Man Against Gods

Chapter 65 - Fixing Few Things

"This noble one simply can't do it..." The Loli Golden Crow said with crossed hands.

"And why not?" I said to her, as we returned back to Demon Imperial Palace, and sitting on the couch, Qingyue and Cang Yue already are back and looking at Golden-haired little girl with interest.

"Because she is a woman! she is naturally being of Yin! If she is to learn my Golden Crow's Record of Burning the World, she would explode!" The Loli said with a pout.

"And there is no other way?" I said with a raised eyebrow, I already can see why Caiyi can't learn it as this Loli flames are much more aligned with Yang Law of male... which is extremely weird as the Crow on its own is a female...

"There is...she would require being of yang to nurture her with his vital Yang energy..." The Golden Crow said that with slight perverted look.

I quickly understood what she means by that.

"And this is where I come in?" The Loli Golden Crow quickly nodded, at my words.

"You possess Draconic Yang constitution, something we haven't seen before...but you fit her perfectly as your Creation God energy will significantly improve her affinity with this noble one flames!" She said last part with Pride...

This Loli is really proud of her flames...

I looked at Caiyi who was sitting on my ŀȧp the whole time...

"This Empress shall do it... do you agree?" Huan Caiyi looked at me with hope...

I only sighed and agreed with her, it seems I am tasting this Empress early...

Cang Yue and Qingyue looked with pity at Huan Caiyi, the Empress couldn't understand why both of his girls looked like that at her.

"Good, Then let's get this over with..." The Loli Golden Crow said with somewhat authoritative voice...

That moment I smirked...

"Right then... Caiyi let's go and you will be joining us..." I said with a massive grin the Loli Golden Crow face instantly turned red...

"W-what are you talking about?" The Golden-haired little girl took a few steps saying that.

"Simple really, since you so experienced about Yang you should be there as well..." Blonde little girl wanted to quickly run away but her new body simply didn't listen to her!

"You forgot that you inhabiting body created by me..." The Golden Loli simply gave up hearing that.

I moved Caiyi from my ŀȧp, then I got up on my feet, and motioned Caiyi to show way to Bedroom, she nodded and started walking, while Golden-haired loli didn't move anywhere she simply pouted...

I rolled my eyes at her as I scooped her up with one arm...

She continued to pout the whole way...

"Well Dear I leave you to it..." Cang Yue said as she was trying to sneak away alongside Qingyue...

"You really want for Huan Caiyi to have my full attention?" Both girls didn't look at me, instead, they were fiddling with their robes...

"No is that... know..." I rolled my eyes and closed doors behind me.

~~~~~~Few Days later~~~~~~

Huan Caiyi started training under Golden Crow, while Yun Canghai started to investigate who is responsible for information leak all those years ago...

The Twelve Guardian families very quickly caved in as Yun Canghai WAS leader of the whole thing, and he was second being under last Demon Emperor his clout is massive...

Very quickly Jian Feng could see the whole picture, as it was Duke Huai who was gathering support, as his father is actually Duke Ming the only Peak Sovereign in Illusory Demon Realm.

The guy was ambitious, and Jian Feng cannot allow such man to continue living, Huan Caiyi agreed to his idea to make an example of him...

So very quickly a party of Sovereign was gathered and Jian Feng cast several formation on them.

Making the whole group invisible to Profound energy.

Very quickly the whole place turned into a battlefield as Duke Ming went on Rampage, if not for quick Jian Feng formation deployment Caiyi side would have lost several Sovereign.

"Junior I don't know who you are but, I have higher cultivation than you..." Scholarly looking man dresses in red robes, and looks no older then thirty said to Jian Feng...

Jian Feng only chuckled back at the scholarly looking middle-age man.

"Cultivation...huh...we shall see..." Jian Feng simply charged at Duke Ming who simply sneered seeing that.

As he charged at Jian Feng as well...

Their fists collided...



And Duke Ming screamed with pain...

"Your body constitution is someone who fights as ranged combatant..." Jian Feng said simply stating facts.

"While mine is a constitution of someone who constantly fought against a wielder who has Profound Veins of War God...You and I are leagues apart... and your cultivation which you are so proud of is absolutely worthless in this situation..." Jian Feng dashed at Duke Ming again who instantly panicked and unleashed his Golden Crow flames...

Which had no effect on Jian Feng...

as he simply passed through them, and started collecting them into small orbs of flames around him...

"You really are at a massive disadvantage against me old man..." Jian Feng said that as flaming orbs around him turned crimson and started to grow in size as he then started shooting them at Duke Ming who started dodging them quite easily...

Jian Feng was not surprised that the scholarly man could dodge them, it was not the point anyway...

As the Fireballs who were dodged by Duke Ming turned around and started to morph into Flaming tigers and surrounded The scholarly man.

"T-this... what kind of Profound arts are these!?" The middle age looking man said with impressed voice.

"These are not arts...these are simple Fire laws...and Profound energy manipulation..." Jian Feng said with crossed arms.

"Now let me show you a true Primordial Arts, old man..." that moment a very loud bird screech echoed through the whole Duke Huai Palace...

As behind Jian Feng massive Silver Thunder Hawk manifested...


It Exploded into Silver thunder which travelled faster than light and slammed into Duke Ming who was still far to shocked what he saw...

Jian Feng didn't stop here as he raised his hand and, thunder clouds started to gather above Duke Huai Palace, and silver thunder strikes started to rain down on Cultivators who are still fighting for Duke Huai and Duke Ming...

Few minutes later fighting was over and Duke Ming and Duke Huai were captured...

"Go and search the palace and find any dirt you can on these two..." Huan Caiyi servants quickly nodded and rushed into Palace.

'Most impressive master~~~ quick and efficient, just like this Goddess likes~~~' Jian Feng rolled his eyes hearing that, and turned around towards Demon Imperial Palace and flew there at maximum speed.

Once he is back he walked to one of the back gardens and saw Loli Golden Crow instructing Huan Caiyi how to use Golden Crow flames...

He smiled for a second and walked to one available simple chairs and dropped in and started to relax...

Eventually, Jian Feng got tired watch Huan Caiyi, and went to visit Yun Clan, since he doesn't have his workshop here, he has an extreme amount of free time...

Eventually he found the Young Master of Yun Clan by name of Yun Xiao...

Jian Feng was quite impressed by this young man as he was late Stages of Throne even if he was doing it in the old fashion way.

Yet even with this cultivation, he was looked down by rest of Yun Clan because he didn't possess the 'Profound Handle'.

Since Jian Feng is bored, and his girls spending time with Mu Yurou... talking about some girly things which he has no interest what so ever...

"So tell me why you Cultivating so hard?" Jian Feng said to Yun Xiao, as he entered into his room and dropped into one of the chairs available in his room.

"W-what? Oh! Y-Your Highness what I can do for you?" The Young Patriarch quickly got on his feet.

Jian Feng waved his hand at him in a casual way.

"Don't worry about honorifics we are not in court, so tell me why are you cultivating so hard? your cultivation is even higher than people who posses Bloodlines of Divine Beasts at that age..." He blushed for the second hearing that as he fiddled with his robes like some shy girl.

"I-I want to impress someone..." Hearing that Jian Feng could not control himself and grinned at him.

'Oh, this is going to be fun!' Jian Feng said to Ying'er who was bored as well.

'How so? what are you going to do?' Ying'er asked with a little bit of interest.

'Well people are looking down on him because he doesn't have that weird handle thingy, so what If I help him a little bit?' Ying'er shrugged her shoulders from inside the pearl.

'Why not...This Goddess is bored anyway...' Jian Feng snorted and decided to extent an olive branch to this kid.

"I see... Why don't I help you with something?" Jian Feng pulled out a Blue and Yellow looking transparent pill.

And showed it to Xiao Yun.

"This is Beast Legacy Of Thunder Cloud Condor, once you consume it your affinity over Lightning element will reach insane levels, not only that but it will increase your cultivation..." Xiao Yun eyes were wide like saucers.

"W-why you want to help me?" Jian Feng simply shrugged his shoulders in a bored way.

"Because I am bored... and helping you looks quite entertaining, besides I want to see the faces of everyone when you reveal this power in front of everyone..." Jian Feng casually threw the legacy pill at him.

"Are you sure Your Highness?" Jian Feng just motioned to get over it...

Xiao Yun simply followed what he wished and swallowed the pill.

Moments later Jian Feng saw the effects, Yun Xiao got few strands of blue hair.

Jian Feng simply chuckled seeing that.

"Welcome to the club of 'unique' people..." Ying'er snorted hearing that.

Moments later Jian Feng sensed him breakthrough into Overlord Profound.

'Well it should be enough to impress the girl he wants...' Jian Feng said that to Ying'er who simply nodded.

But then Yun Xiao passed out...

'Oh right forgot about that...' This time Ying'er started giggling loudly enough, Jian Feng blushed for second...

He quickly with single hand motioned made Yun Xiao float up into his bed...

"Right I will be back tomorrow..." With that Jian Feng vanished from the room towards his girls...

~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~

Next-Day Jian Feng watched from a distance how, how Yun Xiao used his thunder arts to increase the brightness of the main Yun Clan monument with his Lightning attribute Profound energy.

His new Cultivation and extreme alignment towards Lightning didn't go unnoticed by rest of Yun Clan.

"My thanks for helping my son Your Highness" Jian Feng looked at the source of this voice.

It was Yun Qinghong, he was looking much better than before, not fully healed, but moving towards that direction.

"Not a problem Yun Qinghong, his motivation is something else, and I was bored as well, so giving a simple helping hand from time to time is nice, besides he is trying to impress a girl, its something which I try to do constantly..." Jian Feng said with a smirk, to which Yun Qinghong could only chuckle himself.

"Your Highness, if you mean that bringing Golden Crow Divine Spirit under Demon Empress is only to impress her? then rest of males have to work much harder from now on to catch up..."

Jian Feng could only laugh hearing that, yes sometimes he overdoes things but having Golden Crow like this is massive prestige boost for his Little Wife to be...

"Maybe so, but now Yun Xiao has a bloodline of thunder beast inside of him, that will significantly boost his standing in the whole of Illusory Demon Realm, and help him get his girl..." With those words, Jian Feng vanished towards Palace.

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