○ Farnese, the town of Erstavia

Earlier, two hundred troops led by Goran left town.

This town borders the territory of the Demon King Tralzard, so it will soon cross the border.

When we get over there, the troops in the fold are supposed to be coming.

Something like the reinforcements I've been waiting for.

But I have a very headache right now.

Sometimes I'm leaving, and I didn't pursue Golan very deeply either.

Because I thought it would be better.

But after Golan leaves with his men, "Explain the situation" is poured out of there.

"Can't we just ignore it?"

The gaze of those who work for the mansion originally hurts, of those who guard the town, of those who have come to this town among my direct men.

He's complaining with his eyes, I guess he explains it properly.

- It was crazy in the first place.

Goran arrived and got a list of his constituents from a man named Rig, his deputy.

I had to add it to the paperwork that I would immediately give to General Melarda.

It was a must because we can't let people not on the list cross the border.

In the middle of writing that, the crushing noise burst.

If you rush out, the doors of the mansion will be destroyed and the young vampires will be turning their eyes.

"What the heck!?

Though I tried to scream like that, I know what's going on.

Outside the door, an Auga youth was rampaging.

It's not hard to imagine what he did.

But is it something the Auga can do about the Vampires?

The Vampires are classified as superior species. Technically located in the lower strata of the upper race.

The Reapers are similarly lower levels of the upper race, but I think it would be better to recognize that the Vampires are slightly higher than the Reapers.

This ethnicity classification, however, is based on the "amount of magic in the most average of its species".

The Auga tribe is the lower level of the middle race. Or the subordinate class.

Many of the lower races are unsuitable for battle, and I also find it tyrannical to just put them in there, but because the Auga have weaknesses, lowering a rank is also the right criterion.

The Auga cannot use magic and are vulnerable to magic attacks.

Considering the handicap against magic, there is no stopping it from lowering a step.

There are quite a few people with similar handcaps, and the Sahaggins and others are still one rank below the position calculated from the amount of magic, because their abilities are halved when they rise ashore.

Fine with the details, but that means there are walls between the Auga and the Vampires that cannot be crossed as races.

So what about this one?

"Possible reasons are that the strongest and weakest of each species fought...... or something?

Those who deviate greatly from the average of the species may manage to explain themselves if they think they happen to meet each other...... But......

"Goran's array is completely unexplained"

Could a young Auga overwhelm a regular vampire soldier?

This is a completely different situation than earlier.

The target is not a vampire.

You can't fight a well-trained soldier against him and win, not the lowest level of blue genius you've ever experienced a battle with... it's supposed to be.

"The soldiers... refrained because they used their people as weapons?

When I put it in my mouth, it becomes too funny and unrealistic, but it is true that I was unable to make a serious attack.

Once there was a man slain by Golan, but he was received with a weapon and found to have lost his strength from the way.

"And that destructive power."

Eltar and Finsally, used as weapons, are not dead.

Yes, he's not dead.

It's not safe, and it's not a major injury. All I can say is that he's not dead.

That's weird too. He was swung by Golan and swung as a weapon more than a hundred times.

But I want you to think about it. The Vampires have an enormous amount of magic and use it to strengthen their bodies.

Is the flesh fortified with magic vegetables something that oh (...)?

Let's say they ran at speeds that didn't go unnoticed, and frontally collided with each other.

I can expect the impact to be considerable.

But if you're a vampire, you shouldn't even get hurt.

That much stubbornness is available.

He had slammed over and over the soldiers falling and lying on the ground.

Still bruising, if it's about a fracture, I can tell.

"It's... it's like that, isn't it jellyfish"

Goran was hitting him until he stopped using it as a weapon.

In that case, I will not be used as a soldier in the future.

In the end, I guess it's because there was a long time for peace.

Calling it training doesn't mean you're going through a real fight.

In other words, I am proud of my self-destruction… surrounded by it, let me convince you.

"Or does the Auga still have a secret power?

In fact, the status of the Auga is low in any country.

It sinks in a magic shot from medium range, so no idiot likes anything and beats each other up.

Is it therefore disappearing on the battlefield without showing true strength?

"General! We have more messengers than the royal castle"

If I had been lost in my thoughts in the office, it would have been a long time.

"You think he's a messenger?

Raise your voice outside the door.

He said it was an emergency.

"Okay. I'll be right there."

From the royal castle, did Atalasia leave the castle away?

I shook one head and stood up.

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