Makeout Tactics

6 Just a normal day

The next day, Henry and Chris where walking to school and Henry was explaining what went down after school yesterday.

"Did you guys kiss" said Chris

"We just met and the circumstance was not ideal "

"Does it matter, I have seen people do it the first time they meet"

"She's not a slut and that only happens in the movies its more complex in real life"

"I can't believe she was the one that knocked the guy out, that's means she could beat your ass if she wanted to" Chris said while laughing at Henry for not being successful in knocking out the guy"

"I just picked up the wrong stick, I could have done it.

"Sure you could" Chris said in a sarcastic tone.

"Do you really think I have a chance with her"

"Maybe, but just don't push it, at least your cute in a geeky kind of way just be yourselfand try using some tricks from that book of yours"

"Seriously if I be myself i don't think she'll be interested in me, and this book has been very helpful so far in grooming my personality towards girls but I can't help but wander who wrote it"

"Whoever he is he must be really legendary for him to be able to write a book like this".

"Yeah, which reminds me have you found a partner for the class next week"

"Haven't really asked anyone yet but I'll try and do it today but am not looking forward to it".

Chris looked at his watch and he realized that they had been talking for so long thatit was almost time for their first class, and it looked like they were going to be late.

"Henry we are so screwed its almost time for our first class, how are we gonna get there in time! "

"We are gonna run Chris"

"Noooo!, am so tired"

"You just woke up!"

"And? "

"You wanna be late"

"No, but there have to be another way, why didn't we just take our bikes"

"You said you wanted to hear what happened yesterday"

"Fuck, why did I say that, curse my curiosity"

"We really need to start running now"

"Ok! "

Henry and Chris ran to school together but it was kinda weird cause running isn't something they like doing but surprisingly they barely made it to the school in time.

*pant* *pant*

"Henry promise me we will never do this again" Chris said trying to catch his breath

"I promise, but I ran yesterday and I didn't feel this tired after running, why is that?"

"Maybe cause of Rosie, you must have been filled with adrenaline and didn't notice"

"Let's get to class"

Chris and Henry entered the class, teacher was already there teaching, he turned his attention to them as they entered.

"Why are you guys 5 minutes late"

"And why are you guys sweaty"

Chris and Henry looked at each other trying to think of an excuse as quick as possible.

"Um, we....we..wan..ted to try a new path to school but it turns out it was two times longer than the original path," said Chris

"And why are you sweating,"the teacher asked.

"We ran sir"

"Ran?, Do you guys do that normally"

"Umm yes sir, this is just a normal day for us," Henry said confidently.

"Alright, go to your seats and don't let this happen again"

Henry and Chris went to their seats clearly relieved that the teacher believed them.Henry's focus went to the seat that Rosie was sitting at, he saw that she was clearly amused by what happened, he couldn't help but blush at that fact.

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