Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

179: Sensation! Successfully Broke The History Of Mainland Universities

Although nearly an hour had passed, in fact, the battle lasted only less than thirty minutes.

At this time, the defenders who originally occupied the right place and the right place now only have Man Dazhi and four other students left.

"Captain, it's all over, let's go out and surrender." A student couldn't help but said, the defenders had already started searching, and it wouldn't take long to find them.

Man Dazhi had some doubts about life and couldn't believe that he had lost like this.

The situation was over, and the battle losses were at least 90%. This was unacceptable to him. It even made him wonder if the team members he commanded had surrendered to the enemy. Otherwise, how could the battle losses be so fast?

"Surrender? Impossible. There is no word surrender in my dictionary, Man Dazhi. This test is not over yet." Man Dazhi said with firm eyes: "Brothers, although we have suffered heavy losses,

The armored force is gone, but we are still there, with the guns in our hands, fighting guerrillas with him. Street fighting is the best way to fight guerrillas. Even if the enemy is outnumbered, we can still win through guerrillas.

So, five minutes later.

There was only one person left beside Man Dazhi.

"Captain, it's just the two of us, what should we do?"

"Don't panic, we have guns, we will continue to guerrilla and look for opportunities to carry out beheading operations. Believe in yourself, we can do it."


Three more minutes later.

Man Dazhi looked helpless at the gun pointed at him.

"I'm not convinced and want a review."

This is the last stubbornness of Man Dazhi. As a collective of mid-level officers, any part of the body can be soft, but the mouth must be hard.

With the defensive commander successfully captured alive, the practical assessment officially ended.

This assessment lasted for a total of one hour and fifteen minutes and ended with the complete annihilation of the defenders. The attackers only suffered less than 1% of the battle losses. What is the concept? It is equal to zero battle losses.

Li Ran's command performance shocked Sun Fu, director of the Academic Affairs Office, Zhao Kanghui, dean of the Infantry 420 Tactics Department, and Fang Xingwu, dean of the Armor Command Department.

In particular, Fang Xingwu, who has been immersed in armored command for many years, expressed high appreciation for Li Ran's command.

He now understands Li Ran's idea of ​​​​commanding mechanized troops to fight street battles this time.

The four tanks were used as long-range artillery to provide fire coverage support. After analyzing the defender's fire deployment, they carried out precise strikes. The infantry entering the city directly cleared the floors after providing fire support while occupying an advantageous position.

At the same time, the armored area deployed by the defenders was estimated, and four tanks were allowed to circle from the outside of the city to the rear, and engage in front and rear pincer attacks with the infantry who successfully occupied the favorable terrain, inflicting heavy damage.

Such a battle arrangement is perfect!

This time the mechanized troops engaged in street fighting, which exceeded everyone's expectations.

Even in Fang Xingwu's opinion, even if Li Ran loses, as long as his performance is not too outrageous, he can give Li Ran a pass in this assessment.

As Zhao Kanghui said before, street fighting is a topic that our army has been studying for a long time, and street fighting among mechanized troops is even more of a difficult problem in the topic.

Who would have thought that this problem would be solved so easily in Li Ran's hands.

In particular, Li Ran's ability to calculate the trajectory and coordinates of long-distance tank shells is definitely worth learning and promoting. In the future, if the tank can be used as a precise long-distance artillery on the battlefield, it may become a killer move.

Even some of the masters in the artillery regiment can't do this.

After the results were over, it was time to give Li Ran the results of this practical assessment.

"Full marks."

"I get full marks too."

Zhao Kanghui and Fang Xingwu directly gave full marks without any hesitation.

Li Ran's performance definitely deserved it, and the two easily reached an agreement.

"Two deans, are these scores a bit exaggerated? How about a slight deduction?" Sun Fu, director of the Academic Affairs Office, couldn't help but said.

Full marks for the practical assessment, or mixed practical assessment. If a full mark is given, it will be another example in the history of the school.

In the history of universities in mainland China, there has never been an example of a perfect score in the practical examination. How can I put it, the practical examination is more open-ended than the short answer questions on the theoretical examination. Who can weigh what the standard is for this perfect score.

"If there is no precedent, then set a precedent. Full marks, that's it." Upon hearing this, Fang Xingwu said directly, with a very tough attitude.

He has a hot temper. As long as he likes someone, there is no point in giving him full marks. What's wrong with giving him full marks? If there is no one in the history of Lu Academy, there can't be one?

Can’t school history be broken?

"Okay." After hearing this, Sun Fu said nothing more.

He knew that what Fang Xingwu decided might not be able to be changed even if the principal came.

Besides, Li Ran's performance in the practical assessment this time is obvious to all.

The offensive and defensive students, plus the two commanders, gathered immediately.

Sun Fu, director of the Academic Affairs Office, announced the results in front of everyone.

"In this practical assessment, the offensive team performed well, the coordination was orderly and without chaos, and the battle ideas were clear... After analysis by the two deans and the assessment team, they unanimously agreed that this was a perfect command, full score, This result will be recorded in each career assessment score official.

Hearing this, the attacking students looked surprised and couldn't believe it.

This is the first time in the history of Lu University that he received full marks in the practical examination. This has already broken the history of Lu University.

And they are participants in this breakthrough in the history of military colleges. Needless to say, the convenience brought by it is that the results are recorded in the graduation assessment results, which is directly related to their future military future.

Those with good graduation grades will naturally be assigned to good units; those with poor grades will naturally be assigned to units that no one wants to go to.

"The Great God Cow Rat."

Among the attacking team members, someone took the lead in shouting. Immediately, everyone cheered excitedly.

"Great God Beef!"

Everyone looked at Li Ran with nothing but enthusiasm and admiration.

They remembered what Li Ran said to them before the war, that he would lead them (aiai) with the honor of being an officer to create the history of Lu Yuan. At this moment, they realized it.

Now they knew how Li Ran got so many military medals.

That is the best affirmation of strength, awesome comparison, that is really awesome comparison, no one can beat it.

In contrast, the students on the defensive side were like eggplants beaten by frost. They were all gone. It was over. Barbie was Q. With such a performance, their results were absolutely unbearable to look at.

This will have a great impact on their graduation assessment.

The culprit of all this is their commander Man Dazhi. Before the assessment started, they could see that there was something wrong with Man Dazhi. It was exactly as they expected. He was a completely stupid commander. He could become a mid-level officer with this. coordinating class?

Feeling the many hateful eyes behind him, Man Tianzhi was also a little panicked at this time.



"I'm not convinced." Man Dazhi said loudly. He was not convinced. He didn't understand why all the teams he deployed could be wiped out in a short period of time.

Even if he surrenders to the enemy, he won't be so quick.

"Why are you dissatisfied?" Sun Fu asked calmly.

This performance, the defensive side's performance cannot be said to be very bad, but the performance of Man Dazhi, a student in the coordination class of the Lu Academy, is very unpleasant.

As the director of the Academic Affairs Office, he had long heard of the students' reactions that the mid-level officers were all very arrogant and arrogant. At first, he didn't take it seriously. But now it seems that the problem is huge and he can't ignore it.

"The team I deployed completely occupied the best vantage point. Why were they all wiped out in an instant? I think there is something wrong with this." Man Dazhi said.

"Classmate Man Dazhi, I can tell you very seriously that all the teams you deployed were damaged in the fire coverage bombardment. The specific process will be reviewed in class tomorrow." Sun Fu said seriously: "In addition, you are As a commander, my pre-war morale boosting was a mess, and I was very disrespectful to the junior students. I will submit a 5,000-word review tomorrow."

Man Dazhi was dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Fu announced the defensive team's assessment results.

In fact, in the opinion of the assessment team, there is no problem with the defensive deployment this time. If there is a real problem, there is something wrong with Man Dazhi, the commander.

It seems that all mid-level military officers in the Lu Academy have this problem and pride themselves on being extraordinary.

Who made them encounter an opponent who didn't play according to common sense? The students on the defensive side hardly showed any performance and were almost eliminated under the cover of artillery fire. Then, before they could react, they were collected by the attacking infantry on a clean-up mission. of corn.

In general, it's not that the defensive side performed too poorly, but that the offensive side, especially the commander Ji Ran, performed too well.

After the news of Li Ran's perfect score in the practical examination came out, it once again caused a sensation, and the entire Lu Academy was completely elated.

The new students cheered again. Sure enough, the master in their hearts was invincible. He had perfect scores in the tactical theory test and practical test. All that was left was the thesis. A mere thesis was not something that the master could easily grasp.

Therefore, the great master skipped a grade and the double-subject undergraduate graduation examination was stable.

The mid-level officers were collectively shocked. Man Dazhi, who fought on their behalf, lost to a newbie? Are you kidding me?

When they learned that in the mixed practical street fighting assessment, Man Dazhi was still on the defensive side, they couldn't believe it. How could they lose? Are you a pig?

The collective characteristics of the mid-level officers made them unable to accept this fact. It must be because Man Dazhi was acting too hot.

A perfect score in the practical examination is a break in the history of the school. Are you kidding? Something that broke the history of the school actually happened to a new student. Isn't this a naked slap in the face of their mid-level officers?

Senior military officers collectively expressed congratulations!

Major General Fang Xingwu, dean of the Armored Command Department, can give full marks. This newbie is not simple, and he may become Major General Fang Xingwu's second disciple [the future heavy division commander].

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