Man Against Gods

Chapter 92 - We Raiding! Not Killing!

Moon Slaughter cultivation was something no one else in Primal Chaos experienced before, whoever did it, were long dead by now.

He was the only Cultivator with such cultivation in whole Primal Chaos, and now his gaze is set on Eternal Heaven Royal Realm, and these devils are going to make this Realm bleed...resources...

The True Devil pulled out his own sword, something he received from his Emperor, with this weapon Moon Slaughter believes that he would have no problem-fighting Peak True God, because of its insane Enchantments.

He channelled his Devil Energy into it and the weapon Profound Runic letter came to life.

"Devils!!! May this Old Man can ask why are you invading this Realm? are you not afraid to go against Heavens Will?" The old man said with a serious voice, he was trying to hide his nervousness, behind him there was 'a small army' of Divine Masters, one of them was another Peak Divine Masters, but they kind of doubt they are match for this...True Devil.

"HAHAHAHA!!! Heavens way? are you mad? This King's Heavens Way is his Emperors will!!! If he says to blow up this Realm then this Realm will be blown up! If my Emperor says to Slaughter you all, then its the Heavens Way! and you all have to die! but... The Emperor has only decided to rob you all! not to Kill you, so hand over everything you have and This King shall allow you to continue existing!" The Moon Slaughter words only make the Cultivators of Eternal Heaven Realm more angry and afraid.

Angry because these devils treating Eternal Heaven Realm like its some village they can rob!

And afraid because they can't do much to stop this!

Zhou Xuzi the Eternal Heaven Emperor was extremely frustrated, he never expected this to happen in his life!

How did these devils just appeared above the Eternal Heaven Realm!?

"Enough wasting time! Daojun collect the Pearl! my Emperors collection must be finished!" The Burning Moon God Emperor nodded quickly and activated his Rune Caster, soon enough he found the location of Eternal Heaven Pearl.

As he was about to fly there, cultivators of Eternal Heaven got in his way.

And they all...

Just died...

"T-T-That's..." Divine Masters of Eternal Heaven Realm just witnessed the death of several Guardians just... like that...

"That's the power of True God..." Zhou Xuzi said with fear visible in his eyes.

"Don't resist... the will of Emperor shall be done..." Moon Slaughter said to Eternal Heaven God-Emperor.

Before Fen Daojun can acquire the Pearl, the massive tower which housed the pearl exploded and old lady appeared in its place.

" must be the Pearl master are you not? I can sense Heavenly Treasure aura around you..." Moon Slaughter said to her.

He lifted his spare hand above him and massive Formation appeared around the whole Eternal Heaven Realm.

The whole Royal Realm was just locked down from outside interference.

"No one leaves this Realm before this King raids it properly!" The True Devil showed a sinister smile, befitting his race.

"I never expected to see true devil, how are you even alive?" Eternal Heaven Ancestor asked him.

"By the will of Emperor I am alive and My power is almost fully returned to its peak! No! With Emperors will, it shall surpass my Original Strength all those Millions of Years ago!!!" Moon Slaughter laughed with insane laugh.

His laugh unnerved the whole Realm as his voice was heard through the whole realm.

"Now enough of this nonsense This King has Mission to fulfil!" Moon Slaughter rushed forward with speed defying even logic of Divine Master!

As he was already at Eternal Heaven Ancestor side and his Pitch Black Sword reminding that of Eternal Night crashed into her.

It was a single strike and an instant kill!

There was not a trace of her left!

People who witnessed this were shellshocked at the strength of the True God Realm!!!

"Daojun collect the Pearl!, and Tianxiao begin raiding the main Palace! call forth helpers if needed!" Moon Slaughter quickly ordered his subordinates.

Zhou Xuzi was truly taken aback by the power of True God Realm Cultivator! its nothing he has ever seen before in his life!

Peak Divine Masters are like ants to them!

"Royal Father are we truly going to allow them to do whatever they want to Our Star Realm!?!" Zhou Qingchen the crown prince of Eternal Heaven Realm asked his father.

Zhou Xuzi took a deep breath, he can only see one option in this situation... the whole realm is in lockdown, the air already started to be affected by the True Devil aura, and that Night Domain is constantly weakening them...

"Then...We shall fight to the last man?" Eternal Heaven God Emperor said softly to people who are with him.

People around him nodded with determination, they decided to go out by fighting!!!

"Then lets Charge For Eternal Heaven Realm!!!" all the Cultivators charged at Moon Slaughter who had a mocking smile seeing this...

"Sorry... to break this to you... mortals...but..." Moon Slaughter snapped his fingers and they all started to lose their power...

Slowly one by one they started to fall on the ground as they lost their abilities to fly.

"As this King said before we came here to raid not slaughter you mortals as pigs, but that may happen in future..." Moon Slaughter said with same mocking smile he had before.

The cultivators from Eternal Heaven Realm felt like they have been mocked to point that they want to puke blood!

These filthy Devils are not allowing them to die in battle like proper warriors!!!

The only thing they can do is watch how These three devils do whatever they want to their home and Realm which is considered the most 'just' and 'Good' Star realm in whole Primal Chaos!!!

~~~~~~Qianye Ying'er~~~~~~

"Goddess... there is a message from the Eternal Heaven Realm! they have been invaded by Devils! and the Eternal Heaven Pearl alongside countless resources and.... a Princess? has been robbed and Kidnapped." Qianye Ying'er giggled hearing that, Moon Slaughter kidnapped a princess? what for?

"Which one was kidnapped, Yue Ying?" Blonde Goddess asked her maid.

"Hmm... let me check Goddess..." The maid quickly reread the message.

"Zhou Yuexian, the youngest one, there are rumours that she knows her way in the kitchen..." Yue Ying said after thinking for a moment.

"I see... it appears Moon Slaughter is far, smarter then I gave him credit for, he knows how to pick maids for my master..." Ying'er said to her maid as her fingers played with her blonde hair.

"Goddess...what should we do now? Eternal Heaven is asking for help..." Her maid asked for instructions.

"Then we shall send help, after all, Devils won't be returning to Eastern Divine Regions any time soon, and now we have a chance to look like 'just' and 'good' Royal Realm if we are 'helping' Eternal Heaven to regain their strength." Ying'er said that with a smile, her master just gave her a chance to make Brahma Realm look good in the eyes of other Star Realm.

"Of course Goddess...anything else?"

"Yes...Master asked to leave an 'anchor' in Star realm known as Darkya realm." Yue Ying raised her eyebrow, she knows that realm...

It's a mere Low-Rank Star Realm, but its...reputation is well known in whole Eastern Divine Region.

"If I may ask... why Master wishes to invade this Star Realm?" Yue Ying asked with curiosity, her quite eccentric and she is still trying to understand him.

"Because this realm is houses the last colony of Wood Spirit race my dear, and my master wished to posses these Wood Spirits, he is... stupidly cultivators hunting them... I had to listen to several hours long rant, from him..." Ying'er said that with a sigh.

"He only stopped when my tongue invaded his mouth, so yes, Yue Ying, deliver the 'anchor' to this Realm and Master can begin this Star Realm invasion.

Yue Ying quickly nodded, she was blushing, imagining something naughty, she then left with utmost speed, leaving amused Blonde Goddess.

~~~~~~Blue Pole Star~~~~~~

So after Feng Xue'er awakening, he was disappointed that she actually spend a whole year in that flaming cacoon and her cultivation only increased to halfway through Sovereign Profound!

A Year! A whole year! and its only Mid-stages Sovereign Profound!

So, he quickly taught her his Celestial Creation Manuscript, the method to convert profound Energy into Primordial Energy.

It only took a few days for his little Phoenix to breakthrough into the Divine Origin Realm.

Jian Feng was pleased with her speed now, With her Phoenix God Constitution she will catch up to the rest of them in no time.

"Well ladies lets begin then, I shall watch your progress..." Jian Feng said to Cang Yue, Xia Qingyue and Chu Sisters to star their breakthrough to Divine Tribulation realm.

While his Demon Empress Huan Caiyi, already broke through into this realm when Jian Feng was away in Soul Stealing Realm.

She ended up listening to a few hour-long rant about her brashness from Jian Feng.

But it ended up with quite long and steamy sėx... so in the end it was alright...

After Jian Feng said that his four ladies started to break through to the next Great Realm of Divine Realms.

Mu Feixue who was next to him, has already passed the Divine Tribulation Realm, she was quite touched when Jian Feng helped her with her Divine Tribulation, she, of course, didn't expect his help as she in truth wanted to do in the close door like everyone before her did, but Jian Feng instead brought her to Blue Pole Star, where she was one of first to a breakthrough in this formation.

That was half a year ago, and now she already in Divine Spirit Realm and quickly approaching Divine King.

As his Ladies were dealing with the Divine Tribulation... well... more like absorbing the converted energy and running through the realms...

He sensed Peak Divine Master using Transition Gates...Mu Xuanyin just entered Blue Pole Star.

A few moments later she was already next to him.

He sensed something bountiful and soft pressing on his back.

"Feng'er... I have heard the news~~~ Devils started invading~~~" She said with a seductive smirk.

"Ho... and what are the general news?" He asked that as he watched the 'Lightning show' in distance.

"That A True Devil survived the Tribulation and he has regained its power with 'Emperors' help..." She said that with an amused smirk.

"And...what people think about this emperor?" Jian Feng asked curiously, he is obviously interested what the common man thinks about the Emperor who commands a True Devil and whole Northern Region.

"The elders in Snow Song Realm believe that you, my darling, are one of Devil Emperors reborn, and they are terrified! I could bȧrėly control myself and not start laughing!" Mu Xuanyin said with a massive smile, Mu Feixue who was looking at her ex-Realm King with an exaggerated look.

She revered her like Goddess but it turns out she is similar to her new...lover? master? in character...quite eccentric...

"I see... what about the Western Divine Regions?" This time Mu Xuanyin turned serious.

"Royal Realms started mobilising their experts...and they already send out Divine Masters to watch over Medium Ranked Realms." Jian Feng slowly nodded hearing that.

"I see... quite faster then I expected, and what are they thinking about Moon Slaughter appearance?" Jian Feng asked curiously.

"The Whole Primal Chaos is quite disturbed Feng'er, everyone wants to know who is this Emperor and... to put it simply... you became the Most Wanted man in Primal Chaos..." Mu Xuanyin said with a slowly growing grin.

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