Makeout Tactics

4 Chapter 1: Meeting the lis

After school Henry went home with the book in other to read his contents. He opened the first page, what was written was "Chapter One: Meeting the list.

"What list? "Henry said to himself.

The book said "we all have something like a "list" in our head on specific things we want our partner to have, changing the way you look you might give you an advantage with thegirl".

Henry took a mirror to look at himself, he saw a skinny, nerdy looking guy with glasses and no muscle mass.

"Am totally screwed how is Rosie going to like me am not even sure I met any of her attributes in the list of what she wants in a guy".

He continue reading, the book said "... Normally females look for strong, handsome, charming, rich guys but you have to note that not every girl is the same, they all have different tastes in guys so don't count yourself out just because you don't have any of the mentioned qualities..... "

Henry sat down and thought to himself.,

"Hmm, this is so weird, why can't girls just like a guy because of his personality not only his looks, I know not all girls are like this but they are few and they usually don't like to express themselves, I have to talk to Rosie so I'll see if I have a chance".


After the teacher dismissed the class there was an announcement that was pinned on the notice board.


"What the fuck, why should we change lab partners and why must it be a girl", Chris said angrily.

"I don't know but this is my chance to talk to Rosie without giving her the impression that I like her"

"That's good for you but what about me, I don't want to be paired with a girl, they'll spoil my groove"

"It looks like you have no choice, just talk to one of them and get a partner before the class."

"*Sigh* this is gonna be a pain"

After school Henry went to look for Rosie so he could ask her to be his lab partner but he couldn't find her, He felt so depressed he decided to go home, on his way home he saw Rosie and she was having some trouble telling a guy to leave her alone.

Henry felt a surge of adrenaline and saw a chance to be a hero but before he could go he was thinking about his chances.

"This guy could easily beat me up, so getting into a hand to hand battle might end badly for me, but if I use a weapon it might increase my chances" Henry thought to himself as he picked up a stick and silently approached the man.


Henry's stick made impact with the man'shead but wasn't enough to knock him out.

"Shit" said Henry.

The man took an angry glance to Henry and as he was about to go towards him.


Rosie had hit the man with a stick and this time he went down hard.

Henry had never been more terrified in his life.

"How could someone so delicate looking stature create such a force to knock out a man! "Henry thought while he was going to help Rosie up after she hit the man.

"We should get out of here before he wakes up",Henry said.

"Umm.. Alright" Rosie said with a pale look on her face.

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