Man Against Gods

Chapter 6 - A Pearl In One's Garden

Another two months passed, and my house was finally done, at least the exterior with the minimal interior done, there is still much to be done, but the change of scenery was needed

That's why I started teaching people the proper way of doing cultivation ...

At first, villagers scratched their heads when I mentioned physical exercises, but soon enough I explained about muscles, and how they even work, and then I showed the best example, myself...

that day I got a fan club of girls, even married ones looked at me with blushing cheeks, that alone was enough for men to work extra hard

Another thing I encountered with these villagers where lack of Profound Arts or any arts at this point since according to Feng Baichuan the Phoenix was lacking his own Arts, I know there is a story there, But I personally didn't care, not my problem what Bird brains do...

Instead, I offered to share some simple Arts I pillaged from Sky Sword Sect, nothing fancy, but these guys don't need them unless something comes up, or I will find for them some more,

In the same period, there was that one funny moment when the villagers saw my house, they were in awe, and shocked, basically bunch of weird expression, but there was that one accident with Feng Xian'er who saw my house as well, she declared that she will be Misstress of this house, which was an embarrassing moment for her parents, by now I knew that this little girl will grow up with me as the centrepiece of her existence, and I could only sight

How I came up with such a theory? First of all, she very sheltered in this village, and then there is this guy who saves ups her from bad guys, brings her back to her village, and even then lifts the villages curse haunting them for over thousand years, even if I leave now I am already so ingrained in her brain... so it's complicated.. right that's why I decided to go back to exploring...

I Rushed back into the ancient forest with intention to find the last Sky Profound beast of these lands, a week into my search I found traces of much stronger wolfs, that alone indicated that these mutts maybe are actually descendants of one strong mutt, after all, they live long with cultivation, so maybe they actually came from one singular descendant...

I continued onward and I encountered a pack of earth Profound wolfs...

"This is going to be harder than expected..." I looked down from tree branch at the wolves, I could see and feel these wolves have some sort of control over wind, when they move, or when they almost noticed me through smell, these wind attribute Profound wolfs will be annoying to deal with...

For now, I need to do a tactical retreat, I will come back once I am Earth Profound personally otherwise, constantly using my triumph card, I will run out of it quickly...

With that thought, I dashed back to the village

I was back in few days, the first thing I did was locking myself in the workshop , mass-producing cultivation pills, having several Earth Profound cores, as well one Sky profound core, breaking into the actual late stage of Earth Profound would be not impossible, but such fast increase in strength is detrimental, for several reasons, as someone who experienced personally

First of all the massive boost in strength will make you miscalculate ones strength, second Profound energy will be destabilized, third you spend around a month doing just that, stabilizing one's Profound energy

A waste of time, in the long run, That's why I am not going to rush, even if Sky Profound sounds so enticing...

As the name indicates its gathers profound energy from its surrounding and then sends it's to a specific point, namely my cultivation room, this is why I consistently call cultivators morons, none of these idiots even thing further than their own toes, why spend years sitting in basement absorb energy in you can have formation do it for you?

Dropping into a lotus position, I swallowed first pill and started rotating my Profound energy, slowly but surely I am approaching Tenth Realm of Spirit Profound, in next few hours it finally happened, the tenth level of Spirit Profound

The increase in strength is really hard to explain, I know I am stronger, but putting in numbers is actually hard since there is an increase in physical strength when, and amount of Profound energy one carries, All in all maybe around in 50%? hard to say I am not a scientist who runs research...

After the breakthrough I didn't stop cultivating, I popped another Pill, and continued cultivating, by morning I realised that breaking to Earth Profound is much, much harder, after all, cliché stories usually mention that, the gap between great realms is always hardest to breakthrough, and if not for my Heavenly Gods Spiritual Veins... that's right I finally learned that what I did in my childhood is very rare, and even unheard off! Having all 54 entrances opens give me a legendary status to my profound veins

So if not for these veins I could probably spend years even decades trying to reach next stage, but for now enough of this time to do something else, getting away from cultivation and doing something else allow me to feel somewhat normal which can be considerate training on its own as well since one mental state relaxation is important, its important that I don't develop tunnel vision...

So with that thought, I decided to work on the garden next to my house, where some herbs, flowers, and few rare bushes will grow since I have a bunch of seeds from my time in my old village, as well as few breeds I created myself along the way

After getting stuff ready I felt kind of nostalgic, 'back to basic' as people used to call it back on Earth, only back then I didn't have a tool made from bones of Profound beasts, meaning that my shovel is an Earth Profound 'weapon'

The thought of some random sect seeing my 'weapons', and then seeing their reaction would be amusing...

First things first, like any super-powered farmer would do is making the ground soft, this is where my Earth Profound shovel comes in...

I leaned forward and pushed dirt away, what I found was... a green pearl-like ball

"Oh my f*cking god..." My eyes widened to massive proportions, as my power is going haywire, as this little green pearl is something very incredible

The most logical conclusion someone left it here, but this is a cultivation world, meaning that whatever deity did this, is on purpose for me to find

Meaning someone wants to guide me...

Like fuċk, I allow that...

That moment pearl glowed and sink into my hand, and a green tattoo appeared on my left hand

"Great, just fuċkɨnġ great... what next a blond chick drops from the sky?" I sarcastically said out loud, that moment a chill went down my spine

"Oh just fun-fucking-tasting, What did I do to deserve drama in my life..." I sighted, instead of exploring my pearl thingy powers I continued to work in my garden, the thing is I don't need to explore the powers, because I already know what it does, thanks to my powers

After spending the whole day in the garden I somewhat forgot the green tattoo on my hand, for now at least I can forget that little encounter with that pearl artefact thingy...

I could only chuckle, and returned back to work on my garden, this trend continued for next week, At day working in the garden and in Nighttime I would cultivate

By fifth morning I finally had breakthrough reaching Earth Profound the increase in power, vitality, even profound veins have expanded to accommodate the new power, not only that I felt my muscles expanded and then shrunk down a little bit, but the muscle tone improvement stayed

This incident was quite a shock as There is no record of such thing happening before, the only reason this happened is because of my prep work before I started my cultivation and because I cultivate the Golden Manuscript

After a breakthrough I walked behind my house, I was dressed in simple shorts and t-shirt, time to test my new power

Calling forth Profound energy, I started with...

"First Fire! Fiery Tiger Claws!" Echo of Tiger roar, followed by flames igniting around with fingers I started going through 'katas' of Burning Tiger Style before I finished with the move sequence I channelled more Flames on my right hand

"Second Fire! Descending Tiger's Furry!" Loud Growl Of tiger Followed by my flaming Hand going downwards, there was enough force to create shockwave which caused the earth to crack bellow where my hand swing was

"Let's turn this up a notch! " Slowly flames from my hands started to engulf my whole body

"Third Fire! Hell Flames of Predator! " I started to go through 'Katas' for a second this time it was faster, and there were much more flames around, the increase in power was much bigger than before,

But of course, this is not everything I got!

I started channelling the next attack, charging Profound energy in my mouth, feeling little bit feral as well, I release the gathered power


*ROAR* Loud Tiger roar spread out with me being epicentre, followed by flames, and shockwave which cracked earth and created a dusk cloud in its path

"Such an increase in power! I LIKE IT! "I said with excited shock, which slowly changes into a smirk

"This is not everything yet!" I started producing more flames, I could feel more strain on my body, I was now a human torch of martial arts!

"Fifth fire... Bringer of Hell!" going through more brutal 'Katas' with each swing of my fist, a gust of wind followed it, and when each time my foot would land on the ground more cracks would appear

Finishing last stances of Bringer of Hell, I turned off my Flames and collapsed on ground on my back, staring at clouds for a moment

"Big brother Feng that was amazing!" I looked up and saw the little angel Feng Xian'er staring at me with wide big eyes, unlike how normal kids should be afraid of violence or anything destructive this little girl, and probably rest of children of Cultivation World, see it an incredible display of power, and wish one day to be like that...

"Thanks... Xian'er, the tiger flames are still quite hard to control to this degree, but I am getting there..." the Girl in question nodded, probably understanding half of it

"I am sure Big Brother Feng! You are after all the best cultivator in the world! , and with your Flames, no bad men will ever be your equal!" The little girl said with certainty, I chuckled hearing that, I can't deny that...

She stayed around for a few more minutes before she got bored and rushed back to her brother to play more...

While I stared at the Clouds thinking that even with Earth Profound realm my control over flames is quite pathetic, which cause massive waste of Profound energy which drain me in turn...

While the Hell Flames allow me easier use of Profound energy, it doesn't mean there is no cost to such a thing...

'time to upgrade Golden manuscript...'

I slowly got up from the ground and channelled some Profound energy to clean myself up, then I walked towards home with a goal in mind...

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