○ Demon King Tralzard

I've been watching the battle.

It's a series of surprises.

Goran said his opponent's demon absorption was' demon-eating '.

The shape is different, that would be the same move as the little king Yamato.

"Is the post-evolutionary Golan still a species similar to Yamato"

There is little we know about the youth of Master Yamato.

Everything that has been said so much about Master Yamato has been since he became King Xiao.

Little is known about the fact that there is no one left to know before he became king of the Xiao He.

"Anyway, it was a long time ago."

Thinking so, the war situation moved.

Nehyol distanced himself and cast his magic.

"How about Goran. This must be tight."

Nehyol telling you like you won, but to my mind, I don't think you can afford it as much as the tone.

The Vampires have excellent physical abilities.

There is also a wealth of moves specific to the Vampires.

Many are useful, such as flight capability and resilience enhancement.

For that matter, some disadvantage exists.

In the case of Nehyol, it would be endurance. Can I call it rigidity?

Physical stubbornness is probably inferior to Goran's.

A vampire tribe that can be described as colorful and versatile, but when you divide the magic vegetables into all of them, they're all halfway there.

In the case of Nehyol, I don't think we can afford to divide the magic into magic attacks.

In other words, I didn't let the magic attack go this far because I didn't spare it, but because it's subtle as an ability.

From what I've seen, that seems right.

The vampire tribe of the upper race, but the power of offensive magic is only about the median below it.

"Well, I guess it'll work for Golan"

Golan is also good at avoiding magic.

If you're an Auga, if you hit it directly, you die one shot. Maybe I got better at it myself.

Golan, evolved from the Auga tribe, should also inherit low magic resistance.

"... but you seem to enjoy it with your own stubbornness"

Golan stuffed in time while avoiding a direct hit, but he's eaten a few shots.

Each time, he was damaged somewhere in his body but succeeded in steadily packing the distance.

"... still absorb magic too"

Avoiding, playing, and absorbing the magic unleashed by Nehyol.

Every time I repeat the absorption of magic vegetables, it is becoming the same. Looks like he's learning while fighting.

"... hmm?

You don't like being stuffed with distance, Nehyol stopped shooting magic and jumped back... no, Goran targeted me for the jumping moment.

When he approached, Goran took Nehyol's arm and held him down.

"It's a quick move when we're here. If I hadn't seen it carefully, I'd have lost it."

But what are you going to do by holding him back?

I think Golan will prevail in strength, but Nehyol is a vampire tribe.

When I say here, I can use my powers.

- Poki.

Nehyol's arm broke.

Goran immediately let go of his hand, took another arm, which also broke.

Then he changes his aim one after the other, strangling him, and breaking as many hands and legs as Nehyol stretches out, no matter where he shakes them.

"As always, he's the stranger at the bottom."

It moves ahead as if Nehyol knows the direction to escape.

Nehyol didn't accumulate in that either.

If you think you escaped, you just escaped to the person they led you to.

I can be caught and strangled right away.

Then what do you think?

Wherever you try to wiggle with your arms, they grab it and break it so it's good.

"Even though you instantly stick a broken bone together, that would be tough if it continued...... no, if it doesn't heal instantly, can it be folded"

It's a terrible move to make.

I must have brushed my arms, assuming against Nehyol.

In fact, all that nehyol magic is decreasing dramatically.

"Don't let that happen if you break your neck bone again and again."

I don't know a few broken arms or feet.

Once you get caught, that's what you can't get away with.

Keep getting rolled, strangled, and broken until Goran is ready.

And if we lose more magic than that, won't we also be able to use Nehyol's instantaneous treatment?

"... hmm? What's this all about?

There is a huge decrease in the amount of magic vegetables that Nehyol encapsulates.

That's because Golan broke my bone so many times.

That can't be helped more than using magic vegetables to treat it.

I can also snort that much less because I also used magic vegetables when I shot magic......?

"Aren't the magic vegetables diminishing faster than when you shot the magic?

It was far-fetched.

I was going to watch the battle between Goran and Nehyol, and I overlooked it.

"Ever since you got Nehyol, you've been absorbing magic vegetables!

So Nehyol is also rushing to escape.

You're ahead of it, you're breaking bones over and over again.

As a nehyol, it's acceptable enough to break a bone.

I'll let you fold as many bottles as you want. So let him get away from here.

That's how they use magic vegetables to instantly heal their fractures and try to escape.

"Is that what happened"

Golan's purpose, I now realize.

Sometimes Goran keeps his hands off me.

Nehyol is trying to make it easier to escape.

Nehyol heals his fracture then and tries to escape.

But I can't escape with wonder.

If you try to escape up, it rolls down, if you try to escape to the right, it still rolls around to the right.

Then if I want to grab it the other way, I can keep it down.

"It's like watching a puzzle."

Each time, Goran is absorbing magic vegetables from Nehyol.

When the two finally left, Goran's magic vegetables had swelled up more than enough.

"Goran, you did it."

Goran laughed at Nehyol, who breathed on his shoulders.

"No, thank God. Thanks to you, I can use this now."

Goran pulled out the deep sea dragon's knife that was spinning on his back.

"Really? Enough magic, but you haven't got your powers back, have you?

To provoking Nehyol, Goran just replied, 'Super Strength in Arms'.

"Arm Enhancement" is a special skill of the Auga clan.

If so, is' Arm Super Strength 'on top of that?

A thread of tension was strewn between the two.

Nehyol is on maximum alert.

peaned and strained. That caught the perimeter.

Those who were around swallow and watch.

Golan was the one who moved first.

I said, "Why?" I raised my voice unexpectedly.

In our attention to each other, if we move first, we'll be dealt with.

If the other guy moves so fast that he can't handle it, then why did Goran move from himself?

Goran held a machete with his right hand and slashed it behind him (...) aiming.



"" "What!?

Not only Nehyol and myself, but everyone I watched on the spot was taken aback.

Golan watched where he was attacking and who was behind Golan.

But there's nothing there. No one.

- Buuuuuuuu

Goran's machete, which gained momentum and swung through, attacked the rear with no one (...) as it was, and the machete accelerated even further as Goran stepped on it.

"" "" Yeah eh!!

The machete circled around Golan, hitting Nehyol's neck toward the attack and jumping up his neck with that momentum.

- Pavan.

It was such a brilliant blow that I thought it sounded like that.

Nehyol's neck flew upwards as he rotated.

"Secret moves," Back Fist Slash ""

Goran uttered a mysterious move name. Is it a form of special skill?

Nehyol's body, having lost his neck, slowly fell from his back to the earth.

"Oh my God... Goran won?

When I named my presence, I thought Golan's chances of winning were pretty thin.

Anyway, the opponent is the leader of Wild Hunt.

Nehyol is a fierce man who defeated numerous little demon kings for a short period of time.

I thought you wouldn't be able to do it in Golan.

Besides, I noticed as I watched the fight, but Goran was clearly not in the book shape.

"I didn't know you'd win that..."

I really don't believe it.

Goran uses a machete as a cane to support his body.

I still don't seem to be feeling well.

"This is settled."

All the stopping, I put a machete in Nehyol's heart.

So finally Goran laughed.

... but Nehyol's neck, which fell from the sky, bit Goran's neck.


Raise your voice. Goran pulls Nehyol's neck off and slaps him to the ground.

That's not enough, I stomped on it and completely crushed it.

"... ugh"

"Golan, what's going on?

Shortly after, Golan, on his knees, failed to support his body with one hand and how he fell into the earth.


I ran.

Not just me. The others gathered.

When I woke up my torso, I saw Goran's neck stained with dos blacks.

"Is this a toxin injection?"

The Vampires can degenerate the magic in their bodies to create poison.

But it also erodes one's own body. So many people don't use it.

That's all horrible special skill, but I guess Nehyol has been producing toxins all along while fighting the Golan.

To take me to a match even if I die.

"Goran, hold on!

I called... but I didn't answer.

I kept calling for a while, but I still didn't hear back from Goran.

"... and die..."

No more words.

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