Male God is Chasing My Brother

Chapter 110: Thanks for subscribing

Biquge, the fastest updated male **** is chasing my brother [entertainment] latest chapter!

This An An Xu Mo has also been to this kind of place before, but he didn't wear such clothes before. He and Zhou Jin, wearing a high-definition suit, sank together. The astonishing glances around them quickly mixed with curiosity. Not just wearing, Zhou Jinshen, who has been popular for five years, and the temperament of ordinary people are also very different. No matter how you look at them, they are not like the same passers-by.

Zhou Jinshen has long been used to ignoring all kinds of eyes, and An Xumo has not noticed the surrounding sight. The two walked into a big-name store, and the shopping guide quickly ushered in, and began to choose clothes for An Xumo under the guidance of Zhou Jinshen.

There are not many customers in the store, and another shopping guide has followed her. She looked at Zhou Jinshen wearing sunglasses with curiosity, and couldn't help but say, "Sir, you look familiar, may I ask if you are our gold Member? "

An Xu Mo, who was being guided by a shopping guide, looked up and silently glanced at the vertical advertisement occupying half the wall in the store.

Like this international first-line brand, new product display generally chooses professional supermodels, or top international superstars. Zhou Jinshen had just turned 20 when he first won the brand's endorsement, and the news also boiled the domestic entertainment industry.

As soon as An Xumo looked up, the inquiring shopping guide realized what she was doing. She turned her eyes back and forth on Zhou Jinshen and the advertisement twice, so that she could easily suppress the surprise in her expression and try to maintain her professionalism.

Zhou Jinshen just nodded, and signaled An Xumo to change clothes. The shopping guide helped select three items, and he didn't even look at them, so An Xumo took them all in.

An Xumo's body and foundation are good. After wearing it, it is not the clothes that line the person, but the person lined the clothes to look better. The shopping guides who used to see big customers also changed their expressions. The ordinary analysis of strengths and weaknesses was simply praised by her.

She picked three light-colored suits for An Xumo, with a white shirt and a few ties. An Xumo only wanted to choose one set, but the shopping guide was too happy. After trying all three sets, he couldn't choose which one was more suitable. He was hesitating whether to disturb another man and ask the other person for advice, but when he turned his attention away, he was there on the spot.

Zhou Jinshen was holding a white T-shirt in his hand, and was looking out of the collar's shirt. He also wore a pair of black shorts, the one he had just replaced in the locker room.

Seeing An Xumo coming over, Zhou Jinshen picked up the T-shirt with one hand. His voice was faint and he couldn't hear the emotion: "Where did you buy it?"

An Xumo subconsciously pulled a shopping guide to help him tie a bow tie, and honestly answered: "Online."

Zhou Jinshen asked: "How much is it?"

An Xumo whispered: "Nine dollars and nine."

The huge store was a bit weird and quiet for a while, with two shopping guides holding five-digit price tops and four-digit price ties facing each other.

Zhou Jinshen put down his T-shirt: "What about pants?"

An Xumo's voice was even lower: "Nineteen."

Zhou Jinshen took off his sunglasses and looked at him: "Are you still shipping?"

Without the obstruction of sunglasses, his looks and eyes put greater pressure on An Xumo. An Xumo felt that the tip of his tongue was a little numb, but Zhou Jinshen did not wait for him to answer, so Gu Zi put the two clothes back on the sofa. He gestured to the shopping guide: "Trouble help him cut off the tag."

The shopping guide responded quickly: "Okay sir, is this the right one?"

Zhou Jin Shen said: "Three sets together, the tie should be striped and the houndstooth two, and another shirt."

The shopping guide was busy looking for a suitcase and a paper bag. An Xu Mo stood there impatiently, and let another shopping guide help him cut off the tag on his body. He found his voice easily: "Sorry, I, I may not have enough money ..."

Putting Zhou Jingshen, who plays sunglasses, for a moment, the sight that came over was somewhat unclear. He didn't seem to want to say anything. In the end, he didn't say anything. He just took a card from his wallet and gave it to the busy shopping guide.

After finishing the card, Zhou Jinshen also asked the shopping guide to help, and put the two explosive packages that were replaced into the store's sundries collection basket. He turned his head to An Xumo and said, "No cards on the Internet, throw them away when you go back."

An Xumo was a little bit wrong, and he hadn't reacted to the other's settlement. Zhou Jin glanced at him, and said lightly: "Inferior clothes have an impact on the body, as well as the image. If you want to eat this bowl of rice, you will not be willful."

After buying a lot of clothes and giving them away, he was described as an artist training course. If there is Zhou Jinshen's fans present, it will be a dedicated filter and a deeper and deeper fascination. If it is black powder, then it must be rendered as a bullying and arrogant. However, An Xumo's identity is different from both. He took several heavy bags from the shopping guide, and after courageous enough, he dared to say "Thank you" to Zhou Jinshen.

Zhou Jinshen took the card from the shopping guide and did not respond. When he put on the sunglasses again, he heard the second channel of thanks.

"Thank you."

Zhou Jinshen turned to look at An Xumo who followed him, and there was still no emotion in his voice: "Go upstairs and buy shoes."

Even in this kind of high-luxury store with few customers, there is no shortage of people who recognize Zhou Jinshen. The two bought a circle in the commercial building, and even An Xu Mo even took it with his mobile phone. Fortunately, Ding Jin's security was rigorous, and there was no major noise.

The black Bentley re-started, leaving only two hours to the birthday party. They went to another place halfway and made a simple look for An Xumo. Zhou Jinshen was ready, but An Xumo's hairstyle was still before the concert. Xiu Xiu, attending the birthday party is not suitable.

This birthday feast is to celebrate the birthday of Mr. Zhou. In fact, it is also a celebration of the Zhou Family Foundation. Not only the children of the Zhou family, but also many people who have business contacts have received invitations. It was early evening when the two arrived at the main house, and rows of lights lit up in the vast garden. The fully open main entrance was decorated with great atmosphere, and the guides on the way guided the luxury cars in an orderly manner. The reception process is well-organized, and the details of the Zhou family are inadvertently revealed in the details.

Bentley parked in the open space in front of the lawn, and An Xumo followed Zhou Jin and got out of the car. The waiter who came forward saw An Xumo a little stunned, but soon, he recovered his unshaken expression and politely invited the two into the bright main house.

The lobby on the first floor is arranged as the scene of the banquet, with gorgeous lights shining on the magnificent furnishings. A lot of people have come in the room. If someone stumbles in, I'm afraid I would not think that a grand party is being held here. In fact, in terms of the financial resources of the Zhou family, such a scene is by no means high-profile to them.

As soon as Zhou Jinshen and An Xu Mo came in, they won a lot of attention around them. Each of them is pure black and tall, and one is pale and long. Although they are different in temperament, they are extremely eye-catching scenery. It was just the sight of the crowd that fell on them, but with completely different emotions.

After all, one of them is a promising heir, and the other is an illegitimate child who was swept away recently.

Like the waiter, many people were more or less surprised when they saw An Xumo. The giants have no privacy. The rumor of the Zhou family is well known. No one expected that An Xumo would still appear at the birthday party tonight.

An Xumo himself did not know the reason. He asked Zhou Jinshen in the car, and the other party only said it was a family order, and the specific situation was not clear. An Xumo is not without his concubine, but this is indeed the only time he can get along with Zhou Jinshen during this time. Coupled with being able to sip a full meal, he will now stand here.

After entering the hall, the person who came up and greeted Zhou Jinshen broke them up. An Xumo had no other thoughts. The long white table was already full of hearty meals. He took a plate and ate it, and sat down in a humble corner.

The Zhou family has its own pastry division, and its appearance and taste are first-rate. An Xumo was probably the only person in the banquet room to eat comfortably, and no one would come to talk to him anyway. But in the eyes of the only attentive diners, these elaborate meals are not very delicious.

The grand banquet was so grand, but An Xumo's body looked like nothing, unspoken whispers, and unscrupulous malice. The protagonist, who was used as a talker, didn't notice the sentiment around him. He sat safely in the corner, biting a cookie slowly.

The favorite sweetness turns into a dull, dryness between the lips and teeth. An Xu silently filled her stomach, but felt that the plate of carefully baked dessert was not as delicious as the chicken breast at noon.

It was cold everywhere, even the steaming crystal shrimp dumplings were wrapped in ice dumplings, and a bite would cool the entire stomach.

An Xumo stopped after eating for a while, and he did not look back at those more direct look, only looking for the familiar pure black figure indoors. Zhou Jinshen's appearance was destined that he would not be drowned in the crowd. Even at the feast after everyone was carefully dressed, An Xumo still found his figure at a glance.

Zhou Jinshen, who was just talking to his family and friends, was standing in a rather hidden corner at this time. He was whispering something to a hurrying young man, his expression was a bit cold. An Xumo glanced curiously at the young man, always feeling that he seemed to have seen each other somewhere.

He only glanced for a few moments before the two people who talked suddenly looked up and turned their eyes together.

Leng Buding looked at each other, An Xumo could not help but stunned.

But in fact, the person who was more surprised than him was Zhou Jinshen.

"Are you sure that the person who died 15 years ago is his biological father?" No one was around, Zhou Jinshen's voice was extremely low, he held the wine glass, but was hurt by the round | run glass feet .

"Since his father had already jumped off the building and died, who did that hurt me ten years ago?"

Xu is because of the original relationship between the two, Zhou Jinshen didn't ignore An Xumo, but his tone is really far from what was just in front of the camera.

An Xumo whispered, "You don't look like you were just now."

Zhou Jinshen's voice was cold and indifferent, without any emotion: "I was just working."

An Xumo took a moment. He naturally knew this, but in addition to a comfortable life, a big selling point for "various" shows is "real". Although artists will choose to take advantage of themselves Show it, but they will always reveal their true character. I didn't expect Zhou Jinshen to completely separate the inside and the outside of the lens. He was obviously a reality show, but he was acting in a movie.

"Separate the lens from the real ...?"

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