Makeout Tactics

13 Make me proud kiddo!!

Several days later it was Saturday. Henry had just woken up, it was almost noon and he sat on his bed thinking. Henry has been psyching up himself for just this day, he was hoping he could do more than just ask Rosie to be his lab partner. He was feeling very confident. While thinking about all this there was a knock on the door.

..Knock knock..

\"I'll get it\" said Henry

Henry got up from his bed and was walking to the door, still feeling very groggy. He opened the door to find Chris waiting eagerly. Chris was with a bag and wearing dark shades, making him look like a spy agent or a hacker.

After opening the door and looking at Chris Henry decided to ask the question that popped into his mind, \"What the hell are you wearing\"

\"This is my gear, I'm gonna use it and spy on you and Rosie tonight\"

Henry let's Chris into the living room and sits down still feeling tired.

\"Don't you have something better to do\"

\"It's the weekend, there isn't much to do plus this is something that requires speculation\"

\"But you are a little early don't you think?\"

\"It's almost noon you've slept for half the day\"

Henry rubs his eyes trying to get himself to stay alert,\"Well the week went by fast, and I've been psyching myself up for this\"

\"Didn't you see Rosie in school?\"

\"I did but I avoided contact with her, I don't wanna mess up anything before today I need to get ready tho\"

Henry stands up and begins to make his way upstairs to his room. Chris follows him,\"You thought of what your gonna wear?\"

\"Huh I thought I'll just go with whatever I can find\"

\"Ehh!!, no no it's the first time you're meeting her outside school, you have to make a good impression and girls like a guy who can dress up\"

\"And how do you know that?\"

\"I watch a lot of romantic animes, so I think I know a thing or two about dating\"

\"It isn't a date, is it?\"

\"Dude you literally said meet me by 5pm, it's a date!\"

\"Oh shit, then I gotta prepare I think I have what to wear\"

\"Just put on a hoodie and you'll be good\"

Chris goes into Henry's closet and picks out a grey hoodie and tosses it on Henry.

\"Just be cool this is gonna be fun\" said Chris

\"Might be fun for you cause you're just watching\"

Chris grinning to himself,\"You'll be fine, you've got a lot of time why don't you prepare for it, who knows you might get to make out today\"

Henry gets caught in a very erotic thought of kissing Rosie lips, he imagined it to be very nice, his daydreaming was cut short as Chris calls his name, \"Henry! you got the book and you got a best friend that is looking out for you, so go and make me proud kiddo!!\"

Already disoriented by his own lewd thoughts and wandering why Chris is getting excited Henry decided to go through the book mad maybe find out more stuff he could do. He retrieved the book from his bag and opened to the ending of the chapter he was on. Chris saw that Henry has gone for his ace card, so he decided to wait downstairs while Henry reads.

\"I'll wait in the living room\"

\"This shouldn't take long the book really summarizes everything\" Henry said in a confident tone.

\"Take your time\"


A few minutes later Henry was done reading he went downstairs and with a grin on his face he said, \"I think I'm ready for my date\"

Chris got even more excited and decided to listen to Henry's final planning for tonight.

Some hours went by and before they knew it it was almost time for the date. Chris waited as Henry walked into his room to change. A few moments later he came out with a pair of slim jeans with a black hoodie and sneakers.

Chris was shocked by how good Henry looked, \"Woah you look nice, I think your ready!\"

\"I feel ready!\" Henry said with a confident tone.

\"Wait!! you forgot one thing\"

Chris picks up Henry's glasses and puts it on him. Gives a thumbs up, \"Now you're ready, let's go get your date\"

\"Your just gonna ditch me and watch my progress from the shadows right\"

\"You know me so well\"

They leave the house and as soon as they are on their way Henry receives a call....

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