To meet Yamato, you need to leave this block and pass the block that crowns winter or summer.

Spring - summer - autumn - winter can be moved in order and can be reversed.

Because of the specification that it is not possible to go directly from autumn to spring.

"I'll check again, but if you go either through summer or winter, you can go to the everlasting spring fields with Yamato."

"You're right. I can't personally recommend it."


"The ever-summer coast now brings together those who defy Yamato-sama. We hear it's a pretty dangerous zone, so we know that even the top races are too dangerous to pass while still anthropomorphic."

Why are there Yamato rebels within the realm of Yamato?

You're a rebellious kid?

"Then why don't we just go through the ever-wintering village of Ri?

"In the ever-winter Ri Village is too harsh an environment, so just passing through is not a big deal. Even the Ice Wolves seem to freeze to death, so in the case of anthropomorphics, I know they won't be able to move very soon."

"... Yes. Why is there such a dangerous block!

"Some species prefer the cold."

"The Ice Wolves will freeze to death. Cold weather is not a level. Why would you build a place like that!

"Well, I was wondering if there was a demand"

"... you know what?"

I think it's a very small part of it.

As far as listening, the winter block sucks.

Summer if you're going, but I don't know how dangerous the rebels are.

"This is a different world built by Master Yamato, isn't it? And yet, there are rebel forces?

"Yes, Master Yamato does not make it a good idea to be hostile to humans. But let's call it the habit of the race. Some people can't help but fight. Therefore, Yamato did not allow human contact."

"I see, so you're at odds"

I understood in one shot.

Residents of the demonic kingdom are not all calm enough to stay unfought.

It's everywhere that Hitcher lives.

"There are no human beings in this world."

Magnetic vegetables are filled, and it won't be an environment where humans can survive.

"To the best of my knowledge, I don't think humans have ever been here."

Again, there are no human beings in this other world. Only inhabitants of the demonic world are there.

"We can create such a different world, so we can create an environment where humans can live, right?

"I think it would be possible if it were Master Yamato. However, since the reason for this alien world was to avoid human contact, it is unlikely that we intend to do so."

I dare to create a different realm dedicated to the inhabitants of the demonic realm to avoid human contact on it.

I mean, I want to isolate it.

"Since when is that a story?

"I've heard that for a long time."

Isn't there something wrong and you quarantined it, from the beginning?

After all, I guess there's some intent.

When the inhabitants of the heavenly realm come to the demonic realm, their powers and abilities are almost halved.

Because for the inhabitants of heaven who feed on holy chi, magic vegetables are poison.

If the inhabitants of the demonic realm go to heaven, it will be the same.

The human world, on the other hand, if my predictions are correct, the human atmosphere will not be poisoned.

Instead, I think the strength will be slightly reduced due to the absence of the vegetables that feed on it.

I'm wondering if both the inhabitants of heaven and the inhabitants of the demonic world can only give about 70% of their strength.

Such a disadvantage also exists, but it does not make the inhabitants of the demonic realm go to the human race and does not make sense to isolate them.

The reason I created the otherworlds seems to be that the answers are hidden around here.

Speaking of which, I look like a human being.

"Of course it's anthropomorphic, so it's built to be indistinguishable from humans."

"Speaking of which, you're talking about making people look like you to get down into the world. If it's anthropomorphic, okay?

"Yes, anthropomorphisms don't release magic vegetables, so they can exist without causing discomfort to humans"

"I mean, not only does it look like it, but it also makes the atmosphere look like a human being"

"You're right. For that matter, if you go into the Razor Vessel, it's hard to understand what's going on outside your body."

"Outside the body...... oh, seeing someone with a magic vegetable"

"Yes. Aren't you having difficulty grasping the senses of magic vegetables right now? This is because it completely blocks the exaggerated magic vegetables outside. Now it's good to have magic vegetables around you, but when you go to the human race in that state, you can only exert your powers within the capabilities of anthropomorphism. Simply put, we can only use human power in the world."

For the superior race, is that not fatal?

Is there a drunken person who wants to go to the world with all those disadvantages?

Among the inhabitants of the demonic kingdom who think that power is everything, especially the superior race, is strongly inclined to do so.

"By the way, is it possible for me to go to the world now?

"Yes, we can go through this sealed tomb"

Apparently, we can go to the world. You want to go for a second?

"Once you've enjoyed the world enough, it's possible to come back here."

"It's possible to go, but can we go back... because the main body and anthropomorphism are inherently connected by the soul"

"What do you mean?

It's a simple story to ask, only the upper race can use this anthropomorphic.

Normally, it seems difficult to transfer souls into vessels.

You think a weak soul can damage it along the way or degrade in an anthropomorphic?

So, I can't be relieved that my soul has moved from the main body to the anthropomorphic.

As I've just been told, anthropomorphic bodies don't leak magic vegetables outside.

Seems pretty confusing because I'm used to judging my surroundings through magic vegetables until now.

Anthropomorphic is a very difficult body to handle. That, he said, is the common perception of the superior species.

And the biggest problem.

When you go down to the world in this state, you can't use any magic vegetables. Special abilities, too.

Physical strength becomes exactly the same strength that anthropomorphisms are supposed to have - a normal human being.

It seems that the higher the race this is, the more confusing it will be.

Occasionally, some of them went down to the human world initially, but they all said they came right back.

I think so.

How they come back.

It is said that the soul is drawn to the main body, which leads it to the other world.

The pedestal I slept on when I woke up.

When there is a soul in the anthropomorph, the main body is sleeping there.

In the meantime it does not deteriorate.

Enough to keep anthropomorphic for years, so that would be possible.

If the body were on the pedestal, the soul would return to it, so that those who went down to the world would return.

"Well, in my case, you can't, can you?

The main body is in the demonic realm, and it's already dead.

Without a body to go back to, it would remain human all the time.

"So if you're going to get off easy, I think you should reconsider"

"... right"

It just became a human body and descended into the human world, but at the end of the day, it stuffs me when I can't go back like that.

We don't even have a family registry on top of nothing.

I'm going to be stuck early and late and run to crime, and eventually I'm going to get caught and spend the rest of my life in jail.

"I'd rather see Master Yamato than go down to the world."

Why don't we start with that?

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