Man Against Gods

Chapter 36 - Transitioning To Semi-Finals

When my dear Qingyue saw my transformation she took several steps back...

"How...just how!? such transformation is possible!? It goes against laws of heavens!" Xia Qingyue voice was tainted disbelieve, she didn't want to acknowledge such transformation...

"And yet we constantly fight against heavens no? Cultivation is all about that..." I said to her as I took a step moment I was in front of her...

My dear Qingyue eyes widened as she instinctively called upon her ice trying to freeze me again... but...

No ice of hers could approach me anymore, the gap in cultivation is more than one Grand Realm, the difference was far too big, and of course the other thing being that fire is flowing through my Profound veins now...

She was in greater shocked when she saw that ice had absolutely no effect on me...then very next moment her transformation ended, turning Qingyue back to her old look.

Seeing that, I lifted my hand... and squeezed her nose gently...

"You lost dear..." She blushed up a storm from my action, she didn't resist and nodded...

Moments later I dismissed my transformation, I could feel my Breakthrough to First of Sky Profound approaching...

It seems my transformation helps in overall cultivation...

"What did you do to them?" Qingyue asked me as she looked at the host elder who was spacing out like the rest of the audience except for her group, I could still see Chu Yuechan younger sister jaw is still down as she is in total shock what she saw, while my minion has stars in his eyes, it seems his loyalty already approaching worshipping levels, while the Blue Wind palace Vice Chief? well... Cang Yue is trying to 'resurrect' him by constantly shaking him...

"I deployed Illusion formation before I transformed..." She nodded then looked at Heavenly Mighty Sword Region elder who was spacing out as well.

"Even the Sacred Ground elder?" She asked me after looking at the green robes elder.

"Cultivation means nothing in this situation Qingyue, as I am not affecting their profound energy at all, instead I am interfering with their brain directly, what you sensed before my transformation was being singled out from that formation..."She slowly nodded hearing my explanation while she didn't show, she was shocked as her remaining profound energy was all over the place.

" Anyway I am cancelling it now, I just made them see that I showed my real Cultivation to you, and you saw no reason to fight someone who is whole Great realm higher than you..." Qingyue nodded to my explanation.

"Once it down, surrender okay?" She nodded and snapped my fingers.

"I surrender!" Host elder nodded hearing Qingyue surrender.

"Then winner by surrender is Jian Feng of Blue Wind Imperial family!" I nodded at him and walked down from arena, everyone stared at me as if I am some sort alien...

I got back to my seat, I could hear Cang Yue sighting at me.

"You just couldn't control yourself and had to show off your transformation..." I chuckled at her, I scratched back of my head with a little bit of embarrassment.

"Yep, She did hers I just couldn't control myself... besides no one saw us apart from Qingyue group..." Hearing my explanation she sighed again.

"Well at least you didn't go overboard..." Can't Yue said with little bit relieve, yes I could have easily done much more than transform, anyway so far I only revealed my true cultivation, flames and sword intent, of course, formations we're already public knowledge, but they don't know that it can be used in battle...

~~~~~~Cang Yue~~~~~~

Princess looked at her opponent, it was Ling Jie, younger brother of Ling Yun, he shares the same title of being the youngest participant in the tournament alongside her beloved.

Because of her advanced senses and Profound energy manipulation not at the level of her beloved, but she can do some incredible things no other normal cultivators can do, She can sense that this kid is very talented...

And that's a scary thing...

'I can't take this battle easy...his cultivation may be lower, but that sword intent will cut that gap' Cang Yue with pulled out her sword for the first time in the tournament.

"Woah! Big sis! that one awesome sword!" Princess chuckled hearing how easy going is this kid.

"It was crafted with me in mind Junior Ling..." She waved her sword casually and winds started to gather around the arena.

Ling Jie looked around, he was in awe how easily Princess is controlling wind around them.

"This is incredible! your whole group is full of unique people who control elements to such degree!" The Youngest Ling was looking around like a little kid who was just witnessed magic for the first time.

"Indeed... now Junior Ling defend yourself!" Hearing that Ling Jie eyes widened as he felt sharp winds rushing at from all direction...

Ling Jie quickly used his own sword arts to blow some wind away and same time get out from dangerous situation...

He was about to charge at Princess but he realised she was nowhere to be seen...

Only to feel dread coming from behind him...

He quickly turned around and swing his Sky Profound sword down, the whole action sequence was done with pure battle instinct.


Two swords collided, creating sparks of energy.

"Most impressive Junior Ling, bȧrėly anyone even in Earth Profound realm could have seen such attack..." Ling Jie was about to blush from compliment but that moment he felt even bigger dread coming from her sword as he saw Princess Earth Profound sword starting to glow with ethereal green colour, then he felt a massive blast of energy mixed with Wind and Sword intent ram into him sending him flying from the arena.


Ling Jie landed outside of the arena on his back, he stared at the clear blue skies for a second, then he started getting up, there was bȧrėly any damage on him apart from few cuts and bruises, as well damaged robes.

"That was one eye-opening manoeuvre, Big Sis Princess! I won't fall for such a trick second time!" Ling Jie said to Princess Cang Yue as he dusted off his robes.

Princess Cang Yue shrugged her shoulders.

"Maybe so Junior Ling, remember that there are always several ways to win a match..." To princess words, Ling Jie slowly nodded.

~~~~~~Jian Feng~~~~~~

Seeing my dear Yue'er winning by using her head is always refreshing, Otherwise, this battle would have been quite long, as the kid is seriously talent in sword arts.

It show that there may be some truth about talent and strength of Sacred Ground after all, and not some hot air generated from underhanded tactics...

After Yue'er battle it was time for my minion turn, he was ċȯċky as ever now, since it's will be the third time he battles a combatant from Xiao Sect...

In other words, he will personally destroy Xiao Sect chances of higher position...

"Well, Are you ready to lose? Since this young master won't be holding back..." Fen Juechen pulled out his Eagle themed sword, with casual Profound energy manipulation he ignited the blade on fire...

The last Xiao Sect participant snorted, and pulled out the same Sky Profound Sword wielded by Xiao Kuanglei in his last battle.

"You may be trained by that monster! but I already seen all your tricks!" Fen Juechen had deadpan look for moment.

"Very well then...Since you saw all this Young Master 'tricks' as you say... I won't need to try then..." Fen Juechen looked at Host Elder who lowered his hand.

"Battle Start"

Fen Juechen then casually started swinging his sword and arks of flames started to accelerate towards Xiao Zhen.

The last Xiao Sect representative used his own Sky Profound sword for defence, destroying Fen Juechen flames with each swing, and trying to counter-attack with his own Profound technique.

But each time he tried more and more Flaming Arks attacked him...

"Time to finish this...this young Master has more important things to do..." Fen Juechen pumped more Profound energy into his sword and released several overcharged arks of flame at l Xiao Zhen who was about using one of his over the top long-named Xiao Sect technique...

Pity that when he was saying his technique name he was blasted out of the arena with powerful flames...

"As this young master said...I have more important things to do..." He sheathed his sword.

"And Winner is Fen Juechen of Blue Wind Imperial Family by ring out!"

Hearing that he won Fen Juechen walked back to his seat, and sit down with crossed arms.

I shook my head just how badly Fen Juechen slapped their faces, even now Xiao Sect master was fuming with anger, as sitting cross-armed is more Import then fighting Xiao Sect...

Ling Yun versus Ling Feiyu...

Let's just say it's the fastest battle of today which lasted less than second...

As neither of them even went to the arena as Ling Feiyu surrendered before Ling Yun could walk to the arena.

After Ling Feiyu surrender, Host Elder declared day over and tomorrow will be battles of Top 4.

After this, My group was walking back to our temporary residence, but were intercepted by a group of lovely ladies...

Leading the front was Chu Yuechan little sister.

"Jian Feng I wish to speak with you..." She asked with narrowed eyes.

~~~~~~Few Moments Later~~~~~~

I lead the small group of ladies into our small Villa, The Blue Wind Palace Vice Chief was a little bit uncomfortable with such gathering of esteemed guests, to regular people such thing would be impossible as Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace bȧrėly contacts with anyone from 'outside' world.

Now however there are five of those in the same house.

But this situation is utterly perfect for me to draw emotions from them with my food...

Time to put such an evil plan into motion...

So the first thing I did, is walk to the kitchen after my return to the villa.

I was quickly followed by very interested Chu Yuechan, which in turn made Xia Qingyue to follow, which in turn made Chu Yueli to follow her...

The other two wished to do same but Cang Yue pulled them out as there is not enough space in kitchen...

So I quickly made several average dishes with a little spin with my own brand of spices...

Less than an hour later, in the living room, the table was full of food.

"Well then we can talk as we eat, I am sure you have something to tell me..." The younger Chu sister, bȧrėly said anything as her gaze was constantly drawn to food on the table.

"Yes...indeed..." She said as she looked at her elder sister who was already eating.

I smirked internally as she was the only one who is somewhat controlling herself.

My dear Qingyue as well as both her Senior Sisters, and of course my wife-to-be already stuffing themselves.

"Well then ask..." I motioned her to speak, as I started eating...

"The deal you made with my personal disciple..." I raised my eyebrow hearing that.

So she wants to figure out the details...

"Ah, yes I will make her powerful, in turn, she will be mine..." I said bluntly which in turn made my dear Qingyue little bit blush.

"Can it be..." I raised my hand for a moment.

"It can't be revoked, And it's between me and her, Fairy Chu, not only she will be one of strongest Frozen Cloud Disciple under me, she won't be chained by your sect Ideology, that's of course if you will keep her even after she broke at least two Sect rules..." Chu Yueli said nothing after my little speech.

"Let it go now Yueli, Sect Grand Mistress wishes to speak with him, I have a feeling something big is about to happen to our Frozen Cloud Immortal palace..." Chu Yueli sighed hearing her elder sister, and she started tasting my food...

Her face reaction was priceless...

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