Man Against Gods

Chapter 97 - Invasion Of Darkya

After finishing talking with his top minions, Jian Feng returned to his military base HQ.

He decided to allow the Yue Duo to come with him, since both of them can, well... stomach a full-blown invasion and see countless people die in front of their eyes...

"So you allowing us to come with you?" both of the girls looked so happy that he allows them to actually enter a battlefield...

Sometimes Jian Feng doesn't even know how does women brain even operate...

He believes mastering higher laws of the universe is easier then understand some of the quirks of his female companions.

"Yes, now follow me..." Jian Feng motioned them to follow him into his personal workshop.

His Workshop has evolved quite a lot from his one in the small house in the Phoenix Village, one could even say that it's most 'magical' place in whole Primal Chaos.

Even the flames in his forge are probably the most deadliest flames in Primal Chaos, based of the Fire Seed and Fire Laws in general, he hasn't found a metal he can't melt or work with so far.

While his forge is not the only one which can be considered, 'magical' as the rest of the workshop is not far behind, like the spinning image of Primal Chaos which is shown in a galaxy like image.

His ladies rarely enter into his workshop, for a simple reason, that they don't want to touch some things accidentally.

The fire alone in the forge can kill Divine Master level cultivator in a matter of moments...

Yet it's used to forge weapons and armour...

"I had a chance to work on some battle armours after I took over the Northern Divine Regions, I had no chance to use them so far, as they represent the 'good' side of Primal Chaos..." Jian Feng showed white-ish coloured armours, similar to his 'Sith Version' only in white-dominant colour, while secondary being dark blue for Qingyue and blue wind symbolism for Cang Yue.

But, they're much more here in his workshop, both girls even saw a pair of golden-white armours as well, one of them is for female other one is Jian Feng.

Both girls knew that there is only a single woman in his harem who loves gold colour more than any other colour, well she said that she loves crimson now quite a bit as well...

" actually created this many of them?" Cang Yue said to him as she after checking her own she looked at the other ones.

"Correct...I made them all at the same time, since I simply don't know when the one you will have a mood swing and will go on some rampage..." Jian Feng said with a shrug, both girls had a deadpan look for moment.

"Husband...we not like Xuanyin who wiped out whole Low-Rank Star Realm because she was angry..." Cang Yue said with a deadpan voice, The Blue Wind Princess was of course taken aback when she heard about this incident in Snow Song Realm, from cultivators over there.

While Jian Feng only shrugged at them.

"Well whatever, I created these that when you girls decided that you want to go to war, for whatever weird reasons, you have the best possible protection possible..." Jian Feng picked up a gauntlet which is based on his original ones.

"I have built them to bypass the cultivation differences, and use enemies power against them..." He created a small ball of Primordial energy and slammed into the gauntlet.

Moments later the gauntlet absorbed the energy, and Profound runic letters started to glow all over the gauntlet.

"As you girls can see the armour absorbed the attack, but it has to be released or otherwise the inscribed runes will collapse...and... well... the wielder will explode like a balloon, so don't keep the runes charged up, if someone hits you with profound arts hit it back twice as hard with these armours..." Jian Feng explained to them as he released a double the size Primordial energy powered ball into a wall, which consequently absorbed the energy ball like it was not even there to begin with...

Both girls gulped down, they need to keep in mind that 'small' detail...

"Well then let's get to it then..." Jian Feng motioned to them to 'suit up'.

~~~~~~Fen Juechen~~~~~~

The Imperial Enforcer was extra happy today, he is always happy because he is serving his Emperor and spreading his light to all uneducated savages who rely on the teaching of Gods long since dead, killed because of their own stupidity and greed, but that era is long gone and the era of man is long since started, yet the shadow of 'Gods' is still there, yet today marks the beginning of Mankind's ascension!

Fen Juechen looked at the massive transition gates lighting up for the first time, his master's and Emperor ingenuity showing itself again, the power of Space laws and humans ingenuity allows to cross millions, even trillions of leagues in a single step...and of course bringing an army of armoured men, who have enough weapons to level continents if need be...

~~~~~~ Low-Rank Star Realm Of Darkya~~~~~~

Darkya is just a Low-Ranking Star Realm, but it has the fame of Royal Rank Star Realm, because of its massive amount of Trade Guilds, it is said that if Darkya doesn't have it then no one else in Eastern Divine Region has it...

But there is a reason why, Jian Feng is invading this Realm first before starting invading Royal Realms, and that is Wood Spirit race, a race of beings who are attuned to nature better than anyone else, and Jian Feng wants them to run his herb gardens.

Since he already has everything build for his massive herbs gardens from soil rich in profound energy...courtesy of Eternal Heaven Realm, and Profound Time Formations which accelerates the growth speed, to a specific environment which was based and created from Elemental seeds.

By this point Jian Feng can brag to these God Emperors that he has the best Herb Garden in whole Primal Chaos...but he still lacks one vital ingredient... and that's a race of beings who can run it to maximum capacity...

He needs his caretakers and managers for his gardens...


In Darkya Realm it was just another normal day in this realm, these people are not that interested in The Devil so-called invasion, people of this Realm believe that the devils are not interested in such Low-Ranked Star Realm because this world doesn't have truly strong cultivators, The best possible chance to see in this Realm Is Divine King, and that is the ruler of this Star Realm.


That moment massive Profound Runes lit up in the sky...

They were so large that the shadows cast by these Profound letters can shadow cities themselves.

And they were everywhere...

The whole Star Realm was...Space Locked from the rest of Primal Chaos, and the moment these Profound Runic letters appeared Massive Space crack started to appear above the City Of Darkya, the city where most merchants guilds are situated.

The crack continued to expand which cause the people below to look with bated breath as they heard rumours how Eternal Heaven Realm was invaded and how hundred of Western Divine Realm tasted the same fate...

"Devils are coming!!! Heavens were are doomed! they going to take my crystal collection!!!" One of the merchants screamed in fear and rushed into his shop to hide his crystal collection...

"You Fool! who cares about your crystals! I more afraid if they going to steal my pills!" Another merchant who heard the previous one rushed into his own store and started to hide his own pills...

The rest of merchant did the same as they rushed into their own shops, while completely ignoring the fact that the whole Star Realm Is in a bigger crisis than some close-minded merchants will ever going to understand...

The massive space crack continued to grow until it became several kilometres big and then it the crack opened and obsidian dressed Soldiers started to pour through the Massive Transition Gates...

What followed next, utterly blew the Darkya City citizens minds as massive armoured Profound beasts started to appear one by one, from Dragons to Bears, to Birds who control elements themselves...

They realised that very moment that it was not Devils in fact... but something they simply could not understand... as they can't sense cultivation realms of the invaders!!!

~~~~~~Fen Juechen~~~~~~

As invasion finally started the Imperial enforcer zoned in the best known and richest merchant guild by the name 'Black Feather Merchant Guild'.

According to Brahma Monarch Goddess information network, they sold the most Wood Spirits in whole of Primal Chaos.

And this is were the Number One enforcer is going too.


With each step, his Heavy Obsidian armour made a noise of metal hitting the ground.

First one to attack him were the security personnel of the merchant Guild, since they have no idea what realm Fen Juechen is, they will have the courage to attack him.

That, of course, is the whole idea with this armour, as they are powered by the concept of opponents power, once they hit them the power of the wielder will increase...

Just like any other thing created by Jian Feng these armours were created by an idea to exploit cultivators...

But once this security guard attacked Fen Juechen they were shocked what they saw, as Fen Juechen didn't even move from that spot, only runes on his armour glowed.

"You heretics are weak..." Fen Juechen hand moved faster than a striking snake as his hand grabbed one of the guards neck, he started to slowly to choke the guard.

"Now tell me where is your master... My Emperor wished to speak with him..." The Guard didn't listen to that, in fact, he was struggling to get away from Fen Juechen hold.

"Pathetic... so self-centred... your kind won't going to last long..." He squeezes his neck and broke his windpipe, the guard dead, The enforcer then released the dead guard's body.

While the other one was already long gone...

"So...Selfish...pathetic..." Fen Juechen shook his head in disappointment and continue to walk deeper into the building.

As he was walking inside his helmet visor scanned the rooms and looking for any Profound energy signatures like hound looking for his pray.

A few minutes later, as he was walking through corridors, he noticed that the place was empty apart for those two guards at the entrance.

Until he noticed two signatures at the end of the corridor.


Feb Juechen kicked the doors and entered the room he believes to be the Merchant guild Masters office.

"Are you the Guild Master?" The Imperial Enforcer asked the man sitting in his chair next to him was a woman, she is quite pretty, at least worthy to be part of His Emperor's maid unit.

"Indeed I am...and who are you?" the man asked him.

Fen Juechen, simply released his Cultivation.

The whole building started to shake as Divine King's aura started to surround Fen Juechen.

"I Am Imperial Enforcer who serves The Emperor, and His Majesty wants to know where your Merchant Guild is getting it's Wood Spirits, as your KIND is doing extremely stupid things with a race who have FAR greater purpose than simply being used like some pills! Now Speak or I am going to make you...I have many ways to do that!" The temperature inside the room increased by several levels...

The Guild Master was taken aback that this heavenly armoured man was actually Divine King!

Are they being invaded by some High-Rank Star Realm?

Countless question started to pop in his mind.

"W-Wait! My merchant guild is forced to sell them by Black Soul Divine Sect!" Hearing that Fen Juechen recalled his cultivation.

"You speak the truth... I see..." because of his visor Fen Juechen knew that the Guild Master was saying the truth, Profound energy doesn't lie...

The Imperial Enforcer then pulled out his communicator and contacted his master.

Seconds later a projection of his Emperor appeared, since Fen Juechen was still in the room the Guild Master and the woman next to him saw the Emperor.

Who was dressed in Golden White armour, and unlike his 'Sith Armour' this one doesn't have face mask...

"Well, did you get the information?" Jian Feng asked Fen Juechen.

"No, My Emperor, The one who provides the Wood Spirits is the Black Soul Divine Sect." Fen Juechen reported to his master.

"Hmm, I see then focus with the city occupation, I guess...I am lucky that the Realm King of this little Realm turns to be the Sect Master of the Sect we looking for..." The Emperor finished the call, and Fen Juechen pocketed his communicator, and turned around and started to walk away.

"W-Wait!" The enforcer stopped and turned around, and looked at the woman who got his attention.

"What is it?" He asked her.

"The Black Soul Divine Spirit is secretly supported by Divine Martial Realm!" She warned him.

"And? what a mere High-Rank Star Realm can possibly do to my Emperor who can tame even True Gods?" With that Fen Juechen left flabbergasted Guild Master and the Woman.

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