Man Against Gods

Chapter 26 - Supremacy Of Formation Fortress

After meeting that Ice Lady from Frozen Immortal Palace, I was walking back to Blue Wind Palace.

Until of course, the smell of food attracted me to a restaurant, Taking a seat in one of the empty chairs, I ordered some local cuisine unique to Blue Wind Capital.

As I was waiting for food arrive I heard something interest...

"So they send 7 Sky Profound experts and they still failed to kill this Silver Thunder Hawk?" One of Cultivators spoke with disbelieve.

"Yea, apparently only one of them survived and the guy became delirious, and even afraid of his own shadow," The other ones said as he was drinking his wine.

"Heavens...Its good thing I am staying away from those wastelands!" The other one said with fear written all over his face.

'It seems you found your next target master~' I nodded at her.

'Indeed, can you give the book on Profound beasts, please?' She nodded at my request and walked over to book shelve inside the pearl'

Moments later I had a book on Profound beasts on the table.

Going through pages, I arrived on this specific beasts.

'Around 25 metres long with a wingspan, Silver Feathers sharp like blades, It generates thunder-like Profound energy with nothing but its flaps of wings, And apparently it lives inside its own generated thunderstorm... what a fascinating beasts...' I said to Ying'er.

'Thunder laws are the most dangerous and destructive in Primal Chaos Master, if you can actually make Legacy from this beast, then your power will multiply several times! With your natural affinity towards Profound energy, you could probably fight Sky Profound head-on even being in Earth Profound realm!' Ying'er said with bȧrėly hidden excitement.

'hmm... indeed, lightning could theoretical enhance my reaction time, speed, and passively damage my opponents if they get to close, if I let's say make technique similar to my Third Fire technique, not only I could fly very fast, I could dodge even faster...' I said to her several possible augmentations...

'yes, I can see that happen...' Ying'er agreed as well.

'Good, then it's decided...' I said at the same time the waitress brought me my food.

Now with my raising fame, I WILL attract attention, The next obvious thing to do is to bring despair to my would-be attackers, none of these fools knows the true power of Formation, after all even that Frozen Immortal Palace fairy said that her Palace only has for defence!

Since this is the case I can show off here, and teach these fools how relying solely on cultivation can bite back in one's ȧss.

"Yue'er can you call all the Palace guard here? I mean the whole Palace Guard?" I asked my Princess.

"Sure thing but for what?" Cang Yue asked back as we were lazing around in her bed.

"To make your Palace into a fortress..." I said to her while my fingers played with her long hair.

"I would like to see that, it would even put my heart at ease if my Royal father would have similar formations to your house protecting him while we are away..." Princess said honestly.

"Good then call Palace Guards to main Hall where they can all fit in one place..." She nodded and got off from bed, and walked out from her room to notify Palace guards.

While I Started making Formation core, It something of higher level to casual one which can be cast at a moment notice, this one is something which takes time, and of course, gives much power and more space to add add-ons for later...

That's why it will be called a fortress, something only person from God Realm would only be able to breach, and that is only because of their brute strength.

But the true strength is that it makes an absolute mockery of their opponents, Imagine someone of Sovereign Realm walk into the palace and then the Emperor snaps his fingers and all of his thousand years of cultivation simply goes 'away' until Emperor says otherwise.

This kind of formation I worked hard to make it happen, to teach a lesson without even fighting my opponents, it shall bring absolute despair for them. especially to people who I will consider my enemies, there will be no drama, only consequences for wanting something they have no right to have.

Once it in place, next will be the city, where Emperor rule will be absolute, in turn, mine, since I will be part of the Royal family, there, of course, there will fall safe measures just in case...

Once Formation core is complete I walked to the Main Hall, where over two hundred men dressed in Blue armours with wind pattern on them, they were standing in perfect formation, these were the top security of the palace, and their strength in between late True Profound and to Mid stages of Spirit Realm.

Their strength to be perfectly honest means nothing once the Formation Fortress will come online, They will be absolute existence inside this Formation Fortress.

True Profound slapping a Sovereign or Tyrant? That alone is simply a priceless sight to see!

"Well gentlemen, I have gathered you here for a reason, I am about to create a Formation for sake of Protection, cultivation and much more, you all will have access to certain privileges only available for members of Royal Palace Guards, and that is the power to strip cultivation of person invading this palace, but same time I am warning you as Emperor and his family will know when this is happening, and there will be consequences if any of you abuse this privileges" Once finished saying that I lifted my hand there was an orb of pure profound energy, around this orb there were small rings of Formations spinning, looking like Saturn with its ring.

The Orb send a shockwave of energy which washed up all Royal Palace Guard.

Next moment all of them checked out their arms as on their dominant hand there was a symbol of Blue Wind Royal Family.

"Now I have tagged you all, next is the most important thing, is to set boundaries of this Formation Fortress" I said to the as I lowered my hand which was holding the Formation Fortress core

"Go and mark Royal Palaces walls, once its done, I will activate it, and your job will become much more entertaining and easier." Everyone did a salute and left to do their ȧssigned jobs, I could feel their excitement rolling from them.

"My Royal Father will be very pleased, with such powerful Formation in a place he will be able to centralize much of his rule, after he fully recovers..." Cang Yue said as she walked over to my side,

I took a seat on one available chair, while Cang Yue seeing an opportunity got on my ŀȧp.

"Yes but it's only the beginning, once Fortress is in place, next will be the city, once that is done Emperor will have 'true' power in the city" my free hand stroked her long hair while I waited for Royal Palace Guards to finish the job.

We waited for around half an hour, before I was able to activate it.

Once it was done, Cang Yue and I walked to meet her Father, to explain how it works and how to access privileges given to them by Formation Fortress.

The man was extremely excited and even wanted quicker to leave his bed and start working to solidify his rule over his lands.

With my help its no longer a pipe dream, after a short explanation, I went to Royal Library, I still got some time left before I call it a day, As I have a certain Princess who developed a tendency to drag me into bed if I stay too long doing something...

Since It's Royal Library, it means this place holds the best record in this nation.

My mission? To learn all available history, and within an hour a noticed a pattern, there is no history beyond one thousand years, all the books only tell a tale, what is recorded between one thousand years.

By the end of the day, how I know? there was a woman radiating 'pissed off' aura next to me.

What I found is a single comment, In a book written by the founder of Blue Wind Profound Palace, approximately one thousand eight hundred years ago, he mentioned Five Sacred Grounds, while the book obviously has nothing to do with Profound Strength more like its introduction into Profound way, and 'reach the top like the ones in the Five Sacred Grounds...'

And there we go... Sacred Grounds wiped one of their own? or something between those lines...

So what I am going to do? Caution for now, Since the Mighty Sword Villa has roots which come from one of Sacred Grounds, I will need to be careful, and since Cang Yue come with me I will know their real character.

With all said and done, I was dragged into bed for the night.

~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~

Next day, I asked to have access to the Royal Palace Workshop, it wasn't anywhere to my level, obviously mine workshop slowly turning into freaking magical workshop, Formations alone can already be considerate magic to the normal man.

So what is my objective? the answer is clothing capable negating thunder, using the principle of 'Lightning rod' I will have to drag the bird to ground, and then isolate his lightning, once that is done, I can use my Poison, turning off its motor control. And then take him down with well placed 'Fourth Sky: Breaking Void'.

But before any of this can be done I need to prepare proper tools for this, first being formation for dragging that bird down, something like 'Enkidu' from Fate series, only, of course, no 'God constraining powers' that shit is utterly complex to make...

This process alone cost me around two hours,

Once that is done next was preparing Pills which will utterly annoy the beast to attack me.

It was not hard... after all, the is a lot of stuff like peppers, and it's only one of several available, and once I make them sticky? that's even better...

Once these things are done, I went to work on the formation which can pull the bird from the air, Well more like several of them put in one...

"Well you work hard... you found a new prey?" Cang Yue asked as she wrapped her hands around me.

"Indeed... a Sky Profound bird in Wasteland of Death..." Her hands wrapped me tighter.

"You realise that's the most dangerous zone in Blue Wind empire?" She said seriously as well as worry was very visible there.

"And that why it's more exciting isn't? Do you want to come along?" Hearing that she sighed.

"I can't... I am helping Royal father here in the capital, With your Fortress Formation in place, we can weed out disloyal nobles, and I want to be in front of that process, once everything is stabilized I will stick to you like proper wife..." She said while snuggling closely.

"Very well then, I will have some fun in this wasteland then, while you can play your princess role, one more time before you become my wife." I chuckled at her.

"As my husband commands, now this Princess needs attention from her beloved~~~"

~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~

Before I have to leave I decided to refine the Devil crystal, unlike Making legacies or my unique tormenting pills, this was utterly easy, taking out violative parts, and refining rest into Fire enhancing pill.

In end it was Orange pill, almost glowing one, after checking one more time I swallowed it.

Feeling it going down into stomach it exploded, there sending shockwaves of heat, then...

A Breakthrough...

Fourth of Earth Profound.

'About time Master...'

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