Man Against Gods

Chapter 51 - Qingyue Home Visit...But

Strolling into Main Palace Hall I saw Grand Mistress standing there, behind her just like yesterday was Gong Yuxian as well as Chu Sisters who were talking with Cang Yue...

Princess noticed me, and quickly appeared next to me, then pulled into a hug and kiss, once that was done there was a quick inspection how I look...

"So~~~ enjoyed your time with Qingyue dear?" Cang Yue said with a teasing voice, I rolled my eyes at her.

"You plotted that one did you?" I asked her while shaking my head in amusement.

"Of course...she is to be yours dear, she needs to lose that...rigidness." She said in her 'princess-like' tone. I guess I know who is my harem Queen... or is this the plot of certain blond 'Goddess' who is napping in the pearl now?

"Anyway to return to the matter at hand..." I walked over to Grand mistress who was observing my exchange with Cang Yue.

"Grand Mistress I finished with Frozen Cloud Arts..." Her eyes widened for second but then it returned to normal.

"Truly? may I inspect it?" I nodded at her request.

I lifted my finger, and looked at her as if asking for her permission to touch her, seeing my meaning she nodded in turn, so I touched her forehead moments later.

Once transfer was done she closed her eyes and delved into these new arts...

The rest of Fairies waited with bated breath for Grand Mistress response, only Cang Yue had a borderline smug look.

Moments later she opened her eyes and looked at me, she was inspecting me, it was a different kind of look, nothing like before.

"What Princess said yesterday...she was right Duke Jian Feng... these arts... they are not just Arts correct? there is even a method how to absorb Profound energy in the most efficient way, in a way which will improve our cultivation speed even further..." Hearing Grand Mistress short explanation the Palace Mistress looked at me with a new light as well, to which I only wanted to roll my eyes.

"Anyway I hold to my end of the bargain, the last one is to be the 'Guest Elder'..." The Grand Mistress nodded at me.

"Duke Jian Feng how to you wish to do it?" The Grand Mistress asked.

I fished out my Communicator something I created some time ago, ripping the idea from Star Wars, and their Holo communicators, this is no different, but instead of technology what I use are three formation inscribed on flat, thin, and palm-size round stone.

One of the formation is to display the illusion of a person on from the other end of communication, the next another one sends information to the similar formation through Profound energy, and last one powers the other two, and established the connection...

This thing has two weaknesses, one being that it only works in places which have Profound Energy, and the other one is that it's planet locked...

Space void is still a mystery, not that I was exploring it... yet...

"This will allow you to contact me immediately no matter where I am in Sky Profound Continent...just make sure there is enough Profound energy in the air..." How I made this work? well it's thanks to my Profound Vision, once you look at sky no matter where I checked there are 'rivers' of Profound energy floating high in the air... and they are fast... There is a reason why Emperor Profound can only fly at a certain height the same goes for Tyrant... and they can fly higher than Emperor or Sky Profound expert, it's simply because how fierce Profound energy is in the sky...

It flows very fast, it's like it's barrier which only Divine Origin can pierce, so instead I use this current of Profound energy to communicate...

"Truly? it seems Profound Formation have many uses..." Grand Mistress inspect the Profound Communicator...

"Yes... You can spread the news that because of my relationship and my high cultivation you have agreed to make me Guest Elder of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, and that I teaching Palace Disciples Formations..." I explained how the last favour will work, as moments later I fished out a simple and thin-looking book, no more than 20 pages.

"Here is an introduction to formations, give this to some of your disciples to try studying it, if anyone shows any promises contact me, I will give instructions for more advanced ones" With this, I fulfilled all my promises.

From her facial expression, it seems she was satisfied.

"You have my greatest thanks, Duke Jian Feng, I will make sure this gets used well..." I nodded at her, she then stored the thin book in her own storage ring.

She then turned towards Chu Sisters who waited for Grand Mistress word.

"As promised...both of you have freedom now to follow Duke Jian Feng, same goes for Xia Qingyue..." Both Chu sisters looked with wide eyes disbelieving...even after all this time they still have a hard time believing everything that just happen... is real...

I only chucked, seeing both girls like that.

"Wonderful...then the first thing we do is visit Qingyue hometown..." All three girls looked at with raised eyebrow.

"Don't look at me like that, I am feeling like exploring..." Both Chu sisters looked at Princess as if asking for clarification.

"Sometimes he does things on a whim..." Both sisters nodded, I internally smiled, at least they started to care about something else other than cultivation.

"Correct... besides there is nothing else to do for now..." I shrugged my shoulders, I still need to look for that dragon, and that whole marriage thing is coming up...

"Right, Grand Mistress, we will be leaving then..." Grand Mistress nodded, and Palace Mistress sighed seeing both Chu Sisters following me.

Once outside I focused on my senses and found Qingyue, her profound energy has that unique pattern which is easy to find in a sea of energies.

With a few steps with my Sky Shaper, I was in front of a small ice house, which can only be Qingyue's...

I slowly opened the doors and saw her under blanked on her bed...I shook my head from amusement and entered inside, the blanked moved, and she looked who entered her house since I was hiding my cultivation at this moment.

"Qingyue dear we're leaving..." She quickly turned to the other side.

I sighed, And with my hand movement she started to float, with another one, she was floating towards me, her eyes grew big seeing that she has no control what is happening.

Once she was next to me, I coated her with my Profound energy, then I flew back to the main Palace.

When I landed there my minions and ladies we're waiting for me already.

Cang Yue looked at floating Qingyue who still had her blanket with her, Princess looked at me for an explanation for her amusing actions.

"She is playing her bashful and shy card..." I answered truthfully.

"You embarrassed her to the point that she was hiding in her room?" I shrugged to her question.

Both Chu sisters looked at this weirdly, they never seen Qingyue acting like this...

"Right let's go... we burning daylight..." All of them nodded, and we started flying away.

~~~~~~Floating Cloud City~~~~~~

'I have never seen such a mortal city before...' Ying'er said to me.

'Interesting... portion of the city was wiped out it seems...' I said to her after spreading out my senses.

"Qingyue dear, did something happened here recently?" I asked the Young Mistress next to me.

"...yes...around few days after my birth whole Xiao Clan was wiped out for hiding some people from Very powerful cultivators, my father said that they were dressed in green robes, similar to that of Elder Ling Kun..." Hearing Qingyue story, I realised that this is the place where Demon King's son was supposedly was hiding before they left back to Illusory Demon Realm...

"Mhm Interesting... Let's see..." I raised my hand above my head, and formation started to form.

"What did you do Master Jian?" Chu Yueli asked me, as she felt the shockwave.

"In simple terms, I did a shockwave scan...I want to see if Yun Canghai son left anything." but I got nothing...In fact I got some higher Profound energy residue from east of this city...

In other words, there is something there...

"And did you picked anything up?" She asked curiously.

"Yes...but not in the city, there is something outside the city in east from here..." My words earned a raised eyebrow from the local girl...

"Anyway... show me where is your house Qingyue..." The girl nodded and pointed where it.

Moments later we landed outside Xia Manor, the house was classic Chinese style manor with gates separating manor and the rest of the city, Earth standards it's massive... Sky Profound Continent standards it's nothing but modest 'House', while God realm standards is nothing but cheap stuff, according to Ying'er snort...

But soon enough we found out no one was here, apart from one housekeeper...

After a few quick questions and few tears from the Housekeeper were got info that Qingyue father has left on a journey and her little brother is in New Moon Profound Palace.

"Is your Brother goes by name Xia Yuanba?" Cang Yue asked in disbelieve.

"...Yes Princess you know him?" Qingyue asked her.

" really related to him? I mean he is tall! Giant like!" That got me interested.

" and your brother share the same mother?" She nodded slowly trying to see my point.

'So...Yue Wugou...had two children in this mortal realm...' Ying'er said with interest, I nodded at her.

'Yes... then this means he is special just like Qingyue...' She nodded in agreement.

"Well...then since there is nothing for us to do here we should move to New Moon City..." I said to my group of ladies, all of them nodded to me.

Moments later we were back into the air, I focused my sense to the east of the City...

Having mental battle for a few seconds, my curiosity won, and instead of flying to New Moon City, we flew East of City, basically to the opposite direction.

A minute later we were just above the source of this energy.

'Interesting... a vein of Purple Veined Divine crystals...' Ying'er said happily to me.

I smirked as well.

"You two level up this place..." I commanded two of my Sovereign minions.

"As you wish master..." Both Monarch focused their Profound energy on the small mountainside below.

Then they started raining Profound energy attacks below.

I observed closely how much raw power Late Sovereign have.

While my group of girls looked with curiosity at what is happening from a safe distance.

The whole thing lasted only a few moments as Monarch have enough raw power to level mountains...

"Enough... let's see how much crystals there are..." The Sovereign minions stopped their attack once they heard my command, and followed me descending down.

Descending down in a quite wide hole I instantly noticed Purple fancy-looking crystals...

They easily survived Monarch ȧssaults which is to be expected as they themselves are full of Raw and Pure Profound energy...

'Well, well, master your luck is quite something...who knew this little mortal city has something like this... it's around 50 kilos of Purple Veined Divine crystals...' I agreed with her estimations as well...

With a wave of the hand, I focused my omnipresence to lay down formations around the vein and slowly lift Crystals from this hole.

When Girls noticed especially the Chu Sisters as they know what this is, they could not believe what they are seeing.

"T-this is..." I smirked at them.

"Yes... it seems visiting hometown of my girl is quite worth it..." I chuckled saying that.

Now then reaching Sovereign is even less time-consuming...

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