Man Against Gods

Chapter 68 - Woes of Phoenix Emperor

~~~~~~Feng Hengkong~~~~~~

The Divine Phoenix Emperor is at loss...

The loss of Mighty Heavenly Sword Region was boon to his Empire, one less Sacred Ground to worry about, he even send people to investigate what is happening in Sword Region, while their territory is small, it's rich in Profound energy, and whatever they can find there would help his Divine Phoenix Empire...

Only that whole Region was already looted... Even the soil where the herbs were growing was taken by someone...

It's as if Elders themselves took everything and simply left...

But such a thing is impossible... why would they do such a thing!!! They are Sovereign Profound! Peak existence in Profound Sky Continent!

And One of Sacred Ground is peak existence and their reputation so as well!

Unless they left for another Sacred Ground but Divine Phoenix Emperor already met with other Sacred Ground representatives, and they were confused and somewhat terrified as much as Phoenix Emperor...

It's as if they simply stopped existing...

And the only Elder who survived this whole thing, Ling Kun was at loss as well, since he simply was not in Sacred Ground at that time.

Divine Phoenix Emperor used such moment try to recruit the last remaining elder from Sacred Ground.

Only for him to deny and leave...

It was a pity, but in the end, the Phoenix Emperor didn't care much...

As more problem in the Phoenix Empire started to appear, from disappearing resources in military warehouses, to Profound Beasts vanishing from Forests...

Feng Hengkong wouldn't care that much about the Profound beasts... if it was one or two...

But not in thousands...

Such thing confused him to no end, there is no proof that someone took them, there is no proof that someone fought them either...

It's just they walked away from their natural habitat!!!

At least once per day, he gets a report from his servants that something has gone missing!

From Pastries in bakery to Blacksmiths hammers!!!

Normally he wouldn't care! But not when they disappear in thousands over a single night!

The things is no guards spot anything! The Citywide Formation didn't spot anyone leaving or entering the city...

And such thing continued to happen for the last three years!!!

It was driving him mad!

Feng Hengkong took a deep breath trying to forget such a thing...

Instead he focused on upcoming Tournament... and War...

Soon enough other Emperors and their selected team will arrive...

'At least something is happening according to plan...' The Divine Phoenix Emperor thought with somewhat of a relief.

Moments later he heard a knock on doors.

Then he heard a melodious voice of a teenager from the other side of the door.

"Royal father it's me." A smile instantly appeared on the Divine Phoenix Emperor face.

"Come in Xue'er." The Emperor dropped his Emperors persona in front of his favourite child.

Seconds later door open, and sixteen-year-old the Divine Phoenix Empire only Princess entered.

She was Dressed in pure red Imperial robes with a red veil hiding her ethereal look, what stand out most from her is those pure light blue eyes.

She is only sixteen yet her cultivation is already at half-step Sovereign...

"Royal Father you look tired... did anything happened again?" Feng Hengkong quickly shook his head, he doesn't wish to worry his only daughter who is future of Divine Phoenix Empire.

"Your Father is fine Xue'er, we just received news that all Nations will be participating." Xue'er slowly nodded.

She smiled hearing that, she is extremely excited for this event.

But.... she is having that feeling something very big is going to happen...

Something which will change everything...

"Xue'er are you ok? you just spaced out..." The Divine Phoenix Emperor asked with worry.

"Xue'er is fine Royal Father... Xue'er still has that feeling that something...really big is about to happen, which will change everything..." Divine Phoenix Emperor slowly nodded...

He still can't believe that his daughter can sense what his Empire will do in the upcoming months...

~~~~~~Somewhere in Blue Wind Empire~~~~~~

Jian Feng alongside his harem were looked at gathered forces...

In a few weeks, they shall leave for the tournament, he already revealed to his girls what he will do in the Phoenix Empire...

In fact, Huan Caiyi rained kisses when she heard about it...

Not much has changed after the day of his leisure retreat in his tropical paradise...

Once they returned Cang Yue and Qingyue constantly praised their awesome leave which they spend over two weeks doing nothing but lazing around, swimming, fishing, playing, and another type of 'playing' in bed or on the sand...

So, yes both of them made other girls jealous...

Jian Feng pulled that smile for a few months...

Until, he was at receiving end on several Puppy eye he caved in and brought them to his tropical island.

After another break, they returned to training, Jian Feng finally reached the Divine Origin Realm.

He finally got a taste what it feels like to be a 'Profound God'

He was laughing at the irony of this...

But in the end, he accepted the fact that he lives in cultivation world were one to become God is the end goal... eventually...

So he just decided to drop this theme and move on...

By the end of the three year period training, Jian Feng and his team were well-oiled machine ready to wipe the floor with rest of Six teams, and same time conquer the whole continent...

As he has over one thousand Peak Sovereigns for this thing...

Twice as much as Sacred Grounds at their peak times before Jian Feng appearance...

And much more Profound Beasts under his rule...

At least each Sovereign under Jian Feng has contracted four Tyrant beasts, meaning that he has over four thousand beasts...

It a massive overkill, but that the point...

Jian Feng goal is to win without even raising his sword...

And by now he knows that Divine Spirit of Pheonix is gone in Divine Phoenix Empire and the strongest defender in their ranks in Nine Of Sovereign Profound.

So, in end it's a massive overkill... he is using a sledgehammer to kill an ant, but he doesn't truly care...

As having proper standing army, is always important, no matter the world or reality...

And he has an army of Mountains destroying fanatics combined with army of 'Kaiju'

He is more than ready...

~~~~~~Phoenix Capital~~~~~~

Jian Feng appeared inside one of the alleys, He came here to explore one place, which one of his informants in the city told him about.

Situated just outside a city there is a valley under direct Imperial Family rule...

He came here to explore it...

For this little mission, he lowered his cultivation to that of Late Throne...

Not too high not to low.

He doesn't want to draw the attention of the Imperial Family, not yet at least...

So he quickly moved around, dressed in simple robes, and using simple illusion formation on himself he looked like an elder of medium rank sect who came to Phoenix Capital for some sort of business...

Eventually... he saw the valley...

What surprised him somewhat is that it's protected by formation barrier.

It's a very simple one, yet it does it work.

With simple formation scan, he finds out that it only allows people with Phoenix bloodline in, and that there is an alert system as well...

Bypassing this barrier was a child's play which only needed less than three minutes.

Once inside Jian Feng started to explore soon enough he found only a single person inhabits this place.

It confused him to no end...

He did an in-depth scan of this place and found that this place houses a single individual who had a strong connection to Phoenix...

After a quick search, he pinpointed this Bloodline wielder...

What he saw made his eye grew wide...

'Such strong bloodline, even in God Realms this girl would be top talent hands down, the amount of Phoenix blood she has would make her next Phoenix Goddess!...' Jian Feng though with shock.

"You shouldn't be here, my Royal Father will kill you for trespassing..." Jian Feng could only smile hearing that she is such a pure soul...

"Shouldn't a conversation start with 'Hello' or 'How are you?'." Jian Feng ignored her first words, instead he opened this conversation in his own pace...

The girl obviously didn't expect him to ignore her threat like that.

"Please! Xue'er don't want anything happen to you! just leave please!" Jian Feng ignored her instead he walked over to the closest tree and cut it off with single hand stroke.

He then used his omnipresence to dissect it into small pieces...

The girl in question simply stared with small shock how quickly the whole tree just got processed.

"W-what are you doing?" She asked with interest, she bȧrėly meets anyone in her life and so far this individual is extremely unique to her...

Not only she can sense extreme affinity to fire and water, which on its own is absurd as those two elements are opposite! but she can even sense Lightning in him as well...

What else she saw, is that he is hiding his cultivation...

How much? she doesn't know...

As memories from Phoenix Divine Spirit are guiding her, in this matter, she doesn't have the proper experience to see through him...

"I am hungry... so I am going to make something to eat..." He said that as he quickly started to make a campfire...

Feng Xue'er looked with interest what he was doing she never saw 'campfire' before, she only heard stories how armies used to have campfires, where they cook or talk about stories...

Few minutes later Jian Feng snapped his fingers and flames erupted inside the campfire.

A few minutes later a small table with a pair of chairs appeared.

"Since it's going to take some time for food to cook, do you wanna play some games?" Jian Feng asked the Pheonix Princess, who was slightly taken aback.

"G-games?" The Princess leaned forward her blue eyes shined with curiosity.

"Yeah I got few 'tabletop' games with me..." With Wave of hand, Jian Feng had few boxes appear.

All the tabletop games he has are based on his old world, only there was an obvious mix of Martial Artist stuff added to them...

So now he has cards, Monopoly, Dungeon and Dragons, as well as chess...

Jian Feng was quite taken back that they didn't have chess, so it was one of the first things he re-created in here... even taking a spin from HP universe, Jian Feng animated the chess pieces with formations and runic letters...

No wonder most of them are brick heads in this society...

"W-What are these!?" The Phoenix Princess jumped from her seat and got closer to colourful boxes.

Jian Feng smirked internally and started from the simplest ones...


"Right let's start with the simplest one..." Jian Feng opened the cards pack.

"There are several types of games with cards..." Jian Feng started explaining the bȧrė basics of cards...

Soon enough the Princess was enthralled, once she was starting to get bored he introduced more complex card games...

It became more intense when Jian Feng finally finished with food and gave it for her to taste...

For second Jian Feng though he made her climax actually...

But it was probably his imagination...

Since cooking was out of the way he pulled out bigger guns...


To be perfectly honest he never expected the Princess to be such cutthroat moneymaker capitalist...

She was counting every penny...

'Probably her imperial blood, and not Phoenix... I really doubt Phoenix is stingy...' Jian Feng though with sweatdrop as he was losing to extremely excited Phoenix Princess...

She giggled seeing his face...

"Brother Feng! With this, you are in debt to this Princess! now hand over your last property!" The Girl said with 'Princess like voice' it was obviously an act, she was obviously so into it that she didn't realise that she started acting like that...

But Jian Feng rolled his eyes and handed over his last and most expensive territory, in his old world it was 'Mayfair' but in this world, he made it into 'Wind Emperor's street' The most expensive street in Blue Wind Capital.

Jian Feng always had the urge to get the Blue territories as soon as possible, maybe that's why lost...

Once the girl had the card she almost started to dance...

"Brother Feng this was so much fun!!!" Jian Feng smiled at her...then he looked around...

"Well Princess I have to leave... it's getting dark..." Feng Xue'er eyes widened for second as she looked around it was getting dark!

She can't believe she spend the whole day playing these simple games! yet it was so much fun!

"Brother Feng, will I ever see you again?" Princess asked with hopeful yet sad voice...

"In tournament princess, We shall see each other again..."

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