There was a gust of wind on the battlefield. It's like a downburst.

The storm pushed the dust around us.

"What? What happened?

Sudden wind.

I only found out that something unusual had happened.

Keep your face covered with your arms, you don't know what's going on around you.

"The General has been transformed"

It's Dyle's voice. General - I mean, it seems that Melarda has been transformed.

"Transformation, did you become a dragon?

Wasn't I supposed to refrain from that because it would be so damaging?

"Perhaps... the enemy general showed up"

"Is it Fomball"

The Lahab tribe, called the Dragon Food (Ryu is).

A general said to have been sent by Janius the Demon King to restrain Tralzard the Demon King.

Apparently that finally showed up.

Melarda's transformation has stirred up not only us, but all the enemy allies in the wind.

Finally, I can open my eyes. I saw...

"... Ascension Dragon"

He was the figure of Melarda ascending in a straight line towards heaven.

I see, that's a convincing move that's the Shoryu clan.

Melarda rose to considerable altitude before drawing a U-turn and stepping back to the ground.

The other side will be where Lahab is.

That's just a cut of the woods there.

We headed to where the first enemy appeared.

"... that? Did they leave us?

Originally, we were in the Meralda formation.

And Melarda went to the enemy general.

The place is furthest from here, beyond the enemy's army pinched.

Maybe, but they left me.

"Captain Dyle, if you stay here like this, wouldn't you suck?

Even if we can defeat the enemy in front of us, the situation won't get any better.

The soldiers assembled to defeat Melarda will be isolated in a round.

"Me, I'm getting married when this war is over."

I don't have an opponent.

Only enough to flag death already, there's nothing I can do.

"I'm fine. The enemy is confused."

Dyle tells me to look at the enemy formation. It's a mayhem indeed. But why?

Like Melarda was so horrible?

"An enemy general must have been hit."

Well, if a lot of soldiers are confused, you might be right.

Enemy chaos has no sign of convergence.

I can't seem to get it cleaned up because I'm even confused about the deputy who's supposed to put the army together.

"But the enemy general is the Painserpent tribe, isn't he? When did they take you down?"

"I guess he was near the general. Wasn't it crushed by the aftermath of transformation?"


The damage of transformation was greater than I thought.

At that time, being near the general seemed to be the underside of what he looked like after the house was transformed.

The sound of a spectacular bump rang so far.

I can't see it far, but General of the Demon King's Army. I wonder what's going on.

"Which one will win?"

"Don't say anything stupid, we're getting away"


"Die in the aftermath. Nothing. They're not the only ones who can fight there. If you come here, the army will perish."

"That's tough. Let's run."

"That's why I'm saying it. The others have escaped."

They all run so piecemeal that they scatter spider children.

"You guys march backwards!

It's one of those dialogues I wanted to use and see once.

Shortly after, a bipedal dinosaur shook from the sky along with a huge sound.

The enemy's main unit is half-baked because he bounced and rolled.


I escaped at first sight.

Somehow, the people around here seemed to be able to split up well into enemies and allies and evacuate.

I don't mind fighting and dying, but I guess we all don't like dying in the underlings of our rambling bosses.

"Which one will win?"

"You're General Meralda."

That's what Dyle says.

"But it's the same demon king army general over there, isn't it? Isn't it the same?

"Same size? Indeed, the opponent would be a general and a little demon king. But there are walls you can't cross. Winning or losing won't move any more than General Melarda has earned."

Amazing confidence.

It doesn't mean I believe because I'm my own army, it feels like I believe in General Melada's strength itself.

"Then why don't we stay discreet?"

If the win doesn't work, you don't have to work for nothing.

Looks like our enemies have just gone somewhere around here, and they're going to be able to take a break.

But as opposed to me, Dyle looks scared.

"What's up, Captain Dyle?"

There are no enemies here.

The allies will gather one of these days.

What is the problem?

"Come out! I know you're hiding there."


Towards the woods a while back, Dyle shouted.

The grove is small enough to be foreseen beyond. I don't think anyone can hide.

What are you talking about, this guy? That's what I thought.

"That ~? I'm going to hide properly, how did I know that?"

I heard a voice somewhere.

"I'm trained to find hidden enemies."

I mentioned that Dyle was outrageous.

"Still, I was confident they wouldn't notice me underground. Maybe, you. Just a little bit stronger?

"Then make sure! Where the hell is Xama?

Yurali and Yangtze rose in a wide area leading from the meadows to the woods.

Immediately after that, a creepy group suddenly appeared.


To my cry, the person who was at the heart of the group - Nehyol, with a full grin on his wretched face, said:

"Hey, Goran. I see you again! And goodbye."

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