Man Against Gods

Chapter 85 - Divine Tribulation...What Of It?

(For sake of simplicity I am sticking with Bing'er name for The Ice Phoenix)

~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~

After a very 'successful' day, Jian Feng was resting in Realm Kings bed, he was surrounded by five very beautiful ladies, so he can forgive whoever created this uncomfortable bed.

Instead, he was thinking what to do next, since he got another eleven Vital Yin's from his last adventure, he is sure he will breakthrough into real of Divine Tribulation and beyond, something he shouldn't do inside a bed, as according to stories that stuff can cause some serious lightning damage to one's surroundings...

A Cultivation stage where 'Heaven' test the cultivator if he is worthy... if he fails he obviously dies, If he survives then he can reach the next stage... even then it depends how many times thunder strikes the cultivator...the more that person survives the higher his potential.

Divine Tribulation realm is like any other realm, it goes from 1 to 10, and it doesn't give any other powers apart from an increase in overall strength...

But in end, Jian Feng is weirded out how people simply accept this nonsense... Cultivators claim they are going against the Heavens and defying their fate... but why then they accept this Tribulation nonsense... Don't they see that they going on a path set by Heaven themselves?

That they even accept Heaven decision on their talent which is the set by thunder strikes?

After lazing around for few more moments Jian Feng slowly removed his beautiful white-haired girl from the top of him.

Its seems that his new girl really loves cuddling, he can see why, after living in a lake for millions of years, she really misses simple human contact, True God or not, she still a living being...

Once Jian Feng moved her gently to the side, she instantly opened her icy blue eyes, she instantly unleashed, a trademark technique cultivated by females, the puppy eye technique, something probably invented by Phoenix race.

For someone like Jian Feng who has no qualms turning sects into puppets or simply making them into resources, such technique is the only weakness he probably has...

He sighed and picked her up, with him, Bing'er his ice phoenix instantly cuddle into his arms.

"Your primordial fire is so warm..." She softly said, if she would be a cat and not a divine bird she would probably start purring now...

Jian Feng simply stroked her hair, as he walked over and took a seat in one of the couches, he then fished out a thin and a round stone, not bigger than his palm, he put it then on a table in front of him.

Moments later he channelled a little bit of Primordial Energy into, Bing'er looked with interest at this thin stone, in her very long life she has never seen such...thing.

Moment later small figure of a woman dressed in gold robes appeared, it only took a fraction of a second for white-haired True God to understand what this is...

'He is communicating with someone!'

"Ying'er..." Jian Feng said with a smile...

The blond girl smiled on her own she then looked at the cute girl sitting on his ŀȧp, she was obviously nȧkėd...

"Ying'er met, Ice Phoenix... I named her Bing'er..." Jian Feng said to her as he stroked white-haired girls icy hair...

"Ho...that impressive Master... another True God joins us..." She said in a purring voice.

Bing'er raised her eyebrow at him.

"I got The Golden Crow, Phoenix, Primordial Azure Dragon and of course Heretic God himself..." Jian Feng said that to her, he was enjoying the expression she was making...

"So you are not little Phoenix..." He cuddled her, Bing'er melted in his hands, while Ying'er pouted on another side of the communicator.

"I understand I shall bring it personally..." Jian Feng rolled his eyes as he heard that, he knows quite well why she is coming over...personally...

"That's not all Ying'er..." Jian Feng smirk grew several levels..." As I have a foothold in Northern Regions now... more exactly I rule over Soul Stealing realm..." Ying'er eyes widened for a second, she was impressed... how exactly did he just took over something which is in a different part of Realm Of Gods?

"I was surprised just like you are dear, Chi Wuyao has Nirvana Devil Emperor Legacy, she is quite talented in Soul Arts... and she has a small control on Mu Xuanyin...which led me to her... and you know the rest..." Jian Feng chuckled, and Bing'er nodded at the part where he mentioned about control.

Brahma Monarch Goddess started giggling hearing that, she was imagining what kind of ordeal did the Devil Queen just had to walk through...

"I see...and what are your plans?" Ying'er asked him.

"Taking over rest of Northern Realms, and then unleashing them on Western Side, while we slowly take over Eastern Side..." Jian Feng casually explained that to her, while Bing'er looked at him with wide eyes, he only smirked in turn.

"Hmm...I see... what about Dragon God Realm? they have Long Bai, and Shen Cang Long isn't ready to reveal himself yet..." Ying'er had a thoughtful look.

"I am not planning full out ȧssault dear...little bit of 'guerilla' tactics to annoy some people..." She slowly nodded in understanding, Jian Feng already taught her some of the tactic 'terms' from his original world.

"I see your point... it will draw attention from us..." She understood what Jian Feng mean with this actions.

Ying'er only shook her head.

"How many maiden did you 'ate'? " She asked with amusement.

"Thirteen in total...ten of them were Late to Peak Divine Masters... " Ying'er eyes widened, she softly said 'wow'...

"Not to mention one of them is True God as well..." Jian Feng cuddled Bing'er to prove his point.

"I see... this is good, if you continue like this master you will catch to me in no time at all... the faster the better, Brahma Monarch Realm wishes to see their new Brahma Heaven God Emperor as soon as possible..." She said that as she finished her 'call'.

Once communicator stopped transmitting, Bing'er got to his eye level.

"You one full of surprises are you?" She asked curiously.

Jian Feng only made her lean closer to him.

"Indeed my little Phoenix... now let's prepare for my breakthrough..."

Soon enough Jian Feng intentions were learned by his girls and it only took moments for Mu Xuanyin alongside her sister Mu Bingyun to take Jian Feng away from Divine Ice Phoenix Sect, right into Icy Wilderness...

Their reasons?

To keep it a secret, the less people know about his breakthrough the better, Mu Xuanyin wishes to keep Jian Feng existence a secret, after all, he only arrived here a few weeks ago and he already is about to breakthrough to Divine Tribulation...

Such thing will definitely turn several heads...

While keeping him a secret is not that really possible, the less people know the better...

Jian Feng walked some distance away from his girls.

Mu Feixue was shellshocked to learn that Jian Feng is already surpassed her... in such a short time!

She met him when he was only late Divine Origin and now he is approaching Divine Tribulation!!!

The ones who were not that shocked were Qingyue and Cang Yue, for them it's a natural thing...

Since their partner is much higher realm then theirs...

Jian Feng dropped into Lotus Position and started refining the Vital Yin's he collected, his cultivation started rising at an incredible pace.

Moments later Black Thunder clouds started to gather around this area...

The ladies who experienced this phenomenon before were taken aback just how...

Angry the 'heaven' looked.

Ferocious Red Thunder was dancing in these clouds, ready to kill whoever mocks the Heaven...

Only for Jian Feng to look up towards these clouds, there was a mocking smirk on his face.

As if someone saw it and at least several red thunder strikes went down at Jian Feng.

Mu sisters and Mu Feixue looked at this with shock never before such incident ever happened!!!

A massive silver formation circle appeared above him, and the red thunder smashed into it...

The silver circle turned into a red one...

This action took everyone by shock as...never before anyone...ever survived the Tribulation like this!!!

Jian Feng obviously wasn't done... same with Divine Tribulation as thunder clouds were turning even redder...

As If from anger...

Jian Feng created even more Silver Formations, above him...

Seeing such thing Cang Yue started to giggle, she connected some dots what is going on.

"Well its seems... Heavens have forgotten that my Husband knows Lightning laws like the back of his hand..." Cang Yue said with amusement, Qingyue started to smile as well, at first she was a little bit afraid as she heard rumours about this realm, as many people perish in this realm.

A moment later even larger red thunder struck towards Jian Feng, who at this point started to ignore the whole Thunder show above him, instead, he continues to refine Vital Yin he acquired from witches...

Third of Divine Tribulation

Fifth of Divine Tribulation

Seven of Divine Tribulation

Nine of Divine Tribulation

First of Divine Spirit

That moment Thunder Clouds were Crimson Red and unleashed one single overpowered strike, to which Jian Feng only raised his hand and a Massive Silver Formation appeared above him again...

The whole Strike was absorbed, and not a single thunder strike even touched him... as if seeing it's failure the whole Crimson Thunderstorm slowly vanished.

By this point ladies from Snow Song Realm, even Bing'er stared at this with utter shock...

"H-How... many strikes was it?" Mu Bingyun asked first, her mind was a total mess...

"I lost count... it's around 30 I guess...This was not natural Divine Tribulation..." Mu Xuanyin said to her younger sister.

"No...because he was going against heavens will..." Bing'er said to Mu Sister with her cold voice.

Cang Yue and Qingyue simply looked at this with crossed arms, they already expected something like this.

Only Mu Feixue looked at Jian Feng with Stars in her eyes...

While the guy in question continued refining the Vital Yin's he got from ladies.

Stopping at Fifth of Divine Spirit...

He then lifted his hands and called forth all the red formations which were floating around him in a lazy fashion...

With several hand motions he started merging the formation into single one... and then condensing it...

into a pill...

And then, eventually refining it.

Once it was ready, Jian Feng popped it into his mouth like some candy...

When the pill hit its stomach it exploded into energy which went directly into his Profound Veins...

Increasing his cultivation again...

Seven of Divine Spirit

Nine of Divine Spirit

Peak of Divine Spirit

Sensing that there is no more progress, he sighed and finally got up from his feet.

"Well, it was... something else... but I do believe you severely overrating this whole Tribulation thing, Xuanyin..." Jian Feng said that to her, as he stretched his muscles little bit at the same time, adjusting to new power level.

The ladies from Snow Song realm could only shake their heads, even now he is making fun of Heavenly Tribulation...

"Only you... Jian Feng..." The white-haired Realm King said, with twitchy lips.

"I suppose, after all, I never asked to be 'tested' not that 'Heaven' have the right to test something or anything..." He shrugged at her, as the rest of the girls gathered around him.

"So why don't we go and celebrate? I am cooking today." Once he said those 'magic' words, both Cang Yue and Qingyue nodded quickly, their actions peaked other girls interest.

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