Man Against Gods

Chapter 80 - Snow Song Realm

My first impression of the Divine Realm was not high, by following Wuxia trend it means it's just... bigger world than mine...

So that means I am on a bigger icicle, then Blue Pole Star, and yet I am not really Impressed, the profound energy is dense as my Blue Pole Star, so it's not impressive, and this whole Icicle only has one legacy is pathetic, mine has three... in fact I have nearly several thousand now... each of my minions possess some sort of beast legacy, and powered by Primordial energy it makes them full God-like legacies...

So I am not impressed.

Mu Bingyun lead Ying'er and my little group to meet her elder sister Mu Xuanyin, according to Ying'er and Mu Bingyun, Mu Xuanyin is the greatest talent Snow Song Realm has ever seen.

It didn't take long for people to realise who is the blonde with Mu Bingyun, there are not that many Blondes in Primal Chaos, especially with her beauty.

Moments later we finally arrived at the palace, as Cang Yue complained this whole place is made from Ice...

'I definitely won't be sleeping on frozen icicle...' That though alone send several shutters through my body.

Few seconds later we finally arrived at Mu Xuanyin throne room.

The elder sister quickly noticed Mu Bingyun and obviously my Ying'er, who was not hiding her cultivation.

That alone unnerved The Realm King of Snow Song Realm, the gaps are massive in the Divine Master realm small realms according to Ying'er...

And she is wielding Primordial Energy now, I really doubt anyone could beat or even touch my Golden hug pillow now...

"Sister, may I know who are these guests?" Mu Xuanyin spoke first, I can say that this lady is a real beauty, and bust size... it defies laws of physics...

"Elder sister... meet Brahma Monarch Goddess..." Everyone in the room gasped hearing that, even Mu Xuanyin was no different, even I was impressed by the reaction these people were giving to Ying'er.

"As much as this Goddess loves to be introduced first, My master deserves that recognition, he was the one who saved your sister from poison." Ying'er said that as she looked at Mu Bingyun, who looked away for a second.

While Mu Xuanyin was quite shellshocked...

'Brahma Monarch Goddess has a master!?!' she looked at the man, what she felt from him make her raise an eyebrow, she sensed elements which should not coexist together...

"I see... Then Snow Song Realm Is in your debt..." Mu Xuanyin said respectfully towards me.

"While this Goddess love to take my master and future husband to Brahma Monarch realm..." More people gasped inside the Throne Room.

"This Goddess still has several minors issues to deal with, that's why I would like him to be your guest until I come back... It's not an issue, is it?" Hearing that Mu Xuanyin looked at her younger sister who sends a Profound whisper to her, Mu Xuanyin expression turned into shock for a second, whatever Mu Bingyun said to her elder sister really shocked her.

"I see, then I gladly accepted, having someone important as your...fiancee here is an honour to us..." Mu Xuanyin said with majestic like voice towards Ying'er who only smirked for a second.

It seems allowing her to take control is the best and fastest way to get Snow Song to cooperate.

"I will call one of my servant to show your Fiancee where he can stay..." Mu Xuanyin motioned one of her servants to approach.

"Take them to the guest wing." One of servant women nodded, and turned towards my group.

"Esteemed Guest please follow me..." she motioned us to follow her, I slightly nodded to the Realm king and started following this servant lady.

So far I only saw women in this place... it corresponds with world laws in this world...

It seems they don't even know how to operate laws which can increase chances of birthing a boy...

There more I see this place the more I am disappointed...

It pretty much the same as my Blue Pole Star, only has a tag which says 'Divine realm'


~~~~~~ Mu Xuanyin~~~~~~

"I rarely see you been that emotional Bingyun..." Once Brahma Monarch Goddess left with her little group towards the guest pavilion, Mu Xuanyin had a chance to somewhat relax.

"It because sister while Brahma Monarch Goddess is dangerous and worthy of her reputation, there is the reason why she calls him her master..." Mu Bingyun had chance discreetly ask few questions of about Jian Feng from his harem members and her own Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace.

Mu Xuanyin is obviously intrigued about this young man.

"He turned a mortal realm into...least Royal Realm sister..." Mu Bingyun said that with closed eyes.

It took several moments for Mu Xuanyin to process what her younger sister just said.

"Impossible..." Mu Bingyun sighed hearing that.

"It does really matter sister if you think it's impossible, because I was there, I saw a large amount of people slowly breaking through into divine realms..." Mu Bingyun said that with not a small amount of awe she has for someone who achieved that.

"Then how did he achieved such a thing?" Mu Xuanyin knows well enough that to break into Divine Realm one needs powerful bloodline of Divine Beast or some sort of legacy from the time of True Gods...

"Formations sister... he is a true master in this art, I never seen anything like that before, as I said before there is a reason why Qianye Ying'er one of most beautiful and most powerful woman in Primal Chaos calls him... 'master'..." Mu Bingyun said seriously to her elder sister.

While Mu Xuanyin looking at her younger sister with wonder, there is rarely anything in Primal Chaos which can raise emotions from her...

This has...Intrigued Mu Xuanyin as well...

"And what do you suggest we do then?" Mu Xuanyin asked her younger sister, they rarely have such conversation nowadays...

"We need his formations sister, easy as that, his birth realm as I said already has thick Profound energy in the air, I don't know how he did it, but it has severely improved overall condition of all cultivators in that realm..." Mu Xuanyin motioned to continue talking.

"But that's not all... he created teleportation, and what locals call that realm Beast Legacies..." that has peaked Mu Xuanyin interest even further.

"Sister did you had the chance to probe Jian Feng and his two ladies?" Mu Bingyun asked curiously.

"I did, that Jian Feng has Fire and Water laws... as well as Thunder, something I have never sensed in single individual before..." Mu Bingyun nodded at her sister's observation.

"According to his women, he posses... three bloodlines..." Mu Xuanyin eyes widened hearing that.

"The most important part is that it's created by his own two hands sister, it's...something I never heard before..." Mu Bingyun said that to her elder sister Mu Xuanyin.

The Realm King of Snow Song Realm could only giggle for a second, she can now see why Brahma Monarch Goddess, has found a man worthy of her...

And now this individual will be staying in her realm for few months...maybe... hopefully for a few years, and it would be stupid of her not to make him grow few attachments to her Snow Song Realm.

"Hmm...Bingyun... doesn't Grand Elder Mu Huanzhi has a beautiful granddaughter who would fit in the position of a guide for him? what was her name? ah... yes, Mu Feixue...can you find her for me?" Mu Bingyun can already see where this is going...

"Very well, sister I do hope you know what you doing, Jian Feng is already surrounded by beauties, one of them being Brahma Monarch Goddess..." Mu Bingyun said with a sigh.

"Only you dear sister don't understand men..." Mu Xuanyin said with a seductive smile, which unnerved her younger sister.

'She is in one of those moments...' Mu Bingyun thought to herself, she remembered her sister sometimes has those mood swings...

While both Mu sisters are 'Plotting' to get Jian Feng attention, they have not realised something... it's that normally Jian Feng ladies would never tell his secrets... normally...unless he allowed it too... for a reason...

By this point Mu Bingyun even forgot to mention that Jian Feng forces have two revived God-like beings under his control.

When Mu Bingyun left to bring Mu Feixue, Mu Xuanyin leaned back into her icy throne.

"What an interesting individual you are Jian Feng..." Mu Xuanyin said with a purring voice, at this moment she sounded like a completely different person.

Jian Feng was lazing on a bed in Snow Song Realm, He can't call it a bed, more like some slab of 'soft' material...

The only reason he is not throwing a fit yet, is because of his ladies which cuddling next to him.

Ying'er was laying on top of him while his other two ladies were hugging his sides.

All of them are waiting...

"By now Mu Bingyun should have started spilling beans, what she saw on Blue Pole Star." Jian Feng said while his hands played with his girls long hair.

"Is it really wise to tell so much about your secrets?" Qingyue asked him.

"I haven't revealed much Qingyue dear, only my beast legacies which will be revealed anyway, and transition gate will be shown later as well, while I would love to reveal my Gods later..." Jian Feng looked with stingy eyes at Ying'er who looked at different direction...

"While with formations, they only have a general knowledge of what happening to Blue Pole Star, I can't really hide a planet-wide changes..." Jian Feng said with a chuckle.

Eventually, less than an hour later, there was a knock on the door.

"A Late Divine Soul practitioner..." Ying'er softly said to Jian Feng.

'That's lower level cultivator then that servant... did they send someone to work like middle man while I am in this place?' Jian Feng thought for a second.

Few moments later Jian Feng opened doors, and met face to face with the beauty of celestial level.

She did a proper bow before she spoke.

"Master Jian Feng, Realm King Mu Xuanyin send me to be your guide while you will be staying in Snow Song Realm...if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask and I shall get it for you." She said with a soft but cold voice, she was picture perfect cold beauty.

But to Jian Feng, she reminds him of a cold secretary or teachers back from his old life, she is a perfect individual to fit into that position.

"Very well then, what's your name?" Jian Feng asked curiously.

"It's Mu Feixue, Master Jian Feng." She answered softly.

"I see, well then Feixue show me the Snow Song Realm then..." Jian Feng motioned her to go.

She slowly nodded started to lead him and his girls.

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