Making a super beast armed game, the anchors are crazy

Chapter 252 Sister Zhou ran away to find the Snow Emperor? Can this be predicted? Baboo appears in t

"Ghost Valley, the sixth son, actually killed the entire Baboo family just like that?"

"Seeing this old sixth villain achieve success makes me sick!"

"Sister Zhou, hurry up and kill Guigu, the sixth child!"

"Farewell, although I really want to see Guigu die quickly, but Miss Zhou should run and find Xue Huang!"

"That's right, report all this to Xue Huang, and let Xue Huang kill Gui Gu, the sixth son!"

The audience were all disgusted by Guigu.

Even if they really want to see Ghost Valley die here.

But most people are still relatively awake.

Tell Zhou sister to run quickly and tell Snow Emperor all this.

Only in this way can the sixth child, Guigu, be killed!

And sister Zhou now understands everything.

"It's no wonder Pluto and Xuehuang have successfully negotiated peace talks, but they will fall apart in the future."

"It turns out that the culprit who caused the breakdown of the peace talks between Pluto and Snow Emperor is you, the sixth child!"

Sister Zhou is also preparing to retreat.

"I will never let you succeed."

"See how I will reveal your mask in front of the Snow Emperor."

"Change this piece of history!"

Guigu didn't pay attention to Sister Zhou at all.

"Do you think it's possible?"

"I just want to break the peace talks between Pluto and Snow Emperor!"

"I just want them to kill endlessly!"

"Until they both lose, then I will rule the seven parallel universes!"

Guigu feels that she can manipulate Sister Zhou at will.

She didn't take sister Zhou seriously at all.

"It's a pity that you won't see the day when I rule the universe."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Guigu rushed over with one move.

After Sister Zhou narrowly escaped.

"Super beast armed!"

After being restored by the Baboos just now, she has almost recovered.

If I can't beat you, I won't run?

If you have the ability, you, the sixth child, will catch up with me!

Sister Zhou has entered the super beast state, ready to escape as fast as possible!

And after Guigu destroyed the Tianyuan Festival.

At this time, the entire Tianyuan Volcano is outside.

The volcanic eruption started directly!

I don't know how many volcanoes erupted together, and countless Baboos were all killed by this explosion!

The audience in the live broadcast room felt their hearts were about to break when they saw this scene.

Guigu, the sixth child, is really hateful!

And this level of volcanic eruption naturally completely attracted the attention of Fengying and the soldiers of the underworld.

On Dai Xiaomei's side, Fengying and Dai Xiaomei are still fighting.

And the captain of the underworld soldier noticed this volcanic movement.

"No, Ghost Valley is already in action!"

"Let's go there!"

Dai Xiaomei also wanted to stop Fengying.

"Fengying, I am saving you."

"As long as you go, your brother will kill you!"

Fengying couldn't hear it at all.

"Bloodprint Tribulation!"

Fengying directly opened up!


Little girl Dai was hit by a trick and was beaten directly off the cliff!

At this moment, Dai Xiaomei only felt that her whole body was about to split apart.

Until the end, she didn't stop Fengying? ?

During the fall, Dai Xiaomei managed to hold on to the branches to stabilize her figure.

Prepare to go up and stop Fengying.

At least save Fengying when Fengyao kills Fengying!

At this time, Fengying and the soldiers of the underworld arrived outside Tianyuan Volcano.

But I saw Baboo's corpses all over the floor!

The wolf soldier captain saw this.

"It seems that we are one step late..."

The soldiers of the White Tiger Clan directly pointed their spears at Fengying and the others.

"Whoever trespasses on the Temple of Heaven volcano will be shot to death!"

Fengying also wanted to use his identity to make these White Tiger soldiers retreat.

"I order you, get out of the way!"

The leading White Tiger Clan soldier captain snorted directly.

"Hmph, what qualifications does a traitor have to order us?"

Fengying was also obviously angry.

"Who do you call a traitor!"

The captain of the White Tiger Clan laughed.

"Haha, I should have thought of that earlier."

"The easiest thing for a scoundrel like you is to break one's word!"

Kazekage clenched his fists tightly.

"Why, why do you always force me!"

Fengying stepped forward to fight with these White Tiger Clan soldiers.

On Sister Zhou's side, Baboo, who was fainted by Sister Zhou before, also woke up at this time.

Taking advantage of the chaos, he flew into Tianyuan Volcano.

After fighting with the soldiers of the White Tiger Clan, he went to find Guigu for a quick battle.

Fengying directly opened up!

"Bloodprint Tribulation!"

All the soldiers of the White Tiger Clan fell down.

In the end, only the captain of the White Tiger Clan soldier had breath.

"Fengying, you are so cruel..."

Kazekage spoke.

"It was you who were used by Guigu!"

The captain of the White Tiger Clan soldier spoke with difficulty.

"Feng Yao will definitely avenge us!"

After finishing speaking, the captain of the White Tiger Clan soldier pressed the communication device on his hand.

After notifying Feng Yao.

Only then did he swallow his breath completely.

The audience in the live broadcast saw this scene.

"Fuck, did the captain of the White Tiger Clan soldier send a signal to Feng Yao before he died?"

"It turns out that Feng Yao's arrival in such a timely manner has something to do with the soldiers sending the signal!"

"Feng Ying's wife is still soft-hearted, she should kill the captain of the White Tiger Clan soldier while he is silent!"

"If Mrs. Fengying rushes into the altar now, what awaits her next will be death!"

"Didn't the old woman want to prevent Fengying's death, you should hurry up!"

Kazekage knocked down these White Tiger Clan soldiers.

He and the soldiers of the underworld rushed into Tianyuan Volcano.

However, all of this is developing towards the fate that Fengying should have.

Could it be that Fengying is still doomed to die this time!

At this time, sister Zhou once again entered the super beast armed forces.

All he wanted was to escape and bring the news out.

"If you want to hit me, catch up with me first."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Sister Zhou entered the super animal state and crawled around on the surrounding walls.

Ready to leave through the above.

Seeing Sister Zhou's position, Guigu made a sudden move!


Sister Zhou hasn't been proud for long.

He was directly beaten down by Guigu!

Now, sister Zhou was almost dumbfounded.

"Damn, you old six can predict!"

Unexpectedly, Guigu predicted her position in advance and knocked her down with one move!

Seeing Guigu wanted to kill her.

"Time-space reversal!"

Sister Zhou hastily performed a space-time reversal.

Turn back time to before.

This time, I can't be tricked again!

"I flash!"

After Guigu's attack came, sister Zhou already knew where Guigu was going to attack.

Get out of the way early.

However, after dodging the first move.


Sister Zhou was beaten down by Guigu's next move.

"Time-space reversal!"

Sister Zhou hurriedly reversed time and space again, and went back to the past.

"I flash!"

"I'll flash again!!"

After avoiding the first two attacks of Ghost Valley this time.


Ghost Valley's third attack, prejudged to attack a big rock.

Sister Zhou was directly smashed.

After falling from the sky, he was attacked by Guigu again.

Even the super beast state has been lifted again!

Even if you want to use Time and Space Great Reversal at this time, you won't be able to use it!

The audience wanted to complain.

What are you doing, Zhou Shufen? Has the alliance been for nothing for so long!


Guigu slammed towards Sister Zhou with one move.

At the critical moment, Baboo appeared in time.

Directly, in front of sister Zhou!

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