I ate the meshi and then left, but I wonder why. As soon as I walk a little, I get hungry.

Speaking of which, when I turned General Melarda into a story about being hungry and unable to help, I twisted my neck to see how much I ate a day.

"Based on the amount of magic your Lord has eaten so far, it's not strange to have more magic... because it's evolved, or the recovery of magic is about half normal"

Species who often use special skills - for example, those who are good at magic attacks - recover a reduced amount of magic vegetables with a meal.

You can absorb magic from the atmosphere with rest, but it's faster to take it directly into your body than that.

Therefore, anyone can calculate the recovery ratio between diet and magic vegetables.

The general says it's extremely rare in my case.

Some races seem to recover less from magic vegetables, but ghost species do not.

Even the smaller species say this recovery is unlikely.

"About half of what I expected..."

I have an idea.

Speaking of where the magic vegetables accumulate, they are, of course, in the orb of domination.

Just because your body is big doesn't make you a lot of magic vegetables that you can handle.

It is necessary that the container be large.

A little different in my case.

Some orbs of domination are "me" as well as "me," and you have a lot more magic than "me."

Could it be that the magic vegetables taken in with the meal are absorbed in half with "me" and "me"?

Then, it can take twice as long for the magic vegetables to recover.

Having had that conversation, I decided to have a full stomach for every meal.

But still, after a little while, I get hungry. Will you fill it up soon?

I can't wait for that.

"... I'm hungry"

How many times have I ever said this again?

"Dear Goran, there is a Horn settlement ahead. Do you want to drop by?

It's not a town, it's a settlement, but it's not much bigger.

"Isn't that annoying?

I don't have much food in hand, but what about fishing for food in the settlement of leeway?

"This is not Lord Melarda's place to rule, but I think you can tell by talking. As it is, it may not be enough until the next town."

"That's troublesome. … there's only one way, why don't you tell us what's going on and share the food?"

"Yes. Then one, I'll let you get ahead of me"

The baggage man ran to the Hound settlement.

General Melarda has sent a messenger to Tralzard, the Demon King, on this case.

Periodic report, but the time has elapsed for me to go see her, so she said hello.

"We'll be ready. Go slow."

They say, so I'm going to go slow, as the word goes.

"At this rate about the other side, it's a lot of trouble."

At least I want to do something about hunger.

We headed to the Horn settlement.

"I see, that's awesome...... living and not breaking?

On the head of the Horn tribe, there were two giant tunos growing.

Even so, it's not like rhinos, it's the one that spreads in a complicated way beside, often found in reindeer and so on.

"You'll break it, but that's a symbol of power. A little or softly, I don't think you can fold it."

"Is that what this is about? But everyone in the clan has a lot of bones. Not as thick as a ghost species."

Wouldn't the Macho fit better, not the Horns?

They all had flesh and beauty that was just chopped up.

By the way, your face resembles a horse or reindeer.

It's easy to tell when you imagine a mukimuki herbivore walking on two legs.

... Is that easy to understand?

As soon as we got to the settlement, they put us through to the big room and snatched a meal.

Apparently the one who preceded me explained the situation.

"That's meat."

"Yes, but is something weird?

"No... nothing"

I thought you wouldn't eat meat because the Horns look like herbivores, but that part doesn't seem to have anything to do with their faces.

I don't care about that, I bumped into a meal where the hot air seemed to rise.

The contents of the plate in front of me are diminishing, and the servant, who had the face of "You're definitely making too much," also said, "Why aren't you getting enough?" It had turned into a face.

The Auga people ate a lot from the beginning.

Now I'm eating so much that I'm going through the ceiling.

Or disappear in my stomach from by my eating.

Somebody really do something about it.

"With that said, isn't this the place where General Melarda reigns? Whose territory is it?

"All around here will be the land of General Kruña."

"General Kruña...... that was the name of a general who went wild in the South. Quite a while ago, but I've heard of it."

I buy stories from merchants in and out of other countries as much as possible.

In it, war-related stories are easy to hear.

"General Kruña is still stuck in the south. I think it's dawn on the battle against the Demon King Riggard."

There was also a battle freak here.

I don't want to be near you, such as a general who dawns in the battle against the Demon King's army.

Preliminary information is required for such an arrangement.

It is better to gather information thoroughly than to work in some favor.

Mostly when avoiding it.

"What kind of person is General Kruña?

"You're a stranger in many ways. He evolved from the Black Death clan..."

"Seriously... don't let what you say work"

"It must be because he's a tralzard."

Black Dead is also what keeps the worst species company.

The same superior race as the Vampires and Reapers, but the Black Dead have many special skills that are vicious.

"The Tomb Mark?"

"You know very well"

The souls of the inhabitants of the demonic kingdom are managed by the Orb of Dominance, to which their own names are attached.

The Black Dead's Special Skill (Gravemark) leads to death by engraving and destroying the opponent's name on a stone created with his own magic vegetables.

It's called the Stone of Curse. If you succeed in engraving your name on it, they say death is inevitable.

I've never actually seen it either, but it's abhorrent as an ominous symbol.

"Oh, that kind of dangerous species decides to remember it well. I'd never want to take a bath in Paine Nails or Black Spots."

"You know me really well. Since Kruña is a superior species, it seems that special skills have evolved into what they deserve."

"More and more, I don't want to see you. I'm glad you're not near Lord Tralzard."

When scratched, it rots from the place with severe pain (Painnail), or black spots rise to scatter diseases leading to death (Black spots).

I have a number of special skills that make it stranger not to hate me for this.

By the way, I secretly suspect that it was also the Black Dead who made the pesto popular in medieval Europe.

Again, when it comes to being a demonic kingdom, the general has a different flavour and two flavours.

Or don't often have a subordinate following such a general.

"... hmm? It's so noisy out there."

When I finally thought my stomach was full, I heard some noise.

"Let's see."

Stomel went outside to check.

"Dear Golan, apparently we are going to decide who goes to battlefield in this settlement"

"Military service?

"It's the previous phase, but it'll be the same for them. Seems to fight and decide on the representative of the settlement"

I can't say it's barbaric to decide in battle......

In the demonic world, when deciding on the strong, do it anywhere, it's normal.

"That sounds interesting. Can we take a tour?"

"I think it's okay, but I'll ask"

There will be a competition among the young people of the settlement to decide who is going to be strong.

This kind of bloody fleshy battle can only be seen up close.

"Dear Goran, permission has been given."

"Right. Let's go check it out."

The strength of the demonic kingdom's settlements.

Let's indulge in this.

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