Making a super beast armed game, the anchors are crazy

Chapter 259 The scalp is numb, the lion king kneels to borrow the power lock! For the sake of his su

Chapter 259 The scalp is numb, the lion king kneels to borrow the power lock! For the sake of his subordinates, fight Feng Yao to the death! !

Dai Xiaomei thinks that Pluto has probably mastered the black hole of Xuanming by now.

Then the current battle situation is not too bad for the underworld!

Even judging from the results after 100,000 years.

This battle is still won by the underworld!

Although Pluto was sealed in the coffin of Xuanming, the Lion King and the forces of the underworld were preserved.

However, Xuehuang's side was all sucked into the Xuanming black hole.

Oh, except for one big guy, Won Jung.

The underworld expanded rapidly by taking advantage of the time when Snow Emperor and the others were sucked in a hundred thousand years ago.

They seem to be the overlords of the seven parallel universes!

At this time, soldiers from the underworld came to report.

"Report to the Lion King, the White Tiger Clan troops."

"It is entering our underworld on a large scale."



The lion king and Xuan Yizi were both startled.

Xuan Yizi also had to face this reality at this time.

"Could it be that this war finally broke out..."

A lonely and majestic figure came out from behind the gate of the underworld.

"What has been done will be done again, and what has been done will be done again."

Pluto's expression didn't show any waves.

This outcome seems to have been expected long ago.

Xuan Yizi said.

"Pluto, this happened because of me."

"I'll give you an explanation."

If he hadn't gone to Xue Huang to make peace at that time.

Pluto's side may not delay the fighter.

Pluto shook his head.

"No, Xuan Yizi."

"If you want to do me a favor, please take them away."

"What did you say!"

Xuan Yizi couldn't believe it.

What Pluto was referring to was clearly the Lion King and the others.

Including Huo Linfei from Dumb Girl, Yeling Yunlongjian, Tai Lei Fengying and others!

Pluto wasn't kidding.

"Take them out of my underworld, the farther the better."

The Lion King spoke immediately.

"No, I'm not going."

"I will live and die with the underworld!"

Long Jian didn't intend to retreat either.

"Pluto, since I, Long Jian, have joined your underworld."

"How could he leave you at the most difficult time?"

Ye Lingyun, who will be the guardian of the underworld in the future, does not plan to leave.

"That's right, we swear to the death to defend the underworld!"

Pluto shook his head directly.

"No, our current strength is too different from Snow Emperor's."

"You have all lost the power lock now, and if you go there, you will die in vain."

Fengying listened.


"Pluto, I still have a power lock."

"Let me resist them."

The audience wanted to say something when they saw this scene.

Mrs. Fengying, your power lock was given to you by Pluto~

Pluto shook his head.

"No, Kazekage."

"Your going will only arouse your brother's anger even more."

"It can only backfire."

Thinking of what happened in the Baboo family.

Kazekage clenched his fists even more forcefully.

"Why, why does my brother just refuse to believe me!"


Why did Fengying make this sound?

Long Jian was startled slightly.

The audience took a look.

"At this time, Long Jian must have thought of Xiao Longying."

"That's right, you saved me now, why would you kill me in the future, it's too cruel!"

"I haven't seen Xiao Longying in the underworld. She should be settled as soon as she arrives, right?"

"That's for sure, Xiao Longying has never seen Pluto at all, and she thought Long Jian was Pluto in her heart."

"Don't talk about it. Thinking about the scenes of Long Ying's wife, I'm almost tortured to death!"

For Long Jian.

The why of this sound impressed him the most.

It will undoubtedly be Xiao Longying!

Pluto spoke indifferently.

"Just because we're black and they're white."

"The Snow Emperor came here to look for me, so let me face it alone."

"Get on the spaceship and get out of here."

The Lion King didn't want to leave.

"But Pluto..."

"This is an order!"

After leaving a word, Pluto's figure gradually faded away.

Xuan Yizi led the crowd, preparing to board the Xuanwu spaceship.

At this time, in the half-screen CG screen, the battle between the golden lion and the silver lion has become more and more difficult.



Feng Yao hadn't participated in the battle yet.

The two of them faced the ordinary soldiers of the White Tiger Clan with ease.

As a result, Guigu kept shooting cold arrows from above.

Both of them were hit by Guigu's cold arrow.

If it goes on like this, it won't last long!

As for Dai Xiaomei, she is under the order of Pluto.

Lion King also followed several people towards the Xuanwu spacecraft.

But obviously, the Lion King is not so resolute.

Walked at the end of the line.

He looked at the little girl who was also not far in front of him.

"Huo Linfei, wait a minute."

At this moment, the Lion King suddenly called to Dai Xiaomei.

Dai Xiaomei turned around, a little curious.

"What's the matter, Lion King?"

The Lion King hesitated to speak.

After some hesitation.

He knelt down heavily towards Little Sister Dai!

"Fuck, Lion King, what are you doing?!"

Dai Xiaomei felt dumbfounded for a moment.

Based on her understanding of the Lion King, the Lion King is very loyal.

And very proud, a person who values ​​self-esteem very much.

At this moment, he would kneel down to her? !

There is gold under the man's knees!

What's more, he is a proud and proud lion king all his life!

"Huo Linfei, I have something to ask..."

The lion king is completely begging for help.

"Lion King, what's the matter, you get up first and then talk about it."

Although the two are considered enemies.

But Dai Xiaomei still admires the Lion King very much.

Especially going back one hundred thousand years ago...the two seem to be friends!

"No, if you don't promise me, I won't get up..."

The little girl was a little confused.

"What is it, so serious?"

"Hurry up and tell me."

said the Lion King.

"I implore you to lend me the ability lock."

The little girl was dumbfounded for a moment.

"Damn, borrow a power lock?!"

This is indeed a big deal!

She can have the current strength, all relying on her own power lock.

If she lent the power lock to the lion king, her level for so long would be for nothing!

The lion king knelt in front of the little girl.

"I must not stand by and watch my men die in battle while I escape alone."

"I want to fight Fengyao... to the death!"

Dai Xiaomei was also deeply touched.

But at this time, she still felt a little hesitant.

"But, if the power lock..."

The lion king almost bowed down to the little girl Dai.

"Without the ability lock, I can't be armed with super beasts."

"I beg you!"

"All right, all right, Lion King, get up first!"

"I promise you that's it!"

Little girl Dai could not see the lion king bowing down to her like this, so she hurriedly helped the lion king up.

Although the power lock is given out, it means that the level is wiped out for nothing.

But she can still return to the underworld in the future!

Cough cough, being the son-in-law of Pluto is quite sweet.

The Lion King got up.

Put on the power lock.

"Thank you, Huo Linfei."

"No matter what the result of the battle is, I will definitely return it to you personally."

"please believe me!"

And this scene made the atmosphere of the entire live broadcast room.

They all exploded with a bang!

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