○ Farnese Army Headquarters Farnese

"... how did this happen"

Farnese held her head.

Or I'm not sure if I heard the explanation.

"... Again, report me from the beginning?

Unusual, Farnese decided to re-hear a report from his men.

I didn't understand the content.

"... Ha. I'll talk to you."

While his men were reporting, Farnese was remembering an operation that Felicia had drawn up.

Makes me look like I'm going to fight the Little Demon King Kyoka Army... and buy some time. In other words, they use the army in disguise.

In the meantime, Farnese leads a handful of elites into the main force, killing Kyoka's side.

If you are shot in the vicinity, the overall strength of the army will be greatly reduced.

Without the strong, it will also be easier to surround and kill Kyoka.

That's why I ordered my own army to just buy time.

You don't have to fight aggressively.

I kept telling him to make less damage and prevent only collapse.

But how about the actual report?

"Our army's right wing destroys the enemy. We followed the crushing enemy."

Who would believe from the head if they heard such a report?

First, I want to say.

What happened to the order to be thorough in defense and buy time?

That's good. Let's say we hit it out aggressively.

So why was it so easy to destroy enemy troops that beat them in numbers?

Violations of orders have never been done before.

Orders remain forgotten on the battlefield.

I guess it was simply this power that crushed the enemy army.

Maybe the Kyoka army was weaker than expected.

So, that's good.

"But why follow the enemy to the main line?

That's all I didn't understand. You can say it's out of your imagination.

The enemy has been crushed.

I followed that and punched into the enemy formation.

If that's what you say and you have a general who can answer "Well done," you're out of your mind.

"I'm sure it was the August-centric troops that followed the enemy."

"Yes, definitely"


The Auga tribe on the battlefield is often referred to as the meat wall.

The reason is clear.

They can't understand multiple orders.

On the battlefield, giving orders other than "proceed" and "retreat" is generally confusing.

There are about half a dozen people who could accept orders and half a dozen people who can't, so the troops are split in two.

In that sense, I think "buy time and fight" is a highly challenging order.

But can the Auga take centre stage and destroy the enemy forces?

The name of the meat wall is not Dada.

The Auga do not grasp magic and are vulnerable to magical attacks.

All the magic vegetables in your body are used to strengthen your body.

The Auga are incompatible with magic.

So if you're dealing with them, you can hit the magic from a distance.

"You didn't happen to have anyone who could use magic on the enemy army?

That's all I can think of, such as why the Auga clan went fast on the battlefield.

And the report goes on.

The Farneses were able to retreat by defeating Kyoka's side.

Then a unit led by the Auga clan is assaulting the main Kyoka formation.

The battle between the Auga tribal forces and the Kyoka army somehow ended with enemy soldiers abandoning their headquarters and retreating.

I don't get this.

I don't know Farnese how many soldiers were left in the main formation, but even just from the sky, there were five times as many Farnese army right-wing.

Some of them would have been non-combatant.

Still, the little demon king Kyoka and his neighbors were in the main force.

I have no doubt that there were a large number of soldiers who could fight the main battalion.

"Why are the Auga people being forced to retreat?

The mystery only deepens, but already the Kyoka army has pulled away the formation and fled far away.

This is a complete victory for the Farnese army.

Did the enemy panic considerably, leaving a lot of supplies behind, and what they take fled for now?

Those who were fighting the Farnese army must have been in a hurry.

Because we were left behind while we were fighting.

Because of this, several troops have surrendered.

I am entrusting my men with the handling of the surrendered soldiers, but both sides did not expect this to happen, so it is likely that the end will take time.

And the greatest implausibility.

"Are you sure... the little demon king Kyoka was killed?

"Yes... I have confirmed the body, no doubt about it"

"Well, thank you for reporting... you may step back"

"Ha. Now if you'll excuse me,"

My men left in a gracious manner.

(Goran still killed him?

Wasn't it an operation to make it look like Golan would challenge Kyoka to fight...... and run away?

Why is Golan fighting Kyoka in the main force?

And why can you shoot him?

I don't see that.

The little demon king's name shouldn't be so light.

The Little Demon King is good at attack and defense and is required to be tough.

It's hard to get an attack delivered when a superior race has fought the Little Demon King.

Only shallow scratches can be inflicted due to the difference in the amount of magic.

How can you inflict fatal injuries when you can't even make an effective attack?

If I can, I've been doing it since the beginning.

That's why Felicia haunted her head and worked out the operation.

"Is Golan... still awake"

I'd like to hear what's going on, but Golan at heart stays asleep.

I seem to have heard from a man named Saifa, whose men led the Auga tribe, but he says he doesn't get the guidelines.

No matter how much I ask, I haven't been able to hear anything but "I chased him because I ran away" or "I busted him because I had enemies".

It's not otherwise strange because it's something like that from time to time, such as a regular Auga answer.

From the beginning, Golan was special.

(I can't help it. details, suppose to wait until Golan wakes up)

I have to ask my men to write a report, but is it really okay to write the truth?

When I write the report as it is, it becomes something I just really think I'm kidding.

"I can't help it...... will we put it all behind us"

The enemy cannot rebuild the army more than Kyoka is dead.

Candidates also need to contest each other to decide on a successor.

Other countries may be after them, and more importantly, division and weakening are inevitable.

As a united nation, it is the mountain of Sekiyama that is independent, each of the nations that Kyoka has attacked likes.

There will no longer be hippos attacking this country.

"Prepare to withdraw. I'll get rid of this place soon."

"Yes, sir."

The order given by little demon king Melvis could be accomplished.

Farnese must return to the report.

Then two days later.

Leaving behind a very small number of watches, the Farnese army moved the army to return.

Until he arrived at the castle in Melvis, Goran did not wake up and did not write up a report.

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