at the living book first?”


Bertelgia, whose planting was damaged, shot sharply.


Meanwhile, Kim Sungchul took the spleen’s cooking ingredients from the Soul Warehouse.


His cooking box of dried mushrooms, vegetables, peppers and various herbs appeared.


Kim Sungchul Put them in the minced meat, mix and knock again with a knife.


Ilya turned to Kim Seong-chul.


Anxious, sighing and sighing, he noticed his expression brightly when he saw Kim Sung-chul cooking.


In the meantime, I couldn’t eat the right food, and I remembered Kim’s dish that I had tasted before, and I expect it without knowing it.


Sophia, who had seen that figure, got up from his seat and approached behind Kim Sung-chul.


“Can I help you? . ? ”


For Sofia was the end of a lifetime decision.


However, Kim’s reaction to it was cold.


Rejected under one word.


‘If you starve you will not leave you cooking.’


But Sofia did not give up easily.


She was afraid of Kim Seong-chul, but stood behind him and stood up again.


“I’ll help you a little bit. We’re going to eat it. ”


Kim Sungchul took a piece of the meat that was being trimmed and pushed it to Sofia.


“Make what you eat.”


Though it wasn’t the painting she wanted, Sophia politely received the meat with two hands and shouted delight.


‘Good. It’s time to show my cooking skills to my brother again! ”


But she did not see.


Ilya’s pupils cramp.


Receiving the meat, Sophia noticed that Kim made a kind of hamburger steak.


The trimming and cooking of the ingredients has already been done mostly by Kim Sung-chul’s hands, and all that remains is a little extra chopping and baking.


It’s not hard, but it’s burning.


It is difficult to find a suitable cooking utensil here.


Sofia rolled her head and found a suitable tool around her.


Rolling horn caught my eye.


‘If you put meat here and grill it like a grilled bone, it would be alright?’


She stared at rival Kim Seong-cheol over her shoulder.


He was still mining meat.


It is a stupid tenacity.


Sofia immediately remembered that the best side dish was the market, and immediately turned her idea into action.


A moderately thick twig was washed cleanly and the minced meat was placed in the middle.


But it does not stick well.


Viscosity disappeared as it was chopped, and even though it rolled up, it sometimes falls off.


Eventually she borrowed magical powers.


The ice came out of her hands, who learned the magic of the freezing school, and succeeded in hardening the meat cooked on the branches.


“…. That girl. What are you doing? ”


Bertelgia, banished from Kim’s pocket and wandered around, murmured.


Sofia left the frozen meat on the kitchen counter connected to the bonfire and roasted it as it was.


By the way, already frozen meat can not be properly baked.


The frozen meat seemed to burn well at first, but it burned quickly and turned into a black ash, and smoked high ominous black smoke.


Sofia faintly recognized something was wrong, but did not take it seriously.


She took something out of the fire that produced black smoke.


By the way, the fire was caught on the branches used as a handle.


She quickly froze the meat, put out the fire, and stiffly put out the lump of ash to Iliya.


“A brother. Are you really hungry? listen. I’m good at it. ”


Ilya’s expression was casual, but her heart was not.


‘Please… Help me. That thing… I don’t want to eat! ‘


My sister was a terrible pain was not able to say something to her.


His gaze turned to Kim Sung-chul over Sofia.


Kim Sungchul was throwing a flat stone the size of a fist in a fire.


Kim Sungchul stared at Hillside Ilya and Sophia while throwing stones.


“What is it? Is it eating? ”


Kim Sung Cheol asked bluntly.


“Of course you eat… Yo. ”


Sofia showed some discomfort.


Kim Sungchul I stared at Ilya, who was in crisis, and sighed with a sigh, and walked toward Bregas’ siblings.


“Try it once. You made it. ”


“Try it. The food you made yourself. ”


Normally ignored, but the opponent is the enemy of the legendary villain world holding the right to life and death.


Sofia turned to the food she made.


There was a chunk of carbon in her hand that could not be called food.


“e…. Would it be delicious? ”


But Sofia was also aware.


The fact that he made something is something you can never eat.


Kim Seong-chul took the flat stone with minced meat and brought it to the fire.


Minced meat was roundly stacked like high peaks.


Kim Sungchul Cut it with a sword and divided it into thirds and evenly divided himself and Bregas siblings.


Sofia, seeing it coldly said.


“Are you eating raw meat?”


It was Sofia who threw out her own dish, but there was still a corner to excuse.


‘The cooking utensils were burned because they didn’t change. Do you think you can be a star? ‘


Kim Sung-chul’s sword moved quickly.


On his sword was placed a small flat stone which had been thrown into the fire.


He put a steaming stone in front of each other, pulled out the dagger, put the minced meat on top and applied it with butter.


Surprisingly, the minced meat cooked on a flat stone with a pleasant sound.


The stone itself with the warmth of fire served as an instant frying pan.


Although there is no sauce and no other ingredients to accompany, the freshly grilled minced meat melted in the tongue with the best taste as soon as it entered the mouth.


First, Kim Sungchul, who put meat in his mouth, closed his eyes and enjoyed his dishes.


[Score for this dish… 68 points! ]


If there was a fee with the sauce, you could get a higher score, but this is a score that can never be obtained by ordinary cooks.


Shallow elasticity burst out of Ilya’s mouth.


That’s a huge taste.


Sofia felt the same wonder.


‘It tastes the same even though it’s the same ?!’


A depressed mind comes, but cannot stop eating.


Kim Sungchul I watched the brothers and sisters of Bregas who eat their own food like a hungry man.


As a chef, I feel that my pride fills my empty chest to some extent.


Even though it’s a comfort.


A similar landscape came to mind before Kim’s eyes.


It was a girl dressed as a beggar.


The child who visited me for a long time named a woman who lived for a long time.


Kim Sungchul, who was watching a girl who was devouring her servant’s food, was captured by a complex heart.


Kim Sungchul was at the peak of his life.


Continental Girl, the head of the new human empire, was the time to establish order on the continents in decline and corruption and to spread the name throughout the continent.


But on the other hand, it was also a gloomy time when I was feeling irritated by the power struggles that had settled like a disease in the empire.


The emergence of a strange child changed the life of the empty man to him who was quietly preparing for the returnee’s life like another colleague who returned to reality.


Kim Seong-cheol’s thoughts were broken by the squeaking noise from the side.


A low but heavy voice leaked out of his mouth.


Bregas siblings, who were eating scaredly food, looked around.


In the silence of silence, a grim figure appeared before Kim’s party.


I had seen it before.


It is the same human who wandered around the tower of the devil worshipers.


The entity, dressed in black as an undertaker and covered with an ugly face with a hood, walked carefully before Kim Sung-chul and said in an ugly voice.


“Kink…. Do not misunderstand Not an enemy I just came to offer you. ”


When Kim Sung-cheol asked in a cold tone, a bizarre smile emerged from the twisted mouth exposed under the hood.


“Do you want to kill the great demons? If so, let me know how. ”


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