Make France Great Again

Chapter 364: The monarchs in the Amber Room

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Karl Nescher Roddy and the Minister of War, Prince Dolgorukov, went to the Amber Hall under the leadership of the attache. The light makes those who enter the Amber Room feel a sense of awe.

Beneath the wall of amber is a throne made of pure gold (in fact, it is 90% gold mixed with silver, if the gold is too pure, it cannot be shaped.) The throne is inlaid with various gems, and candlelight shines on the gems and the golden throne. Above, people feel an inexplicable sense of sacredness.

You don't have to think about it, this throne was specially ordered by Nicholas I to be moved from other palaces, the purpose is to give some people a dismay.

When the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Minister) and the Minister of War (Minister) entered the Amber Room, they once again felt the suffocating breath in the Amber Room, which was stronger than when they came to the Amber Room for an audience. .

In the splendid palace full of houses, Nicholas I was sitting quietly on the throne without saying a word.

At this time, Nicholas I was wearing a gorgeous and dazzling imperial robe, holding a 90% golden cane carved with a double-headed eagle. The head of the cane and the two eagle eyes were inlaid with one. Blood red gems and four blue gems.

Such a costumed appearance was rarely seen even in grand celebrations. Karl Necherroddy, who accompanied Nicholas I all the year round, smelled a dangerous breath in the air of the Amber Room. .

When he looked down the steps along the throne, he found a familiar figure standing at the bottom of the steps with his head lowered.

From the back view alone, Karl Nescherrodie thought of a person, and this person was Count Orlov, who was in charge of managing the "Third Division" political police.

Why is he here! Could it be that His Majesty did not tell him the news of the march?

There was some confusion in Karl Nescherroddie's eyes, and he found that he could not understand the monarch Nicholas I, who had been with him for more than 20 years.

Whenever he thought he knew enough about the monarch in front of him, Nicholas I could always give him a "surprise".

"Minister Karl Nescher Roddy, Minister Dolgorukov, come here!" Nicholas I's loud and majestic voice sounded in the hall.

Karl Nescherroddy and Dolgorukov walked slowly to the bottom of the steps, and they stood with Count Orlov.

The entire Amber Room fell into dead silence again. After a while, there was a crisp sound from the throne. Karl Nescherrodie, who lowered his head, guessed that it was probably the sound of the tsar hitting the throne with his scepter. The tsars used this method to give them psychological pressure.

After the crisp sound echoed for a long time, Nicholas I spoke again: "What happened recently over the Ottoman Empire? Have you ever concealed anything from me?"

"Your Majesty, I'm about to report to you..." As of now, Karl Nescherrodie could only open his mouth to tell Nicholas I about the Holy Inquisition of the Ottoman Empire.

Hearing Karl Necherrodie's answer, Nicholas I couldn't help but feel a little anger in his heart, he said sharply: "Since your foreign ministry already knows about this, why didn't you report it to me earlier!"

"Chen (translation) capital punishment!" Karl Nescher Rodie did not have any excuse.

In the case that the monarch does not trust himself, any excuse will be a weak shirk. It is better to honestly admit that he is wrong.

Very few people in Europe were killed for angering the emperor/king, especially for a prestigious noble family, and the worst result would be exile in an extremely cold land (Siberia).

As long as they can withstand the frost of the extremely cold land, when the world is amnesty in a few years, those who have been sentenced to political death can return to St. Petersburg.

Furthermore, Karl Nescherroddy thinks that his "crimes" are not enough to send him to the extreme cold.

At best, it was just a "good faith" deception, and his purpose was to prevent Nicholas I from using force.

The economy of the Russian Empire is already a mess, and this winter, serfs in many regions have been frozen to death and rebellions have been one after another. The hasty use of the military will only lead to continued economic deterioration.

The reason why he chose to block the news of the Imperial Village was to use this time difference to put pressure on the Russian ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, thus nibbling the risk of war in the bud.

Now that it seems that he has failed, the tsar still inevitably raises troops to attack the Ottoman Empire.

Thinking of this, Karl Necherrodie couldn't help but observe a moment of silence twice for the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

With such a monarch, even a minister who is good at managing money can't do anything.

"There is no other explanation?" Nicholas I snorted coldly and looked at Karl Nescherrodie under the steps.

Nicholas I, who had learned from Count Orlov that Karl Nescher Roderian had worked hard, had forgiven Karl Nescher Rodier's reckless behavior. He thought of the old guy under the steps after he ascended the throne. Just accompanying myself, I can't help but feel a little compassion in my heart.

Kings are also human beings, and they also have seven emotions and six desires.

"No explanation can be evaded, the minister deceived His Majesty's actions!" Karl Nescherroddie said to Nicholas I by retreating: "I hope His Majesty can report the minister's position as Minister of Foreign Affairs!"

"When it comes to your head, you want to run away!" Nicholas I said firmly to Karl Necherroddie: "I tell you not to think about it!"

Later, Nicholas I turned his attention to Prince Dolgorukov, Minister of War, and said kindly: "Your Excellency, your family has also served our Romanov family for some years!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Dolgorukov straightened up and replied proudly: "My ancestors have always followed the previous emperors to fight, and I am also honored to be selected by your Majesty to serve as the Minister of War!"

"Then why are you deceiving me!" Nicholas I asked Dolgorukov.

Compared with Karl Nesherroddy, Prince Dolgorukov was more calm. His family had followed the tsars of all dynasties in wars to the south and the north, and at most the tsar only dismissed him from his position.

Dolgorukov responded to Nicholas I fearlessly: "Your Majesty, our finances are no longer able to support the high-intensity wars of the Empire! Our army is facing serious corruption problems, and rashly dispatching troops may cause serious consequences. s consequence."

"Shut up!" Nicholas I was furious and said to Dolgorukov: "I will not allow you to slander the loyal army, our army is an army that saved Europe!"

"Your Majesty, that was decades ago!" Prince Dolgorukov still showed no fear on his face, he specially emphasized: "For decades, our army has been corrupted to a certain extent! The priority is not to rush into the Ottoman Empire!"

"Believe it or not, I dismissed you!" Nicholas I snapped at Dolgorukov.

"If Your Majesty thinks that I am unworthy to be the Minister of War, then please remove me from my post!" Dolgorukov replied to Nicholas I without flinching.

Nicholas I and Dolgorukov stalemate for a long time, and finally ended the stalemate with Nicholas I's concession.

"I came here to ask you, whether the Russian Empire will send troops to dismember the Ottoman Empire!" Nicholas I asked the three people present.

After experiencing Karl Nescher Roddy and Prince Dolgorukov, Nicholas I also had doubts about sending troops.

Is it right or wrong to do so.

"Shouldn't be!"

"Shouldn't be!"


The first two "should not" are the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of War, and the last "should" is Count Orokov.

They are all answers based on their own standpoint.

"Why shouldn't it be?" Nicholas I asked while looking at Karl Nescherrodie earnestly.

"Your Majesty, in addition to the military issue just mentioned by His Excellency the Prince, our country's finances and diplomacy also do not allow us to take such actions!" Karl Nescherrodie said to Nicholas I: "Once we enter the Ottoman Empire , then how to deal with the interests of the British Kingdom in the Ottoman Empire, and how to deal with the interests of the French Empire in the Ottoman Empire! How does the Austrian Empire view It is true that the Russian Empire is not afraid of them, but we cannot Enemy two countries at the same time!"

Karl Necherroddie's warning made Nicholas I immediately sober. Even if he could ignore the attitude of the French Empire, he couldn't ignore the attitude of the British Kingdom.

Especially under the premise that the navy of the Russian Empire cannot fight Britain, the army that relies on the navy to provide supply support cannot really offend the naval power.

"Then what should we do?" Nicholas I subconsciously asked Karl Necherrodie.

"The army should stop marching, station all troops in the Principality of Wallachia, and send a special envoy to put pressure on the Ottoman Empire!" Karl Nescher Rodie proposed a solution: "Ask the Ottoman Empire to dismiss the pro-French gates. Faction, and then hand over the right of the Holy Inquisition to us! In this way, the empire can gradually erode the Ottoman Empire and make it our protected territory! At the same time, it will also cut part of its interests to the French Empire and the British Kingdom."

Karl Nescher Roddy hopes to gradually annex the Ottoman Empire by boiling frogs in warm water, and make Constantinople a free city in the hands of the Russian Empire. This process will probably take about half a century.

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