Man Against Gods

Chapter 55 - Setting Things In Motion

~~~~~~Feng Xichen~~~~~~

The thirteen Prince doesn't understand how this is happening to him!

How can some unknown countryside bumkin have cultivation Of a Tyrant!!!

He could understand it, if he would have some sort of Legacy, like his beloved little sister who is slowly approaching the realm of Sovereign Profound.

But this? how can this be possible? There is no Divine Beast legacies in Blue Wind!!! if they had it would be a powerhouse like his Divine Phoenix Empire!

"Feng'er is it wise to fight Prince Xichen on your wedding day?" Prince Xichen quickly looked at the source of this voice, his mouth opened wide when he sensed the cultivation of this individual, he quickly realised that it's the Emperor of Blue Wind Empire himself and he is a Tyrant as well!!!

'Since when Blue Wind has this many Tyrants!?!' He quickly snapped out from his thoughts as Jian Feng started talking.

"You think so, Father-in-law? I mean he wishes to exchange pointer... and since I am the host in this situation, I should give him my best!" For second Feng Xichen saw massive burning tiger prowling behind Jian Feng, the Prince had to shake his head to get rid of this image, but it was no use as he felt the teenager's cultivation wash over him, forcing him to stare at the being who can shred him to pieces...

"Are you sure Feng'er? He is weak, even if he is Prince of Divine Phoenix Empire..." The Emperor words were like burning slap to his face, Feng Xichen wanted to find a hole and hide, as the gaze Emperor of Blue Wind is giving him was that of someone who is looking down on him!

Him! The Prince Of Divine Phoenix Empire! But what can he do? Threaten them? His Royal Father would slap him for doing such a thing! Such a pointless thing will earn him a beat up! And His Royal father doesn't pull his punches.

"Yes! Yes! This Prince is weak! and He though it will be a great idea to exchange pointers but who would have thought that Great Jian Feng is A Overlord!!!" Feng Xichen felt his insides were turning into mush after saying that.

Hearing The Phoenix prince ȧss-kissing moment Jian Feng ȧssumed 'thinking' position for a second.

"Well... I suppose I could be a great host and allow you a single attack, as I would love to see the Great Phoenix Flames in action... what do you think?" Feng Xichen thought that his birthday came yearly hearing that.

'Fool! It doesn't matter if you have some sort of Profound beast fire! I have Blood Of Primordial Pheonix flowing through my veins!!!'

Almost instantly Prince Xichen returned to his ċȯċky attitude, He spread out his fan.

"Very well this Prince shall grace you with Flame of Pheonix!" The Thirteen Prince called forth orange Flames of Pheonix and used the fourth art of World Ode of The Phoenix, the most powerful known art to the Divine Phoenix Empire!

"Now burn you arrogant Bastard!!!" Feng Xichen screamed with anger at Jian Feng as he unleashed his attack.

Phoenix Flames rammed into Jian Feng and caused a small explosion, which made Feng Xichen raise his eyebrow, as he couldn't understand why this explosion was so... small...

It's as if someone took control of its flames very last second!!!


"Are you sure you used Phoenix flames? I can bȧrėly sense any essence of the Divine Beast in your flame, it's as if it's so diluted that the only thing you have from the Beast is some sort of affinity to fire and his way of manipulating flames... I am so... disappointed, such a waste of my time...but At least I have a genuine target to unleash my own Primordial flame..." Feng Xichen felt chill going down through his spine for the second time in his life, he felt genuine fear for his life, the first time it was when he saw his sister for the first time and his Royal Father beat him to an inch of his life for looking at her ŀustfully.

But this time it was different it... it's as if he is looking at massive Burning tiger who can swallow the whole world with ease!

'They lied to me! This... monster has genuine Divine Beast bloodline! and it's even stronger than my royal father's!!!'

Feng Xichen saw Burning Tiger manifested behind Jian Feng for a second and it turned into cascading Crimson flames rushing at the Prince.

The Thirteen Prince has only second to try to block the flames...

But he didn't need it, as the flames very last second split in half through the middle and completely missed him, instead those flames incinerated his two bodyguards...

But Feng Xichen by that point completely missed everything... as he was busy pissing his pants...

Aftershock came and the Thirteen Prince dropped on his ȧss, as he can still felt the heat from both of his sides...


'How much blood did this Primordial Tiger gave to him!?' Feng Xichen was scared shitless.

"Well, well, that was fun, Your Highness! what do you say we exchange our martial arts this time?" The Phoenix prince gulped down nervously, he was shaking like leaf, but then...

Then he quickly came up with a brilliant excuse!

"T-this Prince remembered he has few things to do!" The Thirteen Prince quickly got back up on his feet, and quickly pulled out an envelope from his storage ring, then he 'teleported' to Blue Wind Emperor side.

"Your Majesty, this Prince Personally Delivered this invitation to Seven Nations ranking Tournament which is happening in Three years, now if you would excuse me this Prince has many things to do!" After successfully achieving his mission Feng Xichen looked at Jian Feng and did a simple bow.

"Many thanks, Jian Feng for pointers this prince now has to leave!" After saying that the Thirteen Prince quickly flew away, completely forgetting about his two bodyguards who turned into ash, or his wet pants.

Of course, Feng Xichen didn't saw a cold smirk Jian Feng had when the Prince flew away...

~~~~~~Jian Feng~~~~~~

After short 'pointer exchange' thing somewhat returned to normal...

By somewhat meaning that people ȧss-kissing reached a realm of its own, From Xiao Sect master trying to curry favours, to other smaller sects shamelessly, starting to mention their own great daughters...

I ignored their mumbling and waited for Cang Yue to come...

The wedding progressed as intended and my Princess looked stunning in her red Phoenix dresses.

After doing that vow thingy, Cang Yue was taken back to our quarters and I had to drink wine with all the important guests...


Like I will do such a thing...

The wedding is done inside the Royal Palace, where my Formation Fortress is set...

All I had to do is leave an Illusion of me... and I am all set...

Leisurely walking towards our quarters I gently opened door to our room and I saw Cang Yue sitting on the bed, next to her standing is Ying'er who was waiting for me.

Moments later she noticed me.

"Well Master you early..." I smirked at her.

"I have no interest in drinking, I prefer spending time with my wife..." Cang Yue who was sitting on bed smiled for a second.

"You left an illusion, did you..." I could only shrug, not agreeing or disagreeing.

"Maybe... but now we have more important things to do..." I said with a smile to my wife.

"Well...then I leave you two...I still have a few things to talk with other girls..." Ying'er tried to say that casually, but she couldn't hide her jealousy completely...

Moments later she was gone, Cang Yue could only giggle for a second how pouty she looked before she left.

"Hard to believe she is a Divine Master realm Cultivator when she behaves like that..." I nodded at her, and chuckle myself.

Then I slowly walked over to her side and gently removed her Phoenix Coronet.

"You look beautiful my wife..." She gave me a coy smirk, hearing my praise.

"Don't get used to it... it took ages for my maids to put this makeup!" She said with annoyance.

"Well then...let us enjoy this moment then..." I said to her, as slowly her Phoenix robes started to come off on their own...

Cang Yue looked at me with a questioning look.

"Did you just invented a formation which can take off clothes like that..." I didn't say anything back to her instead I just smirked.

I was walking towards Emperor personal solar, my new Father-in-Law wants to talk with me and I can guess I know what it is...

Before that weakling left he gave that envelope to the Emperor.

A tournament between Seven nations is quite something...

I will be able to check each and every single empire personal strength out.

It's a good thing that I modified that Prince memories as he will still think that Blue Wind is weak.

And that I am just very talented 'Throne', The Prince, of course, will complain that he couldn't finish his mission, which is to scout for Divine Crystal which I already took them from Floating Cloud City, as he was beaten up by Jian Feng...

Yes, I already know what that moron was doing here, the Prince mind was completely open book to me, he was trying to 'flex' in my home after all, for that I could have killed him, but he served a better purpose at this moment.

Once Pheonix Emperor know about the humiliation his son suffered he will be more than ready to declare war on Blue Wind after the tournament which I really, really want, an extra excuse to invade after all...

Once that happens I shall take it over, Having Phoenix Empire as a starting point for Sky Profound Continent conquest is best as well as the fastest method.

Not only that but I have that Curse I acquired from the Phoenix Village, so it won't be a war... oh no it will be like an ȧduŀt taking it's children to school...

Arriving At Emperor solar door, I knocked it gently.

"Enter Feng'er..." I slowly opened his solar door, and entered into Father-in-Law 'office'.

"You probably already know why we called you." I slowly nodded and took a seat in one of the soft couches in his 'Office'.

"Yes, it's about the tournament That Prince mentioned before he left?" The Emperor nodded.

"The Seven Nations Ranking Tournament takes place every Twenty five years, for as long as Blue Wind existed we always took the last spot." The Emperor said last part with depression.

"But this time it will be different... Feng'er do you wish to participate?" Hearing that I internally grinned, hell Yes! The Emperor just gave me an olive branch to explore Phoenix Empire Capital city! It's basically an alibi for me...

"But this tournament is different than Blue wind Ranking tournament as countries will participate with full 10 men team..." I only raised my eyebrow for a second, well, well, this is interesting.

So I need to build up a team...

"The team members have to be below twenty-five In age." I nodded hearing that, and started counting people I know...

Myself, Cang Yue, my minion, Qingyue, Xia Yuanba...

That's five... I still need five more...

"Very well then Father-in-Law, leave members and their training to me, we going to wipe the floor with the rest of six nations..." And same time I shall learn more about the city which will be the capital of my Empire...

"Then I leave this to you then..." The Emperor said with a genuine smile, I nodded at him and I was about to get up from the couch but that moment I remembered something.

I need space... to render those two massive carcasses I have in my pearl...

Same time I will need space to train my new teammates...

"Father-In-Law... I need some land from you..." My question got emperor by surprise.

He leaned forward " Oh, Do tell what have you came up with?"

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