Make France Great Again

Chapter 385: 9th Russo-Turkish War

Just when some inquisitive guys wanted to dig deeper into the background of this newly established bank and company, Workers' Credit Bank, which should have kept a low profile, once again made an earth-shattering move.

The president of the bank (actually recommended by Isaac Perel, the white glove chosen by Jerome Bonaparte) had just taken a large amount of suburban land from George Haussmann, and could not wait to announce that he would A large number of cheap share houses were built on the acquired land to ease the rising rents in Paris.

When the official reporter with a long gun and a short gun asked the president of the bank how many apartments would be built, the president of the bank did not respond directly to them, but raised a finger.

"A thousand sets?" one of the reporters blurted out subconsciously.

In the next second, he was met with disgust by the president. His eyes seemed to say, are you looking down on their bank?

"Ten thousand sets?" Another reporter boldly guessed.

The president nodded and responded to all the reporters present: "That's right! To be precise, 15,000 houses. Moreover, these houses are only our first houses! There will be more and more houses in the future. Many houses appear in Paris, providing living security for the people of Paris!"

Having said that, a reporter from the Observer newspaper on the road immediately asked the president what the purpose of doing this was.

"Paris is developing! The people of Paris are getting rich. I hope that while we are getting rich together, don't forget that there is a group of people who are waiting to get rich! They are still living a life of austere food, food and clothing, and they still live all day long. Under the burrow! We should put more economy on them, on the vulnerable!

The purpose of business is not only to make money, business itself is also a kind of charity! "

The president told the speech that Jerome Bonaparte had polished in advance to the reporters present. He was indifferent to the bottom, and he would not have any common language with those people. All he did was just a mission. That's it!

The president's words were like a sharp knife, cutting open the hearts of reporters. Only then did those reporters who lived at the bottom realize that they were one of the masses.

At this moment, the reporter sincerely hopes that there will be more and more people like this in Paris.

That evening, almost all the newspapers in Paris were flooded with publicity for the Workers' Credit Bank and the French Construction Company.

Left-wing newspapers praised the president as a responsible entrepreneur and wished their bank the best of luck.

Right-wing newspapers also praised the governor for helping the poor by following the guidelines of order and morality.

Of course, not everyone agrees with Workers' Credit Bank's plans to build affordable housing.

In Paris, there is another group that hates private banks investing in cheap housing.

This group of people are the landlords living in Paris, which can also be called the new landlords of France.

Since George Haussmann announced the renovation of the Paris area, these "new landlords" living in Paris have begun to think about legal trust relations, rent increases, and other demolition.

Just when they were full of joy and thought that they could finally get one-to-one compensation after the demolition, and then the fact that the rent of the house increased by one.

The Workers' Credit Bank has used actions to educate them about what it means to be unable to keep up with changes in their plans, and that 15,000 units of cheap housing can completely crush the housing stock in their hands.

What's more, the Workers' Credit Bank did not say that after 15,000 sets, it would not be building the next installment.

A flood of cheap rental properties hitting the market will only wreak havoc on existing rents.

Therefore, in the eyes of this new rising rentier class, ICBC's actions are against them.

This group of new rentier classes obviously couldn't accept these changes, and their interests made them forget the troops stationed outside Paris. They joined each other and went to Paris City Hall together, asking George Haussmann from Paris City Hall to give an explanation.

But they found the wrong target. George Osman was also a dictatorial and arrogant high-ranking official. At some point he can even compete with Jerome Bonaparte on some core issues and get Jerome Bonaparte's approval.

What's more, for these "new landlords", George Osman did not show any sympathy for these new landlords who were discussing their opinions. He immediately scolded them for destroying the peace of the empire, disturbing the security of the empire, and claiming that he had the right to arrest them. .

When these "new landlords" heard that George Osman was going to be serious with them, they immediately gave in. They are no longer forcing George Osman to disapprove of Workers' Credit Bank land. Instead, he asked George. Haussmann to ensure that the rent prices in Paris could not fall significantly.

George Haussmann, who had heard the inside story of the low-cost house from Jerome Bonaparte, naturally would not disagree with their request.

After all, the more rent, the more tax the city of Paris can collect.

If it wasn't for the emperor's forced request, George Osman would not be willing to care about the lives of those guys.

Under the assurance of George Haussmann, this group of "new landlords" left Paris City Hall contentedly.

Looking at the back of the group of new landlords leaving, George Osman showed a contemptuous smile at the corner of his mouth.

This time, the actions of the new landlords did effectively force George Haussmann's "concession", but they also successfully placed themselves on the opposite side of the toiling masses in Paris.

It can be said that if you injure the enemy eight hundred, you will lose one thousand.

On May 20, a plan for "Reformation of Housing and Construction of Low-cost Housing in Paris" was sent to the Legislative Council from the Tuileries Palace.

The plan emphasizes that Paris must build 30,000 standard housing units within five years, so as to ease the housing shortage in Paris...

The signature at the bottom right of the plan was none other than Jérôme Bonaparte, and many non-core Bonaparte deputies realized that the mastermind behind all this was likely from the Tuileries Palace.

When the plan came to the Bourbon Palace, the councilor of the Bourbon Palace approved the plan again.

After the Legislative Council passed, the plan was once again placed in the Senate.

The "senators" in the Senate also agreed to the contents of the plan.

Then everything in the entire plan was made public by the Senate.

In other words, the Workers' Credit Bank, the private bank, will take on the heavy responsibility of building low-cost housing.

In return, the government will provide a certain degree of tax-free subsidies to the workers' credit bank and its subordinate businesses within five years of the construction of the housing by the workers' credit bank, and the equipment needed in the project will also be given to the French construction company at a preferential price. .

On May 21, the President of the Workers' Credit Bank cooperated with the President of the Banque de France, the Comte de Argoux.

The Banque de France injects 80 million francs into the Workers' Credit Bank. However, this money was not handed over to the Workers' Credit Bank, but was placed in the Banque de France as a reserve, the purpose of which was to guarantee the Workers' Credit Bank.

In all of France, no one is more secure than the Banque de France.

On May 23, the French construction company, a subsidiary of the Workers' Credit Bank, was officially listed on the Paris Stock Exchange.

While Parisians wondered why the Workers' Credit Bank was not listed, they frantically bought shares in the French construction company.

The stock has been climbing all the way. A construction company with a market value of only more than 60 million has exceeded 100 million in a blink of an eye, and it is still rising.

The madness of the rentier class towards emerging industries is beyond Jerome Bonaparte's imagination.

On May 25th, Paris cheap housing was officially launched.

In order to allow more people to participate in this huge project, under the order of Jerome Bonaparte, the general manager of the French construction company announced to the public to think about materials and collect suitable design plans.

As long as the isolation is established, it doesn't matter if you are an engineer or an ordinary worker.

The winning drawings of this competition will receive a set of houses given by the construction company, as well as a prize of 10,000 francs.

The deadline is the beginning of July, which means that during this month, everyone can act.

Under the temptation of housing and a bonus of 10,000 francs, most of the population of Paris was mobilized, and many workers went to work while thinking about the pattern of the drawings.

The whole of Paris was completely mobilized by Jerome Bonaparte.

It was at this time that Wallewski, the ambassador for the Near East, once again received news from the Near East.

May 26, 10 am.

Just when Jerome Bonaparte was sitting down to deal with the documents, Foreign Minister De Ruiz broke into Jerome Bonaparte's study with a telegram.

De Ruiz said to Jerome Bonaparte breathlessly: "Your Majesty...telegraph...telegraph!"

"What happened to the Near East? Did something happen?" Seeing Jerome Bonaparte quickly got up and came to De Luiz, holding De Luiz in his hands received the telegram.

"On May 25th, the Ottoman Empire's Great Parliament was held again! During the parliamentary period, anti-Russian sentiments among the religious leaders of the Ottoman Empire were so high that the normal parliament was interrupted several times.

Ultimately, the Ottoman Grand Council rejected Menshkov's terms.

The Ottoman Empire and the Russian Empire are now completely broken! Ask for directions! "

Jerome Bonaparte read the information sent by Valevsky from Constantinople word for word, and then calmly said to De Ruiz who was standing by: "It seems that the Russian Empire has The Ottoman war is coming too!"

De Ruiz nodded to Jerome Bonaparte and replied, "If Ottoman doesn't want to become a puppet of the Russian Empire, then he must start a war."

"Now, summon the cabinet members immediately!"

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