Usopp looked at Chloe incredulously.

He knew that Koya’s parents had a life-saving grace for Chloe, and Chloe had also done his best to take care of Kaya in the past three years.

But he couldn’t have imagined that Chloe had come for the property of the Keya family from the beginning!

Chloe looked at Zangao fiercely: “I have already told you, low-key!” Low profile! And before it’s done, you’re making a fuss here. ”

“I didn’t even find out that the Black Cat Pirates had fallen to this point?” Chloe’s fierce eyes swept at this group of vicious pirates, and none of them dared to look at them.

This made Zangao believe even more that Chloe had definitely not left the killing technique behind because of the undercover butler in recent years, and the man standing in front of him at this time was still a ruthless man who slaughtered a warship by himself.

“Are you worthy of Koya like this?!” Usopp shouted angrily, “He has always regarded you as a brother and a relative!” ”

“Loved ones?” Chloe laughed undeniably, then turned to look at Zango, “The plan is ready, right?” ”

“Of course,” Zangao said in a space-walking posture, “you can act at any time, Miss’s assassination plan!” ”

Chloe pushed his glasses with his palm again: “Don’t use such an ugly word as assassination!” Zango! ”

“Ah~ Soga, it’s an accident, right, an accident.” Zangao laughed.

“Hmph!” Chloe snorted coldly, “The eldest lady must die in an accident!” Let her die in an unfortunate accident! ”

“The most critical point!” Chloe’s eyes shone grimly, “Before she died, she wrote ‘I will leave all my property to the steward of Krabatle!’ ‘This will! ”

“Impossible!” Usopp shouted angrily, “Koya can’t leave your property to you, the white-eyed wolf!” ”

“Of course, it is impossible for Koya to leave the property to me, an outsider,” Chloe said with a smile, “so this requires Captain Zangao of our Black Cat Pirates.” ”

Zango: “…”

“Originally, I didn’t want to alarm this lovely group of villagers, after all, they are ironclad proof that Keya is willing to leave her inheritance to me, an outsider!”

“I have spared no effort in the past three years to please Keya and gain the trust of the people around me, and it is certainly not surprising that Keya left such a will!”

Chloe smiled proudly, “Soon I will be able to legally inherit the huge inheritance of their family!” ”

“For this, you are willing to be a butler for 3 years,” Zangao praised again, “worthy of you, Captain Chloe!” ”

“Shut up! Don’t call me that name,” Chloe burst into a furious rage, “I’ve given up that name, and I’ll be able to get a fortune right away right away without being hunted down by the government!” ”

“So, I’m a pacifist who makes money with my brain!” Chloe smiled proudly.

“You are shameless!” Usopp struggled and kept scolding at Chloe.

Chloe looked at the gradually setting sun in the west and walked towards the town with an expressionless face.

He just wanted to make his plan foolproof this time, since Usopp and the others had been caught, there was no need for him to continue to stay here, he also needed to go grocery shopping and return to Koya’s villa to wait for Keya’s ‘accidental’ death!

“What about these three?” Zangao asked at this time.

“As a liar who clamors every day to be a pirate, grant his wishes before he dies.” Chloe pushed his glasses with his palm, “Let him know what a pirate is…”

Chloe said and disappeared into the setting sun.

Zangao looked at the four of Usopp with sunglasses

The three children of the onion head were frightened on the spot and cried, after all, they were 5 or 6 years old.

Don’t worry, we won’t kill you. Zangao said with a smile to the onion head trio.

“Really, really?” The three children asked with convulsions.

Zangao grinned, “Of course, but your Captain Usopp may not be!” ”

Usopp’s eyes widened sharply after hearing this: “What do you mean?” ”

“It is impossible for our captain to kill us!” The onion head was unusually hard.

Green pepper heads and radish heads also nodded in agreement.

Zangao looked at the trusting four and smiled playfully, but did not say much.

As time passed, night gradually fell.

The pirates sailed their ship to a place on the coast where the island must pass.

All the pirates showed a cruel expression like a hungry wolf.

The Usopp four were tied up and pushed to the front.

The four of them looked anxiously at this group of pirates who were ready to attack.


Zangao smiled and walked up to the four and took out a pendant ring in his hand.

It was placed in front of three children.

The three stared at Ring and Zango in amazement, not knowing what he was going to do.

The ring began to swing

Zango’s deep voice came:

“Your captain Usopp has returned to our pirate group in order to survive, and now he is using your life as a military warrant to join the pirate group, all you have to do is run non-stop and tell everyone in the village the news!” When I finish counting 2, you fall into hypnosis…”

“one、two…… Zango!! ”

With Zango’s soft drink, the eyes of the three imps and Zango looking at Usopp instantly became extremely frightened!

It was as if they saw a devil standing beside them!

Usopp looked at the scene in front of him in shock, and his mind was blank for a while.


A slap hit the terrified Zangao in the face, and the hypnotized Zangao instantly sobered up.

Usopp suddenly had black lines all over his head, and he didn’t even let go of this hypnosis of his feelings?!

However, in the next second, Usopp’s drift instantly froze!

Because he saw Zango turn his face to himself and take out the hypnotic ring!

Zangao smiled and said a word to Usopp, and Usopp instantly showed a desperate look on his face, and struggled madly without sparing any effort!!

“You’re going to kill the three of them…!”

ps. Ask for review votes… Anyone… Slightly I saw the flowers go up, thank you guy! Thanks to ***** for the flowers, * everyone fill in their names, because I can’t see who voted

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 5th to April 5th)

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