33. The Abandoned (3)


The books of the Seven Great Devils were in turn on the floor.


But the red book is invisible.


“One is not enough?”


“Be honest. Where is the book? ”


Sophia did not answer.


Bertelgia, who was in Kim’s pocket, penetrated deep into the pocket.


Kim Seong-cheol’s next move was due to what he expected.


‘I don’t like pretty female bodies because they look strangely more terrible.’


But Kim Sungchul did not do anything to Sofia.


He left fearful Sophia behind and walked to the place where the rest of the books were placed, looking at them one by one.


‘The feat written on the book of the Red Great Devil was the only thing I didn’t need, such as strength and agility.’


The book was obtained for the first time, the contents were well remembered.


He looked back at the pale, tired Sophia.


“Open your books and show me your cause.”


Sofia did as she had to run, not like her.


Kim Sungchul The rewards of each great demon book were put on the same line and compared.


The highest priority is intuition.


If you lack a little magic, but without intuition, you can not learn the last magic of the sky engineering.


Next comes horsepower.


Kim Sungchul Prioritized findings of intuition and magic.


Soon three books were selected.


The condition is that intuition is the first priority horsepower second.


There, too, we picked out things that didn’t overlap with the client.


Thus, the feat that Kim Sung-cheol should achieve first was reduced to three.


Book of the Great Devils, Volume 1 – Intuition 30, Magic Power 15, Charm 15

 [The Book of the Great Devils, Volume 5]-Intuition 20, Power 10, Attraction 20

 [The Book of the Great Devils, Volume 8]-Intuition 10, Power 10, Luck 30


The feats of feat included not only stat rewards, but also miscellaneous items, which were not considered by Kim Sung-chul.


Kim Seong-cheol’s gaze remained only in shame.


‘Intuition is only 60. If I can do all of this, my intuition will soon come to 500. ‘


Kim Sungchul stepped faster.


“Take a book and follow me.”


Arm Garaz appeared in Kim Seong-chul’s hand.


He entered the green tower.


Kim Sungchul commanded Sophia in front of the room of the Great Devil.


“Hand over the book and wait here.”


Sofia handed over the book to Kim Seong-chul.


Kim Seong-chul’s book was carried by another book, Bertelgia, on his bookshelf.


Kim Sungchul entered the room of the great demon with Bertelgia.


Sophia prayed to God for Kim to lose.


‘Please. Oh God. Please kill that person. He and his brother must live to die. ‘


It was my first prayer, and I didn’t know how to draw a name or how to pray, but my heart was eager enough to touch heaven.


Meanwhile, in the Green Tower, there was a great demon miniature troupe made of 42 wooden dolls.


The devil, 42 in one and 42 in one, spoke to Kim Sung-chul through the mouth of 42 puppets.


“I told you to kill that idiot, why did you refuse my command?”


“A child who doesn’t speak should be made into a doll!”


“Dolls listen well!”


“Aren’t fools? Is the doll made to listen to it? ”


“That’s true!”


42 Sung dolls tied up in Busan while clapping hands. Kim Sungchul jumped up to the ceiling where the strings tied to the dolls were held with the arms.


There was a giant brain writhing on top.


Kim Seong-cheol’s arm-garages went up.


“If we fight, we have no choice but to wear it!”


The dolls chased after Kim Seong-chul and jumped up and stopped.


But the great demon could not be Kim Seong-chul’s opponent from the start.


Dolls shattered in the air with parts of the Great Devil’s body in a hammered room.


The puppets continued to run without fear as if to show that they themselves were moving on command, but it was pointless.


All the dolls of the Great Demon Minor Company have been crushed.


The great demon, whose brains were left, only realized that human beings before him were powerful enough to be compared with him.


“You… are you? What the hell is that? ”


“I had a stuffed toy more than a wood doll.”


Arm Karaz struck the Great Devil.


Kim Sungchul I witnessed shining characters in the debris of the brain flowing down in the air.


[You have attained feud. ]


[Very good! You have punished the heroic serial killer Herik Mas for the doll. ]


[Great Devil Cadenbourg is very happy! ]


Basic Reward: 1. Intuition 30


Ominous light flows from Bertelgia’s desperate stack of demon, freeing the unknown power contained in it, and handing it over to Kim Sung-chul.


But not everything was taken over.


[An unknown curse is blocking your ability-attraction. ]


But that’s not important.


Kim Sungchul noticed that the other two stats he needed increased, and appraised the item received as a reward.


Effect: When used, you gain the power of the Great Devil by sacrificing your soul and body.


Remarks: The great devil also has strength in his body.


Just use the item can get the power of the great demon.


Kim Sungchul Once the worn bones were placed in the Soul Warehouse, they left the room of the Great Devil.


Outside of the room was Sophia kneeling in prayer.


“What do you pray so hard for?”


Kim Seong-cheol stared at her with careless eyes.


Sofia stared at Kim Sung Chul with embarrassed eyes.


‘So did you come out without getting hurt so fast? Nonsense. Even if he is an enemy of the world, the other side is a great evil…


I know Kim is strong, but I don’t know how strong.


Kim Seong-chul is a man who can not dare even measure her.


He talked to Sophia, who was standing in a mockery.


“What’s wrong with you?”


He first went down the stairs.


As she descended the stairs, Bertelgia fluttered behind him.


“Why don’t you kill that girl? If it’s your temper, I’ve killed it. ”


“Maybe… What kind of girl is that? ”


“Do not be bullshit. It is not necessary to kill it, but to save it. ”


And soon fate will take away her life.


Kim Sungchul I didn’t have the ability to see the future, but I felt so strongly about Sophia.


Those who value others more than themselves do not live long.


When I stepped into the green tower, I noticed a different landscape.


Countless demon worshipers came out of the desolate pagoda, an invisible ant, looking at the green pagoda.


“The Great Demon Minor Troupe died. Who will be the new great demon? ”


“I hope the crazy demon appears this time.”


“The hobby of the miniatures was so childish. Was cruel to no avail. ”


The demon worshipers swarmed like bees when Kim Seong-chul emerged from the tower.


“Did that man kill the great demon?”


“I will. If you killed the Great Devil, you would have already become a new Great Devil. ”


Kim Sungchul kicked out the demon worshipers who swung the hammer lightly.


A demon worshiper, most of whom had stepped back but was fearless and wasted, continued to approach Kim.


He was a culprit to beat.


The demon worshiper laughed as his eyes met Kim Seong-chul.


Kim Sungchul I pulled my favorite rope from the soul storehouse.


He grabbed the neck of the smiling devil, fastened the rope around his neck, and hung it near a dried tree.


The fearless devil worshiped a maggot and hung over a tree, but then became silent.


When Kim Seong-chul walked forward again, the crowd blocking him was split in half and the road appeared.


Kim Sungchul was watching the Ashen Tower, the next target.


The Ashen Tower was quite different from the Green Tower.


From the ground floor, the anti-human half-horse monsters appear to be guards.


“Identify! Human! ”


When I entered before, they were invisible.


Only one hundred water fish that number


One great devil was killed, and the other great devils started their own boundaries.


Sophia’s face was hardened and her sword was taken.


No matter how much Kim Seong-chul is, it is hard to judge that number.


Arm Garaz moved quickly.


All the monsters in front of me became blood bread.


Kim had no forgiveness or mercy for his hammering.


The only thing left was that the hammer left the result.


Half of the monsters were quickly removed, and other monsters lost their warfare and ran away.


Kim Sungchul did not chase after them.


Sofia pulled the sword and put the sword into the road sword.


‘You’re crazy. This is crazy! ”


I came here and thought it was quite strong, but it was a moment when I realized vividly that there was no dust in front of that guy.


Kim Sungchul walked forward again.


Destroyed everything in front of him and ascended to the top of the Ashen Tower and defeated the Great Devil.


The difference from last time is that I didn’t even have time to say a word.


Kim Sungchul entered the room of the Great Devil, as if entering the house of his house, struck the Great Devil with a blow, and went down to the next destination with the reward.


The same thing was repeated in the next tower.


This great demon, however, begged his life in a timid form rather than the other two.


“Would we not trade?”


Kim’s answer was a hammer.


Bertelgia, who saw the body of the great demon smashed by the blow, said it was waiting.


“Pibig! I can’t make a deal! ”


Kim Sungchul In the book of another great demon, an ominous light appeared and felt the power penetrating himself.


An unexpected barrier appeared.


[Warning! Your intuition is so high that only some of it is handed down to you. ]


Kim Sungchul immediately confirmed the stat window.


Strength 999+ Agility 853 Stamina 801


Magic 474 Intuition 477 Magic Resistance 622


Will 502 18 18 Charm Will


Kim Sungchul thought of it.


‘The intuition of the Great Demon, the client of this quest, was 477.’


The client of the quest was a giant that emits a stench sticking all over the body.


I didn’t think he was so smart, but he actually looks like that.


In addition, the area above 500 is known as the transcendental area.


And in the eyes of Kim Sung-chul, the level of the great devil was across the transcendental edge.


If you have a long-term magic, transcendental level will be exceeded, but otherwise he will have a level of magic and intuition below the transcendental.


Anyway, Kim Sungchul achieved all three feats originally intended.


‘I saw everything here.’


The other feats are those that Kim doesn’t need.


Being a weak demon was not an option from the beginning.


Kim Sungchul left the tower without regret.


Outside the tower there were many more demon worshipers than before.


Kim Sungchul I could see a man kneeling before him.


The bones often seen in the tower, called the Tower of Enlightenment, were close to skeletons rather than humans.


“C. I have something to tell you. You are the brave of the world! ”


Kim Sungchul gently pulled a favorite rope from the Soul Warehouse.


The man leaned his head low and said in a polite voice.


“We are arguably not your enemies. Although we are called devils, it is an inevitable choice. To survive the curse of extinction, because there was no choice but to refuse to be human and to be a servant of the devil. ”


“Why do you talk to me? I have never asked you for your circumstances. ”


“Do not harm the great demons. You are the brave of the world! ”


The dry man was braided with hair and shouted eagerly.


“They may be evil in your standards, but they are the necessary evil that protects us from other demons. If they all disappear, we will all be slaves or prey of the demons. ”


“It’s not my knowing.”


Kim Sungchul turned around coldly speaking.


But the man did not give up.


Kim Seong-cheol’s rope wrapped around his neck until the moment.


Different from the other guys.


Kim Sungchul thought so and let him go.


“I had no intention of destroying another great demon anyway.”


Suddenly, Kim Seong-cheol’s eyes were familiar.


Undertaker’s black clothes and bandana. The twisted body of the dead was mixed between the crowd.


He’s a tangled guy who will tell you how to kill the Great Devil.


Kim Sungchul turned to the killer.


Kim Seong-chul stood in front of the killer.


The killer tried to retreat, but Kim’s hammer stopped him.


“Where is Ilya Bregas?”


The hero, who already knows the power of Kim Sung Chul, shakes his body and said urgently.


“Taeeh… . Blue Tower .. I challenge the owner of the Blue Tower! ”


Sophia Bregas was the first to hear it.


Kim Sung-cheol’s arm intercepted in front of Sofia, who was about to run forward.


“Follow me.”


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