Majimonsters: Rosewood Journey

Chapter 46 - 46: Frozen Produce

Two powerful techniques collided against each other in that moment. On one side, a giant elk made of ice, fire and lightning was slamming its frost covered antlers into an overgrown weed. On the other, a man-sized plant with arms like swords was bringing down a blow filled with fury onto what it saw as oversized prey. Sparks flew as antler met leaf blades,and the two monsters became locked with one another. Such contests would normally end in a draw due to both sides being relatively equal in terms of power,coming out worse for wear on both sides. But this clash had me as a factor to tip the scales.

I could feel that Rakka and the Grassassin were evenly matched in terms of raw power, that any outside interference affecting one side would be enough to make the clash end in favor for the other.

Throwing caution to the wind I focused on my bond once more and held nothing back, empowering the technique to the point I could feel my head pounding from aether withdrawl.I was running out of aether at this point but I figured if Rakka could freeze this sucker and deal a lot of damage at the same time, the aether withdrawal pains would be worth it.

As the aether flowed freely from me to Rakka, I noticed how visible the changes were. Rakka's ice covered antlers grew colder as more and more frosty mist condensed around them and the runic markings that covered them seem to become more complex and glow with a deeper shade of blue. A surprise look appeared on the Grassassins' face as Rakka began to overpower it.

A loud bang occured when Rakka managed to break the stalemate and break the Grassassins' technique, forcibly bouncing the grassy forearms away. Momentarily stunned, the Grassassin failed to react in time as Rakka swung his head once more and smacked the Grassassin with his giant icy antlers.

The Grassassin was sent flying into a nearby birch tree. A sickening crunch echoed out as the Grassassin impacted the tree. I could feel rage emanating from it as the Grassassin picked itself backed up and ready itself to charge. However a smile crept on my face as I noticed what was happening at its feet; the forming of ice crystals.

The Grassassin rushed towards Rakka, forearms unfurled into long blades, but couldn't as its stalks were beginning to freeze in place. The Grassassin jerked itself left and right in order to break free but couldn't. Its forearms began to glow in green light as it brought them down to smash the ice to pieces, but failed due to its arms becoming encased in ice and frozen stiff just as they got close to its frozen roots. Ice began to encase its arms, roots and stem. The Grassassin shot off one last dirty look at Rakka as ice encased its head. The Grassassin was now frozen solid, but rage still emanated from its form.

I was about to let out a sigh of relief and let go of the bond, until I noticed the Agustus twitching in its frozen state. Before it had the chance to breakout however, I had Rakka smack it once with its horns to freeze it again. With both Verdant monsters frozen solid, I finally let out a sigh of relief, released the battle bond and promptly collapsed to the floor, exhausted but not out.

A few moments after catching my breath, my mother came over to see how I was. "So...two majimonsters in one battle? You feeling okay Silvia?", she asked with concern and care.

"Fine mostly. Feels like I just ran a mile and a half", I replied in earnest.

"You kind of did. Battling takes a lot of cardio. But you're not done yet. You still need to bind of those two monsters".


Right, I have two deadly Verdant majimonsters, both frozen like preserved vegetables, to choose from and only one drajule ready to bind which one should it be?

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