Man Against Gods

Chapter 62 - Going To Demon Continent

Over the month's Fairy Wushuang and Fairy Wu noticed changes in their Palace Masters... Fairy of Frozen Grass would smile most of the day, even when she would instruct the girls she would smile or even compliment them!

That got them both shocked to the point that they would forget to use Profound energy and would stop midway through technique!

That's not all! their Senior Master the famous Frozen Beauty, would ask them to taste her food, and ask for their opinions, both Frozen Cloud fairies don't really know how to answer such questions...

Should they be honest or should they tell that is great no matter what?

They simply don't know... They never taught such things in Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace!

Both Fairies realised that Jian Feng is affecting Frozen Beauty to the point that she wishes to be a housewife!

Such thing intrigued both of them to the point that both Frozen Cloud fairies decided to investigate how did he do it!

On their free time after training with Princess Cang Yue, who is an absolute slave driver, Shui Wushang thought that Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace is serious cultivation sect, but in here none of that mattered, cultivation meant nothing here, Princess can easily seal it off for days, what Cang Yue wanted is their body condition to be perfect, as she proved several times, they have ways to improve cultivation at any time they want, that was the greatest shock in Fairy Shui life, when after single cultivation session she breakthrough several smaller realms with ease, that day she alongside her fellow Fairy Wu experienced the power of Jian Feng new Profound energy gathering formation...

Shui Wushuang remembered that she was there when he had that discovery! it was an incredible feeling for her that she was part of it, or at least was there when it happened!

That why she was on her way to his workshop, she wants to know, how it works and how did his group of girls cultivating so fast!

Fairy Shui noticed very quickly that her Junior Sister Qingyue went through realms like crazy!

One day she was late Earth Profound, then the next day she was Sky Profound, then the day after she was Emperor Profound, all the way to Sovereign Profound or at least she thought she reached that realm as she can't read her cultivation anymore!

"Oh, Fairy Shui, how can I help you? shouldn't you be resting?" Fairy Shui felt shivers going down her spine when she heard his voice.

"I-I am fine, Master Jian, I came here to see you... I wish to know a few things!" Fairy Shui can bȧrėly speak properly in his presence, over the year while staying here, her fascination and admiration for this powerful cultivator went through roof, she had a chance to compare him, with other four cultivators who are training alongside her and her fellow sister Wu.

The gap was enormous not only in Cultivation but in other skills...

The Best example is the Manor...while they build houses, Jian Feng Build Manor days earlier then they did!

Then his cooking is godly... just thinking about it makes her hungry...

"Oh really what do you wish to know?" He asked that while allowing Fairy Shui, enter his Workshop for first time...

She was taken aback seeing a lot of those circular formations slowly spinning on walls or on the ground, she has no idea what they do, but she can see they are very complex...

Fairy Shui alongside countless other Fairies from Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace have delved into this Art, which is complex...

Seeing such complex formations everywhere is another reason why she admires Jian Feng.

"I wish to know what happened to Senior Master Chu Yuechan, and Master Chu Yueli..." Hearing her question Jian Feng could only start laughing.

"Fairy Shui... your masters understood that there is more to life then cultivation...What I did for them is simple... I made their path towards peak into the straight line, and now they can enjoy life..." Hearing that answer, Fairy Shui only felt...Jealousy? and envy...yes... she felt those things... she remembered what Jian Feng said in the basin realm...

She decided to act on that...

"Then...Can... I join?" She asked that with pink cheeks...

Jian Feng only raised an eyebrow hearing that.

"And you realise what that means?" Fairy Shui slowly nodded, her blush intensified, as she heard...severals time what was happening inside Hot springs...

But by this point, Fairy Shui doesn't really care...

She will be strong, she will be like Frozen Beauty or Fairy of Frozen Grass, they are strong and they don't really cultivate anymore...instead they do all sorts weird things like cooking competition? or that thing she heard about from Junior Sister Qingyue something called 'Fashion show'.

"I see, then I have to make you mine..." Hearing that Shui Wushuang felt her heart start beating much faster, her blush spread through her whole face...

Jian Feng slowly pulled out a ring from his storage ring and gave it to her, more precisely he put on her left-hand ring finger.

That moment she felt some sort Profound energy washing her up.

Jian Feng looked at her expression and slowly started to explain ring powers...

"This ring symbolises that you are mine, dear Wushuang, it protects you from all sorts things like poison, fatal attacks, as there is barrier build inside of it, it will activate once you feel that your life is in danger, there is another function which tells me your position, so that I know where you are and I can teleport to your location... but it's not the best function of this ring...oh no the best function is it attracts Profound energy to you... meaning you are always cultivating..." Fairy Shui mouth opened wide hearing this golden ring function...

She looked closer at it, and saw it has an engraving of Runic letters, tiger, hawk, and Dragon...

It's a piece of art, which she believes it should not be carried around on finger... it looks too beautiful...

"D-does everyone in your...harem have this kind of ring?" Jian Feng slowly nodded at her, Shui Wushuang was relieved to hear that, she doesn't want to be in the centre of attention, especially if it's her master and Senior Master...

Before she can say anymore she felt that he moved her on top of his ŀȧp, and make her face him.

There was a smirk on his face, which told Shui Wushuang what about to happen...

"Time to seal the deal what do you say?" Fairy Shui could only slowly nod with a massive blush...

~~~~~~Later, with Jian Feng~~~~~~

Finally, it was ready! I did promise that old man that I can bring him back to the Illusory Demon Realm.

And since there is still over two years left until that tournament starts, I decided to explore Illusory Demon Continent...

"Right everyone follow me, I will show you what I was working on..." I motioned to my ladies and Old Yun to follow me into the basement.

I build it after I invented my own Flying Thunder God technique, and after realising it's true potential, the sheer use of teleportation...

So I decided to build a network, with nexus being the basement of my mansion.

More location will be added later, but for now, our attention is at the massive arc in the middle of the nexus...

"What is this Junior Demon?" The Old Demon King asked me, well he is not old anymore... since he got his black hair back after reaching Peak Of Sovereign, but still I am going continue calling him that since he is not dropping my nickname...

"This is what will bring you to Illusory Demon Realm," I said that, as I walked towards pedestal in the front of the Massive Ark.

"This here will read your Profound Energy signature which in turn will search for similar people who have a connection to your profound energy... in other words your family members..." Old Man Yun eyes widened for second hearing that.

"How does this even work!?" He asked the obvious...

"Simple really, it's based on my communicators, adding a little bit of twist from formations I learned from Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, and then my own 'search' formations I was able to create this...

" Now put your hand on it and let's get started..." The Demon King nodded, with extra spring in his step, he was in front of, he put his hand on formation and channelled little of energy into it.

Moments later the whole ark came to life, as Formations lid up throughout the whole of its body...

Everyone looked with awe at it as it was pretty much a 'machine', formation cycle upon cycle we're spinning, and moments later in the ark middle space ripped apart showing what is on another side of it.

"T-T-That's Yun Clan main House!!!" He old man was so shocked that he started walking towards it without even realising...

I sighed quickly walking to the pedestal and taking a wristband which was left on it.

"Right let's follow him, I still have a reward to cash in..." Cang Yue nodded at me, as well as Qingyue, but Chu Sisters remained as well as Shui Wushuang.

I raised eyebrow for a second, seeing that.

"And who will overwatch training?" Chu Yuechan asked with her own raised eyebrow, Yueli nodded to her, while Wushuang was poking her fingers nervously.

"D-Dear I still need to train..." I sighed at them.

"Very well, make sure you don't burn down the mansion..." Chu Yuechan snorted hearing that.

"I know only one individual who plays with world laws in this mansion and he is about to cross to another continent so we will be fine..." I 'humph' at her, and crossed through the portal which closed right after me...

After our arrival to Illusory Demon Realm, the first thing I did was to check my surrounding and spread out my senses, thanks to my Cultivation of Sovereign my Omnipresence range has increased considerably, right at this moment I can sense several Monarchs, Overlords and Thrones...

'This realm is weaker then Profound Sky Continent master...there is only one Peak Sovereign in this place apart from The Demon King which we brought over...' I slowly nodded at Ying'er, what she said is quite interesting it seems Profound Sky Continent is much stronger than this Illusory Demon Realm...

The four Sacred Ground in total had close to five hundred Sovereigns before I took some of them off...

"Old Yun are we in capital of Illusory Demon Realm?" I asked for confirmation.

The Old King finally snapped out when I spoke, he turned around and nodded quickly.

"Correct, Junior Demon this is Demon Imperial City! this where twelve Guardian Families reside!" Hearing that I realised that what Ying'er said is true, this is the place where top Practitioners live, and there is only one Peak Sovereign existence...

'So~~how you going to take over this continent?' The Blond 'Goddess' asked curiously.

'We shall see, according to Old Yun this place is ruled by an Empress...' Hearing that Ying'er instantly started giggling.

'Taking her as wife? I really doubt anyone could beat you in raw battle strength in this continent, and it would be an utter massacre if you would start using your battle formations...' She said with certainty, I only hummed at her.

'We shall see, maybe there won't be a need for fighting...' She snorted at that.

'Really doubt, The Demon King was gone for Hundred of Years, and these mortals have a short lifespan, and I bet there is some sort of rebellion plotting going on as The Demon King mentioned that there is maybe a traitor among these 'Demons'...' Ying'er said that with distaste.

I only chuckled hearing that Ying'er still can't get over the fact that these Humans call themselves demons...

Moments later I snapped out as I sensed movement, someone is coming, Demon King rushed to meet whatever is coming here.

"Father is that you!? Heavens you actually alive! How did you escape that Formation!?"

"HAHAHA, Qinghong I am finally home!" The Demon King said with a loud laugh.

I Could only chuckle hearing that...

"Well he is back home, I would be same really..." I nodded at my wife's comment as she was looking around at everything with interest after all we are in a different Continent...

"Right, let's go and introduce ourselves," I said to both of my girls...

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