Teacher Luo read all the small notes one by one, but Tang Xia didn't dare to stop her, so she could only bite the bullet and wait for Teacher Luo's "sent down". Later, Teacher Luo found a huge human face on Han Yu's test paper.

"What is this?" Teacher Luo frowned, and asked Han Yu deliberately in a deep voice.

The boy said calmly, "Draw."

"Why did you draw pictures on the test paper?" Teacher Luo continued to ask.


Teacher Luo's originally calm face changed suddenly.

Tang Xia's pupils shrank, and she quickly pulled the corner of Han Yu's clothes under the table, signaling him not to offend Teacher Luo anymore.

Teacher Luo is now on the verge of rage, and he is still so rampant and brazen, he can directly ignite Teacher Luo's anger anytime and anywhere, and it will be miserable...

"Han Yu!"

Tang Xia trembled all over.

Then he sighed deeply.

Teacher Luo has been detonated...

The girl raised her eyes cautiously, and saw Mr. Luo, who was bluish and white, almost touching Han Yu's forehead with his finger, and the scolding burst out instantly.

"The test paper I prepared for you so hard, you use it for drawing? You have this time for drawing, why don't you do a few more questions?"

"It's good for you, you are still stubborn! Like it? If you like it, don't study! It's a waste of time and money, you just drop out of school!"

"I'm just eating carrots and worrying about it! Before the exam, I called you one by one to the office for tutoring. What happened? You draw for me!"

"Don't forget, the punishment for cheating is still on your back! Why, do you want to add another one now, the punishment for puppy love!"

Four sentences, one sentence higher than the pitch, directly shocked all the students in place.

Although she didn't scold Tang Xia, she didn't feel well in her heart, and buried her head very low until she heard these five words—

The punishment of puppy love.

puppy love?

Tang Xia was stunned, and raised her head belatedly.

After Teacher Luo finished cursing, he was panting heavily. He didn't know whether he was angry or tired. He stared at Han Yu who didn't say a word, and his eyes showed a taste of hatred.

"Teacher..." Tang Xia tentatively opened his mouth, cautiously, "I'm sorry we knew we were wrong, but..."

She gritted her teeth, always thin-skinned, hesitating how to explain to herself and Han Yu.

Perhaps Han Yu understood her. Before she could speak, he broke the silence and said, "We don't have puppy love."

When the boy said this, his face was raised, his eyes were firm, and he looked at Teacher Luo without any hesitation.

The latter saw three points of stubbornness in his eyes.

During this period of time, the relationship between Han Yu and Tang Xia was indeed guessed by other students through some not-so-sounding relationships, but after all, both of them were her students, and her own students knew it by themselves. Knowing Tang Xia's character, she would believe anyone in the class who said "puppy love", but she didn't believe these two.

For a withdrawn and indifferent person, it was not easy to pry his mouth open and let him speak.

A obedient and honest, more like a three-good student than a three-good student.

Teacher Luo also said that because Han Yu was so angry that he couldn't choose what to say.

Now that she calmed down, she probably realized that something was wrong. Although she wasn't worried about Han Yu, she was afraid of affecting Tang Xia. After all, she was a girl, she was more sensitive, and the exam was about to take place this afternoon, so she couldn't be burdened psychologically at this time.

So Teacher Luo thought about it for a while, and finally decided to turn the big thing into a small thing, and waved his hand as if tired, "One review for each person, and I will hand it over to me after the monthly exam."

Review has become a necessary means for Mr. Luo to "punish" students.

In fact, she still loves the students, but she doesn't show it.


Teacher Luo sat back in his seat and rubbed the space between his brows, feeling quite a headache.

Han Yu's personality is really bad, and he dared to contradict the teacher. It seems that he has time to chat with his parents alone.

During the exam in the afternoon, Tang Xia couldn't help being lost in thought.

She always couldn't help thinking, what does "puppy love" in Teacher Luo's words mean?

Do you feel that you and Han Yu are in love?

Tang Xia couldn't help but find it funny.

In that era, when boys and girls got close, they would be talked about as "puppy love" behind their backs, but obviously sometimes, the relationship between them was terribly innocent. It seems that there is no way for boys and girls to have the cleanest friendship. Whoever is good to whomever is always troubled by gossip and headaches.

Tang Xia lay prone on the desk, and abnormally did not check the final test paper. In fact, there is nothing to check, she is not good at physics, and she has no ability to tell if she is doing right or wrong.

She sat in the window seat of the first group in the examination room, the penultimate one. Coincidentally, Han Yu was in the same exam room as her, but it was different from last time. This time he was in the fourth group, far away from her.

Tang Xia tapped on the test paper with the tip of a pen, not daring to use any strength for fear of disturbing other students, so she just passed the time bored. She remembered that Han Yu seemed a little angry when he came out of Teacher Luo's office just now, and walked in front without saying a word.

She couldn't hold back, and asked tentatively, "What's wrong with you?"

Han Yu quickly replied, "It's nothing." His tone was extremely light and his mood was extremely low.

Tang Xia didn't know why he was angry, but noticed that when the boy passed the stairs, he reached out and threw the torn test paper into the trash can.

At that moment, she felt something in her heart, as if it was crushed.

Just like the test paper that was clenched into a ball, very tight and wrinkled.

Tang Xia suddenly had trouble breathing, pursed her lips, and followed Han Yu back to the classroom silently.

Thinking of this, the girl sighed slightly, her heart blocked.


The short end of the exam sounded, and Tang Xia came back to her senses and began to organize the stationery.

The physics exam in the afternoon ended like this.

Tang Xia didn't go back to class, just picked up her schoolbag and ran to the entrance of Biology Class 1.

There is only one class for biology subjects, and there is no need for separate examination rooms, and the exams are directly in their own classes.

Han Yu was still sitting on the seat sorting his schoolbag, and when he looked up, he saw the girl go out quickly, and immediately closed his eyes, seeming displeased.

Teacher Luo's words seemed to instantly create an indescribable... estrangement between the two of them.

Han Yu frowned, got up thoughtfully, and also walked up the stairs on the other side of the teaching building without saying hello to Tang Xia.

He has been driving a small eDonkey to and from school recently, and rarely takes the bus with Tang Xia anymore. But it was the first time in this period that he left without saying a word after school.

The head teacher of the first class was still explaining the matter. Tang Xia waited tormented, so she simply turned around and propped her arms on the balcony, watching the tired-looking students with their schoolbags dragging their feet at the school gate from a distance.

A familiar figure of a young man appeared in his line of sight, Tang Xia was taken aback, and before he could react, a hand was put on his shoulder.

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